Angelina Jolie - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Children, Brad Pitt, Age, "Instagram" 2021



The star of Hollywood № 1, which is paid tens of millions of dollars for the cinema, the owner of Oscar and the Golden Globe, the sex symbol of all times according to the British TV show "100 of the greatest sex symbols", the beautiful woman in the world according to Esquins magazines "And" Piple "in 2004 and 2006. The American monthly "Time" took the star place in hundreds of influential people of the planet.

Childhood and youth

Angelina Jolie Light was born on June 4, 1975 in Los Angeles in the acting family. From Mother Marshalin Bertrand she has Franco-Canadian, Dutch, German and Iroquais roots. Thanks to the Father John, the German-Slovak Blood fell to the stars.

Angelina is a second child in the family: at the time of her appearance, parents raised the 2-year-old Son James Heivna. Great girls - French movie stars Jacqueline Bissset and Oscarone American actor Maximilian Shell.

When Jolie turned a year, parents made a divorce. Marselline with two young children moved to New York and put a point in his career: all the time went on raising children. But love for the cinema and ambitious dreams failed actress handed down his son and daughter.

The family returned to Los Angeles when the girl was 11 years old. Two years old Angelina Jolie Vott studied at the Film School Lee Strasberg. At the age of 14, appeared on the podium and starred in the clips of Lenny Kravitsa and Rolling Stones. At 16 came to the theater scene.


Angelina Jolie's cinematic biography began in childhood: a 7-year-old girl starred in the episode of the comedy "in search of exit". Jolie returned to the screens more than 10 years later. In 1995, she starred in the leading role in the youth ribbon about Cyber ​​Women "Hackers" with a future husband Johnny Lee Miller. The picture noted critics, and soon she became a cult. New York Times wrote about the new star.

In 1999, Angelina appeared in the biographical drama "interrupted life." Her character of Lisa Row is the most aggressive and prone to sociopathy patient of psychiatric hospital - I remember the audience hardly no more than the main heroine. At the set of the actress deliberately avoided contacts with Winona Rider to reliably convey the behavior of an unbalanced person. For this work, Jolie was awarded a statuette "Oscar", the award of the Guild of the US film actors and the Golden Globe. She becomes a star of Hollywood.

In 2001, the Drama Michael Christopher "Temlazn" with Angelina Jolie and Antonio Banderas starred on the screens. The film was rated R (for children under 17 years old in the presence of parents) because of the abundance of candid scenes.

In the same year, Angelina Jolie becomes the main character of the adventure tape "Lara Croft: a tomb of tombs", based on a series of computer games Tomb Raider. The film collected $ 270 million at the box office, although film critics met the picture is cool, it impressed the audience, which led to the shooting of Sicvel, who saw the light after 2 years.

Later, the filmography of the Artist was replenished with the role of the Olympiad of Epirus in the historical picture of Oliver Stone "Alexander" about the great conqueror and ruler Alexander Macedonian.

Stunning glory hit the Hollywood artist in 2005, when a comedy fighter Dag Laiman "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" came to the screens. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt played a married couple in it and so played in the relationship that the romance was brought in reality, which later led to family ultrasounds.

In a sense, this can be called fate, because the main men's party was originally offered to another actor - Johnny Deppa, which could not carve the window in a dense chart. With him, the actress still met on the set a little later, in the film "Tourist".

The hollywood star has played a hollywood star with the fusion swamps of the Malefisent's fabulous history. The role of a little princess Aurora in Ribe performed the daughter of the actress Vivienne and, interestingly, she was the only child on the site that was not afraid of Jolie in a gloomy image. Lana Del Rey took part in the production of the film, fulfilling the song Once Upon A Dream, which first sounded in the film "Sleeping Beauty" of 1959.

The next nomination for Oscar, the Celebrity received for participation in the clint drama Istuda "Substitution".

Angelina Jolie became famous as an actress and film director. The debut in the director with the documentary ribbon "place in time" took place in 2007. The second filmmaker, a durable artistic picture of a love story during the time of war in the Balkans, "in the edge of blood and honey."

In 2014, the military drama "unlocked" under the guidance of the star was released on the screens. The main roles director entrusted Jack O'Connell, Hadlund and the Japanese performer. The picture had a loud success: "Unlocked" received "Saturn", the award of the US National Council of Film Crims and three nominations for Oscar.

The second part of the fantastic fairy tale "Malefistent: Lady of Darkness," where Jolie plays the main character, started in 2019. Sicvel turned out to be not so compassionate and kind as the first episode, his longer war was taken by a long time.


Jolie did not hide from the public that heredity was always feared: several of its relatives died from oncological diseases, including Mom. The actress did not risk and made himself operations to remove the mammary glands and ovaries. The next surgical step was plastic chest, the natural glands of the actress replaced the implants.

The figure of Jolie from the youthful years was distinguished by the fragility, bordering exhaustion, especially this is noticeable in the photo of the performer in a swimsuit. The actress claims that she has always been inherent to thinness and do nothing to do with it. With a height of 170 cm, the celebrity usually weighs 47 kg.

In 2019, Angelina struck fans with redundant wool. In the photo from a walk with the younger daughter, her hands looked thinner than a child, a face without makeup, not hidden by glasses, was loyal, and cheeks were needle. The fans who horrified as a kind of favorite actress were concerned about her health, and the press spoke about the disease and the need to treat anorexia.

Humanitarian activity

Shooting in the painting "Lara Croft: Tomb Rank", held in Cambodia, marked the beginning of the humanitarian work of Angelina Jolie. Seeing the horrors of the third world's horror in their own eyes, it contacted the UN, becoming a goodwill ambassador of this organization. For his life, the star committed dozens of humanitarian trips, and also adopted three children.

In an interview, the star notes that without charity, which she is engaged in Africa, Cambodia and other countries, her life would be superficial and empty.

The actress created several charitable organizations that are engaged in environmental protection and the help of disadvantaged children. The activity of the actress was noted by Queen Elizabeth II.

Personal life

In his youth, personal life actresses have repeatedly undergone changes. Angelina tied the marriage bonds with a colleague from Great Britain, Johnny Lee Miller, actor Billy Bob Tornton, a romantic relationship with Timothy Hatton.

On the set of the project "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" from the divorced Angelina Jolie and married to Jennifer Aniston Brad Pitt arose mutual feelings. After a divorce Pitt and Aniston, lovers stopped hiding from Paparazzi, and the public came up with one name for them - "Branjelina".

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In the spring of 2006, Brad adopted the adoptive children of Angelina - the son of Maddox and Daughter Zakhar, from that moment on the name of Jolie Pitt. Later, another receiving child appeared in the family - Pax Pax.

In 2006, Angelina first announced that she was pregnant, on May 27, the first biological daughter of Shailo Nuvel was born, and twins appeared in 2008 - the son of Knox Leon and daughter Vivien Marshalin. Since childhood, Shailo loved the boyish clothes, the girl called himself John to adolescent age, briefly staring and, according to the remarks of the press, resorted to hormone therapy. However, by 14 years, the situation has changed: the daughter of the star repeated the hair again, and her image stopped looking at frankly male.

In 2012, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt played a wedding at the request of children: the ceremony took place in August in the French manor of Chateau Miraval's spouses. Wedding dress star sewed fashion designer Versace Luigi Massey. Hem of the bride was decorated with children's drawings.

On the body of the Hollywood Star two dozen tattoos. She has a big cross over the left hover, the Latin phrase, and on the left wrist - the letter H in honor of Brother James Javel.

Despite the openness to the public, Angelina is one of the few Stars of Hollywood, which does not lead a personal page in "Instagram". On the social network there is only a fan account of the performer.

Licracure process

In the fall of 2016, the fans of the Hollywood couple learned the shocking news: "Brangelins" no more. The celebrity filed documents for divorce and accused her husband in cruel behavior with the son of Maddox. To arrange legal documents, a couple went out without a small 3 year, in May 2019, the star was again free.

The actress required full guardianship. At first, she did not allow the meetings of the heirs with Brad without observing the psychologist, but later he allowed them his father's visits. In 2021, the court ruled that Pitt had the right to joint custody. The exception was only Maddox, who at that time was quite an adult to decide himself, whether he wants to spend time with the actor.

At the beginning of 2021, Jolie nominated accusations against the former husband in domestic violence, intending to submit evidence in court. The news shocked Brad Pitt, who hoped to resolve the conflict and peaceful cooperation with children. Journalists also poured oil into the fire, stating that the picture, which the actress sold at the auction shortly before, was a gift of the actor's spouse. Winston Churchill written by Winston, costs to new owners of $ 11.5 million.

Angelina Jolie now

Now projects with Jolie come out one after another. May 2021 was marked by the premiere of the long-awaited thriller "those who wish me death," where the actress fulfilled the role of a woman who had rushed to defend the teenager, who had witnessed the murder by random coincidence and decided to hide in the forest.

Because of the pandemic for 2021, the premiere of ribbons from the series of marvel comic shields called "Eternal" about the race of genetically more advanced super supervises, secretly living on Earth. According to President Marvel Studios Kevin Faigi, now the company is interested in the production of films about entire teams of superhero. Actress was a chance to play a shadow capable of creating weapons from cosmic energy.



  • 1995 - "Hackers"
  • 1997 - "Depicting God"
  • 1998 - "Jia"
  • 1999 - "Interrupted Life"
  • 2000 - "Honest in 60 seconds"
  • 2001 - "Slazen"
  • 2001 - "Lara Croft: Tomb Rank"
  • 2005 - "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"
  • 2007 - Beowulf
  • 2010 - "Salt"
  • 2010 - "Tourist"
  • 2014 - "Malefistent"
  • 2015 - "Cote d'Azur"
  • 2019 - "Malefistent: Lady of Darkness"
  • 2020 - "Peter Peng and Alice in Wonderland"
  • 2021 - "Eternal"
  • 2021 - "Those who wish me death"


  • 2007 - "Place in time"
  • 2011 - "In the edge of blood and honey"
  • 2014 - "Unlocked"
  • 2015 - "Cote d'Azur"
  • 2017 - "At first they killed my father: Memories of the daughter of Cambodia"

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