Gillian Anderson - biography, personal life, photos, news, TV series, David, Dark past, filmography 2021



Gillian Anderson is an American actress that has become the star of the 90s by performing a major role in the cult mystical project. Heroine Dana Scully became her business card for many years, but this did not prevent Gillian to be realized on the London theater scene. Today, the artist makes new steps in cinema, invariably demonstrating their skills and artistic taste.

Childhood and youth

Gillian Anderson was born on August 9, 1968 in the suburb of Chicago in a wealthy family. Her mother Rosemary Anderson held a computer analytics, and Father Edward Anderson was the owner of the company that was engaged in a film distribution.

All Children's Future Hollywood Star held in the world around the world, which was associated with the work and studies of the Father. At first, the girl with his parents moved to Puerto Rico, then to London, and after Grand Rapids (Michigan).

The years spent in England, Gillian always recalls with nostalgia, but at the age of 11 and her parents returned to the United States. Here, the future star began to attend school for gifted children, where he managed to stand out with their extraordinary behavior.

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The actress does not hide his dark past, justified by the rebellious age. In high school classes, the girl made a nose piercing, experimented with the color of the hair and fond of punk music. From the prom, she fell into a police station due to the school entrance door spoiled by it.

Classic theatrical art of the future celebrity became interested in school years and already at the age of 13 made the first successful steps on the acting field. Once at the theater mug and playing the role of Juliet, Gillian impressed his teacher, thanks to which he received an invitation to the Grand Rapids Civil Theater, which was followed by theater School of Goodman, where Anderson took place as a full-fledged actress.

The game of a talented performer enjoyed all the teachers, and the audience, but the parents did not want to notice this and were categorically against the chosen professional direction of the daughter. The situation in the family against the background of this was glowed to the limit, and Gillian gathered things, escaped from the house, grabbing a part of parental savings with him.


A great success on theatrical scene came to Gillian already in his youth, when the world theater award was awarded for the game in "missing friends". Later, the actress appeared on the stage in the performances "Puppet House", "Philanthrop" and "Desire" tram "." The last setting brought an artist nomination for another theater award - Prize of Lawrence Olivier.

The movie, on the contrary, failed. The tape "Reincarnation" did not become popular, but he gave rise to rumors that the actress began a career with films for adults prohibited to show on the big screen. It happened because of the frank scene with Gillian, which was present in the film.

In 1993, the World Fame Anderson brought the cult mystical television series "Secret Materials", where she, together with David, the Spiritual played a major role.

The author of the project Chris Carter considered the young executive during her work on the dramatic series "Class 96", shot on the basis of Fox Network. The creator of the film was so convinced of the 100 percent hit of Gillian into the image of the FBI agent, which put the producers before its participation in a mystical detective.

The agents of Dana Scully and Fox Mulder became idols of television viewers, who for 9 seasons have fully monitored the plot of the film. Millions of film fans often compared Gillian with other Hollywood stars - Kate Winslet and Julian Moore.

In 1997, the film project "Secret Materials: Fighting For the Future" started, for the work in which Gillian received a fee of $ 4 million. In parallel with the shooting in the series, she starred in full-length ribbons. With the participation of the actress, a family comedy "the infancy of fate" was published, in which Angelina Jolie played, Dennis Quaid, Sean Connery.

In 2000, the actress performed the main role in Drama based on Roman Edith Worton "Resident of Joy", whose action turned at the beginning of the 20th century in New York, in the circles of higher light. 2005 brought the actress another decree - the drama "Cold House" on the work of Charles Dickens. Playing in the picture, Jillian plunged into the Victorian era. For both films, she was awarded prestigious premiums in the "Best Actress" nomination.

In the same 2005, the audience saw the game Gillian in the tape "Mighty Celt", for which she received the IFTA Award in the nomination "Best Foreign Actress".

A year later, a capturing project appeared in the artist filmography - based on the real events of the Thriller "The last king of Scotland", which became the first Western film shot in Uganda after 1950. Gillian performed the role of the heroine of Sararit Merrit.

In 2013, the Hollywood star began to be filmed in the TV series "Krah", where he played a couple with actor Jamie Dornan, and from 2014 he participated in the filming of the British series on the novel of Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace", which was played by the Mistress of the Great Salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler.

Another significant premiere of that time is the series "Hannibal" about Manyak, brilliantly embodied on the screen Mads Mikkelsen. The actress received the role of Bedhelia du Moria in him - the bride of Dr. Lektor. Since her character was secondary, and the plot is full of intrigue, the actress told in an interview that he was afraid to reveal the heroin too much and make it too bright.

After a large break, it became known about the beginning of the filming of the 10th season of the series "Secret Materials". His premiere in Russia took place on January 24, 2016. Gillian starred, being pregnant, and participation in the project was so hard for her that the organizers put a special couch, on which the actress was sleeping in the interruptions between scenes.

After a small break in the creative biography, Anderson showed himself in the city fantasy "American gods", where he played the goddess Media. The film showed high ratings, so it was decided to start shooting the 2nd season. However, the actress did not work further and left the series after the 1st part, the reason was the change of the author's composition.

Anderson was expected to be removed in "secret materials", but at the beginning of 2018 the actress refused to work further. According to Gillian, Dana Scully was supposed to leave on peace. The film fans comforted by the message of her partner on the shooting, which stated that he could not part with the role of Fox Mulder, although he tried to do it more than once.

The celebrity found another bright image, which made it a form of a young generation. Although the original scenario of the film, where she was offered to play, she almost threw into a trash can, having counted him primitive. He dissuaded the actress from such an incremental act her chosen Peter Morgan.

In 2019, the premiere of the youth comedy "Poland", in which the artist appeared as a sexologist Gin Milbern, the mother of the main character. The series turned out to be a rating, so his creators extended the project for the 2nd season. New series appeared on the Netflix channel at the beginning of 2020. This news was delighted by the project fans, and his ratings again shot up.

In 2020, Anderson was glad to change the role, reincarnated to Margaret Thatcher in the Bayopic "Crown", the author of which Peter Morgan became. At the Gold Globe - 2021, the celebrity was awarded as the best actress of the second plan, thanks to the participation in this project.

Social activity

It is known that, in addition to the acting career, the Hollywood star is actively engaged in charity. The actress supports charitable funds and is a member of the Organization for the Protection of Peta Animal Rights.

Star pays a lot of time to charitable shares. Following the example of Pamela Anderson, Pink, Helena Bonmem Carter, the celebrity took part in the promotion of animal protection and starred for poster naked under the slogan "Better I will go bare than wearing fur." The snapshot appeared in the actress account in "Instagram".

In 2018, the actress gave his vote for the initiative of the Greenpeace organization to create a natural reserve in the Antarctica. 40 stars of show business participated in the action, including Judy Dench, Stephen Fry, Alexander Scarsgard, Helen Mirren, Vanessa Redgrave.

Personal life

Personal life Gillian Anderson folded quite thorns. The attitudes of the actress with men could not be called durable. The first husband of celebrities was the art director of the series "Secret Materials" Clyde Collots. Wedding took place in 1994 in Hawaii. On September 25 of the same year, Gillian's first child was born - daughter Piper Maaru, but it could not save the family from decay, and in 1997 a couple officially divorced.

The second husband's actress in 2004 was the director Julian Ozain. But this marriage did not become strong: in 2006, Anderson and Orene officially announced a divorce. Apparently, the reason for the gap was the new boyfriend Gillian, a certain Mark Griffiths. Relations with Mark were not issued by law, nevertheless a couple have two common children, Oscar and Felix.

In 2000, according to People magazine, Gillian Anderson got into the top "50 beautiful people of the Planet", and in 2008, according to FHM, the movie star took the 21st place in the top 100 "The most sexy celebrities in the world"

It was not deprived of the press and a joint holiday in Florence Gillian with a British entrepreneur and billionaire of Russian origin by Evgeny Lebedev in 2013. At the time of relationship actress was 45 years old, and the businessman - 33.

In 2016, information about the novel Anderson and the British writer appeared in the media - the owner of the "Oscar" nomination for scenarios for the film "Queen" and "Frost against Nixon" Peter Morgan.

Comments from Gillian and Peter did not receive for a long time, but in 2017 the reporters filmed, as a couple rested at the Italian resort of Portofino. In the photo of the actress appeared in a swimsuit and a broad-breasted hat. According to the Western press, for the sake of New Passia, Morgan broke up with his wife, with which five children raised.

Only in 2018, the couple stopped hiding their relationships. Together, lovers appeared at the awards ceremony of the American Institute Cinematography AFI Awards. Before journalists, the performer appeared in perfect form. According to Anderson's figure, it was impossible to guess her face that the celebrity was releasing the sixth decades. As before, with a height of 160 cm, the weight of the star does not exceed 55 kg.

Gillian Anderson now

Now Gillian Anderson remains a star, whose demand is no doubt. Several new projects with its participation are being prepared for the exit, and the proposals from the directors continue to do.

In 2021, it became known about the beginning of the filming of the series Susanna Bir "First Lady", where Gillian offered the role of Eleanor Roosevelt - the wife of the American president of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Obviously, this contributed to the successful reincarnation of the actress earlier in the image of Margaret Thatcher, as well as the other suggestion.

In the continuation of the film "The Great" about Empress Catherine II, whose role to fulfill El Fanning, Anderson will play the mother of the main character - Johann Elizaven Golstein-Gottorpskaya.


  • 1992 - "Reincarnation"
  • 1993-2016 - "Secret Materials"
  • 1998 - "Hell Taxi"
  • 2000 - "Joy House"
  • 2005 - "Cold House"
  • 2007 - "Wishing Revenge"
  • 2011 - "Agent Johnny Inglish: Reboot"
  • 2011 - "High Hope"
  • 2013-2016 - "Crash"
  • 2013-2015 - "Hannibal"
  • 2014 - "Sale"
  • 2014 - "Iron Fight"
  • 2016 - "War and Peace"
  • 2017 - "American gods"
  • 2019 - "Poland"
  • 2020 - "Crown"

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