Roman Shirokov - biography, news, personal life, football player, photo, criminal case, "Zenit" 2021



The provincial near Moscow town of Dedovsk used to be known, perhaps only the townspeople, residents of nearby regions. Now it knows many football fans. After all, here on July 6, 1981, a kummyr of modern fans was born. Roman Shirokov, who over the years sports career was held from the player of amateur teams to the captain of the Russian national team, becoming the best football player of 2012 (according to the program "Football").

Childhood and youth

The biography of Roman Wisdom, as well as other provincial boys, usually - a kindergarten, school, street and playing the ball in the yard. Father, worker at the factory (died of stroke at 52 years in 2008), seriously fond of football.

As a child, the Father Nikolai Sergeevich Shirokov coached the restless novel. He instilled his son's love for this game, taught the Azam. When the boy was 12 years old, the parents divorced, and Roma stayed with his mother. She lives today in the suburbs.

Personal life

High growth sports man (height 183 cm, weight 70 kg) always caused interest among the opposite sex. The personal life of the football player has developed happily. In his youth, he met with compatriot Catherine. At one time, young people were only friends, spent time in general companies.

Later, their relationship became closer. In the mid-2000s, young people played a wedding. Today, two children are raised in the family - the son of Igor and daughter Victoria. Roman's wife Ekaterina is wider - the faithful fan of her husband. Family members are interested in sports. Parents together with children regularly pay fitness time.

In addition, the novel is an active user of social networks. In the accounts in Twitter and Instagram, Shirokov communicates with fans, teammates, Russian national team partners, commenting on football and near-football events. Thanks to Twitter, the athlete is known sharp and not always correct statements.

For example, he was not afraid to call the fans of Zenit "morons" when they slightly broke the champions League match with Cyprus Apoel in 2011. I got a football player and from the "red-white" fans, which he dubbed "pigs". Having writes a 10 thousandth Tweet, Shirokov stopped blogging.

Celebrity conflict is known to the whole Russian football community. He, not embarrassed in expressions, says what he thinks. According to experts, such behavior is characteristic of the sign of the zodiac cancer, which patronizes the novel. So, at the finish of the 2011/2012 championship, he provoked another scandal with a gross statement about the readiness of the field at Petrovsky to the address of the Stadium's agronomist. And when someone from the fans tried to snatch the T-shirt after the match, I gave an angry reward.

For such misconduct the "Zenit" fans "awarded" wider with crocheses with obscene vocabulary and inspired banners in the stands. Not paying attention to the attitude of the fans, the novel continued to provoke conflict situations. So, in a dispute with one fan, he advised that "sit at home". The winged phrase was remembered in the 2020th against the background of a coronavirus infection in a pandemic and a universal call. "Sit at home."

However, not only thanks to the statements of the football player multiplied by his fame of the scandalist. So, during the broadcast on the first channel of the match, Russia is Spain, the Che-2008 tournament, in which the Zenit midfielder participated, Commentator Viktor Gusev allowed himself a free statement in the address of the novel. Athlete he called the player "not the level of the national team." Later, shirokov could not accept apologies from the journalist.


The beginning of his career Roman is wider than the football school "Torpedo", where he was taken away from the godfather. True, the boy learned there only half a year, and, having received a serious injury (fracture of the legs), was forced to stop classes. Resting after the injury, he moved to the school at the School of CSKA football club and soon he had already played for the second team.

Finding in it from 1998 to 2001 was unsuccessful. The novel did not base the banal reason - the presence of a conflict nature and frequent violations of the sports regime ("friendship" with alcohol).

As a result, a young footballer had to part with the "army" and shake on the most famous clubs, without lingering for a long time. In the service station, "Torpedo Zil" (2001, just one match), the Istra team of the second division with the same name "Istra" (2002-2004), a team from the city of Vidnoe (2004), mean.

The 2005 season in the near Moscow Club developed for wider well. The football player participated in 18 matches, while driving 3 goals. However, in 2006, a new coach Vladimir Shevchuk came to the team, and the novel stopped the basis, after which he decided to change the club.

The next team was Kazan "Rubin" Kurban Berdieva. It also failed to stay for a long time - only 4 matches and injury. After the restoration of Shirokov went to watch in the "Wings of the Soviets". Again failure. I had to go back to amateur "Istra" for half a year.

The true professional football career of the novel began in 2007, when he went to Khimki at the 26th age, the club debutant of the Russian Premier League. The Director-General signed a contract with a player without viewing, at his own peril and risk, and not mistaken. Shirokov became the leader of the team, scored in the first match, the club led confidently, successfully played the season. As a result, he received an invitation to the Russian national team and left Khimki.

After a successful football player, there was a lot of invitations from Spartak to Spanish clubs. But chose the novel "Zenit" and the Dutch Dick Lawyer. Already in the first matches for the new club of Shirokov showed that he is the basics player. In the summer of 2008, two club European trophies have won at once with the team - UEFA Cup and Super Cup of UEFA. In the same year, the title of Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation was awarded.

In 2009, the football community was involved in the conflict of two Zenit players - the novel wider and goalkeeper Vyacheslav Malafeev. The central midfielder accused the goalkeeper in the fact that the ball was missed by his fault. Both commented on the controversial situation in an interview. But the players could not continue to continue hostility for a long time, so they soon declared reconciliation.

Zenit has always been famous for the well-coordinated staffing. Perhaps, due to competition, the novel is forced for a long time to grasp the bench, leaving the field only for replacement, from the case to occasion. When a lawyer at the coaching post replaced Anatoly Davydov, the situation was still not changed - there were almost no shirokov.

It seemed that the Roman's career ended in the St. Petersburg club and it is necessary to start searching for a new one, but in the winter of 2010, Zenit headed Luciano Spalletti, who gave midfielder another chance. Shirokov from the first matches became an important "screw" in the tactical scheme of the Italian coach, again earned a challenge to the Russian national team. Together with Zenit, the novel became the champion of Russia in the 2010 and 2011/2012 seasons and the winner of the Cup of the country in 2010.

The Match of the Petersburg team vs. Portuguese "Porto" was impressive as part of the second round of the Champions League group stage, when the Russians completed the game with a score of 3: 1, while two goals from three scored shirokov.

Once again, the complex nature has demonstrated the romance in 2013, when he had a serious conflict with the fans of "blue-white-blue", which ultimately led to disqualification for several matches due to the forefed gesture. Perhaps because of this was followed by rent: 2014 Roman met in FC Krasnodar.

Here he was not lost. Together with the team from Kuban, Shirokov became the finalist of the Russian Cup, and the team demonstrated a beautiful combinational game. In May, Roman received another injury, and the trip to the World Cup 2014 was called.

The debut match for the Russian national team On March 26, 2008, it is impossible to be called successful: the team suffered a defeat from Romanians with a score of 0: 3. But the voucher at Euro 2008 was earlier, and the novel went along with the national team in Austria and Switzerland.

There, the team of Gus Hiddinka was also not charged too: the team was defeated by Spain with a score of 1: 4. In defeat, football analysts accused a line of protection, including the novel. Nevertheless, the bronze medal of the 2008 European Championship of Shirokov still received.

The qualifying cycle for the World Cup - 2010 passed without wider: Changing Hiddinka Dick The lawyer did not invite him to the national team. The novel put on the National Team T-shirt only at the end of 2010 in the game with the team of Bulgaria. In this match he scored the first goal for the national team.

Thanks to the confident game of Wisdom and other football players, Russia in the fall of 2011 designed a trip to the European Championship of 2012 in Poland and Ukraine, winning the decisive match, according to Roman, "Colkhomanic" - the national team of Slovakia.

In this tournament, the novel of Shirokov acted as a team leader with Andrei Arshavin. Starting a group stage with a victory over the Czech team with a score of 4: 1, the Russian national team continued itself not from the best side - at first the zero draw with Poland, and then defeat from Greece 0: 1 led to an inglorious departure at the group stage of the Competition.

However, the following matches for the national team showed that the performance of the Roman Wisdom to CH-2012 was only a temporary failure. His developed football intelligence, verified transfers and beautifully scored goals in subsequent games spoke about the originality of an athlete. Leading European specialists considered the novel as the best player of the Russian Federation, and Evgeny Lovchev called him at all "Professor of Russian Football".

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His words were confirmed in 2013, when Shirokov became the captain of the Russian national team. This year, the novel divided the Prime Minister with a colleague in Zenit Alexander Kerzhakov and the defender of CSKA Sergey Ignashevich.

Having played the last three friendly matches in front of the 2014 World Cup, the Russian national team did not make a proper impression on fans. In these games, the team lacked a variety, sharpness in the attack, thoughts and leader of the majority of Roman's attacks wider, who did not go to the World Championship due to injury. On June 9, 2014, he was made in Finland operation on Achille Temons.

However, his sports career was not over. Roman was interested in the famous Russian clubs who experienced midfielder could get almost free. As a result, in 2014 until the end of the year, the football player was played by the Krasnodar club. During this time, he participated in 8 games and scored 3 goals.

Next season, these indicators have increased - 13 games and 4 scored balls, besides, the rights of the free agent of Shirokov became part of the Moscow "Spartak" and already in the first game against Lokomotiv scored a goal for "Red-White". Thanks to high rates, the novel remained in the Moscow club until 2016 until the board of directors dissolve a contract with him by mutual agreement. The salary of the midfielder at that time was € 2.7 million.

Afaper career

In October 2017, it became known that Roman Shirokov received a position in the structure of the leadership of the Moscow Football Club "Dynamo". He took the post of deputy general director of sports issues. Previously, this position was held by Vladimir Struzkovsky. In a conversation with reporters, the athlete noted that he was never afraid of responsibility and accustomed to respond to his words and actions, so he is ready to execute new duties.

Later, the post of advisor to the Minister of Physical Culture, Sports and Work with the Youth of the Moscow Region was widely added. The duties of an athlete enters the development of the amateur football league of the region. Roman participates in charity, oversees the opening of the focus in the cities of the region, carrying out the relay and sporting events.

In addition, he develops and acting skills. Shirokov starred in the series "Big Game", which started on the CTC television channel in September 2018. In the film, we were talking about a sofa football criticism, which was given the opportunity to head the national team. In the summer of the same year, Roman signed a contract with the TV channel "Russia-24", where he became a football expert.

Shirokov does not forget the basic profession, periodically participating in amateur matches. So, in 2017, he became a member of the festive game in honor of Vladimir Putin's birthday. Brazilz Ronaldinho, head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, Valery Karpin and others came to the field on the day.

Roman Shirokov Now

In August 2020, the Roman Shirokov became a member of the scandalous fight on the match of amateur teams Moscow Cup of Celabriti. He is due to discontent, which caused the decision of the referee, attacked the judge and hit him in his face. Photo and video incident fell into open access.

The next day an athlete brought apologies to Nikita Danchenkov through the instagram social network. According to Wisdom, he was outraged not appointed, but the necessary penalty.

However, Danchenkov did not apologize, which were not personally brought. Having collected the necessary references, he wrote a statement to the police on the titled footballer. A criminal case was established against the novel under Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Intentional causing easy harm to health", which implies a penalty of a fine to 40 thousand rubles., 480 hours of mandatory work or four months of arrest.

On August 11, the producer of the channel "Match TV" Tina Kandelaki, where before that he worked as an expert of Shirokov, confirmed his dismissal after the conflict. The protection side does not agree with the qualifications of the crime. The lawyer of the injured arbitrator Alexander Ostrovsky was going to achieve a change in the article on a cleaner - an attempt to murder, but the court did not find for this reason.

The final court decision was announced at the end of December 2020. Sokolova sentenced to 100 hours of mandatory work. In addition, he must pay a fine of 100 thousand rubles.



  • 2010, 2011/12 - Champion of Russia
  • 2009/10 - the winner of the Russian Cup
  • 2008, 2011 - owner of the Super Cup of Russia
  • 2007/08 - Winner of the UEFA Cup
  • 2008 - Winner Super Cup UEFA
  • 2012/13 - Silver winner of the Russian Championship
  • 2009 - Bronze medalist of the championship of Russia


  • 2014/15 - Bronze Camera Championship of Russia


  • 2015/16 - Champion of Russia

Russian team

  • 2008 - Bronze medalist of the European Championship

Personal achievements

  • 2012, 2013 - Football player of the year in Russia
  • Lists 33 of the best players of the Russian Championship
  • 2015 - Member of the Club Igor Netto

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