George Clooney - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



George Clooney is an American actor and director, winner of the Oscar premiums and the Golden Globe. Also, the artist has established himself as a businessman and a public figure.

Actor George Clooney

In 2009, Time magazine introduced Clooney to the hundreds of influential people of the planet. And in 2018, the actor headed the list of the most wealthy celebrities according to Forbes.

Childhood and youth

George Clooney was born on May 6, 1961 in Lexingon, the American city located in the east of the country. George Zodiac sign - "Taurus". He became the second child in the star family. The parents of the boy were public people: Father Nickname Clooney is a famous American journalist, leading his own talk show on the cable canal, mother - the former queen of the US beauty. George Clooney is the descendant of Abraham Lincoln (it falls by the grandmother of the 16th US president).

The first debut of the future Hollywood star was the appearance in the Father Program. Cute, charming child instantly liked the audience. In the future, NIC Claña often held his show together with young tissue.

George Clooney in childhood and youth

The actor himself recalls his childhood years with notes of nostalgia, but there were negative moments. The family had to move frequently in search of the best job for the Father, sometimes they experienced strong need.

A black stripe for George Clooney turned into an education in high school. During this period, paralysis of Bella was struck - a genetic disease received from his father. As a result, the teenager was paralyzed the left part of the face. The real nightmare was the reaction of his classmates - Clooney became a victim of permanent bullying, received the nickname Frankenstein. Fortunately, the disease was able to defeat. Difficulties only harden the character of the boy, taking advantage of all negative in life with humor.

George Clooney in youth

At the end of School, George Clooney attended the North University of Kentucky for some time and university in Cincinnati, and not graduating from any of them. An attempt to realize himself as an athlete (the actor was fond of baseball) also did not bring results. As a result, after a year of unsuccessful job search, he decided to move to Los Angeles, where his acting career began.


In the early years of the creative biography of George Clooney was waiting for bitter disappointment. He failed the sample for breakdown, experienced material difficulties, was forced to work exhaustively to at least somehow keep himself. But George continued to believe in an inevitable success, and the latter did not make himself wait.

In 1994, he entered the acting of the cult series "Ambulance". From this point on, his career went up, they began to talk about him as a rising star. The multi-seater film was popular with the American public.

In 1996, Clooney made his debut in the full-length film "From Sunset to Dawn", which became his ticket to the world of big cinema. High, an impressive man began to regularly receive the roles of both millionaires and fraudsters.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the next film of the actor - the superhero fighter "Batman and Robin" directed by Joel Schumacher, who came to the screens in 1997. In this filmmix, George Clooney played the main role of Batman.

The film is famous among fans of this type of film and today: "Batman and Robin" is considered the worst superhero militant, also critics and magazines about movies and gic culture recognized this picture with the worst film of all times. "Batman and Robin" received 11 nominations for the antipremia "Golden Malina", including as the worst film of the year. The audience criticized the tape for a sluggish scenario, the bad actor's play and the toy film type.

After the failure of "Batman and Robin", the copyright holders had to cancel the shooting of the fifth part and restart the Batman Franchise, giving the story in the hands of the director Christopher Nolan.

Popular movies with the participation of George Clooney in different years became the "peacemaker", "Eleven Friends of Osuhen", "Children of Spies 3: The game is over", "Thirteen friends of Oushen", "Unmatched Mr Fox". The audience appreciated the skill of the actor in the American Thriller "American", where Clooney appeared in the image of a hired killer, who himself becomes the target of unknown attackers.

Another unusual work of the artist is a dramatic technotriller "Gravity", where he and Sandra Bullock reincarnated in astronauts, whose spacecraft suffered an accident due to collision with the garbage cloud.

George Clooney in the film

George Clooney is removed not only in the cash hollywood blockbusters. In 2008, the author's comedy of the Cohen brothers "After reading to burn" was published with his participation, in which the actor got an absurd image. Throughout the entire narrative, the hero will make a rocking chair his own wife. Francis McDomand, Brad Pitt, John Malkovich and Tilda Suinton also appeared in the filmmaker. The picture was contradictoryly perceived by film critics, but still received nominations for the Golden Globe and BAFTA Prize.

In 2002, Clooney first acted as a director, creating a "recognition of a dangerous person" film. Among his directorial projects, "unprepared", "Treasure Hunters", "Good Night and Good luck", "Martov Ida" are also listed. The premiere of the latter took place in 2011, bringing a nomination for Oscar for the best adapted scenario.

In 2012, George Clooney performed as a producer of the thriller "Operation" Argo ", won another statuette" Oscar "together with Ben Affleck and Grant Heslov in the nomination" Best Film ". In 2015, the main work of the Hollywood Star was the role in the film "Earth of the Future".

In 2016, the actor reappeared in the comedy of the Cohen Brothers, this time in the picture "Long live Caesar!". The film is based on real events and shows Hollywood's life in the 50s of the last century. Suddenly, the leading leadership disappears, and soon after this, the organization that calls himself the "future", sends a note on the studio with the requirement of redemption. Eddie Manniksu, Hollywood Fixer - a man who pulls out actors and other stars from scandals, you need to find the missing artist earlier than the paparazzi know about the abduction.

George Clooney in the picture

The main roles in the painting also played Josh Brolin, Channing Tatum, Tilda Suinton and Raif Fayns. Film crimits warmly took the picture, noting that the directors managed to transition from the drama to the comedy.

In 2016, the premiere of the psychological thriller "Financial Monster" took place at the Cannes Film Festival. George Clooney played the main role of TV presenter of the name of Lee Gates. In the live program, the Hero Clooney advised the television viewers on commerce issues, told Wall Street's inner kitchen, gave advice on the game on the stock exchange, recommended to make certain deposits or buy shares. The partner of George Clooney on the shooting was Julia Roberts, who played the role of the director of the TV show.

The plot of the thriller begins with the fact that the filmmaking of the Financial Monster lives on the hostage takes hostage a viewer who broke into the Council of Show in the share of Ibis Clear Capital. The role of a deceived investor was performed by Jack O'Connell.

The film received mixed reviews, critics called the picture overly sentimental and predictable. After that, George Clooney's film took a break in the filming, dedicated to the family and a new hobby time. Since mid-2016, new films with actor have ceased to emerge.

Personal life

The personal life of George Clooney is no less interesting and saturated than his filmography. Hollywood handsome (Clooney growth - 180 cm with weight - 89 kg) broke a lot of female hearts. Artist's companions were always the same bright as his films.

In 1987, the actor has twisted Roman from Kelly Preston. In memory of George's relationship, Mini Pig was left by Nick Max, who lived in the house of the star 18 years. Clooney Souls did not care in his pet and sometimes took a 126 kilogram borov to his bed.

The first wife of George Clooney became Talia Balls, with which he weakened the relationship in 1989. After 4 years, the couple broke up, not explaining the causes of the divorce. The actor was hard to transfer the gap and promised himself never to marry. As time will show, he will not fulfill his promise.

During the filming that took place in Paris in 1996, George Clooney tied acquaintance with the Faculty Faculty Student, who worked as a waitress, Celine Balitran, which was then 23 years old. Soon, lovers stated their relationship. This novel was short-lived, but bright.

Jord Clooney and Celine Balitran

In 2000, during work on advertising, Clooney met the model and TV presenter Snowdon. Communication lasted for 5 years. Also, the actor was attributed to the relationship with the journalist Mariella Frost Phap, the participant of the realistic show Sarah Larson, actresses Rene Zellweger, Julia Roberts, Stacy Capeler and the top model Cindy Crawford.

George Clooney and Rene Zellweger

In 2009, George Clooney met with the charming waitress Elizabetta Canalis, which today works as a model. The novel was a stormy, lovers even thought about children, but unexpectedly parted in 2011.

Lawyer Amal Alamuddin appeared in Clooney's life in 2013. Fans instantly became interested in the nationality of the actor's wife. Enthusiasts traced the eastern roots of women: Amal Rod from Beirut, belongs to a few Arabic Nationality of Druz.

This nationality has a specific religion, combining elements of Islam and Buddhism. But, according to the media, Amal leads a secular lifestyle, which confirm the photos in "Instagram" women. Alamuddine graduated from the New York University, stopping the choice on international law and human rights, subsequently began to work as a lawyer.

In September 2014, in Venice, a nursed never marry the actor led his beloved beloved. Wedding celebrations launched three days.

George Clooney Wedding and Amal Alamuddin

George Clooney has an unusual hobby - he is fond of the production of shoes, and makes it his own. In one interview, the artist said that in the interruptions between the filming, it often took a spike and masters of shoes in his hands.

George Clooney Now

June 6, 2017 George Clooney became a father for the first time. The wife of actor Amal gave her husband at once two heirs, a boy and a girl. Kids called Alexander and Emma.

At the end of June, journalists learned about a profitable transaction concluded. The actor sold his own brand of American premium Casamigos Tequila. British manufacturer of premium alcohol, Diageo proposed $ 1 billion for it.

The name of the alcoholic brand Clooney is translated as "Friends House". Initially, the manufacture of the drink was a friendly hobby that is not aimed at profits. George Clooney and two buddies of the actor - Rand Jerber, Male Cindy Crawford, and Developer Mike Mertman - organized this project to make tequila for their own consumption, when villages in the Mexican state called Lower California.

Friends did not plan to commercialize the brand and began to give bottles with a drink of friends, then they began to seek to buy more. The revs grew. Founders of the company received a license for the production and sale of alcohol. In an interview, partners stated that it was a forced measure, and not a thoughtful step towards alcohol business. The firm involved in Tequila distillation, refused to make new supplies without a license, since the company could no longer send thousands of bottles and call it the manufacture of "Probilities".

George Clooney and Gerber

Business began to develop, a friendly company demonstrated growth, in 2016 the Casamigos brand sold 120 thousand bottles. Buyers became mainly wealthy Americans. A year later, this figure increased by 50 thousand Unitedians.

Now Clooney is not in a hurry to replenish their new filmography, but his name does not go out in the first pages of tabloid. And all due to the fact that, in addition to the successful acting career, after the sale of George's own company is now called a talented businessman.

George Clooney with his wife and children

Originally, for the sale of his own brand, George Clooney with friends received $ 700 million immediately after the transaction is closed. Another 300 will be paid for ten years. Clooney, Jerber and Meldman remained at the Board of Directors of Casamigos, in addition, Diageo will continue to use the popularity of the actor in the Tequila advertising campaign. A successful deal influenced CLU rating in the list of richest celebrities according to Forbes. By increasing the condition of $ 239 million per year, George took the first position in this ranking.

The only cinematic project that George Clooney is now fascinated as a producer and director, became the series "Podkov-22". The premiere of the military comedy is scheduled for 2019.

George Clooney

In addition to the business and filming, the televisi televi decided to master another specialty - the Event Manager. Moreover, Halloween's holiday, who the actor prepares with each other Randa Jerber, he will only suit for the nearest environment and colleagues.

George plans to organize a closed party for the Stars of Hollywood, where he will invite Leonardo Daprio, Toby Maguyra, Sylvester Stallone, Courtney Love, Kim Kardashian, John Hamma. And then friends will go over to the Las Vegas Catch Club.


  • 1984 - "She wrote the murder"
  • 1994-2000 - "Ambulance"
  • 1996 - "From the sunset to dawn"
  • 1997 - "Batman and Robin"
  • 2001 - "Eleven friends of Oushen"
  • 2005 - Siriana
  • 2007 - "Michael Clayton"
  • 2007 - "Thirteen Friends of Oshen"
  • 2010 - "American"
  • 2011 - "Descendants"
  • 2013 - "Gravity"
  • 2014 - "Treasure Hunters"
  • 2016 - "Ava, Caesar!"
  • 2016 - "Financial Monster"

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