Dima Bilan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Dima Bilan's biography is an interesting story about how the usual Kabardian boy from a small town reached unprecedented heights in the Russian show business and lit up in the international arena. The victory on Eurovision became a starry hour for the artist, but after such a triumph he was not going to rest on the laurels. Thanks to the talent and hardworking, the performer and today amazes fans with new show programs, bright melodies and scandalous clips.

Childhood and youth

Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in the family of engineer and social workers. In the family, the future artist had representatives of different nationalities - Russians, Tatars and Karachay. The future idol appeared in the small town of Ust-Jegeut (Karachay-Cherkessia). Present name and surname Dima - Viktor Nikolaevich Bellan.

In addition to Viktor, two daughters, Anna and Elena grew up in the Belang family. Later, the family of the future star moved to Kabardino-Balkaria and settled in the city of Mayski.

Dima had a lot from childhood. From the 5th grade, the future singer attended a music school by graduating from the educational institution in the Accordion class. Already then, the talented guy participated in all sorts of competitions, and in 1999 he even went to Moscow to Chung-Chang's Children's Festival, where he received a diploma from Joseph Kobzon.

Further, the biography of Dima Bilan was replenished with obtaining a diploma of the State Music School of the name of Gnesins, and then the acting faculty of guitis.

Work with Yuri Aizenshpis

The career of the singer began with an acquaintance with producer Yuri Aizenshpis. It was this musical manager who recommended the guy to take the pseudonym Dima Bilan. Upon cooperation with Eisenshpis, the artist tried the strength in the "New Wave", where he took 4th place.

In 2003, the first album Bilan "I am Night Hooligan" came out. Clips and songs from this disk soon became popular in Russia. In the clip on the hit "I love you so much", the main female role performed the daughter of Igor Cool. Subsequent albums of the artist became as interesting public.

In collaboration with Aizenshpis in 2004, an album "on the bank of the sky" appeared. Among the new songs, fans and critics celebrated the composition called "You should be nearby."

Cooperation with Viktor Baturin

After the production center of Aizenshpis, Bilan concluded an agreement with a foundation founded by Viktor Baturin. Yana Rudkovskaya held the position of deputy director of this organization. As the entrepreneur remembered later, he was going to invest a lot of funds in the further education of the singer - continue training vocals in the best school of England, and a studio was chosen to record a new album, where Bitles worked.

Thanks to the active producer work, Dima was awarded several national musical awards, became a member of the international competition.

According to Baturin, he invested $ 7 million to the music project, of which $ 300-400 thousand was spent on the Eurovision trip, the first in Bilan's life. After the divorce with Rudkovskaya Baturin, the rights to the artist presented, but Dima managed to stay under the guidance of Yana.

Production of Yana Rudkovskaya

The producer managed to make it impossible - to agree with the company Aizenshpis on the use of the brand "Dima Bilan". The conflict was resolved in 2008. Then the artist himself officially changed the name. By this time, he had already become the owner of the awards "Best Performer of the Year", "The Best Album", the "Best Composition" for the song "Impossible is possible."

At the same time, the first solo artist shows in the "Luzhniki" took place. The director of concerts became famous in the international world of show business Focas Evangelinos. Despite advertising and many regalia of the singer, Achlage was not on his first performances.

Gradually, Dima became the best, improving professionalism. In fact, each composition, which Dima Bilan performed, was knocked out in hits. Such a song called "Dreamers", which became a favorite single of millions of Russian fans of the singer. The recognition of the undisputed talent of the artist became the role of the Olympiad-2014 ambassador.

In 2009, the first English-speaking studio album of Believe Artist, who was recorded in Los Angeles, Miami, Philadelphia. And immediately - a new victory in the nomination "Album of the Year" at the ZD Awards 2009 awards ceremony.

The clip on the song "I just love you" became a medalist to the "Muz-TV Chart" in 2011, having kept 20 weeks on the highest lines. The list of victories and awards in the career of Dima Bilan is huge. In 2011, fans liked the song "Troil", the clip is called the best in the performer's career.

Speech by Dima Bilan at the "New Wave - 2016" contest was spectacular. The room on the song "indivisible" was again among the best. In addition, the singer performed the song "Mom" along with Danil Plugnikov, the winner of the project "Voice. Children - 3.

The singer presented a new video for the song "Maze" in May 2017. The music roller removed the director Alexey Golubev, and Yana Rudkovskaya became producer of the video.

In addition, the audience saw the long-awaited joint speech of Dima Bilan and Sergey Lazarev at the concert held within the framework of the Mus-TV Prize. The unexpected duet presented the song "Forgive me."

In February 2018, Love Radio radio stations turned 10 years old. In honor of this event, a grand show took place. Dima Bilan, a permanent chadeliner project, participated in the anniversary series of concerts in the cities of Russia.

In the spring, the singer presented a new video for the song "Girl, Do not Cry". The roller came out colorful and dynamic. Fans rated the new creation of the beloved artist and his team. In May, Dima awarded the Gesta Five Prize for the Best Show.

The beginning of the summer was marked by the release of the new single Dima Bilan and the Singers Polina "Drunk Love". A little later, the artist laid out the first shots from the shooting of the clip on this composition. According to the idea, the artist in the video participates in the scuffle at the wedding. The video showed prominent representatives of the Russian show business and the blogosphere.

Another premiere of the year - a clip for the song "Lightning", in which the main female role was performed by the model Daria Kzoberin, the winner of the project "Bachelor". For the first day, the video looked at 1 million Internet users. Many of the artist fans appreciated the sense of humor, which Bilan showed when creating a video.

Several works - videos on the tracks "Ocean" and "About White Roses" - the artist released in 2019. The second song was created in the stylistics of the 80s. The text of the composition used phrases from the iconic hits of that time - "white roses", "Siberian frosts" and others. In such a style, the track "Midnight taxi" was created.

In 2020, the artist continued touring the country with the program "Planet Bilan". The concert Big Love Show Dima was invited as a chadliner. The singer came out on the scene with the hit "About white roses".


For the first time, try the forces in the international competition Bilan decided in 2005 by choosing the song Not That Simple for this. Then the singer bypassed Natalia Podolskaya at the stage of national selection. Dima took the 2nd place. According to experts, it happened on the wave of just the ending "stars factory", the favorite of which became the singer.

However, in the following, 2006, Dima Bilan, by decision of the First Channel, went to Athens to submit Russia to the competition. This time, the artist producers were chosen between two hits - Lady Flame and Never Let You Go. The professional jury of the National Competition initially rejected both track, entrusted to Viktor Drobashu and Vladimir Matetsky to create a new hit in a week, but did not succeed.

Nevertheless, with the second composition of Bilan took 2nd place. On stage, Dima first performed his crown number - jump. Later, the elements of acrobatics became part of the Sports Artist show (its height is 180 cm, 75 kg weight).

The brightest momest and peak in the creative biography of Dima Bilan is the long-awaited 1st place at Eurovision 2008, which was so hard for the artist. According to Jan Rudkovskaya, initially for the singer, the composition of Porque Aun Te A Amo was chosen, Hit Lusiano Pereira. Subsequently, it was replaced by the legendary track Believe.

In the tandem with the famous musician by Edwin Marton and the Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko Dima Bilan in the final of the competition presented the world of amazing mouth at the song Believe. Interestingly, the number was created for one rehearsal. He became the first Russian Russian who won the competition. At the airport of the artist and the entire team met as national heroes.

In 2012, Bilan almost again did not go to Eurovision. Dima sang a duet with Yulia Wolve Song Back to Her Future, taking 2nd place in the Russian qualifying round. And after 3 years at the official anniversary show of the competition, which was held in the UK, Bilan became the only participant who arrived from Russia.

Television and films

Dima Bilan is actively involved in television projects. In 2012, the singer became the mentor of the popular show of the First Channel "Voice" for adult participants. In 2014, the TV project "Voice. Children, in which the artist also performed as a mentor. Colleagues in the new show became Pelagia and Maxim Fadeev, who was replaced by Leonid Agutin in the 3rd season.

Mentor Show "Voice" for adult participants Bilan spoke in 2016. It was already the 5th season, the judicial chairs with the singer divided Polina Gagarin, Grigory Leps and Leonid Agutin.

In October 2016, the premiere of the animated film "Trolli" was held, in which Dima Bilan in Tandem with Victoria Daineko was voiced by the main heroes of the film. A huge gift for the singer was the participants of the show "Voice. Children "who were present at the premiere.

This is not the first experience of the artist in cinema. Bilan's voice said Hans from the American full-length cartoon "Cold Heart". As Kameo, the singer first appeared in the New Year's Music film "Disco-style" in 2005. Then there were the works "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors", "Golden Key".

The debut of the actor in the full-length movie was the "Hero" melodrama, where the artist appeared in the lead role with Svetlana Ivanova. The premiere took place in 2016.

At 2021, the output of the painting "Gardenaarina IV" directories Svetlana Druzhinina and Ivan Krivarucchko are scheduled. The story unfolds in the Russian Empire in 1787. Dmitry Kharatyan, Alexander Domogarov, Mikhail Mamaev and other famous Russian actors starred in the long-awaited tape. Dima Bilan in the film got the role of Captain Juliano de Lombardi.


In the fall of 2019, the artist became an action involved in the yellow chronicle. During the concert at the bottom of the city in Samara Bilan, being under the influence of alcohol, rose to the scene. Drunk artist shocked his behavior, many amateur video appeared on the Internet. Later, Dima apologized to Samara residents for their behavior. In the compensation, the singer gave a repeated concert in the city and allocated money for the construction of a playground.

This story has become the topic of meeting Dima Bilan and Ivan Urgant in the TV show "Evening Urgant". In addition, on the air, the artist spoke about a new trend in his work - the use of stylistry of the end of the Soviet era. Bilan explained this by the fact that the modern public missed the sincerity and melodicity of songs of that time.

The scandal on the expanses of the social network continued Timati, turning to Yane Rudkovskaya on the unacceptable of such behavior of the artist on the scene. In response, the producer defended his ward, and Bilan reminded the colleague that in the early 2000th he was filmed in his mossary of the clip.

Another reason to mention the name of the star Russian show business in the press was his refusal to participate in the national concert of Eurovision winners in Amsterdam on the eve of the Christmas holidays of 2020.

The artist explained the termination of a pre-signed agreement with the organizers of the event that the participants of the speech stated not only the owners of the first places, but also other performers remembered by their performances at Eurovision of different years.

In the family of an artist's senior sister, at that time there was a scandal associated with the section of Elena's property and its ex-husband Gennady Zimin-Bela. Dima demanded, through the court from a former relative, 20 million rubles in compensation for nested funds in a common business. The case for consideration was sent to the Babushkin Court.

Personal life

The personal life of Dima Bilan is worried about millions of fans. In his youth, the singer met with a model Lena Kulecksky. The relationship was carried away by artist, so he declared himself in all that, in the event of a victory for Eurovision, he marries Elena. However, the word performer did not restrain, the wedding did not take place. The novel did not end with anything, and the couple broke up.

Who belonged the heart of enviable groom in fact, is unknown. Fans attributed to a musician relationship with prominent representatives of show business, and some even assumed that the singer returned to a former girl, but he did not report publicly.

Perhaps the fantasy of fans was the alleged novel with a long-standing acquaintance of the artist - Opera singer Julia Lima, who worked for some time ago a back-vocalist in Dima. On social networks, photographs with the performer appeared, and the fans immediately spoke about the novel between celebrities. Nevertheless, comments from the artist never followed.

Such a secrecy of Bilan forced the yellow press to distribute publications about the orientation of the artist, and ill-wishers were not called the gay. The singer himself such an excitement around his name did not comment.

The press conference, which took place in front of the first solo concert of the artist in Luzhniki, was marked by gay scandal. During communication with journalists, a provocative question from the Baltic reporter sounded. He asked Dima about his intended wedding with a Latvian young man. The singer was dumbfounded by this kind of information and did not find words to answer.

In 2014, the network had information about a certain Inna Andreva, with which Dima met through his sister Elena back in the early 2000s. The girl is from Anapa, worked as an instructor on therapeutic gymnastics. Their relations were not easy. According to Bilan's sister, Inna has repeatedly returned to a small homeland, then came to Moscow again. The novel ended with parting.

Later on the network, information about Bilan's novel with a former participant of Voice of Julia Tereshchenko was distributed. Such rumors appeared when the artist posted on a personal photo of the common photo with a girl. But later it turned out that it was only a meeting of old friends.

Soon, the fans appeared confidence that the performer of Polina Gudiyev became a new chief of the singer. When Dima shared a snapshot, where female legs were visible, the fans thought about several candidates, but they were concerned on polyney.

I did not bypass the rumors and the young performer Klava Koku, which in one interview stated that her boyfriend's name begins on the letter "D". After that, the actress began to lay out video and photos with Bilan on social networks. The situation cleared after the release of the joint DREAMS video.

Another contender on the heart of an enviable bachelor - a humorist Liliya Abramova, who gently congratulated the singer happy birthday in "Instagram". In addition, constant photo shoots with Nastya Petrova, the winner of the show "Patzanka", pushed the thought of a possible novel, but Bilan called these relationships friendly. In 2020, the artist himself stated that in his personal life had gained harmony and was in relations for 2 years.

In an interview with Irina Shikman for the project "And to talk?" Dima mentioned that in his youth survived the personal tragedy: his girl lost twins. The singer planned to create a family, raise children, but this did not happen. The second attempt to become a father again ended in unsuccessful.

In the family of Dima Bilan, another star will grow up. Anna's younger sister studied in the United States and returned to Russia in 2019. The girl plans to make a career in show business. Despite the statements of the elder brother that he would not participate in the promotion of a career girl, the singer had already managed to submit it to the public: on the New Year's "Sparkle" 2020 on the channel "Russia-1" relatives appeared together.

Health status

The fact that singer is sick, his fans learned in 2017. The fans who worried about the health of the idol, even found the phone number Dima to support tips.

It is known that the doctors found a spinal hernia from the performer, which clamp the nerve, causing severe pain. The singer had to go through a long course of treatment to get rid of the ailment. In Russian social networks and the media even appeared rumors that Bilan died. For such information, the artist soon responded with humor.

In March 2017, the singer in "Instagram" published an image on which she appeared in a new image - with a shaved head. Media staff suggested that the decision of Bilan "Become Lysim" is a kind of challenge to those who spread rumors about the allegedly fatal disease of the Contractor.

The singer himself believes that such tests were forced to think about the future. According to the artist, he concluded.

"I looked at the rating - in the top ten, of course, the most touring artists in the country. It is nice to me, but you need to think about it to be, "said Dima Bilan, commenting on his physical condition.

Dima Bilan now

Now the singer continues to experiment with styles, while remaining faithful to its powerful energy and Charizme. To visit his hero in the love triangle was in the video on the hit "Chemistry", created with the participation of several bloggers and tickers. By unique technology, the screen was divided into 3 parts to demonstrate different frames. By this project, Bilan launched the Challenge on the social network for the best execution of the dance presented in the clip.

In the same year, the song "Keep" was used to create a Pharmaceutical Advertising Roller. The company's marketers remained satisfied with the chosen strategy and the dance track of the stars, who fit into the concept.

In 2021, the premiere of the video on the "She was" trad, created in Tandem with director Konstantin Bogomolov. The fans called the roller mini-film, in which the whole life of heroes flashed in a few minutes.


  • 2003 - "I'm a night hooligan"
  • 2004 - "On the Sky"
  • 2006 - "Time-River"
  • 2008 - "Against Rules"
  • 2009 - Believe.
  • 2011 - "Dreamer"
  • 2013 - "Get up"
  • 2014 - Alien.
  • 2015 - "not silent"
  • 2017 - "Egoist"
  • 2020 - "Restart"
  • 2020 - "Second Life"


  • 2005 - "Day in the style of DISCO"
  • 2005 - "Do not be born beautiful"
  • 2006 - "Night in the style of childhood"
  • 2007 - "Star holidays"
  • 2007 - "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors"
  • 2008 - "Golden Fish"
  • 2009 - Golden Key
  • 2011 - "Absurda Theater"
  • 2016 - "Hero"

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