Alexey Panin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Mother Tatyana Vlasova, "Instagram" 2021



Alexey Panin is an outstanding Russian actor, a star of many popular projects, which is first known to be extraordinary and sometimes shocking the audience actions. In his behavior, Panin seeks to break the traditional moral authorities of Russian society, making it more tolerant for the manifestation of freedom. According to the artist, the Russians negatively belong to many things, which in the West have long been considered the norm.

Childhood and youth

Alexey was born in Moscow on September 10, 1977. His parents did not have any relation to cinema: the father worked as an engineer at the Research Institute of Defense Industry, and the mother, a journalist for education, held the position of the editor of the periodicals "Science".

Actually, Panin himself, as a child, also did not strive for the career of the actor, although I visited the youth theatrical studio Vyacheslav Spesivsev. The main passion of Alexey in adolescence was a water polo, and he seriously dreamed of a sport career. But at the insistence, he had to enter Gitis.

However, as time has shown, this university did not affect the Bunarian character of the student, and he left the Walls of the Alma Mother much earlier than the deadline, and without having received a diploma about higher education. According to the artist, he did not feel regretted on this, as in the movie I achieved more than his classmates.

Alexey has nothing to do with the actor Andrei Panin. Contrary to the problem of misconception, they are only namesakes.


At the beginning of a creative biography, the performer appeared in episodes and small roles. High (Panin's growth is 187 cm when weighing 72 kg) and a thin actor appeared in an extraordinary role, playing victims of kidnaps, musicians, chairs, teachers and forced.

The first years, Alexey Vyacheslavovich, filmography, was replenished with roles in various genres. These were the youth film "Do not even think", and the romantic melodrama "On love in any weather", and the black comedy "Down House".

In the early 2000s, the artist lit up in the Military drama of Nikolai Lebedev "Star", where he played with Igor Petrenko, Alexei Kravchenko. And the starry hour in his career was in 2005 after the release of the Criminal Black Comedy's screens, Alexei Balabanov "Zhmurki", where Panin cooperates with Dmitry Dyughz.

In the same year, the series "Love and Gold" was released, also with Dyughz and Panin in high roles.

Over time, Alexey Vyacheslavovich began to take less. But with his participation, the 4 seasons of the popular series "Soldiers" came out with his participation in the image of Captain Dube, as well as the rating comedies "Man with Capuchin Boulevard" and "Beton Gene". In 2016, the actor appeared in the criminal film "Captain Police Metro".

In 2020, Panin finished work on his directorial debut - the project "I Returned", in which Anna Panin, Nikita Jigurd, Alexander Golovin starred. But the premiere of the picture is postponed both due to the prolongation of the quarantine regime, and because of the disagreements arising between Alexey Vyacheslavovich and Saratovfilm.

Personal life

It so happened that the stormy personal life of Panin, who did not hide novels nor the loud scandals, gradually began to eclipte his career. There was a lot of relationships with girls from the artist.

The actor confessed that in his youth consisted of a romantic relationship with Marina Alexandrova, Catherine Spice and Love Zaitseva. But every novel lasted no more than a few months.

From the most privileges, his civil marriages are allocated with St. Petersburg actress Yulia Yudintseva and Gynecologist Tatiana Savina. Both women gave birth to his daughters - the older Anna and the youngest Maria.

In 2011, rumors of Panin's novel appeared with actress Maria Berseneva. The actor gave her roses in front of the fans, appeared in secular events along with his own daughter and the son of Berseneva.

There were artist and other, less loud novels, and in 2013 the public shook the news: Panin met the soul mate. His wife became Lyudmila Grigorieva. Together with his wife, the actor appeared in the program "Lie Detector". But they did not succeed in the real family: a year later, the couple was separated.

In 2016, the artist told about the new Beloved - the girl Tatiana, who was previously the girlfriend of his wife. The couple even managed to be treated in front of the cameras with wedding rings. But the news was "duck". Next to the star of the mouthpiece constantly appeared cute young people who like the extreme lifestyle of the actor.

In December 2020, Alexey was married secretly, Eva Tarlakyan became his chief. The couple decided to play the wedding a year after the acquaintance.


Every year, Panin starred and played in the theater less, the latest news about it is connected only with scandals. These are the photos of Alexey Vyacheslavovich placed in Instagram, where he poses on the camera, being with a former spouse in a nudist beach, and confession on the air-invisible program in his bisexuality.

Interestingly, the artist does not consider his orientation to unconventional, because to men, according to him, he applies only to both sexual partners and no more. In the future, shocking videos in which Panin recognized the main acting person, regularly appeared in open access. These are rollers about how a person who looks like a actor is having sex with a dog, with another man and even with a female foot.

The last video was the reason for the appearance of a photo of the photojab in the Account of Garik Harlamov. Panin expressed dissatisfaction with the actions of a colleague on show business. The actor even threatened by the "Comedy Club" resident by the exposure, which would negatively affect his family life.

Among the scandalous video there is a video with a walking through Ulyanovsk streets in Lower Women's Lingerie Alexey Vyacheslavovich. Later, the artist admitted that such an act took place, but 3 years before the publication of the video clip on the network.

Panin himself repeatedly apologized for such frank videos, but he believes that it is entitled to behave as it seems necessary. The performer often calls their compatriots unexpected in the field of sex and complex personalities.

The fans of the artist remembered the criminal history of the persecution of his ex-wife Yulia Yudintseva, who tried to protect the daughter Anna from communicating with his father. The actor pursued a woman with a child for several days. Later side came to reconciliation. In April 2017, his father defended the right to educate the girl.

A series of shocking personnel agitated the public: a petition appeared on the Internet with the requirement of a criminal case on the actor for systematic hooliganism. Users also made a proposal to limit the star in communicating with children and arrange the performer psychological examination.

The artist does not stop pleaseing its follovers with extraordinary outcomes and scandalous stories. So, in 2018, he arranged a drunken brawl on the plane and was removed from the flight Istanbul - Moscow, drove along a pedestrian street in Saratov, and in Moscow came to an accident.

In 2019, the actor published a photo of his 11-year-old daughter with a cigarette in his hands, which caused a wave of criticism in social networks.

In the same year, in his microblog in "Instagram", the scandalous artist stated that he experienced an operation on the change of gender, and put a series of his picture in a female image. In addition to this, articles appeared in the yellow media that Panin supports the conduct of a gay parade in the Russian capital. The actor denied this information.

On the transfer of "Visiting Dmitry Gordon" in 2020, Panin spoke about his "political career" - the artist of only 1 day was a deputy from the Zhirinovsky faction.

Alexey Panin now

Now Alexey Vyacheslavovich lives in Spain, a residence permit in which he received in 2020. About the acting career in the new country he had to forget. He lives on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in the city of Torrevieja, where he purchased an apartment and car. The presence of financial problems did not allow a man to pick up the mother and daughter Anna, who is currently studying at school in Russia.

In January 2021, Panin appeared in the Star Program, "where he told both his wedding and the death of the mother. Tatyana Vlasova died in the hospital, the diagnosis was complications caused by coronavirus. The actor at that time was in Spain and planned to come home with the daughter Anna for New Year's holidays.

On the air program, a statement was made that the artist at the funeral did not appear, was in the funeral and could not take care of the burial, which Nikita Jigurd was engaged in his request. The situation caused sharp criticism from Colleagues Alexey Vyacheslavovich on the workshop.

After watching the program, Panin in his microblog in "Instagram" laid out a video, in which the staff of the NTV television channel was called by fraudsters, as they distorted his interviews, and Evelyna Bledans promised to spit in the face when meeting. The actor quickly deleted the message, but it was distributed over the network.


  • 2002 - "Star"
  • 2003 - "don't even think"
  • 2004 - "On Love in any weather"
  • 2005 - "Zhmurki"
  • 2005 - "Love and Gold"
  • 2005 - "Asphalt Hunt"
  • 2005 - "Phenomenon"
  • 2006 - "Provincial Passions"
  • 2007 - "Wanted"
  • 2010 - "Blue Merin"
  • 2011 - "Jam from Sakura"
  • 2011 - "Payback for Love"
  • 2015 - "Spy Soul"
  • 2016 - "Metro Police Captain"

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