Group "Three Days of Rain" - history of creation, composition, photo, news, songs, concerts, Gleb Viktorov 2021



Gleb Viktorov, the leader of the group "Three Days of Rain", proved by their work that a talented person is really talented in everything. The musician began as a successful bitmeaker, and then changed the genre and became famous as a vocalist of the Rock project.

The history of creation and composition

"Three days of rain" is a project, often identified with its founder and soloist Gleb Viktorov. Like the Swede Petru Tagtgreno, who created the Industrial metal group Pain, Viktorov writes and executes all the music for the "three days of rain" and only sometimes produces joint fittings with other performers and invites them to participate in concerts.


Gleb was born in 1996 in the capital of the Republic of Tywa city of Kyzyl. The Musician Father is an artist, and the mother is a housebristry. By the time of the appearance of Gleb, parents were engaged in business, but visiting creative families were constantly creative people, including performers of Bardov music. Like the leader of the punk group "porn movies" by Volodya Kotlyarov, the native of Kyzyl in childhood impressed the creativity of the Nirvana team, the boy wanted to become a rock musician.

At 16, Viktorov left the native city. Gleb was interested in copyright cinema, and at one time the young man was thinking about the career of the director, but then came to the conclusion that in music it was easier to make it easier than in cinema. Within 5 years, the guy wrote bits for rappers, remaining in the shadow of famous performers. Although Viktorov worked, the main severity of its content and, moreover, the purchase of musical equipment lay down on his parents. Now the guy helps financial mother and father and very proud of it.

"His boys, who made a significant contribution to the project of creating a project, Gleb calls Jura Playingtheangel, Kolya Bespalova and St. Petersburg Rock Musician Seraphim Sidorina, speaking under the pseudonym of Mukka. After hitting the concert of the first of the following performers, Viktorov realized that he would like to become an artist.

The concert composition of the "three days of rain" includes Daniel Baslin and Nevyun Maximatsev. In the track "Cosmos", except for the vocal Gleb, the voice of the singer Lali sounds.


Creative Credo Native of Tiles - to make an interesting (melodic and universal) music, and in the texts to address themes that are exciting both young people and middle-aged listeners: love and dependencies - both from substances and from other factors. Gleb has exploited an alcoholic image for a long time as to each Russian.

The debut album "Three Days of Rain" "Love, Addiction and Marathons" came out in 2020. Victorov considers a year of pandemic happy for his work: it was possible to shut down at home and write songs.

The genre transition was given to Gleb easily - the musician mixed knowledge and skills acquired during bitmaker, with the sound of electrical and bass guitar. Special popularity was gained by clips on the songs of the project "Demons" "Love you" and "Where are you."

"Three days of rain" now

In early spring, 2021 in Russia launched the Sportify program designed to support young performers. The first participants in the platform were "three days of rain", the duet "Sisters" and Rocket Rocket. After a month, for the project, Viktorova Sportify became the main platform - 70% of the group's audience listened to her music alone through this program.

On June 4, 2021, the group released a full-length album "When you open your eyes" and accompanied him with a greeting "Welcome to Russian Rock". The photo cover of the collection "Three Days of Rain" posted in instagram account. As part of the novelties not only solo hits, but also fitness, in particular the song "Water", issued in collaboration with Mukkoy as an album announcement.

Replenishment of discography participants of the team, reviving, according to Criticia Alexei Mazhaeva, the Triad "Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll", noted the visit of the "Evening Urgant" program on June 8, 2021 and a concert at the Lookin Rooms Moscow Club on June 13.


  • 2020 - "Sidel"
  • 2020 - "Love, Addiction and Marathons"
  • 2021 - "When you open your eyes"


  • 2020 - "Demons"
  • 2020 - "Run from me"
  • 2020 - "Love you"
  • 2020 - "Trabla"

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