Julia Lipnitskaya - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Figure 2021



Yulia Vyacheslavovna Lipnitskaya - Russian figure skater, participant in figure skating competitions at the Olympic Games in Sochi (2014), which received the title of champion in team speeches. Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation (2014).

Childhood and youth

Julia was born on June 5, 1998 in Yekaterinburg, a twin zodiac sign. The girl was born in the poor family. Mom Daniela Lipnitskaya brought up a child alone, as his father left her even before his daughter's birth. The man went to the army, and after the service was completed, never returned to the family. In early childhood, without knowing how to disconnect the words well, the girl called himself the Olympic instead of Lipnitskaya, which later turned out to be a kind of anticipation of his own destiny.

The young athlete began her career in childhood when she was barely 4 years old. Daniela Leonidovna led the baby to the local school in Sdayshor Lokomotiv. Then she had to shoot the cheapest apartment next to the rink. The first coaches of Julia, Elena Levkovovets and Marina Wojcachovskaya, did not just become idols and the best teachers of the girl, but also gave her the opportunity to continue their way in one of the most beautiful sports.

Julia Lipnitskaya in childhood

Mother who chose for his daughter exactly figure skating, did not even suspect what success to achieve Julia in the future. Indeed, initially the goal was to strengthen the health of the girl, the occupation of something useful and fascinating.

In March 2009, an athlete, together with his mother moved to Moscow. The reason has become high hopes that pinned on the figure skater, despite the young age. Everything that could give Julia in Yekaterinburg, she learned, and there was no opportunity in the city for the further development of the girl.

It was determined in the Moscow Sdayshor No. 37. Lipnitskaya hit the group to the famous ETee Georgievna Tutberidze, who prepares athletes in single skating. Igor Pashkevich helped.

Personal life

At the end of 2015, information about the novel of the young figure skater with the athlete Maurice Kvithelashvili appeared. With a young man, Yulia introduced a friend Elizabeth Tuktamysheva, World Championship 2015.

With a move to Sochi, where an athlete trained under the leadership of Alexey Urmanov, there were no changes in the personal life of Julia Lipnitskaya. The girl broke out from under the guardianship of the mother and, as can be seen by photographs on the page in "Instagram", now he has time not only to prepare for further games, but also rest. She did not comment on his personal life.

Then Julia spent time with Vlad Tarasenko, when he came to Sochi. The guy also trained in Etray Tutberidze. Young athlete dreamed of changing place of residence and move to the southern city. After Lipnitskaya left the team, the figure skater left the coach with her.

On June 16, 2020, representatives of the girl said that Julia and Vladislav are waiting for a child. This information was officially confirmed. According to loved ones, the athlete is already at the later gestation. In an interview, she stated that she wanted to report its position personally, but strangers intervened, spoiling surprise.

The child was born on June 27th. The girl was given an unusual name of Catalina.

Figure skating

Julia has incredible flexibility and good stretching. It was these qualities that allowed her to fulfill the most complex elements that adults and experienced athletes are honored for years. Tatiana Tarasova coach noted that the girl has unique data. She knew how at least accelerated during rotation. By the end of 2009, the figure skater could do all triple jumps on perfectly.

In the 2009/2010 season, Lipnitskaya took part in the Russian championship and entered the top five winners. The next season in which she was attended as an adult athlete, became also a sign: the girl took the 4th place.

In 2011-2012, the Russian woman visited the Grand Prix, which was held in Poland, and won him. After that, Julia began to conquer only prizes. And already in Italy, the figure skater took the gold again. Then there was a victory in Canada, where the athlete showed himself and managed to a great concern to a great concern.

Soon the Russian figure skater went to the Russian Championship, where he deservedly received silver. The next step was the victory at the World Junior Championships. Lipnitskaya was able to conquer the gold medal and ahead of a well-known American athlete, which was proper 1st.

The girl began preparations for the Olympics in Sochi in advance. The first was the victory in the 2012/2013 season in the tournament, which was held in Finland. After that, the athlete achieved the championship in China and in France already on adult competitions.

The victory in Paris became a double figure: Lipnitskaya could not just win gold, but also to get the maximum level. In the finals, the Grand Prix did not speak. The young athlete was injured, because of which could not reach the ice. She had a slight brain concussion, the situation complicated dissected chin. The girl missed not only the final, but also the Russian Championship in figure skating in 2013.

Only in the second half of the season 2012/2013, the figure skater was able to take the 5th position at the Russian Championship. It was the first exit after the injury. Then the girl introduced the Nutcracker number, which became one of the best for her. After this tournament began the star period of Julia Lipnitskaya biography, the athlete again began to take prizes.

The world championship was successful for her. Julia won silver in Milan. After all injuries obtained, she needed a certain time for rehabilitation. But Lipnitskaya quickly restored the strength and in the Olympic season entered the winner again.

Competitions in Finland, which took place in the 2013/2014 season, brought a figure skater victory. In the final of the Grand Prix, Julia took 2nd place due to a small error, which was allowed in the program.

The sign victory of athletes can be called gold at the European Championships in 2014. She not only received a gold medal, but also ahead of the main competitors for a large number of points. The girl rolled back the program perfectly and earned the championship. At this championship rivals, Yulia, who was the youngest, were experienced colleagues, who had encouraged prizes.

Lipnitskaya's strong support receives from the mother who accompanies the daughter on all performances. They together, when Julia wins and falls. Mom for figure skater is the most important and main person, what a girl repeatedly spoke in an interview.

Olympiad in Sochi

The fact that Julia Lipnitskaya will represent his country at the Olympics in Sochi was quite expected. The girl managed to achieve such results, which some athletes can only dream. She was the main hope of the Russian figure skating team.

In team competitions, which took place 6, February 8 and 9 in Sochi, Julia became the Olympic champion. In other types, she gave way to Yudzuru Hanu: the Japanese installed a new world record. The girl won and rolled back both programs perfectly. It was Lipnitskaya who won the greatest number of points that helped the Russian national team on figure skating. It performed very complex elements in the speech and received all possible surcharges. Today, Julia is the youngest Olympic country champion.

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In February 2014, it became known that Lipnitskaya was awarded the title "Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation". This event became an excellent incentive for an athlete when in the same month she took part in the competition for a short figure skating program among women. Russia was represented by two figure skater - 15-year-old Julia Lipnitskaya and 17-year-old Adeline Sotnikova. After a short program, she ranked 5th, as it fell when the flip was performed.

On February 20, 2014, a decisive rental was held - an arbitrary program. Julia came to the music of the legendary film "Schindler List". The athlete performed perfect jumps and unique rotations, but in a few moments he fell to the final.

As a result, 15-year-old Julia showed the fifth result over the sum of both programs. That Olympics won adeline unconditionally, giving Russia the first gold in the modern history of female single skating.

After the Olympiad

After the Olympics in Sochi, Julia Lipnitskaya did not rest on the laurels. The next season skater began at the Grand Prix stage in China, where the short program rolled back and became the leader. But, unfortunately, the day after success, an annoying fall happened: an arbitrary girl's program was not perfect. As a result, the athlete managed to consolidate on the 2nd place.

The accumulated fatigue was the cause of defeat in Barcelona and Russia. At the homeland of Julia, according to the results of an arbitrary program, it turned out to be at the 5th position and did not enter the national team for the European Championship.

The new season Lipnitskaya began on Finland Finlandia Trophy, where he was able to take the 2nd place. Two weeks later, in American Milwaukee, Russians got the 6th place at the stage of the Skate American Grand Prix Series. At the National Championship, good luck again turned away from Julia: the girl was in the middle of the table. It was included in the Russian national team as a spare.

In November 2015, Julia Lipnitskaya replaced the coach Eter Tutberidze. Prepare an athlete to further competitions took Alexey Urmanov. Training took place in Sochi.

No matter how dark and bright stripes in the sports biography of the figure skater, it undoubtedly visible a brilliant future. This was sure not only Russian girls fans, but also foreign fans of sports talent Lipnitskoy. For example, about its abilities wrote in The Guardian. The publication called Julia an unusually gifted figure skater and an upward star, which eclipsed with his riding even Yevgeny Plushenko.

In 2016, she received bronze for a short program within the framework of the Russian Championship. In arbitrary skating, Julia won the 7th place and became a member of the national team of Europe, but only as a stock athlete. In February of the same year, Lipnitskaya won silver in the Final of the Russian Cup, held in Saransk. Then Julia's choreographer was Stephen Lambiel, his production helped a girl to reach a new level. Especially the public was remembered to rent a hire from the movie "Kill Bill". The demonstration of the "Master and Margarita" under the composition of Igor Kornelyuk was in favorites of the jury members.

In the pre-air season 2016/2017, when performing a short program, the music for the presentation of Julia has played much earlier than the planned time. The hint forced the figure skater to start all over again. Despite this, Lipnitskaya won victory. In Bratislava, the message of the Russian woman was not quite successful in the Memorial. Having received the maximum number of points for a short program, the figure skater performed arbitrary with blots: the old injury of Yulia gave itself to know. Because of this, the girl received silver.

She missed his exit in the Skate America Series of the Grand Prix, and the next stage interrupted the performance. Because of the painful sensations, the figure skater rolled up the program at the Rostelecom Cup, which took place in the fall in Moscow, with a long stop, as a result of which he lost points and became the twelfth in the list of participants. Collegiates decided to suspend Yulia's sports career to restore health. Then the girl thought about the transition to dances or pair skating, as it remained outside the team after the turnout of the failures.

Journalists and coaches have always highly appreciated Lipnick's ability, stating that Evgenia Medvedev and Alina Zagitov will never be equal to her, despite their world records and titles.

Career completion

In the spring of 2017, new photos appeared in the "Instagram" closed account in the "Instagram", including in a swimsuit on which it was clearly noticeable that the girl would grow out. The network began to spread rumors about the pregnancy of Julia. In the comments, she categorically rejected the speculation of fans. As it turned out, the figure skater gained weight after treatment.

On August 28, 2017, Daniela reported that Julia Lipnitskaya completed the sports career. She accepted this difficult decision immediately on arrival from Europe, where he passed a course of treatment from anorexia, the disease strongly undermined the health of the girl. On September 9 of the same year, official confirmation appeared that the celebrity leaves sports.

The famous figure skater Tatiana Navka commented on the latest news about the decision of Lipnitskoy, stating that it should be good reasons. In support of the choice of Yulia, coach Alexey Mishin and Figure of Evgeny Plushenko, who did not lose confidence that the athlete will still return to a big sport with new forces. Eteri Tutberidze stated that Lipnitskaya could graduate her career before.

After the completion of the career, Julia, together with his mother, was engaged in arrangement of a new apartment in the south-west of Moscow in the LCD "Rasskazovo", which he received a gift from the founders of the Holding Sezar Group.

In October 2017, the figure skater became a commentator on the channel "Telspless". One of Julia's first esters commented on eight hours, and the broadcast scored more than 7 million views.

In 2018, the athlete began working as a figure skating coach at the Ilyinic Champions Academy - Lipnitskaya, which was opened together with Elena Ilyini. The chief of Yulia Vladislav Tarasenko is also working there after the departure from Eteri Tutberidze.

Julia Lipnitskaya now

In 2020, the athlete rolled back the program in the image of Cinderella in the framework of the Ice Show of Evgeny Plushenko. Lipnitskaya speaks only in commercial projects and is not going to return to a large sport.

Now Julia employs children and adolescents in Moscow and conducts fees in different cities of the country. In February 2021, the figure skater announced master classes in Japan. Achievements and rewards allowed to become her in demand by the coach.


  • 2011 - the winner of the final of the Junior Grand Prix
  • 2012 - Junior world champion
  • 2013 - Silver medalist Final Grand Prix
  • 2012 - Silver winner of the championships of Russia
  • 2014 - European champion
  • 2014 - Silver World Championship winner
  • 2014 - Olympic champion
  • 2014 - Silver winner of the championships of Russia
  • 2016 - Gold Medal at the Tyrol Cup

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