Kate Middleton - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Countess Cambridge 2021



Kate Middleton, she is Catherine Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor, Duchess Cambridge, Countess Strathhran and Baroness Carrichers, and if just - the wife of the Crown Prince UK William.

For millions of residents of the Earth, a woman is a living embodiment of a tales of Cinderella, an icon of style, a sample of deservedness and to some extent self-sacrifice. In the latter case, I mean Kate's desire, before marriage I have not known so much restrictions and responsibilities, comply with the rules for which the Royal Courtyard is so happy.

Childhood and youth

On January 9, 1982, Kate Middleton was born in the city of Reding. Father Michael Francis Middleton was a pilot of the world famous airline British Airways. There was also a stewardess and mother Kate Carol Elizabeth. Parents got married in June 1980. In the family, the younger sister of Kate Philip Charlotte also rose (gentlely called Pippa) and Brother James William.

2 years after the birth of Kate Father transferred to work in the capital of Jordan, where Middleton lived until 1986. Here the girl visited the only kindergarten for children of foreigners, and after returning to England, he continued his studies at Saint Andrew's school, which in 1995 successfully graduated.

Despite the fact that Kate's ancestors from the working class, her parents earned enough so that in childhood the girl did not need anything. She could travel, study in the best colleges and institutes, to devote the time of charity. Kate Middleton was little inferior to the formation and education of the real aristocrat.

Then there was a study in Malboro College, where the future Duchess Cambridge paid a lot of attention to sports. Kate was fond of hockey, netbolic, tennis and mild athletics. In college, Middleton graduated from the Duke of Edinburgh, and the highest level.

In his youth, Kate dreams about trips to other countries, so he took an annual break from study, a lot traveled, participated in the exchange program in Italy and in the charitable program in Chile. In his youth, she interacted with charitable funds, which was further developed when Middleton fell into the highest light.

In 2001, Kate entered St. Andrews University. In this prestigious educational institution, she met Prince William, not suspecting how the meeting of fellow students will affect the biography. Middleton received a bachelor's degree in the specialty "History of Arts". This subject at the beginning of study attended together with the prince, later William changed a specialty for geography. The young man wanted to deduct after the 1st year, and, according to rumors, it was Kate who dissuaded him from it.


After graduating from studying, Kate Middleton began working in the family part of Party Pieces for the delivery of festive decorations and items for parties. The girl was engaged in marketing: Developed directories, satisfied shooting. In 2006, she began to work in parallel in the Jigsaw network store in the procurement department.

Also Kate dreamed of becoming a professional photographer and even planned to take lessons from famous British masters of photography. Kate earned several thousand pounds of sterling photos.

Personal life

Personal life Kate Middleton quickly attracted the attention of the press. At some point, the girl even had to ask for the help of lawyers to avoid pressing others.

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With the heir to the throne, Kate met at the university and there I also encountered a strong competition for the heart of the prince. William at that time became interested in two girls who studied at the Faculty of British Literature. However, he quickly forgot about the former girlfriends, when, according to rumors, he saw an art brunette at a charitable show in a transparent dress. Under it was only a miniature swimsuit. Since 2002, young people began to live together, shooting a country house.

The novel developed according to unknown laws, although students tried to hide him every way. Already then Kate and William could not do without each other, even the vacation was often spent together. The relationship was becoming more stronger that it was not surprising, after all, they lived under the same roof and studied at one university. At the outcome of 2004, the relationship has become impossible, and the press service of the royal family was forced to admit that the prince really meets Kate, a girl from a simple family, not having noble origin.

The news shocked the public, and Kate Middleton many began to compare with a fabulous Cinderella. The life of the girl began to be interested in particularly actively, her peers curious, what parameters the figures should have to attract the attention of the prince. By the way, the height and weight of the duchess is quite medium - 175 cm and 60 kg.

After graduating from the university in 2005, Kate was invited to work on a network of clothing stores, and William on the royal tradition entered the Sandcherst Military Academy. At the end of 2006, the issue was held at the Academy, where the prince studied. The ceremony was attended by the entire monarch family, including Queen Elizabeth II, as well as Kate with relatives.

Kate became increasingly appearing in people along with Prince not only in everyday life, but also at official events.

In 2007, they began to say that Kate and William broke the relationship. The causes of parting were called the beauty of Isabelle Kaltorp and the treason of William. The prince allegedly made her an offer, but the girl refused, referring to the fact that he does not tolerate royal ceremonies.

However, as the American journalist Christopher Andersen wrote in the book "The Game of the Crown", the wedge between the lovers drove Camilla Parker Bowl, the wife of Prince Charles.

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Allegedly Duchess Cornishly Nevlubilad Kate for the fact that such noise rose around the novel with William, while Camilla did not try to conquer the sympathy of the British.

Andersen also argued that Middleton's acquaintance with the prince is not an accident, but the calculation made by the mother of the girl. Kate allegedly was not going to learn at St. University. Andrews and gave way to Carol's arguments, that only there are a friend of royal blood.

Whatever it was, but at the end of 2007, Kate and William's relations were restored, and on November 16, 2010 they announced the engagement. Young people in Kenya were engaged.

Before William, Middleton met with other young people, at least, the press mentions several names of her former beloved. Willem Marx became the first love of the future duchess, the relationship of the couple lasted the year. It is known that they managed to preserve friendly relations. And in 2014 the news appeared on the Internet that the villa was married.

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Another former man Kate - Rupert Finch, they met at St. Andrews University, at that time the guy had already ended his studies, and Middleton was a 1st year student. Their relationship was also enough for a year. Now he is a famous lawyer, married to Natasha Aisex. Kate was a guest at a wedding couple.

At the time of parting with the Ulyam Kate, the novel with Henry Ropner, but he lasted even shorter than the rest, because Middleton resumed relations with the prince.

Duchess Cambridge

To the wedding, the prince was presented to the beloved famous ring with sapphire and 14 diamonds previously belonging to the princess Diana. The wedding ring without delights is made of yellow gold, but the metal deposit is located in Wales and belongs to Windsor. Shortly before the wedding, William presented and earrings combined with the main decoration of style. The jewelry kit firmly took a place in the Kate box, becoming one of the beloved.Embed from getty images

The wedding was celebrated on April 29, 2011 in London. Queen A couple of hours before the ceremony assigned to William Titules Duke Cambridge, Count Strathhran and Baron Carrichersky. After marriage, Kate became her Royal Highness of the Duchess Cambridge. The girl not only broke the stereotype that the king, let the future, could not marry love, but also put a kind of record: became the most "old" bride Prince for the entire British story: at the time of marriage, she turned 29 years old.

Fatal outfit The future duchess until the last day did not show the public. Before Westminster Abbey, she appeared in the wedding dress of a classic silhouette. For its tailoring used white atlas and ivory colors. The image of an embroidered corset with a deep neckline and elegant lace, covering the hands of Kate, complemented.

Skirt Dresses Designers decorated with lace applications in the form of the floral symbols of the UK. Tiara Middleton borrowed from the queen. Fashion designer Sarah Burton, creative director of the fashion house Alexander McQueen was engaged in the dressing of the dress.

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The celebration turned out to be profitable for London. Those who wish to personally look at the newlyweds spent on accommodation, food and souvenirs about £ 100 million. On the wave of excitement, a film dedicated to the relationship and wedding of venance.

The wedding of Kate sisters in 2017 became for the duchess an equally important event than her own marriage. Around the trick that a woman will be difficult to build a lingual life, because "the princes are over", and the Title Middleton Elders automatically raises the bar for its nearest relative.

For all, he became a big surprise news of 2016, when the former racer, and now businessman James Matthews made a proposal of Philippe. Preparation for the celebration passed around six months. At the wedding, Pippi Kate looked amazingly. Woman put on a fitted dress of cream color, and his head decorated with a hat in his usual style.

In addition to the royal family, the events were also present in the event - the stars of modern show business, athletes, riders, models and other representatives of Celabriti. However, Cate's attention was focused on children who, along with other kids, served as farm and bride's girlfriends.


July 22, 2013 was born a new heir to the English throne, the firstborn of the royal couple Georg Alexander Louis. On October 23 of the same year, the bars took place. Immediately 7 people became the godfathers of the future monarch.

In 2014, the observational fans of the Duchess suggested that Kate was pregnant for the second time. The official representative of the Palace confirmed this hearing, and in May 2015, Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana appeared on the world.

Two children did not make royal parents by houses. In 2016, all the family went on an official visit to Canada. Prince and his wife and children had to visit more than 30 meetings and events. In Canada, the famous Chet spent time not only with politicians and stars, but also visited universities and small sports events and holidays.

The fact that the Duchess is waiting for the third child, it became known in the fall of 2017. And in the spring of 2018, the family was replenished with a new man, Prince Louis (the full name - Louis Arthur Charles Cambridge) was born with weight of 3.8 kg. He took the 5th place in the queue for the throne. Births took place in the English clinic of St. Mary.

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In the summer of 2019, the news in the British media appeared that Kate was pregnant with the fourth heir. Such conclusions of the paparazzi did, looking at a slightly rounded woman's belly. And although representatives of the Royal Palace did not make official statements about the expectation of Kate Fourth Child, rumors sivan at the speed of light.

From that moment on, observers at each photo tried to consider an increase in the weight of Middleton and her filling figure. Even more, the public was excited after the daughter of Kate and William went to school and, by rumors, told classmates about the new pregnancy Mom.

In December 2019, the children of William and Kate first visited the Christmas service, however, only George and Charlotte went to honor the tradition with a couple. On the way, they welcomed the people who gathered from the Church to see the representatives of the monarch of the family with their own eyes.

Scandals and rumors

In 2017, the royal family surprised subjects. In January, Kate turned 35 years old, and the whole country was waiting for news about the beautiful and solemn event. But the birthday celebrations did not take place, to organize a noisy birthday party forbade her husband. Prince William himself was on duty in medical aviation.
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Such behavior of the spouse is explained by the fact that part of the British recognized the duke, Duchess and Prince Harry by the lasty residents of the state. The Crown Prince is upset by such a title and now the hard image is trying to correct.

Attention from the British attracts relations between Middleton and Megan Marcha. Especially women were discussed and compared after visiting Kate weddings Megan and Prince Harry, because it was her first official going into the world after the birth of a third child.

There is an unlawful enmity, which is not Middleton and Oplan, and their supporters are reigning between the royal individuals. After the announcement of the engagement of Megan and Harry, a peculiar competition began on the network, who among women elegant and more confident. The joint appearance of Duchess in public gives food for the publications of feshen experts and behavioral psychologists. The latter noticed that the acting past Megan affects her gestures and a manner to present himself, and Kate demonstrates that the royal individual does not need to attract attention - they will hear.

According to insiders to which the media refers, the "popularity competition" causes a lot of friction in the palace. The next reason for the skirmis was the place of residence provided by Elizabeth II grandson Harry. As if in the apartment on 1 room more than Prince William, and this outraged Middleton. And it is also unknown, as the duchess perceived the rules of etiquette, according to which Megan is obliged to make a renewed before Kate.

Another stormy discussion called the picture laid out in the "Instagram" in the summer of 2019. It depicts Kate with his spouse and Megan with Harry, reaching around. All would not, but a photo with congratulations was published on the birthday of Marcle. In the photo, Megan is riveted in a black outfit, and Middleton looks shining, dressed in a bright red coat than clearly overshadows the image of the "rival".

Account subscribers outraged that the holiday in Megan, and in the center of the photo Kate. According to Follovier, it is correct to place a snapshot of one plank on this day.

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There are rumors that a major scandal between women occurred before the wedding of Megan and Harry. Allegedly, Marcle allowed himself to rude a man from the Middleton team. Kate did not work for a long time, but simply hesitated Megan slap. This news immediately picked up the world media, so representatives of the Buckingham Palace had to speak with a response statement that such never happened.

After this situation, the media was reassured for a long time, but before the wedding, Megan in the tabloids appeared the news about the duchess quarrel. Allegedly, this time the conflict occurred due to the outfit for a small Charlotte, selected for the solemn ceremony, which did not like to taste Megan.

Style and views

Middleton did not study the secretary of the care of appearance and did not attend the selection courses, while its appearance did not cause complaints, and she soon received the title style icons. "Cinderella" managed to look sophisticated and in the dress, and in a coat, and in jeans, and even in the Russian fur hat. For this Kate received another nickname English rose.

Distinctive stroke to Middleton's image at the courtyard were hats, spectacular and bright, in retro style or created by the fantasy of modern designers. The British Association of Headwear included the spouse of the heir to the throne into a peculiar hall of the fame of fans of these hats.

Duchess, as noticed fashionable observers, chooses John Boyd, Lock & Co, Philip Treacy and Jane Taylor brands. The photos of the dresses of Kate appear after each event with its participation and set the tone of a stylish life not only in England, but also around the world. Hairstyle copied visitor to beauty salons and beauty bloggers.

Selected outfits are often and let down Middleton. Woman loves to wear an overlated skirts and a dress length slightly above the knees. Those who carefully monitor the life of Kate and browsing her photos online, counted 10 cases when the skirt wind raised so much that the Duchess sometimes did not have time to cover the most curious parts of the body.

The paparazzi does not get tired to follow Kate and during the rest in the hope of imprinting the shot of the duchess in a swimsuit, and it managed to many. Judging by the photographs, the Duchess prefers separate models. Knowing the assembly of journalists, Middleton does not allow himself to sunbathe topless, although resting away from prying eyes.

Separate attention deserve the outfits of Kate during a visit to Pakistan. Her October trip 2019 was official, the woman was carefully prepared, as the plans of the pair had visits to events in many cities of the state.

Given the religious canons and the traditions of Pakistan, the Duchess refused short outfits, and instead they took national costumes and dresses to the floor. For 5 days of stay there, Kate managed to change more than a dozen outfits. Most of all the delight of the British caused a long dress Catherine Walker, which over the entire length changes the color from white-blue to the brightly azure, and the bottom of the trouser can be seen under it. As a decoration that day, the duchess chose pearl earrings in the classic style.

No less delight caused a blue tunic with pants of the same shade from Maheen Khan. This time she chose Zeen earrings, a famous Pakistani jewelry brand. And at the ceremonial reception appeared in the emerald dress Jenny Packham and in golden sandals.

If we talk about Kate's hair, then it is worth noting, more often a woman prefers to leave them with a lot, but if we are talking about official receptions and exits to the light, Middleton leaves the right to choose his team. Stylists around the world include Middleton's color to "cold summer", which means light skin, dark blond hair and green-brown eyes.

Depending on the outfit and head remove, Kate hair can be removed in a flat or asymmetric beam, in a Greek bundle, assembled from several braids or decorated with pearl studs. In the days when the Duchess appears with flushed hair, they are usually a bit twisted at the ends, or part of the curl is removed by invisible.

Duchess does not like bright makeup, but it does not refuse to emphasize the eyes with a black pencil or eyeliner. It uses them with any shadows, and if going to an evening output, sometimes leads the lower eyelid. So the eyes seem even more and brighter. The skin of freshness Kate helps light tone cream and blush, in the cosmeticichka duchess there are lipstick, more often Middleton uses barely noticeable light colors.

Although Kate prefers naturalness, she does not appear without makeup in public.

Kate Middleton now

Today Kate, as before, the focus of the world press, the life of the woman is covered in all British media. In January 2020, she celebrated his birthday, and events with the invitation of guests began to arrange a couple of days before the main celebration.

February 2020 also began for Duchess with a bright event. At the beginning of the month, she appeared at the BAFTA awards ceremony, which passes every year.

However, the British were not interested in the presence of Middleton at the event, and the fact that the woman put on the old dress, which has already appeared in 2012 during a visit to Malaysia. The evening outfit of white color from Alexander McQueen is embroidered with a golden thread, a hibiscus flowers are depicted on it.

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