Anita Tsoi - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Songs, Mother, Husband, Age 2021



Anita Tsoi is a Russian singer, who was on the way to a dream, a lot of obstacles managed to overcome: to independently earn on the record of the first album, to dramatically lose weight and hold the perfect form throughout the whole musical career. Today she is a well-deserved artist of Russia, twice the laureate of the "Ovation" award, 8-fold holder of the golden gramophone statuette.

Childhood and youth

Anita Tsoi (in Maji - Anna Kim) was born in Moscow in February 1971. They called it in honor of the heroine of the novel "Enchanted soul". When the daughter turned 2 years old, Father Sergey Kim left the family. The girl had to fall out. Mama - Eloise Santhamovna Yun, Doctor of Chemical Sciences turned out to be the only native person. Other relatives in her life did not appear. In the veins of the artist flows Uzbek and Korean blood.

Anna's childhood joyful and cloudless called difficult. Mother had to be alone to contain a family in the capital. The husband who threw her with a small child, eliminated his father's duties and did not help them. The work of the scientific officer brought a modest income, who barely allowed the ends with the ends.

In kindergarten and school Kim also did not see anything good. Children constantly offended her, inventing offensive nicknames. The cause of bullying was becoming a nationality, although the singer herself considers himself an invalid Russian man. It is noteworthy that in a parallel class with Anna, another future celebrity studied - the daughter of Alla Pugacheva, Christina Orbakaite.

Love for music and excellent rumor discovered in the girl early. Mom took her to music school. Music classes became loved by Anna, accustomed to live alone, after all, she did not have friends and girlfriends. But the capable student is not very lucky with the teacher. He had his own teaching technique - very tough. For each mistake, he hurts a young violinist on the hands of the bow. Once such a "lesson" ended in deplorable: Kim had a broken hand.

Return to classes she could not soon. But the school magician still received a music education. She graduated from two classes - violins and piano. Self mastered the guitar and flute.

When Anna matured, he attempted to find her father. She had long dreamed of meeting with him, because he always envied classmates who had a complete and happy family. Once the search was crowned with success: Kim met his native dad. And I realized that the ideal image of the Father remained in her children's dreams. More daughter did not strive to communicate with a man.

Children and youthful sorrows reflected on the health of the girl. In his youth, she was the one who is called Pynes, although always dreamed of a slim figure.

The first songs Anna began to write in the 3rd grade. Already then she understood that would connect life with music. But after graduation, the graduate, learning what injustice and national prejudices, solidically decided to become a lawyer. She did in Moscow State University and only later realized that she truly entails her scene.


In 19 years, young Anita began to sing in the Church of Singing Angels of the Korean Presbyterian Church and thought about the record of the first musical album at the Soyuz Studio. At that time, the recording of the collection was worth a lot of money, which, of course, was not.

Then Anita Sergeyevna turned to her husband for help, however received a refusal. And even the persuasion to get a secretary to him, in order to postpone the whole salary on the dream, were not crowned with success. Sergey Tsoi was adamant. He wanted to see his wife a housewife, not a star show business.

Support in his aspirations provided an augue friend Oksana Tarbonskaya. The girls came up with a way to get the necessary money. At that moment, the actress went to deception: she told her husband that he wanted to go to South Korea to hold relatives, and asked Sergey the amount of $ 3 thousand.

In secret from the spouse, the future star together with the girlfriend for this money purchased the goods. Every morning they went out to trade on the market in Luzhniki. Girlfriends managed to earn the necessary amount, and the Dream Anita came true - the long-awaited first album was recorded.

The debut plate of the performer, named "Flight" appeared on the shelves of music stores in 1997. The painted singer felt at the top of happiness. From this point on, she tours and regularly pleases the numerous fans with the appearance in entertainment television shows.

For the debut disk, Anita Tsoi received a prestigious Award "Ovation" in the nomination "Opening of the Year", which was a real breakthrough for the creative biography of the artist, which was completely unknown to the public. The rumors crawled in the press that the singer - sister (in some sources - daughter) of the cult rock musician Viktor Tsoi, who by that time had already died. Repeatedly in an interview with the performer had to dispel these speculations, but the audience had repeatedly believed in the opposite.

Anita Tsoi and Viktor Tsoi

For the first album, 2 more followed: "Black Swan" and I'll Remember You. The latter is recorded in America.

Next Career Tsoi goes rapidly up. Anita tours, writes new songs and replenishes its discography. However, in 2003, the singer changes the stage image and direction, and after 2 years the name of the performer thundered to the whole country. Her show-concert Anita is recognized as one of the best in Russia. In the same year, Tsoi becomes a well-deserved artist of Russia. Her hits and bright clips regularly appear on television.

In 2007, in support of the new album, Anita issues an unforgettable show "To the East". The singer replaced the musical style on the manga anime, lost weight and looked. From this point in the life of the star comes the second peak of glory.

Tsoi conducted 10 solo concerts, received a lot of awards in its field of activity, including the Golden Gramophone, "Ovation", Muz-TV 2012 award and others. The songs of Anita "Take care of me", "Please the sky" and "without things" became hits and fell on the first lines of the radiochants.

It should be noted that the important place in the life of the singer is occupied by charity. She lists the money and conducts concerts in support of needing people, helps children's homes, disabled children, affected terrorist attacks, including children of Beslan tragedy. The activity of the story of the star leads to the delight of a huge number of people. Tsoi is a wonderful person and is a bright representative of the so-called creatively active interlayer of Russian society.

Anita Sergeevna has been engaged in network marketing in Agel. The achievement of the singer in this direction was the status of the regional director of the company, to which it came from a simple distributor. And in 2010, Tsoi opened its center of Eastern Medicine "Amritis."

Star participates in television shows. During the speech in the show "Circus with the stars", it fell down from a 2-meter height, having a strongly damaged the spine. But managed to take himself in his hands, rose and repeated the trick. Also Anita was in the favorites of the project "one to one". In addition, it was considered the main challenger in a couple with Alexey Tikhonov to win in the "Ice Age" rating show. Tsoi participated in the National Selection Tour of Eurovision-2005, but took only the 7th place.

In 2016, a new realistic show "Wedding Size" started on the "home" channel, whose TV host became Anita Tsoi.

Since 2005, the actress began to appear on the screen. Tsoi starred in the Russian Blockbuster "Day Watch", the film "Eclipse". Later, the mini-series "These are our children!" Came out with her participation. The singer received a major role in the film "Mikhail Stright". The filmography also included documentary tape "Day A", in which it was about the concert of Tsoi in the city of Nizhny Novgorod.

In 2018, Anita Sergeyevna took part in an unprecedented action, releasing the video for the song "Victory". Nikita Presnyakov became the director of the video. The roller was created in record short time. On the eve of the participation of the Russian football team in the 1/8 finals against the Spanish team for 1 day, all the material was filmed, and a week left for the preparation of video. In the creation of the video, volunteers participated, students of the Bravo-DGTU Theater Studio and the Artists of the International Ballet "10/20". Total - 600 people, thanks to the participation of which was recreated atmosphere of the celebration associated with the 2018 World Cup.

In February 2020, on his Yutiub-Channel, Anita presented a clip to the song "in the head". A video length for almost 9 minutes is a short dramatic movieoroman. In the center of the plot is a secured famous singer and a poor novice musician taxi driver who united music. Ekaterina Volkov, Nastasya Samburskaya, Marcus Riva and Sergey Komarov played the roles in this lyrical drama film project.

Personal life

With the future husband, the singer met at the university. In 19, Anna Kim married a novice policy of Sergei Tsoi. Then he just started his career and nothing but the surname, could not give a young wife. According to Anita Sergeyevna, she did not feel love for the bridegroom, because before the wedding, which was held along the Korean traditions, young people saw only 7 times.

But the personal life of the couple has developed happily. They had a son Sergey, whose appearance for a woman was the biggest happiness in her life. Parents brought up the heir, relying on family values ​​and traditions. Now the spouses are looking forward to when Sergey will create his own family in which children will appear.

During pregnancy, the singer swung greatly. After childbirth, she had to find a suitable diet and prepare himself dishes by special recipes. The menu for breakfast turned on the porridge on the water, in the lunch, the artist allowed himself a light soup, and the dinner had low-fat meat or fish with a vegetable garnish. Soon she noticed changes: the proportions were halved. Star fans with surprise and admiration compare the figure of Tsoi before and after weight loss. She managed to lead himself in perfect shape. Optimal weighing with its growth in 157 cm Anita Sergeyevna considers 52 kg.

It is known that since 1991, the artist is prohibited from entering the territory of North Korea. That year, the singer participated in the festival on the occasion of Korea's unification. Having won the competition, Anita received the most expensive award for foreigners from Kim Il Syna - an icon with his image. But the annoying confusion happened: lightning broke on the skirt, which the performer subsequently fastened with a presented icon. During the day, it was expelled from the country.

In mid-June 2018, on the network on behalf of Sergei Tsoi, the son of Anita Sergeyevna, a message appeared that the performer had an accident with a fatal outcome. Fraudsters hacked the account of a young man and under the pretext of the serious injury of the artist began a collection of money on her "treatment". It was alleged that Tsoi returned home along with her friend, but a drunk driver crashed into her car. In place of the accident allegedly 3 people were killed, and the singer was delivered to the clinic with severe damage.

An attempt to prove on lies immediately stopped the artist herself, saying fans, friends and relatives, that everything is in order with her. Soon Sergey managed to restore access to the account, immediately clarify the situation by subscribers. Fans advised the singer to contact the law enforcement agencies.

To communicate with the fans of Anita uses social networks. In "Instagram", the singer places not only a photo dedicated to her creative activity, but also family video. Interestingly, Tsoi is a big fan of gardening and garden work, and the artist's subscribers regularly introduces the results of their works. Also, the performer has an official website.

Despite the mature age, the singer regularly surprises its follovers with its own culinary experiments, snapshots in a swimsuit, video both with makeup, and without it, as well as new images. In 2017, Anita Tsoi decided to replenish the ranks of blondes, and at the same time he made a short haircut, for which he received many positive feedback from network users.

In August 2020, Suruga Tsoi celebrated the 30th anniversary of the marriage. The roller about the magnificent celebration of the silver jubilee of the wedding appeared on the personal page of the performer in "Instagram".

In November, in November, Boris Korchevnikov, the artist told that Boris Korchevnikova, said that Covid-19 was silent. According to the singer, for the entire period of self-insulation, they and her husband went to the house in the suburbs and brought contacts with people to a minimum, protecting the health of elderly relatives. Family products brought the chauffeur. But, despite the precautionary measures taken, Anita and her spouse fell ill and were hospitalized. Now her health is normal.

Anita Tsoi now

In 2021, the Jubilee Concert of the Singer "Fifth Ocean", dedicated to her 50th anniversary, was planned in the State Kremlin Palace. Work on the presentation on the stage of the main concert platform of the country, despite all the difficulties associated with Coronavirus, began in February 2020. The actress is not only the main heroine of the show, but also by its author and director.

Because of the frequent flights and constant change of time zones at the beginning of 2020, Anita recovered again. But for the sake of the concert in the Kremlin, she was rapidly humid. The secret of such a result is the method of nutritionists from Korea. According to Tsoi, she drinks special compositions from herbs before meals. Another significant problem is the defeat of the lungs after coronavirus infection, so the singer also had to restore the voice.

In March 2021, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin assigned the Tsii title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" for merit in the field of art.



  • 1997 - "Flight"
  • 1998 - "Black Swan"
  • 2000 - I'LL REMEMBER You
  • 2003 - "1,000,000 minutes"
  • 2007 - "East"
  • 2011 - "Your A"
  • 2015 - "Without Things"
  • 2016 - "Music Show" 10 | 20 "


  • 2012 - "Winter-Summer"
  • 2012 - "Agent 007"
  • 2017 - "I would" you "
  • 2018 - "Pink World"
  • 2018 - "Victory"
  • 2019 - "New I"
  • 2019 - "incorrigible"
  • 2020 - "In the head"

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