Kristen Stewart - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Princess Diana, Robert Pattinson 2021



Kristen Stewart look first through the prism of superpopular romantic fantasy. But in the filmography of Americans - serious dramatic works, in which the performer was able to demonstrate acting skills, bright faces of the talent. Now in the creative biography of the artist - the main roles in the films of religious directors and rewards at the film festivals.

Childhood and youth

Kristen was born on April 9, 1990 (Aries on the sign of the zodiac) in the family of television drivers. Father John Stewart - Producer, Assistant Director and Director Show on Fox Channel. Mom Julia Mann worked as a supervisor script. The actress has a native brother Cameron and receptions Taylor and Dan, whom parents adopted after the birth of her daughter.

Since childhood, Stewart was distinguished by informal behavior and a pulling to the clutch inherited from the older generation. Mother calmly came to work in the priests and stretched T-shirt, and the father with a luxurious long hair and tattoos still continues to strike colleagues.

At the talent, Kristen not paid attention to school when she at a young age first appeared on the stage in the Christmas fairy tale. The debut on the screen took place in the comedy fantasy "Son of the Mermaid", which broadcast the Disney channel. Melodrama "Safety of things" and a duet with Patrish Clarkson are the starting place from which the actress was pushed into the youth towards professional Olympus. Stewart school had to erect externally.


In 2002, a triller "fear room" of the cult director David Fincher was released on the screens. Young actress received the role of Sarah Oltman, girls, sick diabetes in the picture. And Jodie Foster played the mother of heroine, women who managed to cope with serious difficulties. Also in the picture in the image of the criminal, a young jared summer appeared.

Career Stuart began to gain momentum when a teenage comedy "Forbidden Mission" came to the screens, in which the performer played a major role. In the thriller "The Devilish Mansion", American reincarnated in the daughter of Heroes Sharon Stone and Dennis Quaida.

In 2007, Kristen was approved for the role of Bella Swan in the Vampire Saga "Twilight". Participation in the film made a world-scale star from the actress. For the game in the 2nd part of Stewart awarded two prestigious MTV awards, including for the best kiss with Robert Pattinson.

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But not everyone was perceived by the romantic series with delight, as evidenced by "Golden Malina", obtained by the project in 2013. Such a controversial perception of Sagi plunged the performer into depression, even rumors about the drug addiction stewart even appeared in the press - fortunately, these speculations were not confirmed.

In parallel, the artist starred in the adventure picture of the Snow White and Hunter, where the ensemble with her was Charlize Theron, Chris Hemsworth and other Hollywood stars. Also, the American appeared in the Comedy "Park of Culture and Rest", together with Dakota Fanning demonstrated the vocal data in the Bayopic "Rasterweiss".

In the film "On the Road", nominated for the main prize of the festival in Cannes, Stewart played the most provocative role in his creative biography. The actress appeared on the screen naked, and the plot line tells about the intimate connection of the heroine with two men. In 2014, Kristen appeared in front of the audience in the image of a woman's daughter, losing memory, - in the drama "Still Alice". Parents' roles in the painting performed Julianna Moore and Alec Baldwin.

With Nicholas Holt, American played in a fantastic picture of "equal" about the society of the future, in which people refused emotions and feelings. She lit up in the comedy Woody Allen's "secular life", presented outside the competition at the Cannes Film Festival.

In 2017, Kristen debuted as director and presented a short film "Let's go swimming." Depressive project with st. Vincent claimed the Sundance Film Festival award. In the year later, the premiere of the biographical thriller "Revenge of Lizzy Borden", where Stewart and Chloe Seviny were trying on the images of lesbian killers.

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In the fall of 2019, after three shifts of the date of the premiere, the continuation of the famous comedy militant "Angel Charlie" came to the screens. In the expired film, Kristen starred in Naomi Scott and Patrick Stewart.

To visit the "in the skins" of another real man Kristen Stewart was in the director's project of the actor of Ben Foster. E EE Heroine - Wizard William Berrouza Joan Volmer. The film tells "about the love triangle, the opening of dark, and sometimes the funny sides of the soul." In the same year, the screens came out the painting "The dangerous role of Jean Siberian", in which the actress played a major role.

In addition, the performer herself decided to remove the "full meter" by choosing for this "water chronology", Memoirs of the former swimmer Lydia Yuknavich about a serious childhood and a failed Olympiad. In addition to the director, for the painting Kristen wrote a script.

Personal life

Personal life of Kristen Stewart is no less exciting than film director. It is known that 5 years she twisted the novel with Michael Angarano, with whom he met on the set of paintings "Speak." Then the feelings in relation to Robert Pattinson woke up in the girl. Young people broke up 4 years later, when Pattinson learned about the connection of Stewart with director Rupert Sanders.

In 2013, the media, promoting the actresses with the personal assistant Alicia Kargail, reported on its alternative orientation. Kristen herself without constraining confirmed that bisexual, but it did not prevent him from getting close to Taylor Lautner, the whole "twilight" colleague.

In parallel, rumors about another novel appeared, with Lindsay Gannonfsen, speaking under the pseudonym Lynn Gwynn, the leader of the PVRIS group and the open lesbian. Porrows with Alicia, the actress appeared in public with the French singer Stephanie Sokolinsky. However, in August 2016, it became known that Stewart and Kargaleil were confused, and Kristen even made an official proposal of the hand and the heart of his beloved.

The star "Twilight" stated that over the period of parting "I missed my wife very much." And in full swing prepares for the wedding. However, these plans have changed. The girl Stewart became Annie Clark, who ended the novel with Kari Melowin supermodel. After the actress lived in Los Angeles with another model Stella Maxwell.

True, this couple briefly parted when Kristen went to Sara Dinkin stylist. During this period, Stewart visited the gym more often and lost much. The weight of the already fragile celebrity dropped to 50 kg with a height of 165 cm, having caused the fears of fans, suspected from the star of the screen anorexia.

And in the summer of 2019, Paparazzi managed to capture the actress, kissing with a new lover, screenwriter Dylan Meyer. Roman Dame developed rapidly, the Pandemic period of COVID-19 in 2020, these creative nature survived together - a photo appeared in the press from their walks.

In social networks, the movie star is not present, but fans have created fan accounts in "Instagram" and "Facebook", which publish the photos and personnel from films. The actress is not shy of his body, appearing in the pictures in a swimsuit or nude.

Kristen Stewart now

In 2020, the performer continued to film. At the beginning of the year, an exciting fantastic blockbuster "Underwater", filmed by the director William Yabenk, came out with Kristen. The picture telling about the adventures of the crew of the Scientific underwater station "Kepleler-822" collected a bright cast. In addition to Stewart, Vensen Kassel, Jessica Henvik and others. The actress itself was able to create a colorful dramatic image of a price list on the screen, engineer-mechanic.

Other in the genre in the filmography of Americans was the Christmas comedy "The happiest season". The unusual of the film of such a "family" genre consisted in the topic of same-sex relations between the main heroines - Abby (performed by Kristen) and Harper (performed by Mackenzi Davis). The main intrigue of the picture is ignorance of conservative parents of one of the ladies regarding heart and bodily addictions.

At the beginning of 2021, Kristen began shooting the Spencer Bayopic, telling about several days from the life of Princess Diana. The events of the painting unfold on Christmas Eve, when the spouse of Prince Charles makes the decision to divorce him. Timothy Spolle, Sally Hawkins and Sean Harris entered the acting ensemble.

The role proposed by American actress has become an important and significant for Stuart. In an interview, the performer admitted that he wanted not to play Diana, but "unconditionally learn it." Many efforts Kristen had to attach to "catch" the voice of the princess, a unique emphasis.


  • 2003 - "Devilish Mansion"
  • 2005 - "Brutal People"
  • 2007 - "In the wild"
  • 2008 - "Twilight"
  • 2009 - "Twilight. Saga. New moon"
  • 2010 - "Twilight. Saga. Eclipse"
  • 2011-2012 - "Twilight. Saga. Dawn"
  • 2012 - "Snow White and Hunter"
  • 2014 - "Sils-Maria"
  • 2014 - "Still Alice"
  • 2016 - "Personal Buyer"
  • 2018 - "Revenge of Lizzy Borden"
  • 2019 - "Charlie Angels"
  • 2020 - "Underwater"
  • 2020 - "The happiest season"

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