Megan Fox - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Children, "Transformers", Son, Fingers, Actress 2021



Megan Fox is an American actress and fashion model, the career path of which has undergone ups and downs. Resistant and confident, she did not step back before the tests, and overcoming them, received an indispensable experience and new professional opportunities.

Childhood and youth

Megan Deniz Fox was born on May 16, 1986 in Tennessee. By the sign of the zodiac - Taurus. Megan is American, and in her family there were immigrants from India, France and Ireland.

Father of the future celebrity worked as a supervisor, looked after conventionally liberated criminals. When the daughter turned 3 years old, the parents divorced. Mom soon got married again, and the family moved to Florida. From 5 years of age, Megan attended the drama, seriously fond of dancing.

Schi of the future actress was so strict with the stepdaughter, that this led to the infinite nervous breakdowns of the girl. Megan was not distinguished by a calm character. According to the school friends of celebrities, in childhood she was aggressive and unbalanced. By the way, she was friends mainly with boys, among girls was an outcast: they were envied, and at that age it meant that they hated.

Perhaps for these reasons, too, being a teenager, the actress worked "every disgrace." For example, when she was 14, she hijacked the car, the benefit of the case was jammed and the criminal continuation did not receive.

At 13, she was suggested to try himself as a model. Parents against this did not object, but they set the daughters one condition - to continue the exercise of acting skills. Megan was only for, because even then saw her future in the movies.

In 15 years, the girl together with his mother moved to the distant Los Angeles, where he began to go to castings on various studios. Young artist understood that her abilities, highly valued in the theater studio, on the background of Hollywood actors are weak. Nevertheless, she did not give up. As a result, in 2001, he starred in the film "Sunny Vacation". And although the picture turned out not too successful and did not even go to the rental, and on the disks was well sold, the beginning of the film megan was laid.


The first major role in the film "Star Scene" actress was in his youth. In this comedy, Megan played a rival of the main character (Lindsay Lohan).

In 2007, Megan Fox and Shaia Labuf played the main characters of the film "Transformers". This film made the American actress famous. Fox performed the role of a charming girl Mikaely Banes. The film became incredibly popular. General fees amounted to $ 709.7 million. The picture of the audience was called the best in the cinematic biography of the actress.

2009 became a landmark for Megan Fox. This year there was a horror film with elements of a black comedy "Body Jennifer". Together with Amanda, Seyfried Megan performed a major role. The new genre was seriously given in the artist, according to Fox, after filming, she experienced a real nervous breakdown, the appearance of the public began to frighten the appearance. She did not want to be photographed and go on a red carpet because of fear of being ridiculous.

Also in 2009, the continuation of "transformers" was published. The picture "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen", in which Megan was participating, once again liked the audience, but the film critics negatively responded about the plot.

In the 3rd part of the Transformers, the actress no longer played. According to the US presses, Fox said goodbye due to serious differences with the director of the picture. It turned out that the star fired the producer of the film Stephen Spielberg after an interview to one of the British magazines.

According to Megan, "Michael Bay is the real Hitler." According to Fox, he "mocked the actors", and it forced her to add in weight and achieve a dark sun.

The actress also said that she had left the project at his own desire, because he decided to consider other options. In turn, Michael Bay denied the words of the Hollywood celebrity, saying that he always looked through his fingers to the tricks of his ward, repeatedly defended the press from attacks.

Hollywood filmmakers continued actress similar roles in fantastic militants, but Fox did not agree to participate in such paintings.

In 2010, Megan starred in a dramatic thriller Mitch Gleizer "Passion Games". Together with her, Mickey Rourke and Bill Murray appeared in the picture. The actress got the role of an innocent angel. And although the film critics did not appreciate the work, she found her viewer.

In addition to working in Movie Megan appeared in Eminem and Rihanna clips called Love the Way You Lie. The video rated fans of the actress, stating that she needs to participate more in this kind of work.

Megan starred in two parts of the films, which were devoted to the Ninja Universe. She got the role of Journalist Eypril O'Neill. Film crimits not very highly appreciated work, but it did not affect the payback of the tapes.

The performer entered the acting series "New". She was invited to the project to replace Zoe Diafell, who left the series because of pregnancy for some time. Megan got the role of Reagan. Despite the extensive action filmography, Fox is no less talented on the framework of the comedy Sitkom, so after the end of the season she was offered to be held in continuation.

In May 2016, the media appeared information that Megan Fox refused to shoot in a sexual scene. American explained that such actions decided to protect his children's psyche, not wanting to be injured, because the sons themselves are not able to hold the line between reality and art.

A bright appearance, as popular in the movie business, eventually played a cruel joke with Megan. In an interview with the actress, it began to complain that she was offered the same type of strippers and representatives of escort services. Despite the low acting ambitions, such characters Fox did not suit.

Nevertheless, in 2019, Megan again appeared in a similar role in the picture of the director James Franco "Zerozille". Fox told that Soledad had played a Hollywood star, which suffers narcissism and to some extent manico-depressive psychosis. She did not raise his child, and simply abandoned. Its existence is a complete collapse of the person.

Change the role of the star was chance in the South Korean Military Historical Picture of the Battle of Changsari. The film was the real fact of landing of the landing in Changsari Province of Konsen-Pukto, which occurred on September 15, 1950 at the same time as an Incheon landing operation.

To participate in the militant "Lioness", where Megan got the main role, she had to travel. Shooting took place in hot Africa. Despite all efforts, the film did not receive high ratings.


Tighted and sports (growth - 163 cm, weight - 52 kg) - such associations arise from the viewers at the mention of the actress Megan Fox.

The star of "Transformers" on all questions about the parameters of the figure without too much flirts that such a result is primarily the merit of the genetic heritage, but not an indicator of his own effort, because by nature it is lazy, and exercise often become a true test, equal Like tough diets. Nevertheless, the star respects the beauty of his own body and do not mind to demonstrate to his public, daring to bold outfits and photos in a swimsuit in social networks.

Incompleteners noted that Megan has achieved such a bright and attractive appearance due to plastic operations. According to some social network users, the photo before and after the plastic is an obvious confirmation. If Megan Fox looks like a cute, attractive girl, then after them turned into a sex symbol and a sharpener of male hearts.

Transfiguration with the appearance of Megan began in the youth. In 2007, increased the chest, in 2009 resorted to rhinoplasty and lip increasing. Also, for some time she is the owner of the "sharp" cheekbones: the actress removed Kicky Bisha. True, it is worth recognizing that all surgical interventions were performed correctly and in compliance with the sense of measure.

In ordinary life, the actress often appears without makeup, preferring that the skin rest from cosmetics, which is regularly applied on the set and photo shoots.

Spectators have repeatedly noted that Megan Fox has external defects. In 2010, the actress took part in the company's advertising of Motorola. Oddly enough, even such an innocent undertaking with her participation without confusion did not cost. It turned out that at the movie star to the nail of the thumb on his right hand is very short, so on the shooting of the video I had to use the services of Dupler. It turned out that the actress suffers from the disease called Brachidactilia, which is characterized by the underdevelopment of the phalange and shortened fingers.

Very often, fans compare Megan with colleagues on the workshop of Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson.

Personal life

Personal life Megan is distinguished by stability. In 2010, Fox married Bryan Austin Green's actor, famous for the serial "Beverly Hills, 90210". They met since 2004. It was rumored that before that moment Fox met with the main sex symbol of American cinema by Jen Somerhalder, but did not receive confirmation.

In 2012, Megan gave birth to Brian's first son, whom the pair called Noa Shannon. And in 2013, the world found out that the family is waiting for the second boy - Bodhi Rans was born in February 2014.

During the family life, Fox and Greene was considered an ideal pair that did not take the scandals and intrigues on the side. Therefore, the fans were surprised when in August 2015 Megan filed for divorce. According to the actress, the reason for such a decision was "insurmountable disagreements" with her husband.

However, she soon recalled the application and announced a third child's pregnancy. In August 2016, Megan and Brian had a son who called Georni River. The fans were delighted by such news, because in the spring, a serious conflict was granted in a pair.

Addiction to drugs, probably, the most negative fact from the life of the Hollywood celebrity. The actress personally stated that he tried all types of narcotic substances, of which the marijuana "liked" most of all. By the way, she repeatedly expressed her legalization.

In "Instagram" actress often publishes photos with children. Once the star attracted public attention, allowing sons to appear before the public in the girls' dresses.

In 2020, it became known that Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green decided to divorce. At the same time, they emphasized that they were still friends. In the same year, the actress began to meet with the rapper Kolson Baker, known under the pseudonym Machine Gun Kelly, which was opened at the stations of stars in social networks and the appearance of common images in accounts.

And in the summer of 2021, Megan made Caming-Out: it turned out that the actress has been bisexual for many years.

Megan Fox now

Despite some failures in the professional sphere, several strong works helped Fox change the opinion of the public. Now her career again went uphill.

Megan played the on-screen spouse Josh Duhamel in the family comedy "Think like a dog." According to Gila Dzhanger, who spent the screenwriter, and director of the project, he wanted to create a good baby cinema, which will be interesting and to parents.

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Already approved by the acting thriller "Midnight on the cereal field" was replenished with two more artists. Megan Fox and Bruce Willis joined the assigned to the main role of Emily Hirschu. The picture became the debut directorial work of the famous Hollywood producer of Randall Emmett and is preparing for the exit.

In 2021, the premiere of the horror film "in the Western" was planned, where Megan's leading role was divided with Callhan Mulweem and Owen Maken.


  • 2001 - "Sunny Vacation"
  • 2003 - "Bad Guys - 2"
  • 2004 - "Star scene"
  • 2008 - "How to lose friends and make you hate everyone"
  • 2009 - "Transformers: False Revenge"
  • 2010 - "John Hex"
  • 2010 - "Passion games"
  • 2011 - "Children are not a hindrance"
  • 2012 - "Love in an adult"
  • 2012 - "Dictator"
  • 2014 - "Ninja Turtles"
  • 2016 - "Ninja Turtles - 2"
  • 2018 - "Secrets and myths with Megan Fox"
  • 2019 - "Zerozille"
  • 2019 - "Battle of Changsari"
  • 2020 - "Think like a dog"
  • 2020 - "Lioness"

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