Valery Meladze - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Wife Albina Dzhanabaeva 2021



Valery Meladze - Soviet and Russian singer, TV presenter and producer of Georgian origin. It is one of the most popular pop performers in the post-Soviet space and the owner of a large number of prestigious awards and premiums. Valeria has a rare voice of a wide range and timbre. The celebrity executes the compositions in a special way passionately and expressively, transmitting all the emotionality of songs to students.

Childhood and youth

Valery Meladze was born on June 23, 1965 in a small village not far from Batumi. Interestingly, in the metric boy recorded the name Valerian. It happened due to the fault of the registry office. She assured that this is how the full name sounds, which parents chose.

The Black Sea, the warm sun and the salty wind - about such a child it was possible only to dream. Valery grew up a naughty and restless child, which was much more pleasant to worse on the streets than to sit at school. The boy, together with friends, was constantly becoming a member of the incidents, got into such places where the entrance to children was banned: construction, basements, barges and courts.

Once, Valery climbed into the territory of the Batumi oil refinery. There he found a broken tractor. The boy at that time was fond of electronics and wanted to collect an ohmeter, removed from the tractor a couple of details. And in the end, he was recorded in the police.

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Parents Shota and Nellie Meladze did not have a relation to music. All native worked by engineers.

In addition to the usual school, in which the future singer walked without joy, he visited the musical educational institution in the class of piano. He made up the company's senior brother Kostya, who simultaneously mastered the skill of the game and on the violin.

In addition to music, Meladze loved sports - at an early age, he joined football, was fond of swimming. After graduation, I tried to get a plant, but soon realized that his vocation was not in this. Without reaching the Institute at home, he decided to go in the footsteps of her older brother and went to Ukraine, where, after Konstantin Meladze, he entered the Nikolaev shipbuilding institute.

Nikolaev is a city that played in the fate of Valery a special role. Here he met a woman, subsequently became his wife. In addition, the guy became interested in the occupation, which was a profession that brought fame and material independence.

Personal life

Personal life Valery Meladze has been connected with Irina's wife for a long time, which gave birth to a musician for three daughters. Acquaintance took place in early youth, at the 3rd course of the Institute. The wedding was played, while still students. The holiday was celebrated in Georgia in a circle of 250 guests.

A few months later, Irina gave birth to the firstborn. At that time, Valery was in departure - he was not present in childbirth. The child from the first days began health problems. The boy lived only 10 days. Irina did not have enough strength to bury the son. This was done by Valery. The wound from the loss of the firstborn remained from spouses for life.

Nevertheless, soon in the family Meladze called children's laughter: in 1991, the daughter of Inga was born. Two other hearings, Sophia and Arina appeared later.

In the early 2000s, the happy union was cracking, and in 2009, Irina and Valery decided to divorce.

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The reason for the divorce of Banalna - Meladze had a novel with an ex-soloist of the VIA GR group Albina Janabaeva. For a long 8 years, the spouses were not solved to put the last point in relations - the senses of their daughters were shouted. Despite this, Valery spent most of the time with the second family. Immediately after the timing process with Irina in 2014, Valery was combined with a marriage with Albina.

In 2004, Janabaeva presented the singer of Son Konstantin. Close people from the environment of the star couple argue that the relationship of Valery and Albina is far from ideal, periodically appear rumors that the couple broke up. What exactly means under the "nonideality", it is unclear. In 2014, Albina gave birth to a musician already fifth his child - Son Luka. And in March 2021, it became known that Janabaeva was pregnant for the third time. In early April, their daughter was born in the elite Moscow clinic.

Albina and Valery are considered one of the most closed couples of the Russian show business. They rarely appear at events together. Perhaps this is due to the fact that not everyone approved him to betray him with the wife of Irina Meladze and the birth of an extramarital son.

One way or another, in 2011 there was an unpleasant incident associated with photographing. The photocurrent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" tried to capture the artist and Janabaev at the exit of the restaurant, to which Meladze responded aggressively. The man chased after the photographer, while she fell, and wanted to take away the camera. A criminal case was brought to Valeria, which was subsequently discontinued by the global judge.

The artists do not like to specially spread about their family, but sometimes in the interview, they still open the mystery veil. So, Meladze told about Luke. According to the musician, the boy has a strong character, since the baby confidently overcomes difficulties and problems. According to the Contractor, if the Son falls, it never cries.

According to celebrities, until none of the sons shows the ability to work. Perhaps onion is just too small, but the eldest Kostya is clearly inclined to the exact sciences. Valery suggests that in the future it will become an inventor or engineer.

The artist admitted that sometimes there is a strict father. At certain moments, Meladze talks to children on equal terms, informs the information that is important and useful. At the same time, the singer admitted that she tries to be kind and attentive.

Star leads a healthy lifestyle. In March 2018, the singer decided to please the fans by sharing a series of photos and videos in "Instagram" on which he was captured during sports at the gym. By the way, the musician is in good shape - with an increase in 183 cm its weight is about 90 kg.

Since 2018, collaborated photos with Albina have become increasingly in the network. It seems that the spouses decided to interrupt their "closer".

At the end of July 2018, they went on the red carpet of the Music Festival "Heat", in which the creative evening of Valery Meladze took place. By the way, last year, the spouses were also attended by "heat" and were unanimously recognized as the most beautiful pair. Yes, and in 2018 they did not lower the bar.

The musician even published a photo from the festival in his "Instagram". For fans of the pair, this is a real event: family photos in the singer's account is extremely small.

Do not forget that the artist has three more adult daughters. In the fall of 2017, Meladze issued an older daughter ingu married. His son-in-law was the financier from London Nori Vergerism. The young man was born in the UK, but he has Moroccan roots, so the wedding celebration passed in Marrakesh.

Their wedding was widely discussed in the media. It is known that the ceremony was held in four languages ​​- Russian, English, Arabic and French. There were over 100 people at the festival. According to the Russian tradition of Ingu and Nori, the parents met the parents, and the Father led a happy bride to the altar.

In August 2018, the network has information that the musician applied for Georgian citizenship. The artist stressed that this does not mean the refusal of the passport of Russia. He recalled that he was born and grew up in Georgia, but then there were no boundaries between the two countries.

On August 15, in Georgia, amendments were amended to the law, for which the natives of this country have the opportunity to restore citizenship, lost after receiving the passport of another country. Valery decided to take advantage of this right, according to the result he will have double citizenship. Also, the artist is confident that by anyone of moral damage to its decision does not cause.

In the fall of 2019, Valery Shotaevich gave more interviews on the air of Yutyub-show "Masha will ask," which Mary Melnikov became the lead, the wife of Rapper Moth.

During the conversation, Meladze opened many secrets of personal life, told about relations with Albina Janabaeva and the former wife Irina. Touched in his conversation a singer and a scandalous situation that occurred in the 6th season of the music television show "Voice. Children ", when in the final was announced about the victory of daughter Alsu Michella Abramova.

Start of creative career

Valery and Konstantin Meladze began a musical career in the artistic amateur institute. So they fell into the ensemble "April". After a few months, a group without brothers Meladze was difficult to imagine, and the team's popularity soon went beyond the scope and university, and cities.

In 1989, talented brothers were invited to the Dialogue group. The team leader Kim Breitburg noted that Valeria's voice looks like John Anderson's voice from Yes. Together with the "dialogue" two albums were released.

And in 1993, a solo debut Meladze took place at the Roxolant Festival in Kiev. The first hit Valery became the song "Do not disturb my soul, violin." His brother Konstantin became the composer and the author of the words of Roman. After the premiere of the clip on this composition in the cult transmission "Morning Mail", the singer woke up famous.

In 1995, the first album Meladze "Sir" comes out, which has become at once one of the best-selling in the country. And most of the songs, including such as "Limbo", "In the midst of summer", "Night on the eve of Christmas", the public called hits. There was no such thing in the popular music of Russia. In the future, the song "Samba White Motilla" and "beautifully" only fastened the success of the performer.

By the end of the 1990s, Valery received the fame of a popular artist in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Meladze became a singer who collected the Full Olympic Hall for several days in a row.

Solo Career and "VIA Gra"

In the early 2000s, Creative career Valery Meladze was associated with the creation of the team of VIA Gra, who, barely appeared on the air, immediately conquered the hearts of millions of listeners and won constant fans. Then the singer, together with the soloists of the group, recorded 2 songs - "Ocean and three rivers" and "there is no more random". These compositions instantly broke through the first positions of the charts.

In 2002, in the framework of the support of the album "Present", Meladze's performance was held in the Concert Hall of the Kremlin Palace. The Contractor also participated in the New Year's television projects of the director of Janik Fayziev "Old Songs about the main thing."

The singer's discography and other full-fledged albums, whose fate does not differ from the results of the first disk called "Sir". All plates diverged huge circulations. Among the first works of the artist there are "the last romance", "everything was so". The latter included such hits as the "dream", "show business", "Dunno on the moon".

Regularly Valery also appears on television, and not only at concerts, but also in musical films ("Sorochinskaya Fair", "Cinderella"), most often dedicated to the new year, which speaks of the disadvantageous popularity of Meladze among music fans.

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In the creative biography of the celebrity, 2003 became a sign. 4 plates were reprinted. In December, a new Disk of the artist called "Nega" appeared.

In 2008, the Meladze brothers pleased with their Ukrainian fans. In the capital of Ukraine, the creative evening of Konstantin Meladze took place. The songs of the composer performed Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Christina Orbakayte, Ani Lorak, as well as graduates of the "Star Factory - 7". Valery Meladze also made a leading evening.

In addition, at the same time the singer released another album called "Contrary to", the main song of which was the composition "Salute, Vera".

In 2010, it was especially remembered to fans Clip Valeria on the song "Wrap". The singer fulfilled this composition together with Gregory Leps. In the same year het "Heaven". The video on these tracks later appeared on the official website of the musician.

Already in October 2011, the singer performed at the Moscow Concert Hall Crocus City Hall. A solo concert took place on the new platform, called the "Heaven". Later a duet with Valery Meladze sang musician Vakhtang, the song was called "the light of the outgoing sun". In the clip on this hit, Elizabeth Boyars took off.

In 2015, another visible video called "Love and Milky Way" appeared. In the shooting of the video, Sergey Bezrukov and Marina Aleksandrov, prominent representatives of the Russian cinema took part. The song has become a soundtrack for the film "Milky Way". Meladze and previously participated in the creation of art paintings. Songs in his performance sound in such ribbons as "inhabited island", "female happiness", "First House", "Admiral" and others.

In the same 2015 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Valery Meladze, Velvet Music Production Center presented an album with his songs, with his songs by other Russian pop stars.

At the same time, the anniversary evening of Valery and Konstantin Meladze "Polta" took place. Sneaking together with the brothers came prominent representatives of the Russian show business Dima Bilan, Vera Brezhnev, Valery and Grigory Leps. In turn, Valery and Konstantin Meladze jointly performed the song "My brother".

The event was devoted to several significant dates in the artist's career - his 50th anniversary, the 20th anniversary of the release of the album "Sir" and the 30th anniversary of the beginning of creative activity. Subsequent concerts during the tours of the artist were held with full halls.

The following year, the Velvet Music canal on YouTube came out the video version of this concert.

To collect all the music of Valery and Constantine in one performance is simply impossible. Talented brothers and do not set such a task.

According to the artists, the joint exit is not summarizing and does not border activity, but "the way to show the verge of creativity on one stage to give the audience music in concentrated form."

The Meladze brothers always tried to present those compositions that respond in the hearts of fans with close and native motifs awakening feelings.

At the same time, critics argue that the performer often acts as a phonogram. In September 2016, video from the closure of the New Wave festival in Sochi. Users who watched the video said that Valery did not get into the phonogram, because he was late with the execution of his part of the song. Meladze was supposed to be caught by the third after Igor Cool and Nikolai Baskov.

The incidents noted the initiators of the premium for dubious achievements in the art of "Silver Kalosh". Later, the event organizers stated that such a thing happened exclusively for technical reasons, and the video was not planned to be placed on the ether.

Various misunderstandings happen in the work of the artist infrequently, and this is not a reason to lower his hands. As before, Valery creates, writes new hits and clips. In 2016-2018, the songs of "saying goodbye" appeared in his repertoire, "Freedom or Sweet Capture", "Mom, do not burn!". The last composition Artist recorded together with the musicians of the MBand group.

At the end of 2019, Valery and Albin recorded the Hit "Megapolis". This is the first joint duet of the pair, so the output of the song has become a real event in the creative life of artists. The musical composition of the spouses was presented on the broadcast "Evening Urgant". The song entered the new EP performer together with two more hits - "How old" (feat. ILO) and "What do you want from me?".

Valery Meladze - a multiple owner of the Golden Gramophone Music Awards, the Song of the Year, "Ovation" and "Muz-TV". In 2006, he was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation", and in 2008 - "People's Artist of the Chechen Republic".

Projects and Show

Since 2005, Valery Meladze has been a constant member of the Jury Music Competition "New Wave", and in 2007, together with his brother, became the musical producer of the project "Star Factory".

Since 2012, for two years, Valery led the show "Battle of Choras". His co-hosts in the 1st season were Catherine Varnava and Natalia Stefenenko, and in the second - Natalia Stefenenko and Rapper Potap.

In February 2017, Valery Meladze became a mentor in the project "Voice. Children". His colleagues were Nyusha and Dima Bilan. In the 4th season of the show, Singer helped to highlight the "best of the best", choose decent finalists who are able to win in a large-scale musical show.

In 2018, he again took part in the TV shows "Voice. Children ", this time in the chairs of the mentors, with him were Basta and Pelagia.

In the fall of 2018, the unusual season "Voice" - 60+ started on the first channel. This time, talented performers took part in the project, whose age is over 60 years. 4 people were included in the judiciary: Valery Meladze, Leonid Agutin, Pelagia and Lev Leshchenko.

In 2019, Meladze again sat in the chair of the mentor, this time in the 6th season "Voice. Children, "where Pelagia and Svetlana Loboda performed his colleagues.

In 2020, Valery Shotaevich continued cooperation with the Children's Music Project of the First Channel. Together with the rapper of the Bass and Polina Gagarina, he became a mentor of the new season. On the day of the competence of the competition, the musicians performed their version of the SMOKie Oh Carol song.

Valery Meladze now

On the eve of his 55th anniversary, Meladze presented a new hit "I see the sun." The premiere of the tradition of tradition took place on the air "Evening Urgant" in June 2020.

And at the end of 2020, the singer presented a clip on the song "Time left." Fans with delight spoke about this work, and the number of views on "Yutiuba" spoke about success.


  • 1995 - "Sir"
  • 1996 - "Last Romantic"
  • 1998 - "SAMBA White Motilla"
  • 1999 - "Everything was so"
  • 2002 - "Present"
  • 2003 - "Nega"
  • 2008 - "Contrary to"
  • 2015 - "White Birds"

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