Marina Kravets - biography, personal life, photo, news, "Comedy Club", Demis Caribidis, songs 2021



Marina Kravets - artist, singer, soloist of several musical groups. And she is also a journalist and radio. It is noteworthy that Marina was the only one of the most beautiful sex representatives to become a resident of the "Comedy Club" show. Elegant beauty and today successfully copes with a role, and also builds a career as a TV host.

Childhood and youth

Marina was born in St. Petersburg in May 1984. Parents have no relation to the world of art or show business. Dad worked as a mechanic, mother - an accountant in the enterprise. At the time of the appearance of a future celebrity in the family, two sons have already grown up.

Marina also demonstrated creative nature in orphanage. The girl adored sing and dance. Already at an early age it began to take private lessons in vocal - the future star did not get into the music school, since it was not free of charge in the institution. The artistry of the young lady was manifested not only in singing, but also in KVN. The Krarakets was considered an indispensable player of the school team.

After graduating from school, Marina arrived at the Faculty of Philology, where he received a specialty "Lecturer of the Russian language for foreigners". The main intense for a born actress was playing in the student team KVN "SUPPLY". After the university, Kravets decided to devote himself to creativity, although at first earned a living as a secretary and promoter.

Radio and television

In the team, Kravets was in 2007. Together with the creative team, the girl visited many festivals of KVN. But the leadership positions of "downtime" failed. The team broke up. And Marina could no longer live without creativity and scenes.

Love for singing and music poured into work in several musical groups. The singer was solired in NOTNet groups, Mary & Band and Nestra Band. Some songs performed by Kravets turned into hits, it's "Hop, trash", the "goddess of discos" and "sex will not be". Clips appeared on some compositions.

After the speech in the "Comedy Club", the biography of Marina enriched with new bright pages. In 2011, the guests of the jubilee concert of the city group 312 were heard as Kravets sing. Then the star performed the track "fell" by a duet with the soloist of the popular group "Uma2RMA" Sergey Crysto. Soon the video appeared, recorded with DJ SMASH on the "Oil" song.

Singer fans highly appreciated Marina's speeches at Autoradio. Fans remembered a live concert with Latvian Rockers Brainstorm and solo performance of the composition of Zombie Authorship of the Irish Cranberries.

Back in 2007, the popular performer was invited to Rocks Radio as the leading Morning Transmission of "Full Full". But after 4 years, Marina decided to move to Moscow. Here the artist got a job in the night show "First Detach" on the Radio Station "Lighthouse". The company on the air was Mikhail Fisher and Nikolai Serdytsky. And in the late autumn of the 2012 speakers, all the "detachment" moved to the new Comedy Radio.

Appeared Kravets and in the movies. In 2012, the singer played a prominent role in the super Oleg comedy film. The scenes and tricks in the series participants were invented and performed independently. In the crowd and episodes, friends and relatives of actors worked, which is explained by the low tape budget, which emphasized the plot and poor-quality special effects.

Since May 2014, Marina worked in the morning program on the TNT channel. And in 2015, celebrity debut in the 3rd season of the project "One to one!", Which went on the channel "Russia-1". The actress reached the final and ranked 5th. In the same year, Kravets was replaced by Nargiz Zakirov, becoming at the time of the TV presenter of the "main scene".

The popularity of Marina confirms participation in other programs that are not related to humorous Alma Mater. So, the actress led a culinary entertainment show "Big Breakfast". In addition, along with colleagues performed at the VK-Fest festival, which took place in St. Petersburg.

The project of the TNT channel "Marry Buzovoy", which was the TV presenter of Kravkets, became the main premiere of the 2018 season. Shooting took place in Italy. In the number of 15 candidates on the heart of Olga Buzova entered the millionaire Evgeny Nazarov and cheesells Denis Lebedev. The singer stopped the choice on the last, but the pair relationship was upset after the release of the releases.

In 2019, Kravets took part in the shooting of the show "Plan B". The producers devoted realistic transmission to the search for the second halves Timur Batruutdinov and Olga Buzova. For several episodes, the artists helped each other in choosing a satellite of life from dozens of guys and girls. It was assumed that in case of failure, Timur and Olga will have to play a real wedding. But the program did not give the stars love.

At the same time, Marina made an opponent of Ilya Sobolev in the music humor show "Studio Soyuz", where the colleague won the score of 4: 3. And in December 2019, Kravkets starred in New Year's advertising of Neskafa coffee.

"Comedy club"

Once Igor Meerson (Elvis) offered a singer with the musicians to perform in the popular program of Comedy Club. Suddenly, new artists received a warm welcome. For Marina, participation in the program was of particular importance. And not only because Kravets met the producer of the team of "Vorovayki" by Yuri Diazov and other representatives of show business. "Comedy" helped reveal additional faces of the talent.

Soon, a promising actress received an offer from Natalia Eprician on shooting in several issues of "Comedy Woman" (then Made in Woman). Then Kravkets again "lit up" on the "Comedy Club". From this point on, Marina is considered a resident of the project. Andrei Averin, Dmitry Sorokin, Zurab Matua, Demis Karibidis, and Garik Harlamov became regular partners.

Kravets is a permanent participant of festivals and other events "Comedy Club". A frequent topic of Marina's speeches on the stage "Comedy" and larger sites - love for the calculation. The problem is reflected in such compositions as "in Dubai" and "grandfather".

Personal life

Kravets for a long time consisted of civil marriage with a young man named Arkady. Arkady Vodakhov, along with Marina, played in "Spefilah" and studied in Philfak. Friendly relations turned into a novel. Beloved together moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Both began to work at Comedy Radio: Marina - to host the air, and the chief is a creative producer.

In 2013 played a wedding. Despite openness in communicating with fans, Kravets did not advertise an event in "Instagram". Personal life of Marina is worn safely. She has complete mutual understanding and trust. Now Vaca is a successful entrepreneur and the general producer of the TV channel "TNT-4".

Spouses agreed that in the family should be at least two children. And in 2020, the countdown began: in February, the couple reported that the singer was pregnant, and on April 9, the daughter gave birth to a daughter. The artist told that a joyful event was expected a little later, but such a surprise did not upset the happy parents.

Marina Kravets now

Marina Kravets is a frequent guest of entertainment gear. In February 2021, the celebrity again visited the Studio Union program. This time I had to compete with Anna Khilkevich.

And in March from the show "Mask" dropped out a bright member of the sun. As it turned out, Krastsapers performed in the image of the shining. Philipp Kirkorov admitted that he was sick for the contestant in the sun suit, but the daughter of Alla Victoria insisted that Dad saved from the departure of the nipple.


  • Show Made in Woman
  • Comedy Club show
  • "One to one!"
  • "Home Scene"
  • "Rousseau Tourist"
  • "Big breakfast"
  • "Marry Buzov"
  • "Plan b"

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