Layisan Utyasheva - Photo, biography, news, personal life, athlete, leading 2021



Layisan Utyasheva is the famous artistic gymnast that has gone from a lot of sports in 2006. After that, she realized herself as a lead, writer, actress, dance show. Has the title of Honorary Master of Sports.

Childhood and youth

Biography Layisan Utyasheva began on June 28, 1985. She was born under the sign of the zodiac cancer in the family of a historian and librarian. The place of birth of the future famous athlete became the town of Raevsky. It has Bashkir, Polish, Tatar and Russian origin. At the young age, Layisan confessed Islam, and then accepted Orthodoxy.

After some time after the birth of the daughter, the family moved to Ufa, and in 1989, Utashev moved to Volgograd. In childhood, parents wanted to give her daughter to their ballet, but one day she turned out to be noticed by the gymnastics coach with the hope of Kasyanova, which noted the incredible flexibility of the joints and called to the world of sports. Young Utyasheva immediately fell in love with the rhythmic gymnastics and already at 4 years old she said that would become a world champion.

In the third grade Layisan received the first fee. On earned money, the girl bought a parents of a bathrobe. This gift Zulfia kept all his life. When the baby just went to school, the mother put the condition: to continue to engage in gymnastics, the daughter should have learned well. Layisan did so, well combining sports with study.

Already in adulthood, the girl admitted that the parents were separated when the gymnast was small. The reason was the constant problems with alcoholism at the Father. Mother tried to return the spouse, encode and help get rid of the harmful habit, but everything is in vain. And later it turned out that Albert then had a new family, which Layisan and Zulfia did not know.

Personal life

In his youth, while Layisan "earned" the image of the TV presenter, her personal life remained under the sight of Parapazzi lenses. Photos of the athlete appeared in sports magazines and on the pages of the secular chronicle. One of the most memorable stories discussed in the press was the acquaintance of Lyisan Umatasheva and Orlando Bloom in 2008. They met at a closed party in London at a time when the actor had already twisted the novel with Miranda Kerr. Despite the explicit presence of the second half of Orlando, the Russian journalists wrote about the possible romantic line in the relationship of the drizzle and Hollywood handsome.

On March 14, 2012, a tragedy occurred in Layisan's life - mother died from a heart attack. Zulfia Utyashev was for her the best friend and the closest man, the woman was only 47 years old. When the gymnast left the sport, she tried to catch up the missed time, spending every free minute with a parent.

Layisan hardly accepted the death of a loved one, as life just improved. In that ill-fated day, they sat in a cafe with her mother. Suddenly, Zulfia felt bad, and Layisan immediately caused an ambulance. Arriving doctors reassured women, saying that this is a rigorous increase in pressure. Reaching Moscow traffic jams home, the star of the star felt worse, she could not utter a word.

For a long time, soon answered that all cars are occupied. A frightened girl shouted into the phone that the sick dies, what a zinic answer was received: "Everyone dies, you are not alone." Arriving at the address, the doctors stated death from acute heart failure.

Layisan remembers that period with pain:

"I still feel guilty for the fact that we rested little. But at the same time, Mom has never complained about health. We generally have all long-livers in the family. My grandmother is now 80 years old, the great-grandmother lived to 102 years. Therefore, Mom always said that he wanted to live to a hundred forty. But it turned out - only to forty-seven ... "," said Gymnast in an interview with "7 days."

Having lost his mother, Layisan closed in himself, avoided publicity and spent the time where the former gymnast was not disturbed. The bright changes in the personal life of Utyashevoy occurred in September 2012, when the TV presenter married the humorist Pavel Will.

At the same time, the press became aware of the judicial defense of Layisan with a former young man, a 34-year-old businessman Valery Lyudze. According to the media, the main subject of the dispute was the BMW X6 car.

Layisan and Pavel Will were friends for a long time, and only after some time friendship turned into love. Future spouses met at the same secular event. Then both performed there leading, and later continued to communicate.

Relations with a resident "Comedy Club" helped the girl to survive the grief from the militant death of the mother. Fans and friends of lovers did not believe in the wedding of the will and dripping. In the circles of show business and at all accepted the news for the firstaaprel joke. No one could imagine that such different people can be together. At the same time, in the world of sports, many approximately knew about this unexpected novel.

Irina Wiener personally dispelled the rumor about the "unreal" wedding of Paul and Layisan. According to friends, the spouses complement each other. Calm Layisan is able to smooth the pulp of her husband.

In May 2013, in one of the private clinics, Miami Layisan Utyashev and Pavel Will became the parents of Little Robert. On May 6, 2015, a pair had a daughter Sofia.

Only after the birth of daughter Laysan was able to let go of the mother's loss. As a gymnast tells, she got a blessing from the mother in a dream, and the main people in life today are children and husband.

In March 2016, the Internet flew out news that Layisan is pregnant again. The reason served as a photo in the instagram account of the TV presenter, supplemented with hashthegas # twiser-making and # baby. The fans of the star couple hurried to make the assumption that the baby will appear in the family of Paul's father, but the information was not confirmed.

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In the same 2016, it became known that the family moved for time to Spain. Celebrities came to Russia only at work.

Then rumors crawled in the network that in the family Layisan and Paul not all smoothly. Spoke about divorce. Then the athlete itself denied the speculation, saying that they were fine with Pasha.

A year later, the audience again saw the crack in the relationship of the star couple. The conflict arose during the casting of the third season of the TV show "Dances!" on TNT. One of the participants expressed a desire to kiss the beauty that he did not like the will, which he said publicly. However, the gap that everyone was waiting (divorce even predicted psychics), never followed.

Layisan and Paul not only bring up children together, but also work. "Will strength" is their family project to popularize a healthy lifestyle. The working tandem of gymnasts and humorist was successful and prolific. The course includes several hundred training videos on various topics. Layisan in the project is responsible for the work of the body, and Paul - for the ability of the mind. The success of the project is confirmed popular. In an interview with the magazine "Caravan", the founder of the system admitted that "willpower" more than 3 thousand followers in 28 countries of the world.

The project combines two equivalent structural units. The "The Body" section includes charging and training complexes, tips for gaining harmony, nutrition guidance and flexibility. The "The Brain" block is filled with information that supports intellectual vigor, optimism, mood for success. Spouses willingly communicate with students and reveal the secret "chips" of their professions that help them in life.

An interesting exterior of the gymnast often raises the question of nationality. She herself says that half Bashkirka, as the mother was Bashkirka, and his father had Tatar, Polish and Russian roots.

In the fall of 2020, Layisan and Paul reported replenishment in the family - they took pets from the shelter. Black Spitz got his nickname, he was already 2 years old, he is active and restless. Layisan shared that she was inseparable with a dog, the dog is accompanied even on shooting.

In October 2020, a scandal broke out around the couples. Already 8 years old married to Layisan Umatasheva Pavel Volya was seen in the company of two minor girls who, by rumors, are engaged in escort services. The man allegedly rested with them in the bar. In proof of this, one of Pavl's companions, Daria Ivanova, posted a photo in his instagram account, on which it was captured in a drunk.

The situation caused a large stir in the network. Gymnast fans were waiting for her comment on treason, but Layisan was chosen. Finally, Utyasheva interrupted silence, showing in his blog, what he was engaged in Pavel Will after the scandal.

It turned out that the spouses left for the weekend to St. Petersburg. Together they visited the fashionable ball organized by Vogue, and before the secular party they joked and fondered at the hotel. Thus, the Volyashev chute demonstrated that they are all right.


In 1997, Utiashev moved to the capital. Two years later, she received the title of Sports Master, and since 2000 it was time for the main sports victories of Layisan. One of the most important achievements in sports is the absolute championship in the World Cup in Berlin in 2001.

Since 2002, classes have begun under the guidance of the famous Irina Wiener, who also coached Alina Kabaev and Irina Chashin. New victories followed: an international tournament in Slovenia, an informal championship in France. However, by coincidence on the examination in Germany, multiple fractures of the latal bone of one leg and the discrepancy of the bone to another were revealed. Doctors put disappointing forecasts until the impossibility of independent movement.

However, thanks to the surgeons, Layisan coped with the injury of the leg and had already returned to speeches in great sports by 2004. She immediately fell into the Russian national team, won the European Championship and international competitions and still kept the hopes to speak at the Olympics.

However, having consisted with Irina Winner, in 2006, Utyashev finally decided to leave the sport. Unfortunately, the talented and plastic athlete never became the Olympic champion.

The name of Layisan Utyasheva is named 4 of the most complicated element in rhythmic gymnastics. The girl entered the history of gymnastics as an athlete speaking with broken legs.

After sport

A long period of life a young girl dedicated to gymnastics and sporting achievements - it is not surprising that she quickly began to gain weight, throwing the regime. Layisan was half a year on the sofa, watched a movie and ate. Forbidden during the sports mode of sweets and harmful foods have become familiar with the familiar products. As a result, Utyashev was very corrected.

An athlete has led one of the public events. Layisan was invited with other gymnasts to the meeting, but she did not go, as she did not want to appear in front of their sports colleagues in the new role "Pyshki".

Return to slightness began with attempts to lose weight by running and wrapping by the food film. Lyisan's information was on the Internet, until she had an old subsidiary of the time of sports career in gymnastics.

Since then, Utyasheva began to adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle; She controlled weight growth and returned a wonderful appearance. Exercises and attention to your own body and the diet help the gymnast remain in the form after the birth of two children and transfer the experience of her husband and participants of its projects. Today Layisan Utyasheva weighs 47 kg with a height of 167 cm. Because of this, it is often accused of anorexia. However, the athlete on draws attention to the curvators and boldly demonstrates his figure in a swimsuit.

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Having finished the gymnast career, Layisan became the leading multiple gear on television - "Personal coach" on the TV channel "Sport-Plus", "Fitness with Stars" on the TV channel "Live". She also wrote an autobiographical novel "Unlomed", in which he told how many years and strength gave gymnastics. She also created a dance show, whose premiere took place in 2009.

In October 2011, the automatic transmission of the "Academy of Beauty with Layisan Utyasheva" started on television. In 2012, TV presenter tried herself as an actress, starring in a small role in the TV series "Champion".

Large demand among viewers has the author's weight correction program. Exercises for losing weight Layisan Utyasheva do not differ in particular complexity. In 10-12-minute rollers, the gymnast teaches girls to fight overweight. Videos have gained a lot of fans and followers of the technique. Develop an effective succession program helped personal experience in overweight.

On March 22, 2012, a new program of Laysan was launched on Rosantika radio, in which she invited famous musicians, actors and a cup of tea talked with them about life, dreams and aspirations. Since August 2014, the "Dancing!" Program is coming out on TNT, in which Layisan Urtyashev's permanent leading.

A year later, the gymnast appeared in the clip of the singer trees to the composition "I will wait for you," where the brilliant flexibility and talent demonstrated.

On December 1, 2016, the first channel was transferred from the cycle "Alone with everyone" with Laysan Umatasheva, where she told in detail the leading Julia Little about family, projects, lives on television and in sports.

In 2017, the singer Yolka introduced the clip to the composition "Inwest music." Layisan Ulyasheva, Tatiana Lazareva, Vadim Galygin, Timur Batrutdinov, Alexander Gudkov and others participated in creating a video. According to the celebrity, there was a home video in their scenarios. In the roller, the stars were allowed to fool, hooligan, laugh, sing from the soul. Especially cheerful video turned out to have dye and will.

On October 1, the theatrical dance show "Layisanbolero" took place in Kazan. Then the presentation was shown in Minsk. On the eve of this event, the gymnast visited the program Ivan Urgant "Evening Urgant". Utyasheva told that she had long been a scale of a large-scale project. As a result, the athlete shared the idea with 5 close people, among which the husband turned out to be. Paul had a favorite support and even took part of the tasks of implementation.

Also, the gymnast became the Guest of the transfer of Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man". In a frank interview, Layisan told about family life, raising children, lesions and injuries.

In May 2018, Layisan and Pasha visited the first prize in Russia in Russia, dedicated to the chief trend laws in the Digital world. In the summer, the spouses lit up at the Hublot party dedicated to the Mundala, successfully passed in the Russian Federation. In addition to dripping and will, Alexander Ovechkin, Alexey Nemov, Elena Batya and other celebrities came to the event.

Layisan Utyasheva now

In August 2019, Layisan Urty visited the show Paul Will "Improvisation". At the filming, the athlete demonstrated its flexibility, and her husband performed the Dragon Dance.

On July 3, 2020, the celebrity again became the guest of the Evening Urgant show. She told how he celebrated her 35th anniversary and what gifts received from her husband. The star also starred in the "Light Around World" program, where she showed her family life Svetlana Bondarchuk.

In the fall on TV channel TNT started the 7th season of the Dancing project! on TNT. Layisan appeared in front of the audience in his usual role of the lead, which sincerely supports participants. In the jury show again three choreographer - Miguel, Tatyana Denisova, Egor Druzhinin.

Also on the Yutiub-Channel, the gymnast leads a transfer called "Charging with Layisan Utyasheva." In each release, it, together with other celebrities, shows a set of exercises. Sports are accompanied by jokes and conversations.


  • 2000 - Memory Tournament Oksana Kostina, Silver
  • 2001 - World Cup in Berlin, Gold
  • 2001 - World Cup in Madrid, Gold
  • 2002 - International Tournament in Slovenia, Silver
  • 2004 - European Championship, Gold
  • 2004 - International tournaments in Latvia and France, Gold

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