Zhanna Friske - Biography, personal life, photos, songs, Dmitry Shepelev, Death, Funeral and Latest News



Zhanna Friske is one of the brightest stars of the domestic show business. For her short life, she made a rapid career. A soloist of the starry composition of the group "Brilliant", singer, actress of cinema, TV presenter, participant of several rating TV projects and an incredibly beautiful woman, which many compatriots called a sex symbol. Jeanne was similar to a bright comet that illuminated a warm light of a sky and left in memory of himself a tender smile.

Zhanna Friske

The meeting of the parents of the future star took place in 1973. The artist and employee of the Moscow House of Arts Vladimir Friske saw Ural Beauty Olga Kopylov on one of the Moscow streets. Smiling girl fell in love with a Muscovite at first sight.

With the wedding, the couple decided not to delay. Less than six months later, marriage stamps appeared in their passports. Vladimir took the surname of his wife and became Kopylov. In the mid-1990s, when Zhanna began to make a career in show business, for the scenic pseudonym, she took the last name of Grandmothers - the Volga Nurse of Paulina Wilhelmovna Friske.

Zhanna Friske in childhood

In July 1974, twins appeared in the coil family - a boy and a girl. Gemini born ahead of time, in the seventh month of pregnancy. Unfortunately, the son has revealed congenital pathology. The boy died soon. But the girl who received the name of Jeanne, managed to dispel the mountain of his parents. The baby was like a ray of light. With baptism, she received the name Anna.

Zhanna Kopylova seems to be born with an artist. Baby has a good rumor and a beautiful voice. She was called in school amateur. Yes, and the girl dance was able to dance, so since childhood he visited the school of sports dances and a ballet studio. And I also managed to engage in rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics.

Zhanna Friske in childhood

When Zhanna turned 12 years old, her sister Natalia appeared. When the younger sister has grown up, the girls became real girlfriends. Parents brought up daughters in rigor.

After the end of the 406th school in the metropolitan district of Perovo Zhanna Kopylov became a student of the Moscow Humanitarian University. She chose the faculty of journalism. But in the third year I realized that she was not interested in it. Therefore, without regret, he threw the university and went to look for his place under the sun.

In search of earnings, Zhanna got a job as a manager for the sale of office furniture in one of the metropolitan firms. Later began to teach choreography at the Sports Palace.

Group "Brilliant"

According to one of the versions to the "Brilliant" group, Zhanna came thanks to the acquaintance with Olga Orlova in 1995. According to another version, Kopylov invited Producer Andrei Gromov in the 1996th. He knew that the girl was professionally engaged in choreography, and in the group at that time needed a consultant.

Zhanna Friske in the group

After several rehearsals, the producer realized that Zhanna perfectly "fits" into the team of "shiny". Bright appearance, the ability to move, a nice voice - it was everything you need for a career singer. The girl took the scenic name Zhanna Friske and in May 1997 became the fourth participant of the pop-project "Brilliant". At that time, Olga Orlova, Polina Iodis and Varvara Korolev, had already been worked in Görl-Banda. Soon one of the "glitter" - Barbara - left the group. Irina Lukyanova came to her place.

It is impossible to say that the Father Zhanna Friske was delighted to decide the daughter to become a singer and lead a tour. But seeing the success of the incendiary quartet and the rapidly growing popularity of the girls, he realized that the eldest daughter found her way.

Zhanna Friske as part of the group

Together with the group "Brilliant" Zhanna Friske participated in the record records "just dreams", which appeared in 1998. The deafening success of the work of "shiny" pushed the producer to write down new collections of hits quickly. Soon the albums "On Love", "For the Four Seas" and "Orange Paradise" appeared. The last album is a collection of craven written on popular Soviet songs.

Zhanna Friske on stage with

It is noteworthy that the Orange Paradise Zhanna Friske recorded with a fully updated team. Former participants were replaced by Ksenia Novikov, Anna Semenovich and Julia Kovalchuk. After the release of this album, the creative biography of Zhanna Friske made a steep turn: the singer realized that the Görl Band "turned" and "ripe" for a solo career. At that time, the star name was everyone known.

Solo career

In the autumn of 2005, Zhanna Friske presented his fans a debut solo album, which was given to his name - "Zhanna". Some album songs have become hits and fell to the top lines of radio and music television channels. On the composition "La La La", "Ice to the Darkness" and "Somehow in the summer" appeared clips.

In total, the album entered 9 original Friske songs and 4 remixes.

According to the musical criticism of Boris Barabanova, the best, but underestimated song Zhanna Friske, which she recorded after leaving the "shiny" is "Western". She appeared in 2009 and was recorded with Tanya Tereshina. Poems for the composition were written by Ivan Alekseyev (Noize MC).

A year after the release of the debut album, Zhanna Friske reprinted him, adding a couple of remixes and three video clips. During this period, the singer collaborated with Andrei Rubin.

Zhanna Friske on stage

Unfortunately, the first disk turned out to be the last, although Zhanna Friske was not going to complete the vocal career. After the release of the album, she recorded another 17 new singles, some of them with other famous colleagues. For example, the Malinki Track released along with the guys from the "Disco Accident", Western with Tanya Tereshina, she sang a hit "You're near", and with Dmitry Malikov - the song "Snow quietly".

The last hit Zhanna Friske called "Love wanted" went shortly before her death - in 2015. Maturity, professionalism, shine and sexuality - so characterize the musical critics of the last songs of the star.


In the multi-facetedness of the talent and the congenital artistry Zhanna Friske, her fans were convinced after the participation of the star in several rating TV shows and the appearance of a movie.

In 2003, Friske took part in the 4th season of the Realistic Show "The Last Hero". Several months, the artist spent in the star company on the uninhabited island of South America. The survival conditions were without exaggeration harsh. There were plenty of life-threatening moments and health. For example, Nikolai Drozdov by negligence poisoned the remaining participants in the project to poisonous frogs. Drozdov was confident that after removing the skin, the meat of frogs is not dangerous.

Zhanna Friske in the show

Later, Zhanna Friske had a previously unknown allergy. As it turned out, the woman's body reacted to some exotic plants.

Nevertheless, the participant doubtfully reached the final, although he lost to the leadership of Yane Volkovka. Spectators who carefully observed the behavior of the stars in unusual for them, by no means greenhouse conditions, were amazed and admired by the personal qualities of Zhanna Friske. The singer behaved adequately, demonstrated royal exposure, calm and invariably good attitude towards his colleagues.

Zhanna Friske in the show

After returning to the capital Zhanna Friske, inspired by new experience and receiving invaluable knowledge about a previously unfamiliar life, took the final decision not to return to the "Brilliant" group. She seemed to feel the strength for independent flight.

In the 2000s, the star was invited to various TV projects. Zhanna Friske participated in the show "Heart of Africa", "Empire", "Circus with Stars" and "Circus".

Zhanna Friske in the project

In 2008, she took part in the second season of the popular show "Ice Age". At first she rode together in Vitaly Novikov, but then Maxim Marinin became her partner.

After 3 years, in 2011, Zhanna Friske led a reality show "Vacation in Mexico". But a big workload forced the artist to refuse to work in the second season, having transferred the baton to Alena Vodonaeva.


In addition to the solo career, the actress tried herself as an actress and TV presenter. In 2004, the audience saw Blokbaster Timur Bekmambetova "Night Watch". Zhanna Friske went to the image of the charming and freedom-loving singer Alice in Donnikova. In this image, many fans learned the star itself. But Donnikov was not only a singer, but also a dark witch capable of cunning.

Zhanna Friske in the film

Successful acting debut inspired Zhanna Friske to continue film siriers. In 2005, the artist agreed to participate in the continuation of the saga on the opposition of dark and light forces. This time her heroine got more on screen time. Spectators with trepidation watched a love plot developed on the screen. Alice Donnikova was supposed to make a choice between the character of Viktor Verzhbitsky - the Dark Lord named the Zabon, and the romantic young vampire of bones, which brilliantly embodied on the screen Alexey Chadov.

For its work in the "Day Dosor" Zhanna Friske was awarded the MTV award in the nomination "The best female role".

Zhanna Friske in the film

After 4 years, in 2010, the actress appeared on the screen again. This time in the psychological drama Klim Shipenko "Who am I?". Unfortunately, the film did not have such success as previous blockbusters. But the comedy in the genre of Road Muvi Dmitry Dyachenko called "About what men say" gathered almost $ 12 million in the domestic rental.

I liked the film as spectators and film crimits that generously "shoved" a comedy with a laudatory reviews. Zhanna Friske appeared in this project as herself. Her Kameo turned out with a fair fraction of self-irony. And the pretty male company "Quartet and" in the words of Leonid Baraz, Alexander Demidov, Rostislav Khaita and Kamil Larina only emphasized the female charm of the actress.

Zhanna Friske

Three more films in which Zhanna Friske appeared in the role of Kameo - "First Spent", "Beauty demands" and "New Year's Shatts". In 2013, the last film project actress was released. "Odnoklassniki.Ru: clicky good luck." In her filmography - more than a dozen works.

Friske turned out to be one of the few stars who managed to overcome the stereotype accompanying the majority of her colleagues. After participating in TV projects and cinema, Jeanne was not perceived as a singer, but as an artist in the broadest sense of the word. She was a self-sufficient television, who managed to realize himself equally well in all horses.

Zhanna Friske

It is noteworthy that Zhanna Friske was not afraid to destroy stereotypes associated with its person. For example, in the "last hero", she went to the fact that many of her colleagues are so afraid: the star allowed to shoot himself without makeup, in the most disadvantageous angles. And in the comedy "What kind of men say", "she mixed up with ease and subtle self-ironya laundered over the current genes of sex symbol and fatal beauty. As the critic Boris Barabanov later admitted, Friske demonstrated "It is the degree of mind and self-irony, whom men are so afraid in women."

Personal life

Zhanna Friske was the object of desires of thousands of men. The army of fans of sexy beauty rapidly grew. About the privacy of the star went many rumors and gossip. She was attributed to novels with the leader of the "Outwashing Scams" by Sergey Amoralov, with the soloist of the Hi-Fi group of the Milda Fomin. We grew up about the connection of the singer with the main macho of the Russian show business Dmitry Nagiyev. But no evidence or confirmation of these "novels" was not.

Zhanna Friske and Ilya Mitelman

Nevertheless, the omnipresent paparazzi excavated some information about the personal life of Zhanna Friske. At the dawn of his career, the beginning of the singer met with the famous Moscow businessman Ilya Mietelman. He sponsored several of its projects. There were rumors about the ambulance wedding of this pair. But for some unknown reason, the case before the wedding dress did not come. Perhaps this "novel" existed only in a rich imagination of journalistic brethren. After all, Zhanna Friske himself never confirmed him.

Zhanna Friske and Alexander Ovechkin

In 2006, VIP-Tusovka spoke about the singer's novel with hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. And again "Falstart": an athlete funched by another "ex-brilliant" - Xeniya Novikova. True, joint photos of Friske and Ovechkin still appeared in the tabloids.

In August 2011, in the media, they wrote about the new passion of the star. This time its chosen was the TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev. But the couple denied the connection. In the end, most stars fans agreed that Roman Friske and Shepelev - some marketing move to attract attention to two media.

Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev

But in the winter of 2012, the ubiquitous paparazzi took pictures of Jeanna and Dmitry in Miami. There was no suspect of the couple at all reminded two colleagues, which bind exclusively working relationships. Soon the spicy story with the SPA-salon, which was ordered in loved on the May Day holidays "for two".

Finally doubt disappeared when an intriguing entry appeared on Twitter Zhanna Friske: "Dear, our love story ... will run in diapers." What Dmitry Shepelev answered: "I want our love story as soon as possible."

Plato Shepelev

So the fans of 38-year-old actors learned about the pregnancy of Zhanna and about who had to the father of the kid.

The firstborn, called Plato, was born in April 2013 in Miami. The couple spent the few first months in America. The wedding ceremony was planned to spend after returning to Moscow.


He learned about his terrible diagnosis of Zhanna Friske during pregnancy. Doctors diagnosed in her inoperable brain tumor. According to unconfirmed rumors, the woman was offered to immediately make chemotherapy. But she refused her because of fear to harm the baby.

For a long time about the illness of Zhanna Friske, native and fans of the artist did not guess. But after the birth of Plato, the sick star could no longer hide her condition. Father Zhanna Vladimir Kopylov admitted that the daughter of Giliblastoma, Cancer. The diagnosis was confirmed by the chief oncologist of the country, Mikhail Davydov.

Zhanna Friske

In January 2014, a woman was treated in one of the New York clinics. About the cause of illness Zhanna Friske went different rumors. Some "specialists" argued that the Eco procedure could be made to the development of the disease, to which the woman allegedly resorted to become a mother. But this hypothesis has no confirmation.

Money for the treatment of a favorite star collected the whole country. After the official announcement of the disease Friske, the first channel began collecting funds. A total of more than 66 million rubles were accumulated. A little later, Rusfond's accounts received another million. On the website of the Foundation Zhanna, the warmth thanked everyone who listed the money.

Zhanna Friske during illness

In the summer of 2014, artist fans sighed with relief. Information appeared that Zhanna Friske with his family after a long and heavy treatment takes place a period of rehabilitation in Jurmala, in the Riga seaside. In the fall, the star appeared in the capital. She was even able to abandon the wheelchair.

But the cunning disease returned. About this in February 2015, Andrei Malakhov informed Andrei Malakhov in February 2015. He told that Zhanna Friske again went to the American clinic and resumed treatment. Soon she came from Los Angeles to Moscow, where the doctors of the Russian oncological N. N. Blokhin doctors continued to fight for her life.


The last three months of his life Zhanna Friske spent in a coma. Desperate relatives fought for her salvation by all means, including applying alternative medicine.

The star passed away on the evening of June 15, 2015 in the Moscow House in Balashikha.

Funeral Zhanna Friske

Native, friends and thousands of fans said goodbye to their favorite in the Concert Hall "Crocus City Hall". The funeral has passed in the Epiphany Cathedral in Elokhov. I buried Zhanna Friske at the Nikolo Arkhangelsk Cemetery.

At the end of 2016, a monument was appeared on the grave of the artist in the form of Jeanne sculpture in full growth.

Scandal after the death of Zhanna

The scandal ran immediately after the death of the singer. It seems that he is already a tel, when the woman was on her deathbed. Family Zhanna Friske - her father, mother, sister Natalia and the close friend of Olga Orlov did not hesitate in expressions when it came to the civil husband of the artist Dmitry Shepelev. They talked about the fact that he left and hurt the Son to the resort in Bulgaria, when Jeanne was dying.

Family Zhanna Friske

Later there was information that Dmitry forbade the family of a dead wife to communicate with his son Plato Shepelev. All this insane caocophony splashed on the TV screens in the scandalous show Malakhov "Let them say", dividing Frank fans on two irreconcilable camps.

From time to time, in the yellow media, they wrote about alleged attack by Vladimir Kopylov to the failed son-in-law. Shepelev declared the threats received from his Father Friske. He accused Dmitry on selling the last photographs of a deadly sick wife with a yellow press and promised to sue the right to upbringing the grandson.

Vladimir Friske and Dmitry Shepelev

Oils in the fire added rumors about stolen from Rusfund more than 20 million rubles, which should have been taken to treat cancer children. Native singers pointed to Dmitry Shepelev, he answered them the same. In the end, it turned out that the money did not disappear anywhere.

In the very finals of 2016, the scandal began to sink. The conflicting parties divided the property remaining from the deceased star. Native got a Moscow apartment, and Dmitry and Platon Shepelev - Zhanna Friske Country House in Moscow region.

Book Dmitry Shepelev

In December 2016, when the pain from severe loss somewhat subsided, Dmitry Shepelev presented to the fans of Zhanna Friske his book, published in Eksmo, called Jeanne. Love and illness in the history of life Zhanna Friske. " There are many previously unknown details about the last years of life, about months and weeks before the death of the artist.

Dmitry said that in the house where he lives with his son, a lot of photos of Jeanne, and Plato, who turned 3 years old, remembers mom well.


  • 2005 - "Zhanna"


  • 2004 - "Night Watch"
  • 2005 - "Day Watch"
  • 2006 - "First Smell"
  • 2007 - "First House"
  • 2008 - "Beauty requires"
  • 2010 - "What are men talking about"
  • 2010 - "Who am I?"
  • 2010 - "New Year's Shatta"
  • 2011 - "point dock. Ten last days
  • 2013 - "Odnoklassniki.Ru: inclicky luck"

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