Dmitry Nagiyev - biography, personal life, photo, news, wife, movies, "chikatilo", series, age, son 2021



Dmitry Nagiyev is a brilliant and charismatic showman, actor, radio and TV presenter, women's favorite. The artist is called the main macho of the Russian show business. Charm and deliberate brutality conquer representatives of weak sex of any age. Dmitry from the category of those heroes who created themselves. He managed to dispose of everything that the nature was given, even the shortcomings of turning into dignity. Today, the artist at the peak of popularity and in demand.

Childhood and youth

Chronicle of the family Dmitry Vladimirovich is extremely unusual. After the First World War, fleeing from hunger, grandfather actor Guram left his homeland - Iran, having moved in Turkmenistan together with the family. As a result, he survived only the Gram himself, who was 9 years old at that time. The boy was defined in the orphanage and gave Azerbaijani surname.

Dmitry's grandmother, his wife's grandfather of Guram, became half a German, half the lathe of Gertrud's hill. In his youth, she was a dancer of the core land in the Bolshoi Theater, but left after her husband in Ashgabat. Thanks to this marriage, Father of the celebrity Vladimir Nagiyev appeared. The grandfather's grandfather was famous because he worked as the first secretary of the CPSU district office in Petrograd. Apparently, he got the grandson with an ironic sense of humor, since Dmitry often quotes his statements.

The future artist was born on April 4, 1967, under the sign of the Zodiac Aries. The nationality is mixed. Relationships to art The parents of Nagiyev did not have: the father worked on the optical-mechanical plant, the mother worked at the Military Academy of Communication with a teacher of foreign languages. Two children were brought up in the family - except Dmitry, was the son of Evgeny Nagiyev.

An indirect attitude towards theater had a father: Being a leaving from Azerbaijan, Vladimir Nagiyev played in early youth played the stage of one of the theaters of Ashgabat. He attempted to enroll in the theater university of Moscow, which was not crowned with success. Vladimir went to work at the plant, but I remembered the unfulfilled dream.

At an early age, the father divered Dima to the sports section, where the boy had to learn the "male" sports - Judo and Sambo. But six months later, the ever-cold third grader was kicked out with the words: "Take your son, it constantly flows snot."

The boy remembered this humiliation. A few years later, he took 2nd place in the city championship. Among those present, Dmitry saw the coach who oncely pointed him on the door, and reminded him of shameful exception. He did not apologize, but congratulated that the snot would no longer flow. "Teach," an athlete objected, "I just learned to raise them." Soon Nagiyev became a master of sports on sambo and the champion of the USSR.

After graduating from High School, the young man entered the Electrotechnical Institute at the Faculty of Automatics and Computer Engineering. Upon completion of the training went to the army. Dima was determined in sports, but in SambisThe no one needed there. Listed Nagiyev in air defense troops under Vologda. Home returned with broken ribs and twice broken nose.

After the demobilization, Dmitry Nagiyev decided to translate the dream of his father and entered the theater university. The contest for one place was more than 150 people. But purposeful applicant bypassed everyone and was enrolled in the Leningrad Theater Institute named after N. K. Cherkasov.

And at the last year, the doctor diagnosed at the student paralysis of the facial nerve. It was necessary to be treated for a long time. Six months later, the mobility of the facial muscles managed to restore that it was extremely important for the acting profession. But the "branded" square remained forever.


The first roles of Dmitry Nagiyev played, while still a student, in the "Time" theater. Spectators and teachers The game of a novice actor in the graduation performance "Chaika" was impressed. In the dramatic role of Dr. Dorn he was convincing. The skill noted the Lion Dodin. For this work of a young artist recognized the best graduate of the year.

The theater "Time" actively collaborated with the Germans who visited the graduation performance and looked after three talented students. Among them were Nagiyev - he worked in Germany for 2 years. After returning from Frankfurt am Main to his native Petersburg, the actor was offered to work on the radio "Modern". Soon he began to lead a new program that was called "Full Modern".

After the meeting with the Institute friend, Sergei, Rostriy began to lead a joint Radoshou "Caution, Modern!". Together they wrote scenarios and came up with jokes, which the actor embodied in the role of the assignant of the ass. Zador's jokes became covered and went to "walk" into the people.

Another Nagiyev was engaged in the author's show, conducts theatrical living rooms, cabbagers, competitions, comic auctions. In addition, in his repertoire - decree "Decameron", "Kyya" and "Milashka".


Dmitry Nagiyev's cinematic biography began in 1998, when he appeared in the Drama "Purgatory" Alexander Nevzorova. The hero of the artist is a Chechen field commander, a former surgeon who lost his beloved wife.

In 1998, the artist starred in a popular detective TV series "Kamenskaya", after which his filmography was replenished with two more criminal projects - "Deadly Power" and "Mole".

Spectator ATTENTION attracted the tape "The Best Day", following the release of which the continuation was followed. The actor was not filmed, but with hair: it was necessary for the role of a provincial officer of DPS Petit Vasyutina. In this karaoke comedy, the artist first sang in the cinema.

The actor came to the project only because of the director Zhor Kryzhovnikova. For the sake of the image, Dmitry agreed to paint a few teeth in black paint. On the first day he had to participate in the trick, climbing the roof of the mansion.

In 2012, Dmitry Nagiyev appeared on the most popular TV series "Kitchen" as the owner of the institution "Claude Monet". In the project, the artist appeared rich and self-confidently man with a young wife performed by Mary Gorban. Several seasons "Kitchen" and continued in the form of a movie "Kitchen in Paris".

A year later, Dmitry starred in the TV series "Fizruk" and the continuation of the project. He reincarnated into the image of a former authority of the 90s, who had to work as a teacher to school. A man is striking students of brutal appearance, an expensive car and non-standard pedagogical methods.

According to Nagiyev, he copied the image from his native brother, which one time worked as an instructor on Bodybuilding, was the head of protection on the night disco.

On the shooting area "Fizruka" Dmitry met Vladimir Sychev. Joint work turned into a strong friendship.

From year to year, the role of the popularity of Nagiyev is growing. As the artist himself once said in an interview, he waited for his starry hour for a long time and now he would never miss him.

Another actor appeared in MTS advertising in April 2018. The project partner was a popular Hollywood actor Til Schweiger. During the filming, Dmitry laid out a snapshot with a tile in the "instagram" and in the signature to the frame called the colleague "relative". At first, the stars' subscribers even believed Nagiyev and found the similarity between men, but then they understood the joke.

In September 2018, the Drama "Unpassed" was released on the screens. Nagiyev appeared in the picture in the lead role of Vitaly Kaloeeva. The story of a man is based on real events. For the played character, Dmitry received a prize "for the best male role" at the 1st open festival of popular cranks "Crystal Source" in Essentuki.

In January 2019, the audience saw the continuation of the comedy "Grandma of Easy Behavior" - "Grandma of Light Behavior 2. Elderly Avengers." Alexander Revva and Glucose returned to their characters. Nagiyev appeared in the form of an unprincipled oligarch Borodin.

On August 10, 2020, the comedy series "Nagiyev on Quarantine" started on the TV channel, which tells about the life of the Showman and his son Cyril during self-insulation. Actress Nina Gogayev, who played the role of Nagiyeva-junior girl took part in the filming. The director spoke Sarik Andreasyan.

The shooting began in mid-April, just in the pandemic period. Dmitry admitted that he was forced to violate the regime of self-insulation, but observed all security measures on the site: I wore a mask, I used the antiseptic, did not hug anyone and did not greet his hand at the meeting.

The influential oligarch artist played in the comedy of Peter Buslova "Boomerang". The film trailer was shown at the short-meter festival "shorter" in August 2019, but the date of the premiere had to move for 2 years - the limitations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


He became famous for Nagiyev and as a TV host. Few people remember that for the first time he appeared in this quality on the screen in 2003 in the Dom-1 project along with Ksenia Sobchak. From 2002 to 2005 showman led the window "Windows" on TNT TV channel. It became famous due to its scandaling. Especially viewers were remembered by the release when during the mass brawl Nagiyev broke his nose. From 2005 to 2012, Dmitry performed the leading sports and entertainment show "Big Races".

Sometimes the artist turned out to be a guest in any program, replacing the usual role. On the wave of popularity in 2002, he starred in the transfer "Continuation should". In an interview with Julia, a little showman frankly told about his personal life.

And in 2011, the fans saw the artist in the realistic show "Mom in Law", which he led in Tandem with Natalia Andreichenko.

Dmitry Vladimirovich is a permanent TV presenter of the popular music project of the first channel "Voice" and "Voice. Children". The sparkling humor of the artist, quotes and jokes of the grandfather of Guram, a warm attitude to the participants became a good tradition of the show.

Today, the celebrity is often invited as a guest to various rating programs. More than once Nagiyev pleased his fans by humor on the show Ivan Urgant "Evening Urgant".

In 2018, Dmitry gave a frank interview with Yuri Dudu. In the release, the journalist asked Nagiyev about his participation in filming from Sarik Andreasyan, about working on the "voice" and "windows" show, about communicating with the President of the Russian Federation.

The next project is "Voice 60+". Dmitry traditionally became a TV presenter who supports and encourages no longer young participants in a difficult competition.


In 1998, Dmitry Nagiyev released a music album called "Flight to Nowhere" with the participation of the actress Anna Selfie and the team "Pipe Call". The most famous work of the duet was the song "Sorry". Then the artist took a break. And only in 2003 he left his second album "Silver", recorded in collaboration with the team "Size Project".

The hit has become the author's composition Nagiyev "I HER HOY", which he recorded with the "Russian size" and Professor Lebedinsky. The song has become a parody of the Dragostea Din Tei composition of the O-Zone group. Track a few weeks lasted in the top of the radio "Golden Gramophone" on the Russian Radio.

Personal life

Personal life of Dmitry Nagiyeva has long been an object of close attention of the media. Celebrity's wife for 18 years was Alla Anatolyevna Nagiyev (Maiden Surname - Schechevishva), which the audience knows under the scenic pseudonym Alice Cher. Today, she leads the author's radoshow to Peter FM. The son of Kirill Nagiyev was born in marriage, who went his father's feet and became an actor. His account has many works, including the film "Brigade. Heir".

Dmitry is not inclined to extend about his personal life, so he meets with someone, for a long time it was not known for one long time. If you believe rumors, Showman lived in a civil marriage with his administrator Natalia Kovalenko. They say about Nagiyev's novel with Irina Techish. It is not excluded that he was officially married to the actress, which became his child's mother. Dmitry himself does not give any comments and, according to friends, not going to marry.

At the end of 2016, the scandal broke out: the hackers merged into the network of an intimate correspondence of the "House-2" star Olga Buzova with a person who is as well as Dmitry Nagiyev. It is noteworthy that this is quite intimate communication, judging by the dates, was conducted at a time when Buzova was still married to Dmitry Tarasov.

Screenshots of spicy correspondence made a lot of noise. Nagiyev was forced to comment on the annoying drain. He called the story with "nasty" and stated that he was gadko in the soul from the fact that there are people who are interested in to dig into someone's personal life.

In July 2020, new details of Dmitry's personal life became known. In one of the interviews, the actor admitted that he has a beloved. True, I did not disclose it. According to Nagiyev, the chosen is the best friend for him.

Later, the media appeared in the media that the secret beloved Dmitry - Anna Spector. Now the woman lives in Moscow in the elite village of Prince Lake on Novorizhskoye Highway. She has an 8-year-old daughter of the world.

Also Nagiyev in an interview with Yuri Dudu said that he had a novel with Larisa Guzeeva in his youth. At the time of dating, the actor studied at the 2nd course of the Theater Institute, while Larisa was the first magnitude star. The film "Cruel Romance" was released on the screens with her. Relationships lasted long, but, according to Nagiyev, were bright, as if the flash.

Appearance and style

Dmitry often appears in humans in sunglasses for several reasons. First, he had a facial nerve paralysis, and if the shooting is long, the left eye closes. Secondly, the glasses have already become part of the image, and Nagiyev is joking that the development is a gas mask and a swimming mask. He also loves to wear clothes in everyday style. In many images there are straight cut jeans.

The tattoo of the artist on the left hand in the form of the test of TE AMO ES Mecum translates from Latin as "I love you, be with me." It was made in youth and, perhaps, devoted to the former wife Alis Cher. The second tattoo of Nagiyev is in the form of a Catholic cross, the third is a long inscription on the outside of the forearm. In addition, the value of the tattoo inscription on the outside of the right forearm is unknown.

Now for life and career biography, millions of subscribers in the Instagram social network are watching. Dmitry regularly pleases fans of workers and personal photos. Sometimes he lays out the snapshots to the network with a naked torso, which falls in taste to fans. A low growth (173 cm, the weight at the same time - 80 kg) does not prevent him from being considered one of the sex symbols of Russian television.

In 2017, the actor posted a photo that served as a fan by a concern for his health. Dmitry looked too thin. But later it turned out that so Nagiyev was preparing for the next role.

Dmitry Nagiyev now

The artist considers himself a workaholic. The network contains detailed information about the earnings of Nagiyev. Thus, the actor receives 9 million rubles for advertising, 500 thousand rubles per day, and in one season as a TV host music contest "Voice" - about $ 2 million

In the property of Artista - apartments in the house on the Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, a four-storey mansion in St. Petersburg with a private gym and sauna, a house in the cottage village of Princess Lake.

Dmitry - Philanthrop, but does not advertise his patronage. It is known that the actor has the Anna Charitable Foundation. His tasks are to support large families, orphanages and shelters, the organization of charitable cultural and sports events, to assist in obtaining vocational education of the Foundation's ward.

The loud premiere of March 2021 was the show of the series "Chikatilo" about Andrei Chikatilo's ruthless killer. The artist lead to the latter was not called. They were Nagiyev, who, according to him, rushed for a long time, doubted, trying to find "supporting things in the role" and not finding them. The detective series he called the "real bomb."

The next season of the TV show "The Winner" again did not cost the TV presenter Nagiyev. The project participants not only reveal their musical abilities, but also demonstrate the power of character. The finalist receives a prize - 3 million rubles.

The full-length project in the actor repertoire was the comedy "My Dad - Leader!" Directed by Egor Konchalovsky. In the family film Nagiyev received a major role. According to Dmitry, it is interesting for him to play the hero, who visited several years in Africa and returned to his homeland.

And if in this film the artist has to reincarnate in a loving father, then in the comedy series of Sarik Andreasyan "in the active search", his fatherhood is not so desirable. The hero of the star needs to find a mom unexpectedly appeared on the threshold of a 9-year-old son. The project premiere took place in April 2021 at the TNT PREMIER site.


  • 1997 - "Purgatory"
  • 2000-2011 - "Kamenskaya"
  • 2005 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 2008 - "Return of Musketeers, or Treasures Cardinal Mazarini"
  • 2012-2016 - "Kitchen"
  • 2014-2017 - "Fizruk"
  • 2014 - "Kitchen in Paris"
  • 2015 - "Horoscope for good luck"
  • 2015 - "The Best Day"
  • 2017 - "Kitchen. Last fight"
  • 2017 - "New Trees"
  • 2018 - "Unfinished"
  • 2019 - "Grandma of Easy Behavior 2. Elderly Avengers"
  • 2019 - "Girls are different"
  • 2019 - "Kitchen. War for the hotel »
  • 2020 - "Goodbye, America!"
  • 2020 - "Nagiyev on quarantine"
  • 2021 - "Chicatilo"


  • 2003 - "House-1"
  • 2002 - "Windows"
  • 2005 - "Big Racing"
  • 2011 - "Mom in Law"
  • 2012 - "Voice"

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