Philip Kirkorov - biography, personal life, photo, news, age, giving, clips, maruv, "instagram", "Eurovision" 2021



Philip Kirkorov is a bright representative of the Russian show business, the creative potential of which is unreasonable. The king of pop estrad is not one decade conquering the audience with musical hits, known in Russia, the countries of the post-Soviet space, America and Europe. The Bulgarian-Russian artist is popular as a music performer, a talented composer, producer and charismatic actor, who does not cease to surprise the public.

Childhood and youth

Philip Kirkorov was born in April 1967 in the Bulgarian city of Varna. It is not surprising that the boy from an early age joined music and acting, because he grew up in the family of artists. Father, Armenian by national Pobros Krikorian, - famous in Bulgaria singer, who worked with Leonid Rockov, Yuri Silantyev, Eddie Rinner. According to Pobros Filippovich, the surname had to change to Kirkorov to enroll in Bulgarian school. Mother Victoria Markovna Likhacheva rose in the family of circus artist and engineer.

Early years, the boy spent on the tour speeches of the parents. In 1974, the singer's family moved to Moscow, where he went to the 1st grade and attended the lessons of playing on the piano and guitar, since he had already dreamed of becoming a famous artist. Filipp school graduated from the Golden Medal and went to Gitis, but the attempt was the failure - the admission office of the Department of the MUSCOMDIA did not appreciate the vocal data of the applicant.

Higher education The future singer received in the State Music School named after Gnesinic, where he entered in 1984. After 4 years, he graduated from an educational institution, having received a red diploma. Being still a first-year student, in 1985, Philippe spoke in the TV show "Shirious Circle", where he fulfilled the song "Alyosha" in Bulgarian. So the creative biography of the artist and producer in Russia began.

Carier start

At the 20th age, the musician replenished the troupe of the Leningrad Music Hall, who was led by Ilya Rakhlin. The artist immediately left the creative team on tour to Berlin, where he spoke at the Fritrichstadtpalace Theater show. Returning from the passage tour, Philip Kirkorov realized that this work was not for him, and left Musik Hall.

In his youth, a number of iconic meetings took place for the artist, who identified his creative future. After leaving the first team, the singer got acquainted with the poet-songwriter Ilya Reznik and with his help made the first steps on the Russian stage. In 1988, Philip Kirkorov met in 1988, Philip Kirkorov met with Alla Pugacheva, inviting singer to participate in the "Christmas meetings".

By that time, the novice artist managed to speak in Yalta on the first competition in his career and remove the video for the song "Carmen". In the same period, there was another important acquaintance with the poet Leonid Derbenhev, who later wrote a song for a singer, who became megachitis.

King pop

The Solo Career Philip Kirkorov began in St. Petersburg in the 90s. Hit "Heaven and Earth" helped win the Grand Prix in the framework of the festival "Hangha-90". Then each song in his performance became superpopular. In 1991, the album "You, You, You" split a record edition, and the video clip to the Atlantis composition was named the best clip of the 1992th.

In 1993, the hits become songs "You say, tell me, Cherry" and "Marina". In addition, he begins to tour with concerts outside of Russia: in Germany, Australia, Canada and Israel. There he gains the first international Golden Orpheus, and the honorary title of "best singer of the year" receives at home.

Philip Kirkorov almost every year released songs and albums. In 1996, "Shot" the song "My Boy!", In the clip on which the Primadonna himself was shot. The height of the popularity of the artist fell to the final of the 1990s. Then he received the second prestigious World Music Awards Award (first awarded in 1996 for the record circulation of sounds among Russian performers, which was 2 million copies).

The artist repertoire was replenished with studio projects. The sign of the beginning of the 2000s was the "Stranger" disc, which included tracks that became real hits. These are the songs of the "Rose Tea", "Dream", in the execution of which Masha Rasputin participated. At the same time, the release of the experimental disk "Chelophilia" took place, the music to which Sergey Chamobanov wrote. Hit album "Fire and Water" Artist performed on the song of the Year.

In 2011, Kirkorov presented to the courts of listeners a triple album "Other", which entered both new songs and famous hits "Snow", "Sweet" and others. The plate was nominated as the best album of the year, and also awarded the "MUZ-TV" premium.

Modern creativity and shocking

A bright event in the work of the artist was the world-class grandiose show called "I". The project gathered a record alloclag in the Kremlin. The artist conquered Russians with a musical performance, which involved tons of equipment, a unique scene transformer, elevators, hundreds of suits, new generation LED screens, dazzling 3D graphics. Each song in the show had its own unique drawing, and the artist fans heard favorite hits and new songs that conquered a numerous public.

The composition "Bright I" from the 18th album of the solo discography of the singer, which Philip Kirkorov performed a duet with a "discos of an accident", became the hit of 2016. The video clip was shot in the style of the most popular Pokemon Go game with the elements of the quest, where the main characters, the participants of the "Disco Accident" group, disguised in Pokemon, walk through the streets of Sochi and are trying to find a rare "Philippon".

On April 30, 2017, the jubilee gala concert of the king of the resistant on the stage of the concert hall of the Kremlin Palace was held. The grand show Singer prepared together with the director of Franco Dragon, the idea was born in Los Angeles 10 years ago with Serving Celine Dion.

Reducting the threshold of the 50th anniversary, Philip Pobrosovich decided to change the approach to the creative process, contacting the shocking repertoire. In the spring, the artist released a clip on the song "The Color of the Mood of Blue", in which Olga Buzova, Timati, Yana Rudkovskaya and others were shot. Producer Video became Ivan Urgant. Track Artist fulfilled at the "Song of the Year" concert, which gathered in the "Olympic" fans of pop music.

At the end of summer, in a duet with Nikolai Baskov, Philip Kirkorov released another hit "Ibiza", which literally blew up the Internet. The provocative clip appeared in the first days of September, with the abnormative vocabulary present in it and the violence caused contradictory reviews in society. Even calls to deprive performers of the titles of folk artists, as well as expel from the country. Nevertheless, over a week, the number of views was reached 7 million, and the song itself was presented in the program from Andrei Malakhov.

On September 14, 2018, the premiere of the roller on the song "Mood Black", which the king of popular music was performed with the artist of the Black Star label Raper Egor Crem. All premieres of Philip Kirkorov announces in a personal account in "Instagram".

The next year was not less saturated. Together with DJ, Catherine Guseva Artist presented to the court of the song "Atlantis Remix". The famous hit in the new arrangement came out on the next round of popularity. Filipp Pobrosovich remains a constant welcome guest at the New Wave Festival since 2002. In 2019, he presented to fans a show program, which entered the songs "My Joy", "Thousand Years", Life (with Zivert) and others.

In August 2020, the Release of Single "Rolleks", which Philip fulfilled in a duet with a Dava musician (David Manukyan). The song hit the same album of Rapper. About creating video artists told on the air "Evening Urgant".

Later, the artist took part in the public action, with a loved ones not given in the video, in support of the regime of the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.

Philip Kirkorov surprised fans with an unexpected collaboration with ex-leading "House-2" by Olga Buzova. While working on the New Year's show, artists tried to sing Duet Hit Alla Borisovna "Strong Woman". Amateur photography hit the Internet with the signature of the "Collaboration of the Century", and the performer itself marked in the comments that their real duet with the pop king "for sure to be".

The concert activity of the people's artist of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova begins to improve after a forced stop. In March 2021, a star was held in the State Kremlin Palace.

True, the concerts in Lithuania artist seems to have to be forgotten for 5 years: it is for such a period of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic who wants to ban Kirkorov's entry into the country. The appropriate request was already sent to the Lithuanian Ministry of Internal Affairs. The reason was the performance of Philip Pedrosovich in the Crimea. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, thus the singer "denied the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine."


In 1995, Philip Kirkorov participated in Eurovision as a representative of Russia, but took only the 17th in the international competition. Such a faithful result did not prevent the singer to continue a brilliant musical career: in Russia, Kirkorov remained at the peak of popularity and rapidly won fame, releasing new hits and clips.

Over time, the musician has expanded creative activities and became a composer and producer for young Russian performers, as well as the main expert for Eurovision participants. His wards Angelica Agurbash, Dmitry Koldun and Ani Lorak with the help of Matrae adequately presented the country in different years at the international competition.

Philip Kirkorov became the main assistant and producer of the Russian singer Sergey Lazarev, who participated in Eurovision 2016 with the song You Are the Only One. But the results of the competition were scandalous: in the audience voting, Lazarev became an unconditional winner, but in the final table ranked 3rd, as the jury gave the victory to the Ukrainian performer Jamale.

In the spring of 2018, Kirkorov's wards - Dorados Moldavian group with the song My Lucky Day, composed by Philipp - entered Eurovision 2018 in the 10 best performers.

The next production project of Philip Kirkorov - Singer from Moldova Natalia Gordienko, which represented his country to Eurovision-2021. The artist spoke with Sugar's song. The king of the pop scene visited with her the opening of the competition in Rotterdam.

Movies, musicals and TV

In 1999, Philip Kirkorov participated in the charitable program Michael Jackson and Friends - What More Can I Give, where Michael Jackson invited him.

The acting debut took place in 2000: Philip Kirkorov played Pop Star Evgenia Slavin in the Master Serial Melodrame "Beauty Salon". The next work in the movie was the role in the painting "Love in the Big City", in which the Matcher of the Russian stage appeared in the image of St. Valentine. The soundtrack to this tape "just giving" performed by the singer kept the championship in the country's charts over six months. In 2009 and 2013, the artist appeared in the 2nd and 3rd parts of the film.

Kirkorov repeatedly participated in the shooting of New Year's musicals. Filipp Bedrosovich played Kameo in the projects "Women's Happiness", "My beautiful nanny". In addition to filming the cinema led the author's morning entertainment program "Morning with Kirkorov", which was published from 2003 to 2005.

Pop king conquered theatrical layouts. In 2000, he participated in the Metro musical, which pushed him to put the Broadway Musical "Chicago". In it, the Russian spoke by producer and played the main male role. In Russia, the musical performance was called the Premiere of the Year. They appreciated "Chicago" and American producers: pop artist called the role of Billy Flynna's role to the best performer, and the portrait of a star in the image of the main character was placed in the Musical Gallery on Broadway.

In the anniversary 2017, the artist participated in the shooting of the comedy Alexander Revva "Grandma of Light Behavior", where he performed Kameo. Also Kirkorov got into the cast of the fantastic drama "Day to", in which we were talking about the last day in the history of mankind in front of a global catastrophe. The date of the premiere of the film was not yet announced, but it is known that Elena Lyodynova, Alexander Petrov and Yuri Stoyanov, were known that partners of the artist of the artist on the set.

Participation in the Musical Chess, presented in the MDM Theater, Kirkorov completed 2020. Many friends of the singer were invited to show, and the artist himself came out in the second act with world superhite "One Night in Bangkok" (One Night In Bangkok).

The artist repeatedly became a member of the jury of a music show. And if in 2020 this project was the "mask" rating program, previously the Kirkorov appeared in the "Minute of Glory", "one in one!" And "exactly in-point."


In 2004, there was a scandal with a journalist Irina Aroyan, who asked the question of the large number of remakes in the singer's repertoire. Philipp Pobrosovich showed himself as a real woman's laminator, and Chance Alexander Novikov even suggested that the artist is gay.

In April 2017, the Russian pop star was in the top of the news. Philip Kirkorov became the guest of the project "Secret by Million". With the filing of TV presenter Cudryavtseva, he revealed the secret that was kept for 10 years.

In 2004, the artist performed in Atlantic City on the Trump Taj Mahal casino scene, which is owned by Donald Trump. At the concert, going down the scene in the auditorium, Kirkorov pushed the guard. 70-year-old Thomas Rogers fell and lost consciousness. 5 years after several transferred operations and constant headache Rogers died. Tomas's relatives sued the Star, accusing Kirkorov in the death of a man.

The investigation in the United States lasted 6 years. Philip once every six months went to court sessions and was preparing for the worst - to life imprisonment. The court announced a partial guilt of the singer, recognizing that the guard broke the instruction and was injured, including because of his own actions. Kirkorov justified.

In an unpleasant history, the artist and after participating in the entertainment program "Maximmaxim" on the first channel, where he presented as a gift to the leading show Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva a couple of woolen socks. According to the singer, their aunt related, using Bulgarian patterns. But the audience was disagree with the statement of the artist. According to the Tajik part of the public, such an ornament is used when creating Pamir Jurabov.

The details of another story associated with the privacy of the singer were addressed to the public in December 2020. His housekeeper Lyudmila Dorodnov became the heroine of the Star Program, "where he said that the artist dismissed her after 30 years of service.

Personal life

Philip Kirkorov's personal life is not less saturated than a career. About the novels of the star go legends. High handsome (Philip growth - 198 cm, weight - 95 kg) always heard a loved one of the beautiful floor. At one time of the beloved King of Astrada called Anastasia Stotskaya.

In memory of Kirkorov's fans, his relationship with the Primudonny Russian pop. With his only official wife, Alla Pugacheva, the artist met in 1988 and over the next 5 years she sought the love of singer. As a result, the actress answered agree.

Marriage Kirkorov and Pugacheva was registered on March 15, 1994 in St. Petersburg, the mayor of the Northern Capital of Russia Anatoly Sobchak. After 2 months, a couple of wedding rites were held in Jerusalem. The news of the wedding shocked the fans: the difference between the spouses was essential - 18 years.

The family life of the Star Couple was accompanied by all sorts of rumors and gossip: the press discussed the details of the marriage, unsuccessful attempts to have a child, said that this Union was the next "project" of Primateonna. In 2005, it became known about the divorce of Kirkorov and Pugacheva - the marriage lasted 11 years.

After 6 years after the divorce, Philip Kirkorov understood that he would no longer be able to marry. The singer stated that the second Queen of the level of Alla Borisovna did not exist, and he disagrees to the smaller. Such a conclusion led him to reflections on the main male mission - the continuation of the kind, the birth of children.

In 2011, the pop estrad king resorted to the services of a surrogate mother who gave birth to Kirkorov daughter. The girl received the name of Alla Victoria in honor of Alla Pugacheva and Mom singer.

A year later, Philip appeared the son of Martin-Christine, whom the singer called Martin in honor of his idol. Details about the mother of the child and the relationship with her, the pop king did not reveal.

Philip Kirkorov commented on rumors that Martin and Son Anastasia Stotski Sasha - brothers. The singer stated that the similarity of boys, which is noticeable of the photo presented on the Internet is an accident.

The artist visited the TV show "Tonight", the release of which was devoted to his 50th anniversary. On the program TV presenter Tina Kandelaki admitted that the romance broke out between her and Philippe was not crowned with marriage. Romantic relationships began after the divorce of Kirkorov with Pugacheva.

Soon the companion of the king of the pop scene in secular events and on the tour was Katya Gusev. DJ not only appeared together with Philip Pobrosovich on the "New Wave" in Sochi, but also starred in Kameo in Kirkorov and Basque "Ibiza." Later, she accompanied the singer on the US trip. According to DJ, acquaintance with the star was held back in 2016 at the Fashion New Year Awards by Fashion TV awards ceremony.

Philip Kirkorov was forced to change the concert schedule due to the Pandemic COVID-19. In May 2020, the artist gave an interview in the online format of the online project Alena Zhigalova "Relenchable, damn!". Later he admitted that he suffered a disease, but asymptomatic, on his feet. His relatives avoided infection. In the fall, the infection was diagnosed at the Father Father. Kirkorov-senior suffered a disease hard - he had problems with a heart. Now his state of health is stable.

Philip Kirkorov now

At his 54th birthday, the artist presented a clip to the Komilfo provocative track, which was recorded with the Ukrainian singer MARUV. According to the plot of video, Philip Pobrosovich appeared by a psychiatric clinic patient, and his companion is a cunning nurse.

Another infoovod of the king of the pop scene gave journalists by visiting the Muz-TV award ceremony in June 2021. Filipp Bedrosovich appeared at the event together with the designer in wedding costumes. Couple arrived on a white cabriolet surrounded by pumped sweat. Not all colleagues were appreciated by Kirkorov's outdoor outlet: the producer of Natella Krapivina left under the photo a couple in "Instagram", sharp comments, to which the singer accused her in homophobia.


  • 1990 - "Philipp"
  • 1990 - Sinbad Sea -
  • 1991 - "You, you, you"
  • 1991 - "Heaven and Earth"
  • 1992 - "Such Slyaka"
  • 1994 - "I'm not Rafael"
  • 1994 - "Primadonna"
  • 1995 - "Say the Sun:" Yes! "
  • 1998 - "With love for the only one."
  • 1998 - "Oh, Mom, Chic Dame!"
  • 2000 - "Chelophilia"
  • 2001 - Magico Amor
  • 2001 - "In Love and Madly Lone"
  • 2003 - "Stranger"
  • 2004 - Duets
  • 2007 - For You
  • 2011 - "Other"
  • 2016 - "I, part 1"
  • 2016 - "I, part 2"
  • 2020 - "Romanes, Part 1"
  • 2020 - "Romanes, Part 2"

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