Victor An - Biography, Photo, Sport, Personal Life, News 2021



The emergence of new national heroes is the process is not predictable and unexpected. Often, people who have recently had no relation to Russia become crowded in many ways.

Viktor An

But truly nationality does not play any role, if a person loves the country where he lives, and is ready to bring to her worldwide glory. A vivid example is a short-trekist Viktor An.

Childhood and youth

Viktor An was born on November 23, 1985 in the capital of South Korea, Seoul. Victor's name at birth is Hen Suh, under which he lived until 2011. At first, the boy was growing a simple Korean child, while at 8 years old did not see the broadcast of the Olympiad in Lillehammer. Especially struck the boy of the speech of short trackists.

Viktor An in childhood

1994 was a period when a passion for this sport arose in the heart of the boy. Kumir Victor was his compatriot, member of the Olympic Tea Tea Zhi Un. This athlete won 2 gold medals in Lillehammer and awakened in the soul of Hen Suh, an irresistible craving for a short track.

Viktor An immediately persuaded his parents to record it in the section. Training bases already at that time were at the highest level, so the boy had all the opportunities for the development of his abilities.


Victor Ana's sports biography began in his homeland. His career in Korea developed rapidly. The early success of the boy was interested in a famous coach, in the past three-time winner of the Olympic Games Kim Kim Unh, who, without deliberation, invited a talented athlete into the elite group.

Athlete Viktor An.

An experienced leader has become a bench for the progress of the talent of Viktor Ana, but also the skater skewers worked, "not focusing" - up to 10 hours daily. The coach motivated and taught him the run itself and the habit of constantly analyzing his indicators and the reasons for their changes, by viewing video recordings to raise the skater skills.

And I did not have to wait long. The first loud achievement that addressed the attention of the sports leaders of the country to an athlete was the "golden" performance at the World Championships among young men in 2002. This victory has become a happy ticket of a short trackist in the South Korea national team, but already in its main, adult. But here, young tagging quickly showed that he was not going to stay in newbies.

Victor An on the track

In the same year, even without having reached the age of majority, Viktor An won gold in the relay race, as well as three times became a silver winner of the competition in the adult category. Together with the South Korean male team, he took a bronze step pedestal in the team competition.

But with the Olympiad of this saturated 2002 for him, I did not work out: Viktor Ana conquered only the 4th place. Although the word "only" is not quite appropriate - some athletes do not reach such a result throughout the career in sports.

Viktor An in Korea

Already next year, low growth, a thin athlete (Growth of Victor - 172 cm, the weight of 63 kg) is ahead of all competitors in the world, after winning the world championship in the world championship and three times in the competitions of the Asia Short Trequist.

2004 was the year of Viktor Ana triumph. He brings 6 gold medals of the world championship (5 personal, and 1 - for a team victory). His incredible achievements at the Universiade in Innsbruck in 2005.

But the moment of true happiness and the realization of the children's dream was the Olympics in Turin. Remembering the failure in 2002, Viktor An did everything possible so that his failure repeatedly. And he won, rising three times the first step and conquering bronze once. In that year, Viktor Ana bypassed everyone and became an indisputable leader of the global short track.

Further, the biography of Victor Ana acquires the features of the Hollywood drama about take-offs and falls in a larger sport. It all began due to the conflict of the father's father with the head coach of the national team, in which the whole team was divided into opinions. Soon the titled athlete had to train with the female team.

Viktor An

Whether it was an evil rock, then someone's intent, but after that Viktor An receives a serious knee injury, which missed several world championships. He confused the former form and did not fall into the Korean national team at the Olympics in Vancouver.

It would seem that the career was completed. But it was not there. The decision of the Russian Olympic Guide to strengthen the composition of the team on Short Track due to the invitation of athletes from other countries was helped.

Moving to Russia, the change of citizenship and the name in 2011 was discovered for An Hen Soo, a second breath in life and sports. He chose the new name Victor, to quickly feel like a citizen of the Great Country, feel at home. As Viktor Ana loves to emphasize in an interview, such a choice was due to two reasons - the meaning of the word "victory" and respect for another famous Russian Korean Viktor Tsu.

Viktor An as part of the Russian national team

Whatever it was, Viktor An gave the Russian team hope for awards in this sport and immediately began to show "medal" results for the national team on world championships. In addition to sports training and bright speeches, the skaterkeeper stood up with the study of Russian. By agreement with the coaching staff of the Russian national team at the 2014 Olympics, he had to be interviewed in Russian.

The Olympiad in Sochi became for Viktor Ana testing and the ability to prove to himself and others that he is one of the world leaders of the short track.

Former colleagues in the Korean national team have already nervously bite her lips, looking at his debut performance at a distance of 1500 meters. On February 10, Viktor An brought the first bronze medal to the piggy bank of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that before that Russia never received the Olympic medals in individual cross-track contests.

But Viktor An was not going to stop on the achieved. On February 15, 2014, Russian short-foot trackists received 2 awards at once. At a distance of 1000 meters, Viktor Ana won the Gold Medal. Never before the Russian team did not achieve such results.

But that's not all. The benefit that the Olympiad has a large number of distances, which allows athletes to take their own. This took advantage of Victor.

On February 21, the final was held in a short track at a distance of 500 meters. And here the equal Victor Anu did not turn out. He again rose to the upper step of the pedestal, won the 8th medal for Russia.

That's just on the second gold of Sochi Viktor An not stopped. The athlete has also won the team relay at 5000 meters together with Semen Elistratov, Vladimir Grigoriev and Ruslana Zakharov. At the last stage, Viktor An not just finished first, but also managed to beat the Olympic record. It was not just a victory, it is a real furyor.

In Sochi, a new marble star appeared, embedded in honor of the famous short trackist and 6-Russian Olympic champion Victor Ana.

Star Victor Ana in Sochi

The public reaction to the victory brought to the piggy bank of someone else's countryside, in South Korea was stormy. Korea's media wrapped the flurry of critics to the Union of Konkezhtsev Republic. The Minister of Sports and the President of the country even promised to eradicate corruption and civil enginemen in sports, as well as how to prepare for the 2018 Olympic Games.

In general, Motherland love and support Viktor Ana, understanding the reasons for his emigration.

Viktor An

After the 2014 Olympics, Viktor Ana stayed in Russia, where he continued to defend the honor of the country. The Olympic champion presented a 3-room apartment in a luxury house in St. Petersburg. The house is included in the comfortable complex "Prince Alexander Nevsky". In addition, the athlete received apartments in Novogorsk as a gift and in Odintsovo.

The 6-fold Olympic champion Viktor An spoke at the European Short Track Championship, which was held in Turin in January 2017. The skater did not manage to put in full force, he came 3rd after two Dutch athletes of Knegt's shine and Dylan Hugerverf.

Personal life

During the Olympics, world media had shots, on which we cried, rejoicing the results and achievements of the beloved, his girl. The name is Eastern Beauty in Ri, or just Nari.

Journalists have previously shot a couple during their walks in Moscow. Those short hours of free time between training sessions that fell out the athlete, he tried to spend with his beloved.

Viktor An and his wife

The couple met a few years ago. Nari is a long fan of Victor Ana, a member of his club. She intently watched his career and rejoiced every victory.

In 2013, Nari moved to Russia and received citizenship. And in 2014, the couple played a wedding. Viktor Anha says that he helped his presence, attention and care helped him adapt in Russia and feel her citizen.

Viktor An and her daughter

Soon, the spouses thought about children. In December 2015, Victor became a father: the wife gave the athlete daughter Jane An. Victor Ana's personal life has developed as wonderful as his career.

In 2016, Viktor A en visited the popular humorous show "Evening Urgant", where came along with Evgeny Plushenko.

The famous skaterbed demonstrated that he was in an excellent sports form and has an excellent sense of humor.

Viktor An now

Participation in the 2018 Championships 2018, which was held in Dresden, brought the speed skating 2nd place. Gold again went to the athlete from the Netherlands of the Schinka Knegta. In addition to participating in competitions, in the framework of educational work, Viktor An is regularly visited by the major cities of Russia with master classes on the short track. The athlete itself spends daily at a training session for 6 hours or more.

Viktor An involved in the Olympic Games in Korea, but received removal from the International Olympic Committee. The organization's management has not explained its decision. Short Trekist tried to get explanations and even sent an open letter to Thomas Bahu. In the message, the athlete explained that the lack of explanations from the IOC spawned rumors about the use of doping.

But the skaterbed never used forbidden funds, and now his sports honor was at risk. Victor asked the MOK's leadership to clarify the reasons for this decision. But the President of the International Organization refused comment.

In the same year, the skater skewers stated that he was leaving from Russia with his family. For the first time, the news sounded from the athlete's page in "Instagram". In the account there was a photo of the open message written by him to subscribers and fans.

Viktor An and his family left Russia

The reason for the departure of Victor Ana was the completion of a sports career. Short Trekist admitted that he always dreamed of sports, and not about the coaching career. Namely, the work by the coach was offered to Viktor in Russia after he hung skates on a nail. Being on vacation in Korea, An realized that it was not yet ready to head the national team of the second homeland, but perhaps in the future he will change this decision. Skaterhead thanked his colleagues with which there was a lot of excitement victories, as well as Russian fans who believed in him.

In 2018, Viktor An surrendered an apartment in Ham

Now Viktor An Anchor returned to South Korea, where it is going to do the formation of his daughter. On this decision insisted a wife who wants to raise a real Korean from Jane. Fans are interested in the question that Viktor An with that real estate, which was presented to him in Russia. In September, it became known that the apartment in St. Petersburg an athlete surpasses for 50 thousand rubles. per month. As realtors assure, it is a low price for equipped housing in business class highlight.

Awards and achievements

  • 2002 - Gold Medal at the World Championships in Montreal
  • 2003 - 3 Gold Medals at the World Championships in Warsaw
  • 2004 - Gold Medal at the World Championships in St. Petersburg
  • 2004 - 4 gold medals at the World Championships in Gothenburg
  • 2005 - 2 Gold Medals at the World Championships in Beijing
  • 2006 - 3 Gold Medals at the World Championships in Minneapolis
  • 2006 - 3 Golden, 1 Bronze medals at the Olympics in Turin
  • 2007 - 3 gold medals at the World Championships in Milan
  • 2014 - 2 gold medals at the World Cup Montreal
  • 2014 - 3 Golden, 1 Bronze Medals at the Olympics in Sochi
  • 2018 - Silver Medal at the European Championships in Dresden

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