Ashton Kutcher (Ashton Kutcher) - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Ashton Cutcher - Hollywood actor, TV presenter and producer. The general public became known after entering the screens of films "Butterfly Effect", "Once Upon a Time in Vegas", "Jobs. Empire temptation, "etc.

Childhood and youth

Ashton Kutcher was born in the family of the employee of the GENERAL MILLS factory Larry Kutcher and his wife - Irish by Diane Nationality. He has a twin brother named Michael and Tausch's sister. He appeared on the light on February 7, 1978. According to the sign of the zodiac Aquarius. The Kutchera family professed Catholicism and adhered to conservative views. When the future actor was 16 years old, parents were collapsed.

Actor Ashton Kutcher

The Ashton Brothers and Michael are absolutely not similar, the thing is that Michael was born with cerebral palsy. His speech and movement slowed down, the right side does not really listen to it, and the left ear is deeply in 80%. When the boys turned 13 years old, the doctors reported to the family that Michael's heart will endure no more than two weeks.

Later, the actor told that he was then on the verge of suicide and one day almost committed suicide. The teenager tried to jump from the balcony of the city hospital, but then his father was prevented. He wanted to do this in order to save his brother - to become a heart donor.

Ashton Kutcher in childhood and now

Ashton was oppressed by the brother's disease, years later, the actor admitted that in childhood I was afraid to go home, fearing to learn the news about the deterioration of Michael, so I tried to take myself with something, just to get rid of permanent thoughts about my brother.

As Michael says, it was Ashton who helped him not to lower his hands. Now he lives a full-fledged life, a man is married, works in an organization that helps the same as he himself, people with cerebral palsy. Often performs lectures on this topic. Cutchiers are still very close: Ashton continues to support his brother and considers him one of the closest friends.

Ashton Cutcher has a congenital defect - threw fingers on the legs

The actor also has a congenital defect, but he is minority. It has thickened fingers on the legs. This imperfection is called Syndactilia and is expressed in full or partial blows of the fingers in the period of embryonic development.

At School, Ashton Cutcher participated in performances, but did not differ in approximate character. In the graduation class I tried to deal with school, but was caught and sentenced to 3 years in prison conditionally. This event dismissedly influenced a teenager who lives a barbed life. As a result of the problems with the law, the Kutcher was condemned by the environment, lost the university scholarship and a girl.

Ashton Kutcher in youth

In 1996, Kutcher entered the Iowa University and began to work out at the Father's factory. But the young man failed to become a biochemist engineer. He was offered to try himself as a model at the competition "Fresh Persons Iowa". External data by Ashton allowed. Cutcher's growth - 189 cm, weight - 84 kg. Taking first place at the competition, the future actor left the university and went to conquer New York at the inspection of the "IMTA" talents.

Actor and Model Ashton Kutcher

At first, Ashton worked on the famous brands "Kelvin Klein", "Versace" and others. Snapshots of the Cutchcher were on glossy covers of fashion magazines. And although the career of the Ashton model could boldly be called successful, he had a dream - to star in the movie. And the young man did not retreat from her.


The cinematic biography of Ashton began in 1998. He made his debut in the series "Show 70s". In 1999, he starred in the comedy "American Pie for Girls" (his name "Soon"). As it turned out, he had a born comedy talent, and thanks to this (as well as to promote one of the creators of the series "Show 70s"), Kutcher began his own show on television.

Ashton Cutcher in the film

So it lasted until 2000, when Ashton received a major role in the movie "Where is my car, dude?". It was this work that became a breakthrough in the acting career. His cherished dream began to come true, but it was only the beginning, because the actor has remained the image of a completely unfulfilled comedian for a long time. Only the role in the film "Butterfly Effect" helped Kutchru convince critics in the fact that he can trust serious roles in movies.

In 2005, the film "More than love" came out on the screens of cinemas. The main roles went to Cutch and Amanda Pete. The picture was warmly welcomed by the audience.

Together with game roles, the actor began to receive and sentences to voice cartoon painting characters. In 2006, Ashton Kutcher presented his voice Ole Ello in the cartoon "Hunting season".

Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz in the film

In the film "Once in Vegas", which went to screens in 2008, Ashton Kutcher starred along with the beauty of Cameron Diaz. The actors played people who woke up together after a turbulent night in Vegas. Stranger until yesterday a man and a woman remembered that they won the big kush in the casino and got married. On the sober head, the heroes are trying to get rid of each other, taking all money to themselves.

In the same year, the actor played a major role in the Besnik's melodrama. The Hero of the Kutcher is a young cynic gigolo Nikki, who is not interested in anything other than money, until once he meets true love.

In 2010, the actor appeared in the comedy melodraman "Valentine's Day". The film shows a number of independent plot lines, the main characters of which are at the same time become secondary in other plots. The film takes place within one day - February 14.

Ashton Kutcher and Amanda Pete in the film

Also in 2010, Kutcher played the role of former Killer Spencer in the Killer Comedy. The actor's character found the girl of his dreams, threw a criminal business and cooled. A happy young family life ended when Spencer's head announced a reward. Now the hero needs to be calculated, which of the benevolent neighbors is a disguised killer.

Ashton Kutcher in the picture

And in 2011, along with Natalie Portman, he appeared in the picture "More than sex." It is noteworthy that in the same year the premiere of the film "Sex on Friendship" with an extremely similar scenario took place. But in the main women's role in it played his future wife - Mila Kunis.

Ashton Kutcher in the picture

In 2013, Ashton Kutcher played a major role in the Bayopic "Jobs. Empire of temptations. " The picture tracks how from the rebellious hippie Steve Jobs turned into a cult businessman. The film shows the life of the famous American entrepreneur Steve Jobs from 1974 to 2001, during the period of study in college and developing and presenting the first iPode.

These films gave Ashton millions of fans around the world. In addition to filming the cinema, the Kutcher also led the show "Store" on the MTV television channel, which was played (sometimes very tough and cruelly) of his friends - actors, models and other famous personalities.

In 2016, the artist played a major role in the comedy TV series "Rancho". As it follows from the name, the plot is spinning around the ranch in Colorado. The main character returns home and together with his brother begins to work in the family business.

Personal life

The first girl who Kutcher presented the press was Brittany Murphy, but these relationships were not long and serious.

In 2003, at one of the secular parties, Ashton met an actress Demi Moore, who was over him for 15 years. The star noticed a charming young man and invited him to ride on the yacht. Two years later, the pair legalized her relationship.

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore

The wedding was unusual - she passed in the Kabbalistic Center, 150 people were invited. Moore called on the celebration and her former husband - Bruce Willis.

In 2011, rumors appeared that the family life of the Cutcher gave the crack, and on November 17, the same year the couple decided to part. Demi Moore, who managed to change the surname to the Kutcher, filed documents for a divorce due to constant treasures. The Eshton Kutcher's children and Demi Moore did not have, but the actor believed well to all three daughters of Demi from Bruce Willis - Rumer, Scout and Tallulle.

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Cunis

In 2012, Ashton Kutcher began to meet with Mila Cunis, an actress of Ukrainian origin, with whom he was familiar from childhood. The actors met on the set "Show 70s", where Mila Cunis got almost illegally - one of the conditions for participation in the shooting was the age of 18. The talented girl at the time of filming was three years less.

In 2013, the network came to the network, which captures the acquaintance with the Kunis parents. There is no doubt that there is no doubt - it goes to the wedding.

Ashton Cutcher and Mila Cunis with her daughter

On October 1, 2014, the pair had a daughter who was given by Wayatt Isabel. It was after this important event in life a man began to think about the fact that he was time to put the point in the career of the actor and leave Hollywood. The star believes that the time has come to devote himself to the family and the fact that he is truly interesting - high technologies.

On July 4, 2015, lovers officially became her husband and wife. The wedding passed quietly, Ashton and Mila were invited to a closed ranch in California only close friends and relatives. Soon it became known that Little Whitet Isabel Kutcher will be brother.

Ashton Kutcher and pregnant Mila Kunis

Demi Moore was warmly reacted to the news about the replenishment in the family of the former husband and sent a gift to the future child - a silver rattage from Tiffany & Co. True, a gift quickly returned back - Mila Kunis was not glad to such a manifestation of the former husband's husband. Ashton Cutcher himself did not give a gift to a gift, but decided to abandon the rattles, so as not to worry about the pregnant Mil.

On November 30, 2016, Ashton and Mila had a son, which was called the Slavic name Dimitri. This was told by Ashton himself on the official website: "Dimitri Portvood Kutcher was born at 1:21 November 30, weighing 3.6 kg." For fans the choice of the Russian name was surprising. However, if Ashton learned Russian to communicate with his wife's relatives, there is nothing surprising in this.

Ashton Cutcher with wife and children

The Kutcher will gladly tell journalists about children. On the TV show "On Air With Ryan Seacrest", the actor said that the eldest daughter adores his brother and is not jealous of his parents.

Ashton Kutcher loves football, sick for the team of Iowa Hawkeyes, Chicago Bears and Chelsea.

In 2008, Ashton was offered to engage in football seriously and become an assistant to the coach of the Harvard-Westlake football team (Los Angeles), but the desire to be filmed turned out, and the actor chose shooting in the woman "Besnik".

Ashton Cutcher in the film

Ashton Cutcher is a co-owner of the Italian Dolche restaurant along with Danny Masterson and Wilmer Walderrama. Also, the actor belongs to the two Japanese-style restaurants in GEISHA House in Los Angeles and Atlanta.

In 2016, Ashton Kutcher, James Corden and Danny Masterson created a new Band Band "Papashi", which included attractive guys with children.

Ashton Kutcher

Ashton - the personality is socio-active. He leads Twitter and Instagram. On the Actor page, there are almost no professional photos from secular events, more often he lays out selfie and short video illustrations, and also likes to share photos of funny items with fans - carbon cans with names, inscriptions, signs with philosophical sayings.

As for high technology, indeed, the Kutcher has been investing for many years in various startups. So, in 2001, he, together with Gaha Osiri, Madonna's music manager and U2, has invested $ 500 thousand in Uber, and already in 2016 their share was worth 100 times more expensive.

Ashton Kutcher and Guy Osiri

And about the luck here, speech does not go, only analytics and accurate calculation. In the investment portfolio of the Kutcher and Osiri, such recognized hits like Skype, Shazam, Pinterest, Airbnb, Spotify, as well as promising ZENEFITS startups and FlexPort.

Ashton Kutcher now

Now the actor is removed at times less than before. But in 2017, his filmography was still replenished. A new film was released with Ashton Kutcher on the Roman William Gay "Long House". The actor played the role of the father of the main character and appeared in Flashbacks of the film, since at the time of the main action the character of the kutcher for ten years as dead. The plot tells about the Contractor Nathan, who is arranged to work for the bootlegre, not knowing that he killed his father 10 years ago.

Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman

In early 2017, the fans again remembered the film "More than Sex", in which Ashton Kutcher starred in 2011. Natalie Portman, who played the main female role, told in an interview that the actor received a fee three times higher than she herself. At the same time, Portman and Cutcher roles are equivalent on screen and importance for the plot, and both actors are equally popular and in demand. According to the actress, this is the usual practice of Hollywood.

Ashton Kutcher reacted positively to criticism. Colleagues not treated actor. On the contrary, he recognized the interview with Portman inspiring and called on other actresses to fight for equal fees.

Ashton Kutcher with wife

And in February 2018, the actor noted the anniversary - Kutchra turned 40 years old. Spouses do not like to advertise a personal life, but in August 2018 Mila Kunis gave an interview, where he told about their honeymoon. After the wedding, the newlyweds went on vacation in the car. Together with them daughter and Parents of Ashton went.

Today she recalls it with a laugh, but then thought that "came to hell." She called the van to the "tin can". Plus, on the road, the air conditioner broke, then they were lost, since the navigator did not lead them along the road. As a result, travelers drove into the terrain where there was no way before that.

Ashton Cutcher with children in 2018

The last test in their honeymoon was the amusement park in California, to which the family traveled according to obsolete paper guidebooks. As a result, two prisons were on the "desired" place.

At the end of August 2018, insiders reported that the crisis had come in the relationships of Ashton and Mila. This is due to the fact that the man asks the spouse to give birth to a third child, but Kunis is still against. The artists themselves did not comment on this information.


  • 2003 - "Newlyweds"
  • 2003 - "My Boss's Daughter"
  • 2003 - "Butterfly Effect"
  • 2005 - "More than love"
  • 2008 - "Once in Vegas"
  • 2008 - "Besnik"
  • 2010 - "Valentine's Day"
  • 2011 - "More than sex"
  • 2011 - "Old New Year"
  • 2013 - "Jobs: Empire Sedozance"
  • 2014 - "Annie"
  • 2016 - "Ranch"
  • 2017 - "Long House"

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