Leonid Agutin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Angelica Varum, Daughter, Polina Vorobyeva, Concert 2021



Leonid Agutin - singer, musician, arranger, songwriter and books. The soloist was famous in the 90s, but, unlike a number of other performers of that time, the Star Agutin did not just have rushed with the departure of "dashing years", but it was still brighter. Today, Leonid Nikolayevich knows well, respect and love in the entire post-Soviet space.

Childhood and youth

The artist whose creativity will conquered the hearts of the multi-millionth army of fans, born in Moscow on July 16, 1968 in the family of the famous musician Nikolai Agutin, the Jew for Nationality, and his wife Lyudmila, in the Maiden's schoolchildren.

Lyudmila Leonidovna Agutina's mother worked by a teacher of junior classes and, becoming a well-deserved teacher of the Russian Federation, achieved no less success in the profession than her husband in show business.

Father's biography is saturated with musical achievements and successes. Nikolai Petrovich Agutin - vocalist popular in the 70s "Blue Guitar" ensemble, and later a concert director of such teams as "funny guys", "singing hearts" and "Sonnyary". Unfortunately, the career separated the family. Over time, marriage parents of the artist broke up. Leonid has 2 sisters on Father: In 1980, Ksenia appeared, and 2 years later - Maria.

But the singer and teacher managed to bring up a common child together within their own world. From the young man was required not only to study well in a secondary school, but also to give time to daily learning of the hamme and plays on the piano.

The manifestation of perseverance towards music in childhood is a rare phenomenon, but it was just a little leonide teachers and relatives surprised. The reason for such interest and zeal to art can be explained by the fact that the Father was a great authority for a teenager, to which he stretched and tried to imitate.

When Agutin Jr. showed congenital creative talent, parents transferred the heir to a jazz studio at the House of Culture "Moskvorechye". Upon her graduation, Leonid entered the Moscow State Institute of Culture and received a diploma-director diploma.

By the way, Leonid did not shy away from military duty, despite the opportunities of the star father, which could be easily resolved by the call. During the service, the singer had to say goodbye to the long hair, which Agutin was worn from his youth. In the army, where the artist was from 1986 to 1988, he also lived with musical art.

Leonid with an organized ensemble gave concerts in front of comrades and teams, for which he deserved universal respect and sympathy. The artist soon received the Solist of the Song Ensemble and Dance of the Leningrad Military District. But the unsuccessful trip to the self-warp decided the further fate of Agutin: it was sent to the army cook in the border troops in the Soviet-Finnish border.


In his youth, being a student, Agutin went to tour with popular artists and preceded concerts with solo performances, leaving for heating. The vocalist himself composed the words and melodies, writing its own songs on the semi-professional technique. When in 1992, the composition "Barefoot boy" won the festival in Yalta, and then became a hit on the competition in Jurmala, Leonid with his head went to the creation of the first album.

The rich Discography of the singer opened a plate called in honor of the first success. The work was produced by Furior in the world of Russian music. Tracks "Hop Hay, Lala Lay", "High Grass Voice" and "Who would not be worth waiting" sounded from each window. At the end of the year, the "Barefoot Boy" recognized the album of the year, and the Solist is the best performer.

In 1995, the next Disc "Decameron" was released, which included 10 compositions, including "on the Lilana Moon" and "Steamer". The collection strengthened interest in Agutin. Along with Philip Kirkorov, Valery Meladze and the Lubeist group, the vocalist became a popular star of the period, which was reflected in the number of statuettes of the Golden Gramophone and the "Song of the Year" premiums.

A variety of musical projects clearly demonstrates the creative height of the singer - ranging from popular motives with reggae elements and ending with complex jazz arrangements.

In 2003, Leonid Nikolaevich recorded in a duet with the team "Outways" track "Border", the composition immediately received the status of a hit. The song is still ordered by Dembel in radio information on requests. This is not the only example of a successful collaboration - along with Vladimir Presnyakov Agutin performed "airports".

The soloist continued to please the fans in the next decade. So, in 2016, Leonid Nikolaevich released a new album called "Just about important." The new work of Agutin has positively appreciated musical critics, and in the first week after the release, the collection occupied a leading place in the Russian chart of the iTunes Store.

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the artist in November 2018, the anniversary concert "Agutin 50" took place in the metropolitan sports complex "Olympic". The event was attended by many popular artists, including the A'Studio group, Valery Meladze and Nikolai Rastorguev. Another singer surprise for fans is "50" album, timed to the holiday, and Cover Version disk with 17 popular tracks in unusual interpretation.

International projects

A mansion in the discography of the artist is the plate of Cosmopolitan Life, recorded in conjunction with the jazz guitarist ELOM Di Meoloi. Anglo-language album came out in Russia, America and Europe. Moreover, in the West, a jazz collection received much greater recognition and for a long time he served the top lines in the charts of the USA, Canada and Germany.

Another interesting project with the participation of Leonid Nikolayevich - Havana Calling - created in collaboration with Cuban flaurtist Orlando Weiye. In 2010, the duet played the Havana Gala concert at the Cathedral Square, which had a great success. Agutin told about cooperation with the overall counterparts of Agutin in the book "Unlimited music".

In July 2020, Leonid Agutin was invited as a guest to the Evening Urgant program, where the artist presented the new Hispanic album La Vida Cosmopolita. 8 tracks entered the collection. By the way, together with the Just A Rainy Day composition, the author won the 25th International Competition of the USA Songwriting Competition in the World Performers category. A clip on the song Funky CHA won the award in the nomination "Best Music Video" at the Film Festival in Nice.


Often celebrities accept television channel offers and participate in entertainment transmissions. No exception and Leonid Nikolaevich. The first such experience for him was the Ukrainian show "Zirka + Zirka", in which the vocalist sang in a pair with Tatiana Lazareva. The singer and in a similar Russian project "Two Stars", where Fedor Dobronravov came to the partner. Agutin managed to win.

A bright stage in the life of the artist was the music program of the first channel "Voice". For several seasons, Leonid Nikolaevich, together with Alexander Gradsky, Pelagey and Dima Bilan, served as a constant member of the jury and a team mentor.

Agutin took part in the filming of the series "Kitchen". According to the plot, the soloist performed a little-known composition for the visitors of the restaurant, in which the comedy took place. During the years of the ribbon exit among invited celebrities, Joseph Prigogin, George Cherdanes and Bianca.

In 2016, Leonid Agutin replaced Maxim Fadeeva in the 3rd seasons of the transfer "Voice. Children". Thus, in the children's version of the show, the favorite Trio Jury was restored: Agutin, Bilan and Pelagia.

In the 5th season, Leonid Nikolaevich returned to an adult voice than pleased fans and musicians competing on the project. And this time the ward Agutin Daria Antonyuk became the winner.


Not all the poems of Agutin become songs, sometimes the text better sounds without music. Therefore, in 2008, the artist decided to publish a tomik of his own poems and called it "notebook 69". The collection contained lines written over the past 10 years, and there were works in it, which forced the reader how to smile and sink.

In 2015, the singer released the work "Poetry of ordinary days. The art diary, "where, in addition to poems, thoughts and notes were attended, revealing the worldview of Leonid Nikolayevich.

In 2017, the musician took part in creating the children's book "I am an elephant". Among the authors of the project, Dmitry Bykov, Efim Sichrin and the Moscow Zoo. "I love elephants. They are big and kind, and I love big and kind. He himself is small and, I'm afraid that you would not like that. But striving! " - shared his impressions about the work of Agutin.

Personal life

The first marriage of Agutin concluded in student years. The wife became Svetlana White, with which the artist lived for 5 years. Speaking in 1994 at the festival in Paris, the singer met Ballerina Maria Vorobyeva. In 1997, Polina's daughter was born in 1997, which now lives with her mother in France.

The most famous romantic relations of the musician was and remains his union with Angelica Varum. Celebrities met for several years before legalizing the relationship in 2000 and play a wedding in a romantic Venice. A pair of inseparable, not only in life, but also on stage. Agutin and Varum recorded several joint albums and duet songs that invariably became hits and regularly fell into rotation on radio stations. Among the fans of the tracks - "I will always be with you."

In 2011, information about the possible divorce of vocalists appeared in the media, since the omnipresent paparazzi captured the singer by no means in the arms of Angelica. In Jurmala, the artist was photographed kissing with an unfamiliar brunette. The treason of Leonid Nikolayevich did not speak only the lazy. After the incident, Varum left her husband, but earlier the planned joint tour again covered spouses.

And soon the pair appeared on the "children's new wave." The stars looked in love and happy. Varum and Agutin managed to survive this difficult moment, partners retained relationships. In 2018, Leonid Nikolaevich shared the intimate details of his personal life in the Internet program "Vnty" at Yuri Dudia.

In marriage with Angelica Varum born 2nd daughter singer. Elizabeth-Maria Varum Agutina settled in the United States and performs with his own rock band with the Without Gravity. The artist lives with family for 2 houses: in Moscow and in Miami. On birthdays, he makes Lisa original gifts: on the 16th anniversary of the heiress, the musician composed ODU, which in a solemnly festive atmosphere read birthday.

Does not deprive the careful father and older child to Polina Vorobyev. Although in the childhood the field rarely saw a dad, today the soloist is regularly found with his daughter in the gold-head, where the girl comes to buy from France. Last years, vocalist often invites the elder daughter in Miami. Polina and Lisa to joy to the parent quickly found a common language.

On July 16, 2018, the singer celebrated the anniversary - Agutin was 50 years old. The celebration passed with a blank, as evidenced by the photo in the artist's instagram account. The musician gathered his relatives and friends at the Moscow restaurant. Vladimir Presnyakov, Igor Nikolaev, Valeria and many others were among the guests at the bottom of his birth. Visited the holiday and "pop king" Philip Kirkorov. And the culmination of the evening was the cake created by the confectioner Renat Agzamov: a white piano, followed by a miniature copy of the birthday name.

It is worth noting that Leonid Nikolayevich also has its own website where you can find songs of vocalist, clips and poems. Here is the information about the tour and souvenir products are sold.

Leonid Agutin now

Today, the musician looks great - with growth in 172 cm, the weight of Leonid Nikolayevich is 67 kg. At the same time, in an interview, the singer confessed that the diet does not observe, but has long refused red meat, sweet and yeast bread. Agutin with pleasure eats chicken and fish. And he is engaged in sports, in particular, large tennis. Lifestyle allows celebrities to boil creative energy and give concerts.

Back in 2020, Leonid Nikolayevich released a single and recorded the clip "Include Light", inspired by quarantine measures, introduced due to the coronavirus pandemic. Fans warmly met a roller in which Agutin performed in a gradually filling hall. Critics noticed that the video came out at the right time.

For obvious reasons, the full-fledged album did not work. The same disk came out in May 2021. If the title song can be called an exciting, encouraging and inspiring, then the fun creation of "Sochi" is designed to relax a listener and set up on vacation. The track recorded in the company of the Dutch musician of the Gypsy origin Jimmy Rosenberg, also received a bright clip, the authors of whom they struggled the lack of Jimmy on the set.

On April 1, the rental of the documentary film "Leonid Agutin. Cosmo Life. " The international project participated performers from Russia, Europe, Latin America and the United States. The purpose of the ribbon was set to tell about music as a method "times and forever destroy the language barrier."

Leonid Nikolaevich and public affairs. In July 2021, the soloist planned to hold a musical educational forum in Red Poland. Children and teenagers have the opportunity to demonstrate to experienced mentors creative potential and get new knowledge.


  • 1994 - "Barefoot Boy"
  • 1995 - "Decameron"
  • 1998 - "Summer Rain"
  • 2000 - "Service Roman"
  • 2003 - "Deja"
  • 2005 - Cosmopolitanlife.
  • 2007 - "Love. Road. Sadness and joy "
  • 2012 - "Time of the last Romantics"
  • 2013 - "Mystery of glued pages"
  • 2016 - "Just about important"
  • 2018 - "50"
  • 2018 - Cover Version
  • 2020 - La Vida Cosmopolita
  • 2021 - "Turn on Light"


  • 2008 - "Notebook 69. Poems"
  • 2009 - "Book of Pychs and Songs"
  • 2015 - "Poetry of ordinary days. Art diary "
  • 2017 - "I am an elephant"
  • 2019 - "Leonid Agutin. Infinite music "

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