Valery Nikolaev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Valery Nikolaev - athlete, dancer, star of theater and cinema, producer, director, balletmaster. The multi-faceted talent of the artist influenced the creative fate: he managed to work with the matrails of Russian cinema and theatrical scene and successfully express himself in Hollywood.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in Moscow on August 23, 1965, under the sign of the Zodiac Virgin. In childhood, Valery was professionally engaged in sports gymnastics, was going to take exams for CMC, but he received a serious injury, after which they had to forget about sports achievements. He did not think about the career of the actor, he saw the fate of the captain of a long-range sailing or a rider.

Interest in the future profession appeared at Valera at school, when teachers began to use a boy in improvised productions and open lessons with elements of theatrical amateur.

In 1982, Nikolaev tried to enter several theater universities immediately, but I was waiting for a failure. Parents persuaded her son to submit documents to the Forestry Institute, where he taught his father. The young man dedicated his life to his studies in this school and finally understood that the soul lies with the theater.

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In 1983, he again filed documents into several theater institutions and was credited to the course to Oleg Tabakov to the MHAT Studio School, after graduation in the 1990th he was admitted to the service in the body of Mkat named after A. P. Chekhov.

After graduating from the 1st year in the theater's future star of the serials and cinema, I had to leave training for a short time: he was called in the army. Upon returning to the citizen, Nikolaev decided to continue the study of acting skills.

In the youth of Valery 2 times leaving internship in America. In 1989, he studied Jazz and Stepha in Florida and Sarasota universities, where he received diplomas in the class of dance. The actor is professionally dancing step and rock and roll. Its external data (height 178 cm, weight 74 kg), talent and skill allow you to do it easily. The acquired skills came in handy in his career.

Education in America Artist continued in Julliard School in New York, in Barbican Center - acting school, McCarter Theater in Princeton, New Jersey. Valeria Nikolaev is called one of the few Russian actors who are in demand in both Russia and abroad.

In addition to the acting career, Nikolaev is implemented as balletmaster. His talent was embodied in the five modulations of Mkat. Later, Valery participated in the creation of the musical "My beautiful Lady" as a director of dance numbers.

Personal life

Personal life Valery Nikolaeva is connected with the names of several famous actresses. He concluded the first marriage with Natalia Pirogova, with whom he studied together at one course of theatrical university. The girl waited for the chosen one from the army, and after the demobilization of Valeria, they played a student wedding. After a year and a half, young people decided to break up: the couple practically stopped communication due to permanent employment.

Since 1987, the actor met with Irina Apksimova, who became his second wife. The daughter of Daria was born in the family. Later, a girl, like her parents, chose an acting laughter and graduated from the MCAT Studio School, Dmitry Brusnikna's workshop.

In 2000, the marriage collapsed, and Nikolaev twisted an affair with Darya Darperation, who lasted 3 years. This connection was actively discussed by the public as the reason for Valery left the family. A much later actor in the program Boris Korchevnikova "The Fate of Man" has denied this version: he began to meet with Dasha only after parting with Irina.

In one of the interviews, after parting with a partner, Delivanov confirmed the words of the artist. She said that at the time of the emergence of mutual feelings, she and Nikolaev had already completed the previous relations, although they did not make it documented. The actress also told that after the end of the relationship with Valery, she still lived with hope that everything could be returned.

The cause of parting with Darya was the new love of Nikolaev. At that time, he already lived in a civil marriage with the singer Tatyana Ovsienko, the fairy tale lasted for four years, but this love story ended in 2007, consolidating the actor with the glory of the heart.

The following official chosen was considered a colleague on the spectral "Dear Pamela" Lyubov Tikhomirov. Their novel existed for a year and ended with another broken female heart. In an interview with the actress, theater and cinema did not hold back the critical comments on the nature of the former lover.

Periodically, the press actively discussed the resumption of relations of Nikolaev with the former wife Irina Apksimov. The actors did not comment on their relationship, but they were often seen together. The reason for meetings and shopping campaigns, which journalists were issued for signs of reconciliation of former spouses, served joint upbringing Darya Nikolaeva's daughter (later the girl took himself the name of his great-grandmother Abratin). In the fate of the girl, the Father always actively participated.

The fourth wife of the actor in 2014 was a air gymnast, the circus actress on the Color Boulevard Elmira Zemskov. Valery married after five years of relationship, networking that the lover's permanent tour was the reason for the delay. Family plans had children and a happy future. But after two years of family life, a difficult period began at the pair. It was rumored that in the spring of 2016, Elmira Zemskova filed documents for divorce.

The actor commented on this event of two, then confirming the status of a bachelor who returned to him, then refuting it. Just at this time, the star of the series "Birthday Bourgeois" was in the center of the scandal with an accident and the deprivation of driver's license. In 2017, in a large interview with Zemskov confirmed the fascination of information about parting with her husband.


After the end of the course, under the direction of Oleg Tabakov, the beginning artist had several roles in the cinema, but these films did not bring him fame. The most recognizable project of that time was the picture of the director Georgy Delelia "Nastya", where Nikolaev starred in the lead role with the Polynament of Cute.

Russian spectators, the young artist was also remembered by role in the popular soap opera "The little things of life", where Valery was born into the image of the entrepreneur Goshi, the wife of Kati (Irina Apksimov).

Next was the work in the criminal drama "Lonely Player", where Nikolaev again shone in the foreground. The hero, an adventurist by nature, managed to build a chain, thanks to which he became the winner of the winning at racing. But his dishonest behavior leads to the fact that money gets racketeram. On the screen was chosen by Star Tandem - Andrei Sokolov, Olga Masha, Vladimir Ilyin, Bogdan Mortar, Alexey Guskov, Anton Tabakov.

Closer to the end of the 90s, Valery was looking for himself in Hollywood, where he basically got the roles of typical Russians. Among foreign films with his participation - "Saint" (The Saint) with Vahl Kilmer, "Covarian Enemy" (ABERRATION), "Rotate" (U Turn) with Jennifer Lopez, Sean Penn and John Jog. Nikolaev also appeared in several episodes of famous American serials.

The actor is familiar with Tom Hanks, Vahl Kilmer, Robert De Niro and Leonardo Di Caprio, worked with Oliver Stone, Stephen Spielberg, Philip Nois.

Nikolaev received broad fame in Russia in 1999, after the release of a multi-sized film "Bird Bourgeois". Success was deafening: it seemed that all women of the country were in love with the leading role. In 2001, the Sicvel of this series was used not less successful, which firmly secured the actor in the rank of popular TV stresses, his photo began to regularly appear on the covers of magazines.

An interesting experience was the work of the artist in the tragicomedy Valery Rubychik "Cinema about the movies". In the film, the hero of Nikolaev, director Vitaly, opposes producer Nikolay Zhiltsov, who was Fedor Bondarchuk.

In the early 2000s, Valeria had several successful projects in an adventure-detective genre, including foreign, and in 2006 the series "in the tango rhythm" came out on the screens. In this multi-meter melodrama, the actor starred with Natalia Oreiro, the Argentine singer and actress, which, after the successful show of the series "Rich and famous" and "Wild Angel" became the favorite of the Russian audience. The project was successful and caused a new wave of interest in the actor from the Russian-speaking audience.

After the success of "Tango's rhythm", Valery Nikolaev went into creativity, having tried himself as a director of the film "Bear Hunting". For this work, he received the Golden Phoenix Film Festival Award as the best director Debutant.

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At the same time, the premiere of the Russian horror film on the work of Nikolai Gogol, "Witch" starts. And again, Valery is reincarnated in the main character. This time in a successful journalist who accidentally faces an unknown force. I confronted the character of Nikolaev Heroine Evgenia Kryukov.

In 2008, the actor discovered the Production Center "Veles-film". In 2011, Valery Nikolaev tried himself as a scenario and director of the historical project "Fights: Retail." In the creative duet with Evgenia, the volunteer artist was filmed in Melnitsa, Beauty, which was later shown on Ukrainian and Russian television later.

In the period from 2009 to 2015, it should be noted the game of the actor in the films "White Sand", "perfect murder", "Lonely Wolf", "1812: Ulansky Ballad", "Double Life" and others. In 2010, Nikolaev fulfilled the role of a second plan in the comedy "on the hook!", Where the main character took it for an eccentric millionaire diver.

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In February 2016, the premiere of the series "Cult" was held in Russia, where Valery starred together by Tatiana Arntgolz and Dmitry Maryanov. In the film, we were talking about people entering the influence of totalitarian sects, and only their native, uniting among themselves, manage to save the victims. The artist tried himself in a melodramatic comedy, playing the main role in the film "Husband".

In 2017, a picture of "Retribution" appeared in Valeria filmography. In melodrama, the actor is reincarnated in the entrepreneur Paul, whose business collapses. Native brother agrees to help, but only in exchange for his spouse, which has long been in love. Daria Savelyev and Ivan Tovmasyan also played in the film.


In winter, 2008, the actor was a member of the 2nd season of the Circus Show. Among his rivals, Anita Tsoi, Timur Batrutdinov, Natalia Podolskaya, Irina Lachina. According to the results of the final, Valery Nikolaev and Irina Chashchina became the leaders of the second season of the teleppet.

The audience remembered the participation of the artist in this show on bright clown leprosy and flexibility during the presentation of the air acrobatics. In his youth, he dreamed of becoming an Olympic gymnastics champion, but left Sport because of a hand fracture, after decades, his skills were useful for victory in the circus show.

In 2014, Valery tried his hand in the Glacial Project, becoming a partner of Maria Petrova. But to repeat success as in the TV show "Circus with the stars" Nikolaev failed: he damaged his knee on one of the rehearsals, and the couple dropped out of the list of participants. This season, Maria Petrova left the project with his partner.

At one time, Valery Nikolaev was a TV presenter of Transmitting Stories, which went to DTV.


The biography of the actor is at the same time more connected with its creative achievements, but with scandalous situations in which he constantly fell. In 2014, Nikolaev arranged a row in the circus, where at the time the International Circus Festival "Idol" took place.

Several times at the Jeep, the artist tried to take a plague in the building, and then, being already on the view, went to the stage in order to force Edgard the Tskar to apologize to the Elmia by telephone for the long-time conflict. The actor had to withdraw with the guard.

The intersection of the half a century life line was not easy for a man. From February to June 2016, Valery Nikolaev was in the center of the scandal with a violation of traffic rules and an accident with a hit on a person. A graduate of the MCAT school studio led himself as if I tried out a new role, which later wrote in appeal to fans and the public.

The misadventures of Nikolaev began with the ads of his car wanted. The suitable on the description of Subaru Forester made a hit on a pedestrian and disappeared from the accident in the center of the capital, where on February 25, 2016, the actor rammed several cars and hit the traffic police officer.

In relation to Valery Nikolaev, a criminal case was initiated under Part 1 of Article 318 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "The use of violence against the authority". Later, the celebrity lawyer said that the case was revised and no criminal prosecution is conducted.

On this story did not end. On May 6, 2016, Nikolaev was deprived of the right to driving a car for departing to the "oncoming", a similar misconduct was performed by the month earlier, therefore the sentence increased twice. The offender did not have the right to sit behind the wheel for a whole year, but already on May 10, 2016, the traffic police officers stopped the subaru Forester mentioned earlier, and the vehicle owner itself was behind the wheel. For this violation of Nikolaev arrested for 15 days.

Less than 2 weeks after the expiration of the period, the repentable offender published a video, which brought apologies to police officers, fans, wife. The reasons for such behavior, he called strong stress and nervous tension. According to the artist, his life will no longer repeat such turns, as he understood his own mistakes. After the story with an accident, the video image of the actor to the audience with apologies was the logical completion of his problems with the law.

With the participation of the artist after the trial, the transfer of "Direct Ether" with Boris Korchevnikov, in which Valery clarified the situation. A year earlier, Nikolaev has already appeared on television in the studio of the program "Alone with everyone", where he talked to Julia Little. Interestingly, one time the man led a page in "Instagram", but later the new photos stopped laying there.

Later, the artist explained the reasons for such behavior: at that moment he was worried about the departure of his father, who struggled with oncology for 3 years. Actor's moms by this time also did not have.

Pain from the loss of loved ones, failures in creative life cause alcoholism. Only I survived a complex operation about the developed peritonitis, the artist realized that it was necessary to start a new life. He provided great support to His Ellomira.

Valery Nikolaev now

Now in the creative life of the actor there was no change: Nikolayev who entered into the form participates in the shooting of the series and plays the theater scene. In 2019, work was completed with his participation on the project "The Mystery Mary", where Maria Kulikov and Anna Koshmal became partners. Together with Lisa Arzamasova Valery released the play "Night of her revelations", which was warmly adopted by the public.

Together with Irina Bezruk, Valery appeared in a new project, whose name is not disclosed. Presumably, the premiere will be held in 2020. Joint "married" pictures placed on their page in "Instagram" actress.

In the summer of 2020, Valery gave a detailed interview about his personal life and numerous scandals in the studio of the program "The Fate of Man", where he arrived with his wife.


  • 1992 - "little things of life"
  • 1993 - "Nastya"
  • 1995 - "Shirley Merly"
  • 1999 - "Bourgeois Birthday"
  • 2002 - "Cinema about cinema"
  • 2006 - "Witch"
  • 2009 - "Umnitsa, Beauty"
  • 2011 - "On the hook!"
  • 2012 - "Lone Wolf"
  • 2015 - "Cult"
  • 2015 - "Call Husband"
  • 2017 - "Retribution"
  • 2019 - "Mystery Mary"

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