Igor Akinfeev - biography, news, personal life, photo, wife, matches, CSKA, age, injury 2021



Igor Akinfeev is a Russian football player, his role - goalkeeper. From the very beginning, the football career plays for the CSKA club, is the captain of the team. From 2004 to 2018, he advocated the national team, where he also served as captain. In 2005, the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia was awarded.

Childhood and youth

The star of Russian football Igor Akinfeev was born on April 8, 1986 in the Moscow region visne. His father Vladimir Vasilyevich worked as a trucker driver, and Irina Vladimirovna's mother is an educator in kindergarten.

The family did not have a big wealth, but in the education of Igor and his brother Evgenia, the parents have invested the soul. At 4 years old, his father led the Son to the first training session to the youth school CSKA. The boy was younger than other students for 2 years, but immediately asked him to be put instead of goalkeeper. He had to catch balls on the fly, but when they fell into the gate, Igor was very frustrated. His first coach Desidery Kovach, after the second workout, said that the child would certainly be excellent goalkeeper.

At the age of seven, Igor Akinfeyev took CSKA at School. He had to combine workouts with school classrooms, the yard games and other boy's hobbies did not remain. However, the football player himself considers his childhood happy, albeit with some restrictions.

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At 8 years old, Igor went to the first fees. Their camp was located in Chernogolovka, the conditions were tough - on the field in the rain every day. The guy steadily transferred difficulties, every day washed socks and a sports suit, than extremely surprised by parents and coach.

At 10 years, his first tournament in Yugoslavia took place. After the match, Akinfeev was invited to the lie of the head of the Football Association Milyan Milyanich. An experienced coach and football player then said that he sees in the boy of the second lion Yashin.

After receiving the maturity certificate in 2003, Igor went to enter the metropolitan academy of physical culture, which he graduated from 2009, successfully defending the thesis. The athlete chose the theme that he was closer and clearers everything - the "technical and tactical actions of the goalkeeper during a football match." The youngest goalkeeper CSKA received a diploma.


Akinfeev has undeniable advantages: it clearly knocks the ball and hands, and legs. At the same time, he has a lightning reaction to the game. The goalkeeper always radiates confidence in his abilities, so his sports career has developed brilliantly.

In 2002, Igor, as part of the team, received the title of Russia's title. In the same year, he began to play as part of the national junior team. Team fees passed in Israel. Russian footballer has paid close attention in the first match. The "Sport-Express" edition expressed a flattering opinion about the new player. The observer wrote that he demonstrated a mature and workshop game. At the same time it looked stronger than Veniamin Mandrykin.

At the end of March 2003, the athlete held a debut match at an adult level, participating in the 1/8 finals against the Zenit team. Igor Akinfeev came out on the field in the 2nd half, replacing Viktor Kramarenko. As expected, he demonstrated the "branded" lightning reaction. As a result, CSKA tied.

And at the end of May of the same year, young goalkeeper made his debut in the game Premier League. The CSKA team in the game with the "wings of the Soviets" managed to win with a score of 2: 0, and Igor himself distinguished himself, because he managed to reflect the penalty at the last minute. He was deservedly recognized as the best player of this match.

2003 was for a football player of a truly breakthrough. Akinfeev debuted at the Russian Championships. This season he spent 13 games. The number of missed balls was minimal - 11. With such a result, the goalkeeper became the champion of the country. It was his first loud achievement in football.

Several spoiled triumph debut in the European Cup against the Macedonian Club "Vardar". This game, held on July 30, won Macedonians. But the star of the 1980s - the famous Rinat Dasaev expressed the opinion that Igor was not to blame for missed goals. He did everything that could.

This year successful in the sports biography of Akinfeev year was marked by two more bright games. In early September, the goalkeeper made his debut in the Russian Olympic team. He spoke at the match against the Ireland national team. The game ended with a score of 2: 0 in favor of the Irish team. Unfortunately, the match with Switzerland the national team also lost with a score of 2: 1. Nevertheless, the footballer laid out the maximum.

In April 2004, Igor first acted as part of the Russian national team, becoming the most young goalkeeper team in history. His number in the national team - 35.

On March 7, the Super Cup took place. The athlete spent on the field all 90 minutes later, at the same time, on the 14th minute, skip only one goal. "Army team" won from "Spartak" with a score of 3: 1. From this season, Akinfeev becomes a permanent player of the main team. And in the first three matches he was a constant goalkeeper.

During the game against the Samara team, Igor was handed over a red card. For the scuffle, he was removed from the latter minutes. As it turned out, the fight started the midfielder Fireman Koroman. It was he who, after Denis, a cowboy hit the ball, who bounced off the grid and fell into the face of the goalkeeper. For violation of Akinfeev was disqualified for 5 matches. This season he managed to participate in 26 matches, at the same time missed 15 goals in his gate.

Following these games, the CSKA team managed to conquer silver, and Igor was recognized as the best goalkeeper of the country. According to the Fox Sports TV channel, the athlete called the strongest young goalkeeper. At number 3, he entered the list "33 best."

The struggle for the Russian Cup for Akinfeev began with the 1/8 finals. "Army team" managed to beat "Khimki" with a score of 1: 0. After the game, they received a second cup. In seven matches, the goalkeeper missed only 3 goals.

The summer of 2004 turned out to be hot for CSKA and Igor Akinfeev. In training on July 27, the goalkeeper made his debut in the Champions League. The opponent of the national team was the Azerbaijani Club "Neftchi". The game ended in a draw. But in the response match "Army team" managed to win, winning Azerbaijanis with a score of 2: 0. CSKA managed to bypass the Scots and got into the group stage. All six games of Akinfeev spent on the field, skipping 5 goals. As a result, the Russian national team took the 3rd place and got the opportunity to continue the game in the UEFA Cup.

By the way, it belongs to Akinfeev and an anti-advertest in the Champions League - for 11 years, starting from November 21, 2006, he missed goals in 43 matches of the main tournament in a row.

The 2005 season brought a pleasant surprise to the player: Igor became the owner of the UEFA Cup.

Football player were not less happy in the professional career of the football player. In 2006, the goalkeeper managed to hold the gate for 362 minutes. Some fans and football critics at this watch compared him with the famous Lvy Yashin. Akinfeev's authority grew so much that he was called the most promising Russian goalkeeper.

In the spring of 2007, rumors had a rumor that the London Arsenal was shown in the football environment. Allegedly the British had plans for Russian goalkeeper. But in one of the interviews, the athlete dispelled these rumors. He stated that in the next 4 years will remain in the CSKA national team.

On May 6, 2007, Akinfeev in the match against Rostov was injured. It happened in the 8th round. Reflecting the penalty ball, the football player failed and broke the cross-shaped ligaments on the knee. After inspection, doctors predicted that it would not work on the field until the end of the season. But doctors mistaken: the player managed to restore health pretty quickly and after intensive treatment returned to the national team before the end of the championship.

In November, in the framework of the 29th round of the CSKA championship against the Kuban team, Igor spent the first match after injury. "Army team" won with a score of 1: 0. And in January, the footballer extended the contract with the CSKA national team until 2011.

The 16th round of the Russian Premier League, held between the CSKA national team and the "Wings of the Soviets" team, turned out to be the most "dry" for a Muscovite and ended with a draw. Akinfeev became the youngest goalkeeper, which was able to achieve such a brilliant result. In 30 games of the season, he missed 24 goals. Following the championship, the country received bronze.

In the 2009 season, April 12, at the Russian Championship, Igor missed his hundredth goal. In the same year, his name appeared in the top five of the best goalkeepers of the world. This decision adopted the International Federation of Stories and Football Statistics.

The 2010 season was spent with variable successes. But the next team of CSKA managed to win the fifth country's Cup. Unfortunately, in August of this year, Igor had a serious injury. In the 30th minute of the fight with Spartak, the goalkeeper went to the joke with the striker Welliton. After the collision, Akinfeev failed to the left foot, fell and could not climb. When it was carried away from the field, the goalkeeper sat on her stretches and, without choosing expressions, was obsessively expressed to the Brazilian. Later it turned out that Igor damaged the "crosses" of the left knee. In September, he suffered an operation in Germany, and in February he returned to training.

In April, on the match with Zenit, the goalkeeper first appeared on the field after injury. The game was completed with a score of 0: 2. But in August, at the 50th match, the CSKA team won from the Serbian national team with a score of 1: 0. For a goalkeeper, it was a significant duel, because after that he joined the symbolic club Igor Net.

And in mid-May 2014, Igor triumphly broke the record Yashin, sowing to play the "dry" his 204th match. Thus, he was recognized as a five-time champion of Russia. In addition, the 2014th was marked for an athlete in that he managed to beat the record for gaming time without missed heads. For 761 minutes, Akinfeev did not miss a single ball. This is the longest "dry" series in the history of the Russian national team.

Unfortunately, the annoying failure followed success. She happened at the match with the Belgian team. But Fabio Capello then stood up for Akinfeev, told that a football player was blinded by a laser pointer for 10 minutes. Then Belgium won.

The game with the Algerian team also did not please the Russian fans. According to her results, Russia lost, and Igor according to the Italian sports tabloid "La Gazettello Sport" even got into the team of "football players failed. After a loud failure, the athlete apologized for the game in front of the fans.

In 2015, the goalkeeper had a new trouble. Despite the fact that Igor managed to beat the record Sergei Ovchinnikov in the number of dry matches at the Country Championship, on the game of "Army teams" with the team of Montenegro Fan from rivals threw a fire in the Russian goalkeeper. He got serious burns and brain concussion. It happened on the 40th second game. The match was interrupted. The judges counted Montenegro Technical defeat with a score of 0: 3.

Later it turned out, Luke Lazarevich fan unziminantly threw a fire in Akinfeev. As the video was shown, he threw the Petard, which an unknown person threw him under his feet. Nevertheless, Lazarevic was sent to prison for 3.5 months. Igor refused to make claims to fan.

In 2016, Akinfeev focused forces in preparation for the European Championship. At Euro 2016, the goalkeeper spent 3 games on which she missed 6 goals. But in the new season, the goalkeeper managed to establish a new record by the number of dry matches: a friendly meeting with the Romanian team became for him the 45th, in which he played "on zero".

In 2017, Akinfeev under the leadership of Stanislav Cherchesov as part of the national team took part in the Confederation Cup. Russia fell into a group with New Zealand, Portugal and Mexico. Debutated the national team in the match with Zealand, and the game ended with the victory. Akinfeev did not allow any error and did not miss any ball. But subsequent games ended less successfully - in the match with Portugal, the Russian goalkeeper did not catch one ball, and with Mexico - two. As a result, the Russian national team from the Group did not come out, and on this participation in the Confederation Cup for it ended.

Football players had a year to prepare for the home World Cup - 2018. The match-discovery, which took place with Saudi Arabia, Igor defended "on zero": not a single ball flew into the gate. The game ended with the unreal victory of the national team - 5: 0. She was successful and in the match with Egypt. And despite the loss of Uruguay (Akinfeev missed 3 goals, including a random ricochet from the legs of Denis Chercev, who was counted in autogol), Russia went out in 1/8.

On July 1, 2018, a game was played with Spain for reaching 1/4. The match turned out to be difficult. In the main time, the teams managed to score one goal, and then autogol flew into the gate of Russia again, this time from Sergey Ignashevich's shin. In an extra time, it was not possible to score to anyone, although it was plenty of blows to the target of the Russian Federation. Akinfeev reflected the attack at attack. Already then it became clear that the hero of this match was he. Overtime also did not reveal the winner.

In the Penaltie series, Igor demonstrated his volitional character and professionalism, brilliantly chopping two penalties from Kok and Yago Aspas, which brought victory to the Russians. Separate attention is worth a victorious save - the Russian goalkeeper in the fall reflected the head of Yago Aspas and brought the team in the 1/4 World Cup. Akinfeev is recognized as the best player of this match, and FIFA called Saving Igor's "moment of the day", a message about it was published in Twitter Mundial.

For the first time, Russia came out in the 1/4 final of the World Cup. Fans easier waited for the game with Croats. The match was distinguished from the previous dynamics, dangerous moments and beautiful goals. Denis Chercev brought the Russians forward to the nine, the Croats responded with two goals, and only his head of his head Mario Fernandez brought Russians to the post-match penalty, where Croatia was stronger. Akinfeev reflected one strike, but the misses of Smolov and Fernandez, unfortunately, were not allowed to go further.

Despite the departure of the Russian national team from the World Cup 2018, for the first time in a long time the fans and the entire football world recognized the team of Cherchesov as the best over the past decades.

After graduating from home World Cup, Igor decided to finish their career in the Russian national team, which he gave 14 years of sports life. This news commented on Alexander Golovin, now speaking in Monaco: "The decision of Akinfeev surprised, and I will say that it was upset."

In 2018, Igor, together with Vyacheslav Chaneov and Vladimir Gabulov, opened the school of goalkeeper in Reutov.

In August 2020, before the first home match of CSKA against Tambov, Igor received a new award - "The best goalkeeper of last season." Golliciper's prize was awarded the ex-goalkeeper of the Russian national team Vladimir Gabulov. He noted that Akinfeev turned out to be the most stable, he had almost no failed matches for the season.

In the same year, the Portal "TransferMakt" conducted a revaluation of the cost of goalkeepers. Igor took the 4th place with an income of € 8 million.

Personal life

The fans of the pretty and financial independent goalkeeper in his youth grabbed. Mushroom features of the face, stylish hairstyle, bristles have always attracted representatives of weak gender to it. Once a fan in love even cut the veins. In one of the fake blogs, someone on behalf of the athlete insulted the girl in love. Igor, learning about what happened, worried much. Since then, he has little talk about his personal life and is afraid to hurt his fans.

For a long time at the Static Handsive (Growth of Igor Akinfeyev - 1.86 m, and the weight of 78 kg) was an affair with Youth Valery Yakunchikova, 15-year-old daughter of the CSKA administrator. The girl did not miss a single match, he entered the backstage football party.

Akinfeev and Yakunchikov - athletes, their common interests have come closer. The girl was charming football player. She not only adored football, but also turned out to be a professional dancer. Young beauty has repeatedly appeared in commercials and starred in Timati. And Valery received a higher education in Rudn.

The fans have not doubted that these relationships will end with a luxurious wedding, but the couple unexpectedly broke up. In the press flashed the information that Igor changed the girl, and she could not forgive - followed a painful gap.

Soon the personal life of Akinfeev was improved. His fans learned the name of the new chosen - Ekaterina Gerun, Kiev. The girl worked in the model business, filmed in the clips. She managed to capture a football player.

About their wedding fans of the football star found out on May 17, 2014, when the Son of Daniel was born from the spouses. And a year later, on September 4, Catherine presented a happy husband to her daughter, which they called the gospel. On March 2, 2021, Akinfeev became the Father for the third time - Gerun gave birth to a daughter.

A man argues that they with his wife adhere to the Orthodox faith, but they will not impose their beliefs and religion to children. When the heirs are growing, they themselves will choose what they consider it necessary. Igor and Catherine are now happy together. Athlete is confident that anyone can be happy. The main thing is to wait for your half.

It is known that one of the best friends of Golkaper is a popular singer and leader of the group "Hands up!" Sergey Zhukov. They are friends since 2004. Igor baptized the daughter of Sergey Nina and starred in his clip on the song "She kisses me."

In addition to football, an athlete plays billiards, loves to travel, but his main hobby considers fishing. Akinfeev leads a page in "Instagram", where the photos from workouts and matches regularly appear. Sometimes family frames from vacation flashes in the account.

Another hobby of a football player is cars and speed. Igor prefers to move on powerful cars with high patency. In his fleet there is Land Rover Discovery 5 First Edition, Audi R8, Mercedes-AMG SL 65, Jaguar F-Pace.

Igor appeared in the advertising of the Moscow Credit Bank. According to her plot, the goalkeeper will have to reflect a dangerous blow, and Lev Yashin helps him. The football community reacted positively to this mental production. And in 2009, the goalkeeper wrote the book "100 penalties from readers."

In 2018, Akinfeev was recognized as a man of the year according to GQ magazine. However, the goalkeeper abandoned the award. Then the award instead was received by the striker "Zenith" Artem Dzüba.

Quarantine of the 2020 goalkeeper of Moscow CSKA held in his country house, which he dreamed of from 15 years. The fact that he was in nature and could calmly be in the fresh air, helped to survive the period of self-insulation. Athlete in the video on the "Army" Youtyub-Channel regretted Russians who were forced to sit in stuffy apartments.

He also abruptly responded to the fact that citizens in the midst of the pandemic went on kebabs. According to Igor, this can lead to a sharp deterioration of the epidemiological situation. The goalkeeper stressed how it is important to stay at home and comply with all security measures.

Pandemic negatively affected the earnings of an athlete. The club management announced a decrease in salary due to the pause in Tinkoff Russian Premier League (RPL) - 2020. The rate was reduced by 2 times. With the resumption of training, it increased to 70%. With the first match, payments began to be made in full. It is worth noting that Akinfeev supported the leadership initiative.

Igor Akinfeev now

CSKA's goalkeeper in April 2021 retained the gate of his team in integrity - in the match against the "Rotor" in the framework of the RPL, the army team won with a score of 2: 0. And for the captain, this meeting became significant, because after it he became a record holder in the number of time spent on the field, bypassing the previous leader Sergey Ignashevich.

Against the background of the requests of the fans about the return of the goalkeeper to the Russian national team in the media, information about the possible end of the career athlete in 2022 appeared. It was also assumed that CSKA plans to replace CSKA to buy Ilya Lantratova.


CSKA (Moscow)

  • 2003, 2005, 2006, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2015/16 - 6-fold champion of Russia
  • 2004/05, 2005/06, 2007/08, 2008/09, 2010/11, 2012/13 - 6-fold winner of the Russian Cup
  • 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014 - 7-fold owner of the Super Cup of Russia
  • 2004/05 - Winner of the UEFA Cup
  • 2004, 2008, 2010, 2014/15, 2016/17, 2017/18 - 6-fold Silver winner of the Russian Championship
  • 2007, 2011/12 - 2-fold bronze medalist of the championship of Russia

Russian team

  • 2008 - Bronze medalist of the European Championship
  • Igor Nette Club Member
  • The owner of the most prolonged dry series in the history of the USSR and Russia and Russia of 761 minutes (9 dry games in a row). The former record belonged to Vyacheslav Malafeev and amounted to 653 minutes
  • Record holder in the number of matches for the national team among goalkeepers
  • Record holder in the number of dry matches in the history of the national team - 47 out of 110

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