Vladimir Yaglych - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photo, Films, Victor Horinyak, Roles 2021



Vladimir Yaglych is a Russian actor who was remembered by TV viewers of numerous images of the military in various projects: from historical dramas to comedy and fantastic militants. The role of a soldier made it famous, but in the creative biography of the artist there are many other images: doctors, athletes, businessmen, princes and others.

Childhood and youth

Jaglych Vladimir Vladimirovich was born in Moscow in the winter of 1983 under the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn. His father served as an officer. About his childhood, the artist says a little, it is known only that Vladimir did not even think about the role of the actor, but dreamed of a pilot profession. Now in aviation, the young man is engaged only as an artist: directories often offer him similar roles.

Once the actor said that he was a painful child at a young age. But then the guy is faster, he has sports hobbies: basketball, fencing, combat sambo. At school, the guy experienced interest in the exact sciences and after the graduation planned to continue to study chemistry. In high school classes thought about jurisprudence, but also this desire was not destined to come true.

In 2004, Vladimir Yaglych graduated from the BTU. Schukina (course V. Knyazeva). According to a young man, the acting biography of Jaglych began by chance, in the school, the young man fell because of a girl who was nice to him and wanted to enter the theater faculty.

She never graduated from the school, but Yaglych really became interested in this case. The guy entered the top ten promising graduates of the theater universities of Moscow, received a diploma of the guild of teachers and directories. The number of "Matrix" was the triumphal for him, within which the actor struck members of the jury with artistry and plastic expressiveness.

Theater and films

Vladimir Yaglych performed at the Moscow Academic Theater. He participated in the performances of the "Adventures of the Red Cap", "Konii Muddy", "Plague on both of your homes." These works have become an important creative and career milestone in the life of the actor.

Subsequently, he, having made a choice in favor of the movie, left the repertoire theater, appearing only in the production of an "independent theater project".

Vladimir Yaglych made his debut in the cinema in 2003, shortly before the completion of study. At this time, two films were released with the participation of the artist - "on the nameless height," where his hero became Lieutenant, and "My Prechistenka," where he played the son of Prince.

A talented Muscovite starred in the TV series "Two Fates", "Night is beautiful", "Soldiers", military project "Carousel", films "We are from the future" and "We are from the future-2".

A fantastic fighter "We from the Future" was warmly accepted by critics and spectators, this project became a separate milestone in Russian entertainment cinema, demonstrating the opportunity to combine a deep military drama with youth fantastics. The film was failed to taste with various generations of the audience and began to consistently appear on the television screens during the major military holidays.

Jaglyc began to learn, he gained popularity. The actor fell asleep on the shooting proposals, but the main roles in the filmography appeared rarely. One of the major works of Vladimir Jaglycha became the role of Stepan Lobov's soldier in the tape "Night Long Lower". This role once again approved Vladimir in the glory of the military.

The actor began to take a lot in military films, militants and plenty dramas, increasingly trying on their epaulets of various departments and services. Vladimir fulfilled the roles in the Drama "Ray on Turn", the militant "Operation` Cooking` ", comedies" Ticket for Vegas "and" Five Brides ".

Interesting turned out to be the role of Vladimir in the high-budget adventure film "under the cover", which released the director of Glukhary. Jaglyc appeared in the form of an FSB employee embedded in a criminal group. The task of the hero was complicated by the starting relationship with the daughter of the gang leader.

Then he began to act more in television films: "My big family", "Open - this is me," "Only you". In the first, Vladimir performed the major role for the first time in a long time. After this work in the career of the actor there was a reboot. He started to play military personnel and more often appear in paintings that are not related to military actions.

In 2012, the TV screen came out a popular cuisine Sitter, where, despite the widespread rumors, Yaglych did not remove at all. Remembering viewers The role of Barmen fulfilled Viktor Horinyak.

The actors are constantly confused, so Jaglyc and Horinyak try to work in different roles and create a different image. Later, Victor played the main character in the fantastic fairy tale "The Last Bogatyr". And again, the fulfillment of the role of the main character is not particularly attentive fans of the Russian cinema attributed to Vladimir.

In addition to filming in films and serials, Vladimir Yaglych participates in television shows. In 2013, he, together with his partner Oksana Dominnoy, became the winner in the sports television transmission "Ice Age-4". In 2014, Jaglyc began working the leading music show "Artist".

One of the bright projects of the repertoire of Jaglycha is a comedy "Family Business". Vladimir played a businessman who created a patronate family to get away from loans and taxes. The story of a man who has found an approach to five completely different children and ultimately attached to each of them, loved to the viewers. In 2015, the series extended the second season where a businessman with children tried to revive pioneer in Russia.

2015 brought the actor three more top roles. Jaglych embodied on the screen of the Boxer's image in the sports drama "Warrior", a surgeon and a home tyrant in the melodramatic series "The ideal sacrifice" and the young investigator in the criminal picture of Sasha, Sasha Angry. "

Then Vladimir appeared in the sports drama "Warrior". This is the producer of Fyodor Bondarchuk's production, where we were talking about two brothers who become rivals in the ring. Parabe with Jaglich played Sergey Bondarchuk. And their father, which for the sake of the fight returned to the coaching profession, embodied Fyodor Sergeevich on the screen.

Jaglyc is removed not only in large projects. In the same year, the actor played in the music clips Polina Gagarina "I will not" and the Lesia Yaroslavl "Become my husband." Spectators remember the performer for advertising Reebok, in which Vladimir starred together with Nastasy Sambursk.

In 2017, Jaglyc fulfilled the role of Gregory Potemkin, Favorite Catherine II performed by Marina Alexandrova, in the historical drama "Catherine. Takeoff". This premiere of February is one of the most long-awaited. After 3 years, the actor appeared in the continuation of the project, starring in the new series, which were called "Catherine. Safety ".

One of the leading roles was performed by Vladimir Yaglych in the comedy "about love. Only for adults, "published on the screens in September 2017.

Then the artist starred in the new season of the series "Molodezhka. Adulthood". Hero of Vladimir is the striker of "brown bears" Ruslan Zhdanov, the main features of which are excessive self-confidence and self-defense. In the plot of the young man there is everything he wants, thanks to related ties. And although Ruslan is married to the beauty-model performed by Natalia Oreva, he still spends time in the company of other girls.

In February 2018, the TV series "Team B" came out on the STS channel. Vladimir reincarnated in the pilot Mikhail Volkov. In the plot, the young man is trying to avoid imprisonment. For this, General Brusnitsin, Uncle Misha, instructs the guy to lead the team "B". This group is people who have passed the selection for the moon. Young professionals are ready for everything to get around the team "A" and conquer space.

Karina Andoltenko, Mikhail Efremov, Nastasya Sambursk and others became Karina Andolynko, on the set.

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In the summer, the comedy "Night shift" started, where Vladimir was involved in the lead role. The second central actor became Paul Derevko.

Yaglychu got a character of a young man named Max, who is fired from work from the plant. The guy must provide a family, therefore agrees to work the stripper. However, Maxim is hiding the new profession from Ani's spouse. The wife suspects a loved one, and the relationship deteriorates. To save the situation, the man turns for help to colleagues.

Another of the central roles was performed by Vladimir in the film "As Children". The artist worked with Paulina Andreva, Rinalem Mukhametov, Konstantin Khabensky and others.

In the fall of 2018, a fantastic comedy "without me" was shown, the director of whom Kirill Pletnev came down. For some information, the picture will tell about two girls who loved one young man. After the death of the guy they come messages that only this man could write. The main women's roles performed Lyubov Aksenov and Polina Maximov. Vladimir Yaglych is also involved as one of the leading characters.

In 2019, Jaglyc reincarnated to Burlaka Varlam, about which we spent in the Wild League sports drama. Accidental acquaintance of the hero with an English entrepreneur ends with the creation of the first Russian football team.

In the mystical thriller "Call Center" about attacking unknown to the office of an online store for adults Vladimir played the director of this organization. Julia Hlynina, Pavel Tabakov, Anatoly White also starred in the film. The artist shared in an interview, which considers this project one of the most difficult for himself in the fulfillment.

In March 2020, the sports drama "One breath" came out. In the plot of Marina Gordeyev (Victoria Isakov), after breaking with her husband, goes to rest to the sea, where meets the rescueer Ignat (Vladimir Yaglych). Young man opens in front of a woman underwater world. After that, Marina can no longer think about anything else and rushes to the acquired dream, despite the ridicule of others and their own fear.

Preparation for actors took place in the metropolitan pool of the Institute of Physical Education. For Jaglycha, Frediving turned out to be a new topic, despite his sports style of life. The work of the Dailer later in an interview with the artist called the meditation, as under water it is necessary to make a minimum of movements to preserve oxygen. Film shooting took place in Malta. Main role performers told about the film in the TV show "Evening Urgant".

Personal life

Vladimir Jaglycha's personal life is an object of close attention of fans. While studying in St. Schukinsky School high blonde (height 185 cm, weight 77 kg) caught women's glances. At first, Jaglyt drew attention to the pretty classmate to Leru Sizov, and then started a relationship with the most beautiful and spectacular girl of Anna Kazychitz.

An important event in the personal life of the actor was 5-year marriage with actress Svetlana Khodchenkova (2005-2010). Many gossip went about the marriage of artists. Jaglych told about complete harmony, but the common familiar couples argued that the actors were constantly scandalous and have not seen each other for a long time.

Versions about the cause of the divorce also differed. Some of the media argued that Hodchenkova traded her husband on a richer candidate, others - that Jaglych twisted Roman with Anna Star'shenbaum and left his wife.

Anna gave an interview where he confirmed rumors about relationships with Vladimir and called them a "real action". This novel did not last long, as Star'shenbaum explained: she was having fun with Jaglus, but he did not seem to her a reliable person, because the long-term relationship did not seem to her possible.

Back in the network "wandered" the information that Vladimir raised his hand to Svetlana, but this is true or not, unknown. Nevertheless, the divorce passed quietly and without mutual reproaches.

In the winter of 2013, Jaglych reported a novel with the figure skater Oksana Dominnoy, with which he met on the "Ice Age" show. For the sake of Vladimir, the athlete left a long-time partner of Roman Kostomarov, despite the fact that they grew up the daughter of Anastasia. They rumored that Oksana was tired of waiting until a man decides to marry.

With the new Beloved Domnin even began to live together. A pair gave joint interviews and appeared on the covers of magazines. Oksana declared that he found a relative soul in the artist. He in response introduced a girl with his parents, and the figure skater presented a daughter's jagalycha. However, after a few months, the media appeared information about the parting of the pair: Domnin returned to the athlete Roman Kostomarov, they played a wedding and married.

In 2015, Vladimir Yaglych became close to the actress Antonina Pavenna. The girl was born in the family of Ukrainian artists Evgenia Popper and Olga Sumy. Today, an actor with lover is inseparable. They appear together on filmmakers and other secular events, but at the same time Antonina is the rare hero of "Instagram" Jaglycha. Much more often the actor shares a photo from work, joint frames with friends and beautiful landscapes.

Vladimir calls Antonina his bride, after six months after the start of the relationship, the couple declared an emergency wedding, but while the artists did not register relationships.

In July 2017, it became known that the lovers had replenishment in the family. Tonya gave Vladimir daughter. The girl was given the name of Eva. The couple hid it from the ubiquitous paparazzi and did not publish snapshots on social networks. In February 2020, the actor gave a great interview, allowing to capture the family during a photo shoot. Vladimir and Antonina shared the joyful news about the soon replenishment of the family. And in April, the heir to Daniel appeared.

An interesting fact from the professional biography of the artist can be called that in the credits of many projects with Vladimir, only his surname is indicated. In one of the interviews, he shared a curious reason for such a feature - one day one film company was mistaken and wrote "Alexey Yaglych". Since then, he asks to indicate only the surname. In addition, according to his recognition, this is the name of the artist close people.

Vladimir Yaglych now

In the spring of 2021, the premiere of the "Mur-Moore" series with Vladimir Jaglych was held on the channel "Russia-1". In addition to him, Marat Basharov played the central characters, Svetlana Ivanova, Alena Kuchkova and Karina Razumovskaya.

In early April, the provocative project of Happy End Graduate School of Cinema and Television Evgenia Sangadzhiev, in which Jaglyc also took part. The history of the world of Webcam is filled with erotic scenes, but the main idea of ​​the series focuses completely on the other - is it possible to preserve love in such circumstances.

Then Vladimir was engaged in the production of historical cinema "Veus Oleg", where he got the role of the Great Novgorod Prince Oleg.


  • 2004 - "On Unnamed Height"
  • 2006 - "Soldiers 9"
  • 2008 - "We are from the Future"
  • 2010 - "We are from the future 2"
  • 2011 - "Five Brides"
  • 2014 - "Family Business"
  • 2015 - "Warrior"
  • 2016 - "Particle of the Universe"
  • 2017 - "Explorer"
  • 2017 - "Catherine. Takeoff"
  • 2017 - "About love. For adults only
  • 2017 - "Youth"
  • 2017 - "Night shift"
  • 2017 - "Team B"
  • 2018 - "Without me"
  • 2019 - Call Center
  • 2020 - "One breath"
  • 2020 - "Goodbye, America!"
  • 2021 - "Mur-Moore"

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