Alexander Kokorin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Mother Svetlana Kokorina, Footballer, Pavel Mamaev 2021



Alexander Kokorin is a Russian footballer, known not only to a bright game, but also a scandalous reputation. In the media, the name of the celebrity is often mentioned in a negative context, but this does not prevent him from remaining the idol of millions.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Kokorin was born on March 19, 1991 in the city of Valuyki Belgorod region.

The first steps in the sports boy did under the leadership of the Father. During the period of study in the 1st grade, the young talent has noted the attention of the coach of the local sports school, which also offered Sasha to work out in the football section.

With the assistance of the footballer's mentor, they called to view Moscow "Spartak". He liked the coaches, but the club did not have a free housing. Fortunately, it was found in the boarding school of the capital "Locomotive", but also there were difficulties. Kokorin did not fit in age, but in the end he agreed to leave for a trial period. Parting with the parents was not difficult, but it helped Alexander early to become independent.

With the Locomotive team, the boy lived and trained the next 6 years. During this time, he was repeatedly recognized as the best scorer of various football competitions between Moscow sports schools. Already then it became clear that the player is waiting for a great future.

Club Football

Before the 2008 season, 17-year-old Kokorin signed a three-year contract with the Moscow Dynamo club. His debut in the RPL took place in the game of the 24th round of the Russian Championship against Saturn. A young athlete managed to score a goal and bring his team victory.

The contribution of the football player was not ignored, and he spent the following matches in the main composition. For the club, the result of the tournament was the 3rd place, and Alexander was recognized as one of the best young scorers. A successful start was overshadowed by the lack of heads in subsequent games.

Despite this, Dynamo leadership extended a contract with an athlete. After that, the effectiveness of Kokoker has increased, he regularly went on the field. In September 2012, his 100th match in the RPL took place.

Soon it became known about the desire of the star to change the club. He preferences Makhachkala "Anji", but stayed there for long. The FC policy has changed, and from highly paid players began to get rid of. Among them was Alexander, who returned to Dynamo.

According to Sergey Stepashin, during this period the footballer received a salary of about € 5.5 million per year. The player sought to justify his value, and after a month after return, he was recognized as the best commanders of the team.

Season 2014/2015 became special in the biography of Kokorina, because he designed the first hat-trick, hitting the gate of Rostov. A bright game on the field later brought a football player a Captain Bandage, and the interest in it was shown not only Russian, but also foreign clubs. Representatives of the English "Arsenal" and French "PSG" conducted about buying a star, but in Dynamo, they decided to sell the ward in Zenit.

The first goal for the St. Petersburg club player scored during the match against "Amkar". But in the future, his effectiveness forced to desire the best, and the behavior on the field was criticized by experts. Rehabilitated only at the beginning of the 2017/2018 season, and then the athlete received a serious injury and was forced to skip the following games.

Return to the field lasted for a long time, because a scandalous incident happened soon, because of which the star's career was at risk.

Russian team

At the international level, the path of Kokoker was less bright than national. His debut in the main Russian national team took place in the fall of 2011. But the first results were noticeable only a year later, in the period of qualifying matches of the World Cup. Alexander scored the goal of Israel. Later, the athlete noted at the tournament during the match against the Algerian team.

In 2018, a football player was expected to participate in the World Cup games. But because of the injury, he could not attend the tournament.

Scandals and imprisonment

In the past, the athlete repeatedly got into scandalous situations, although not always in his will. So, in 2013, rumors appeared that he was not really born in 1991, and 1989. Alexander Bubnov spoke the first to talk about it, and then picked up journalists. Information was not confirmed officially.

After 3 years, the media constituted headlines about an expensive party, arranged athlete and his friend in Monte Carlo. It was reported that players ordered 500 champagne bottles with a total cost of € 250 thousand. In an interview, Kokorin said that in fact the celebration did not pay for him, but apologized for his behavior. The leadership of Zenit decided to send it to the youth team at time.

But the loudest scandal happened in the fall of 2018. Alexander, his younger brother Kirill Kokorin, as well as Pavel Mamaev and Alexander Protasovsky became the participants of the trial. Footballers were charged with beating two men - the driver Vitaly Solovchuk and the official Denis Pak.

The next day, a video with the evidence of the guilt of the athlete appeared on the network. According to Kokorina, he did not treat it seriously. The lawyers convinced the prostum that he was not planted for such a prison. He expected that a measure of punishment would be a fine or correctional work.

In addition, as Alexander said in an interview, they were with the victims and staff of the cafe "Coffeeman", in which a fight with an official was held, a peace agreement was achieved. But in fact, everything turned out to be more serious, the players concluded in the SIZO until the clarification of the circumstances. Later, Mamaev called this business is indicative. The athletes argued that the investigators were ordered to land them for the bars.

In support of the star, many of his colleagues and mother Svetlana Kokorina were made. She gave an interview to Andrei Malakhov, where she stated that he would agree to suffer punishment with her sons. But all this did not save the player from the conclusion. On May 8, 2019, the Court recognized the fighting instigators by the perpetrators of the crime. Alexandra sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year and 6 months, which he had to spend in the colony in the Belgorod region.

In order not to lose the form, Kokorin continued to play football even in conclusion. He played for the local team "Golden Lion" and repeatedly conquered victories. In addition, the player worked in a sewing prison workshop with a salary of 11.2 thousand rubles. Before tax deductions.

Thanks to the activity of lawyers, Alexander was able to achieve landlord. Football players reached freedom in September 2019.

After liberation

After the liberation of Kokorin came to St. Petersburg to conclude a new contract with Zenit. But he could not continue his career in the team, it was soon announced his rental in Sochi. Although at first Alexander was against such a decision of the leadership, I had to obey. In June 2020, presenting a new club, he marked Hat-Trick on the match against Rostov.

When the term of the Rental Agreement has expired, Alexander was offered to remain in the Sochi team, but he refused. There was no athlete and extend the contract with Zenit. As a result, he joined the "Spartak" on the rights of a free agent. But the career in the club was unstable, the player suffered from injuries.

The story of beating is not forgotten. In June 2021, the court ordered the star to pay monetary compensation to the victim Vitaly Solovchuk. The amount amounted to 50 thousand rubles.

Personal life

The attention of the press is focused not only at the career, but also on the personal life of the athlete. In the past, the media wrote about the novel of the football player with Victoria, the cousin of Raper Timati. But because of study, the wiki abroad couples broke up.

For some time the player was in relations with Christina Dolgopolov. She accompanied Alexander at Euro 2012 in Poland. But in the fall of the same year, the lovers were guided, after which it became aware of the parting.

A year later, a girl appeared in the life of Kokorina, who eclipsed all the previous ones. Daria Valitova from the first dating fascinated football player. But she first did not answer reciprocity, and the athlete had to conquer her heart.

The beginning of the relationship was unstable. In an interview with Valitov mentioned frequent quarrels and scandals. Due to training seirs, Alexander could disappear for months that she did not like his beloved. But over time, she understood that in this way he earn, and began to lead the carefree life of the favorites of the football player. The girl was often seen in clubs and in secular events.

Over time, the feelings of the pair fastened. Daria every time I was looking forward to the return of the athlete home, trying to please him with culinary masterpieces. In the sign of love, she made a tattoo with the gaming number of one - K9.

In 2016, information on the player's secret wedding appeared, but whether Valitova is his official wife, it is definitely unknown. Soon the couple had a son Michael. At first, the parents hid his face, but as soon as the boy grown, Daria began to publish a photo with him in an instagram account.

Family idyll lasted long. In the summer of 2021, the network spoke about the upcoming break of the pair. The reason for this was Storis Valitova. There she talked about betrayal, which compared with a "little death." The name of Alexander Daria did not mention, but the fans still decided that it was about him.

The weight of the athlete is about 82 kg with an increase in 184 cm.

Alexander Kokorin now

Now the career stars continues. At the beginning of 2021, he replenished the ranks of the Italian "Fiorentina". The media report that the transfer amount amounted to € 5 million after passing the medical examination, the football player debuted for a new club under the game number 91. The team played against the "International" with a score of 0: 2.

But continuing to play the athlete could not because of the exacerbated injury. He had to undergo treatment in Rome, after which there was a return in the match against Crotone. It did not become a triumphal, and in the press began to publish notes that Kokorin was the unsuccessful acquisition of Italians. Despite this, fans hoped that he would still play with a new force.


  • 2008 - Bronze medalist of the Russian Championship with Dynamo Moscow
  • 2011 - the best young football player of the Russian Premier League
  • 2013 - author of the rapid goal in the history of the Russian national team (on the 19th second)
  • 2016 - Winner of the Cup of Russia with Zenit
  • 2016 - owner of the Super Cup of Russia with Zenit
  • 2016, 2017 - Bronze medalist of the championship of Russia with Zenit
  • 2019 - Champion of Russia with Zenit
  • 2020 - Member of the club Gregory Fedotova
  • 2020 - Member of the Club of 100 Russian Bombards

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