Evgeny Malkin - biography, news, photo, personal life, hockey player, wife, NHL, instagram 2021



Evgeny Malkin is a Russian hockey player who speaks in the position of the central attack, an alternative captain of the NHL Club "Pittsburgh Penguins" and a member of the Russian national team. On account of the famous athlete many medals and cups, as well as the title of world champion. Eugene is not going to stop there.

Childhood and youth

The famous hockey player Evgeny Malkin was born in Magnitogorsk on July 31, 1986. By nationality, he is Russian, but by the sign of the zodiac - the lion. Interest in sport, his father Vladimir Malkin was twisted in childhood. At one time, Vladimir played hockey and decided that the Son should become a professional athlete.

In 1994, parents gave the future hockey star to the Metallurg Sports School. The first time the guy did not work out, and he even planned to quit the sport. But, despite a number of failures, Zhenya costs tremendous effort and work proved that it will become a professional hockey player.

At the 16th age of the future, the world's two-time world champion took into the youth team of the Ural region, where he became one of the best in the team. It was the first step towards international success. From that moment on, the famous mentors who trained hockey clubs around the world began to look at Eugene.


In 2005, Eugene went to the United States, and later to Canada, where he received 2 silver medals. Success came to Malkin in 2006 at the World Youth Championship, held in Canada. He played a decisive role and mined for the team of Russia 2nd place. The athlete himself admitted that such a result managed to achieve the price of fantastic efforts. At the same time, he was suggested to start playing in the National Hockey League, Malkin first went on ice as part of the "Penguins" (nickname of the Pittsburgh Penguin Club).

2006 became a turning point for Evgeny Malkina. At the Olympics in the Italian Turin, as part of the Russian national team, he acted in a conjunction with Alexander Kharitonov and Maxim Sushinsky. This link fans called one of the best on the tournament. At the competition, Forward was remembered by a gross violation of the rules. In the 3rd period in the game against the national team of Canada, Evgeny struck the skate of the striker "Tampa Bay Lighting" Wenzanke Lekaval. As a result, the Russian missed the semifinal duel with Finns.

Malkin in 6 games scored 6 points (2 + 4), but Russia remained at all without medals. Also at the end of 2006, Forward appailed the title of the best player of the season, and he became the owner of the Golden Helmet. After several days, the random of Eugene decided to tie his life with NHL.

Hockey player Malkin became a player of the club "Pittsburgh Penguins". From the first game, he managed to show himself a real professional, and his statistics in the League became the main proof of skill.

Seasons 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 for "Gino" (nickname Malkin) were the most successful. 106 points (47 heads, 59 gears) According to the results of the 2nd season of the stay of the attacker as part of the "Penguins" - a phenomenal indicator. In the 2008/2009 season, the Russian scored 113 points (35 heads and 78 gears). In the future, statistical indicators were not too outstanding for the central striker, but still he scored 109 points (50 heads and 59 gears) in the 2011/2012 season.

In 2007, Pittsburgh Penguins players played with representatives of the Washington Capitam club. Here the athlete also managed to stand out, showing a good result. Malkin influenced the outcome of the match.

After one game with the club from the capital, Eugene entered the conflict with an equally famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin, which was represented by Capitals. Malkin pointed out that Ovechkin constantly hardly plays against him on the ice. The confrontation between Russians continued several matches. Both forwards have repeatedly accused each other in violations and strengths.

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Soon the conflict was connected to the Captain "Pittsburgh" Sydney Crosby, saying that "the team will defend Malkin if someone goes to the line." The fans suggested that the Canadian had a personal interest in this confrontation, since previously striker Alexander Semin, who served as part of the "metropolitan" (nickname "Washington Capitals"), spoke in an interview about Crosby as a "middle hockey player".

In 2007, Malkin participated in the World Championships in the national team. In Moscow, fans expected from the already famous athlete of a brilliant game. Centerordor submitted the first link along with Alexander Frolov and Ilya Kovalchuk. Even the fact that the team was collected by NHL stars, did not help the Russian team - the national team did not show the best result.

The media called the 3rd place on the home championship with a complete failure. Such a statement sounded too categorically, because the Russians suffered only one defeat at the tournament. In the semifinal match with Finland, Russian hockey players gave way with a score of 1: 2, and the victory washer was abandoned by "lions" (nickname of the Finnish team on hockey) only in overtime.

Malkin at the championship demonstrated good indicators. In 9 matches, Forward scored 10 points (5 + 5). There were no complaints about the attacker, journalists called the athlete best following the survey of fans, including it in the symbolic team of the championship.

By 2008, Malkin, despite the results, did not yet become the leader in his club. In the US media, Eugene was often called "Shadow Sydney Crosby." Such an attitude to the Russian striker was unfair. Hockey player in some seasons showed more successful indicators than Canadian, and the game of Russian on the patch at the rival gate led the ice arena to delight across North America.

In January 2008, Sydney Crosby, which is the captain of the Pittsburgh team, received a serious injury. The tensile bundles of the ankle did not allow Canadian to go on the ice, he missed 21 matches. A similar situation could lead to decay of the Spirit, and "Penguins" would not have been able to show a brilliant game without a leader, but Evgeny Malkin said her word. "Ever second" retrained in the charismatic team leader. The Russian showed how much able to become a good assistant. 59 Results for the season - one of the best indicators in the league.

Sports observers believe that the lack of Crossby helped Malkin to reveal the potential. Without Sydney, the team won many meetings in the NHL, and Eugene managed to throw 17 pucks in 13 matches. Russian specialists have repeatedly noted that the pupil of the Magnitogorsk Hockey School was much added to the technique, because he repeatedly took the initiative on ice into the decisive moments of the meetings.

This brilliant game of the Russian striker in the United States was noticed. He was chosen to participate in the match of all the stars NHL. In the best team of the Eastern Conference, Malkin went on ice together with teammates - the defender Sergey Gonchar and the attacker Jordan became. The presence in the composition of the leading hockey players helped to overcome the national team of the Western Conference with the score of 8: 7.

In 2008, Malkin as part of Pittsburgh was published in the stanley Cup playoff. In the same year, Eugene became the owner of Art Ross Trophy (a prize, awarded to the best hockey player who scored a maximum of glasses in the season).

In 2010, a new regular season began in NHL, but it was unfortunate for a hockey player. Malkin received a knee injury, after which he could not fully play, but next season the athlete again became the owner of the "Art Ross Trofi" prize.

In 2012, the next world championship was held at the ice platforms in Finland and Sweden. Experts considered the owners of the championship favorites, predicting the success of the Finns and Swedes, but both prefabs showed an extremely negative result. In turn, the Russian team under the administration of Zinetula Bilyaletdinov became the triumphant of this championship, the command of Slovakia in the final duel. Malkin during the championship demonstrated a brilliant game. In 10 matches, Forward scored 11 washers and made 8 efficiencies. He was recognized as the most valuable player of the World Championships following the tournament.

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In mid-2013, Evgeny Malkin ended a contract with penguins, but he again extended the contract. The amount of the new agreement is $ 76 million, which the club is obliged to pay an athlete for 8 years.

Often, NHL matches were accompanied by fights. As Evgeny explains, conflicts happen on the final games of Stanley Cup. The nerves of the players are increasing to the limit, since before receiving the cherished award, one step remains. The impulsive Malkin often became a member of such clashes, but all the fights he tried to lead to the parquet, because at the head of the corner he puts a performance on ice, and not scandalous clashes. In addition, extra fines can be deprived of a valuable player team.

For a long time, Yevgeny Malkin was preparing for the main sports event of 2014 - the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Malkin entered the Russian national hockey team. Initially, the hockey player doubted that the "Pittsburgh" manager will be released on a large-scale sporting event, but there was no problem with this.

For the Russian national team in Sochi, Evgeny Malkin played together with the famous partners Alexander Ovechkin, Ilya Kovalchuk and Pavel Datsyuk. Such a star composition inspired fear of rivals, and the fans believed in the future success of their favorites, but the miracle did not happen. Speech by the national team of media representatives called disaster and disgrace for the entire Russian hockey.

About achievements in sports, unknown facts of biography and professional career Hockey player, Russian television viewers learned on May 7, 2016 on the air of the First Channel, when the documentary film "Evgeny Malkin was presented. Russian among Penguins.

In 2017, Evgeny Malkin did not lose the leadership positions at the Pittsburgh Penguin club. Together with the team team, the Russian became the owner of Harlamov Trophy. Financial achievements of hockey player progressed. According to Forbes magazine, the athlete took 6th place in the top ten rating of Russian celebrities.

After the defeat of the Russian national team at the 2014 Olympics, Evgeny Malkin planned to take revenge on the Olympic Games in Korea. But the leadership of NHL decided not to let the players for international competitions, at the end of February 2018, the regular hockey league championship was appointed. Russian expressed regret on this. It was his last chance to defeat the Olympics, although he does not lose hope of doing this in the future.

In early 2018, the athlete became interested in politics. Evgeny became a member of the movement of Putin Team, created in support of Vladimir Putin Alexander Ovechkin. Also, Ilya Kovalchuk, Pavel Bure, Boris Mikhailov, Vyacheslav Fetisov and other athletes, actors and media faces were included in the team.

In 2018, Malkin had to skip the match series with Washington Capitals due to injury earlier in the game with Philadelphia. Between the seasons, the athlete managed to fully relax, the fatigue accumulated in recent years has already affected the game: the conquest of the two Cups Stanley has influenced the physical condition of all Pittsburgh Penguins players. During this period, he visited the humorous show "Comedy Club".

According to the results of the 2019/2020 season, Evgeny Malkin is recognized as the best player of the team. His salary was $ 9.5 million in the regular regular championship, he participated in 55 matches, writing to his account 74 points. In the playoffs hockey player held 4 matches.

Personal life

Evgeny Malkin's personal life began to improve in Magnitogorsk. A prominent athlete (Malkin's growth - 190 cm, weight - 84 kg) always attracted the attention of the girls.

Zhenya met with a student from Ufa, but the novel did not last long, since his beloved tried to get on the screen, not paying time to relationships. After some time, he met Oksana Kondakova. She was over him for 4 years, but this fact did not prevent the emergence of a new novel. The couple began to meet, and then moved to live in Moscow. Hockey player acquired an apartment for a girl in the elite area of ​​the capital, helped to enter the Moscow Institute of Television. Later, Eugene went to America, but it did not become a barrier to develop relations.

When 4 years passed, the girl hinted that he was ready to become a talented athlete's wife, but his family reacted negatively to such an initiative. Related Evgenia recommended not to rush with the marriage and birth of children. Parents seemed to be beloved in their son only as a man with great financial capabilities. As a result, Kondakov and Malkin broke up.

Then the hockey player was suspected of relationships with Darius Klichina - the first beauty of world mild athletics. However, Malkin denied all the specles and said that they were not associated with romantic feelings: "We are familiar with her, friends. I visited the world championship in athletics not because of Darya Clishina, but because it is interesting to me. She invited me, and I was very nice. It is a pity that she did not show the result for which they were calculated. But as for our relationship, we are just friends. "

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Now Evgeny Malkin is married to TV presenter Anne Casterova. The solemn marriage ceremony took place in 2016. The couple officially issued relations in the United States, and they played the wedding of newlyweds in their homeland.

Russian media repeatedly reported that Eugene and Anna are waiting for a child. In May of the same year, the wife gave birth to Eugene Son Nikita Malkin.

Hockey player is often divided by events from life in his "Instagram", pleases at the sports photo and family chronicles.

In 2019, it became known that Eugene received US citizenship. This caused public indignation. Malkina began to criticize the doubles, as he supported Vladimir Putin. And in the oath, which is obliged to give every citizen who received a passport of the country, sounds such words: "I am punishing it, I repel from loyalty and devotion to any foreign monarch, ruler, state or sovereign power, subject or a citizen of which I was before that day " Eugene commented on the situation. He explained that he lives in the United States for more than 10 years, here is his second home. Hockey player also stressed that he does not like the opposition of the United States and Russia.

Evgeny Malkin now

The new season 2020/2021 Evgeny Malkin, according to sports publications, began unsuccessful. The results of the hockey player for the first games were: 5 (1 + 4) points in 10 matches with the usefulness of "-3" and the average playing time 19,13.

The Russian during the game behaved passively, practically did not threaten the goal of the opponent. In one of the matches with Rangers, he spent only 15 minutes on the ice. This time was one of the worst championship in the career, if you do not take into account the meetings, where he was injured.

Evgeny Malkin hurried to comment on the results, explaining that the impact on the mood and preparation was provided by the limitations associated with coronavirus. "It is clear that this is an unusual season. It's really without training camps, without viewers, and it affects readiness and tuning, but we are all in equal terms. My goal is to help the team to win, and I understand that while I am not in better form, it is harder, "the hockey player said. He also added that in the future will improve the game.

In February 2021, Eugene showed himself in the NHL guest match. Thanks to him, in the last seconds, Pittsburgh beat New York Islends with a score of 4: 3.

In this match, Pittsburgh lost to the last second periods of the third period. But in 18 seconds, by the end of the main time, Malkin stitched the Seeds of Varlamov, the Russian goalkeeper "Ostrovity", a throw in touch. This saving goal translated the match in overtime. And there the decisive shootout realized Canadian Sydney Crosby.

Thus, Pittsburgh took the 5th place in the NHL Eastern Division of the Eastern Division, gaining 13 points in 12 games. The following game team held on February 14 against "Washington".


  • Honored Master of Sports of Russia
  • Three-fold Stanley Cup
  • 2005 - Bronze Medal of the World Championships in Austria
  • 2007 - Bronze Medal of the World Championships in Russia
  • 2010 - Silver Medal of the World Championships in Germany
  • 2012 - Gold Medal of the World Championships in Finland / Sweden
  • 2014 - Gold Medal of the World Championships in Minsk
  • 2015 - Silver Medal of the World Cup in Czech Republic
  • 2019 - Bronze Medal of the World Cup in Slovakia

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