Julia Wang - personal life, psychic, photo, news 2021



Julia Vang is the winner of the 15th season of the rating project "Battle of psychics", the sorcerer, which calls himself the spirit of chaos. She was repeatedly accused of deception, self-esteem, but she confidently led to the competition magicians, shamans and mediums.

Julia Wang

Today she remained a woman-mystery, age, origin and personal life of which are not known to the general public.

Childhood and youth

Extrasens Julia Wang has three biographies. Which of them is real - to judge difficult. The woman confused all the contradictory information about herself that it is extremely difficult to separate the truth from the fiction.

According to Julia Wang, she was born in the German city of Furshtenberg. Before that, she "lived 150 lives, every one of whom he remembered."

Julia Wang with Mom

For other information, Julia was born in Riga on October 29, 1981. In this city, according to the sorceress, many amazing sacred places and corners, which psychics considers "places of power". Wang attended the usual school, but she did not have friends and friends. The girl led a closed lifestyle, confused people and peers. She was not interested in games and toys. She also did not have dolls.

Julia Wang in childhood

Mom girls, Tatyana Vladimirovna, worked as a physician-nuclear maker. And although it did not possess extrasensory abilities, but always with understanding belonged to these abilities at her daughter. After all, according to Julia, who later confirmed Tatyana Vladimirovna herself, the girl's father was "a certain algered, an extraterrestrial creature, which was in the earth in the image of a man."

After contacting him, a woman and gave birth to an amazing girl. In 3 years, Wang was already able to read, and the books that interested her were not a fairy tale about a red hat or Cinderella, but the occult literature.

Julia Wang in youth

With the first husband, who is considered the father of Julia Wang, her mother was separated when the daughter was still a crumb. He married a second time for a person with whom the girl did not have a relationship. Wang tells that he drank, beat his wife and pester to Padherita. For this, a girl in a gust of anger even broke his head with brick, and then left the house.

Model Career

Later, Julia Vang left his native city to the capital and took up a model career, since he possessed all the necessary parameters and the qualities of the model. Its growth is almost 180 cm.

Familiar expose the mysterious girl, not leaving the stone from her secrets on the stone. The truthful, they consider the third version of the biography, in which there is no mystery. Familiar witches reported that the real name of Julia Vang - Yulia Gavrikova. She was born in the village of Nerudovo near Novgorod. I lived with my mother and grandmother, as the father - the Military - threw a family. After the divorce, he went to the town called Bor, where he works by the photographer.

Model Julia Wang.

At the age of 17, Julia Vang (she, Julia Gavrikova) moved with her mother in the capital. Model exterior allowed her to make a good career. The girl starred in candid photo sessions. She claims that her photos decorated fashionable magazines in Paris. But the people who have long known beautiful people call another city in which she flashed as a model is Nizhny Novgorod. And stories about the capital of world fashion, as well as about Milan, New York and London - allegedly the fruit of fantasy Gavrikova.

Films and creativity

In 2012, Julia Vang, according to her, decided to leave the model career and the podium and focused on magic. In addition, she entered the guitis and received a diploma actress. The cinematic biography of Julia Vang is a few films.

Debut work Actress is a comedy project TNT "The Best Movie-2". Later, the girl starred in the episodes of the "Day Watch" and "Nevyashki", played the role of Andrei girl in the comedy "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...". The last work in the filmography of the actresses was the role of Elena Proclovaya in the Comedy "The Best Day-2", which was released in 2009. Her partners in the site were Garik Harlamov, Timur Batrutdinov, Dmitry Khrustalev, Oleg Vereshchagin, Alexander Bashirov.

According to Julia Wang, she decided to continue their education in London, in the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. He received a diploma at once in 3 specialties - style, design and photography.

Returning to Moscow, the girl managed to work as a stylist, an artist in costumes and singer. After all, the highest strength awarded her voice in 4 octaves. Some regulars of Moscow nightclubs recall the singer, who performed under the scenic name of Flora Wang.

Julia Wang in Cinema

Another talent, which Julia Wang has, is the ability to combine various ingredients, creating incredible odors. She allegedly learned to this in the French school of perfumes, and the gift of Parfumuer got "from the life in which she was the priestess of the cult of RA." There she learned how to mix drugs, oil and incense.


Julia Wang argues that she realized the unearthly power and ability after reading and understanding the book "Dao Chaos". Then the girl discovered Esoteric for himself. From the age of 3, she read the Scandinavian runes, Sefirotics, Alchemy, studied Western ceremonial magic, as well as voodoo and necromancy. In the villages came to know the witchcraft and Russian wornkins, learned to use grass, stones and oils in the magical objectives.

Extrasens Julia Wang.

In 3 years, Julia Wang began to draw. The images brought adults to confusion, because the baby portrayed not the heroes of cartoons, and space, the gods of world religions and occult symbols. At age 5, she painted the first deck of cards on which Julia Wang did the first predictions and wondered. Adults, who she predicted the future, soon convinced the truthfulness of the predictions of the girl.

At the age of 7, Julia Vang surprised her mother and grandmother with philosophical verses of death, reincarnation and magic. Close to know that the girl is able to hear ultrasound, the movement of electric current and see radiation.

Julia Woman Vang

At the TV show "Battle of Psychics", Julia Wang came not to compete with its participants. For her, it was a matter of life and death.

Project Skeptics - Safronov Brothers - often fought over the participant. The magicians believed that she came to the show solely for the sake of glory and PR. None of them believed that this girl's appearance is superhuman, paranormal and extrasensory abilities. And Julia Vang turned out to be the brightest participant of the show. And in the literal sense of the word. Her extravagant outfits, bright red lipstick and screaming makeup attracted the eyes of everyone.

Julia Wang in the show

Over 3 months after the next tests, the participants left the project, and Julia Wang remained. We gradually skeptical moods and ridicule scattered, replacing the admiration and surprise of the abilities of this girl. Regarding the participant has become best at the end of the week. She managed to go around the strongest competitor - Tatyana Larina. The main rival was with her what is called "Nostril in Nostril", but it was Wang who was declared the winner of the 15th season. She was preferred by 70% of the audience who participated in the vote.

Tatyana Larina and Julia Wang

It seems that the girl reached the desired: she woke up famous. Participation in the "paranormal" project turned it into a star. On the street, Julia Wang could not appear unnoticed: those who wanted to receive an autograph to get to her, take a picture together or find out their fate. But the skeptics argued that the brilliant fraud and charming sweat was in front of them, was also plentious.

In 2015, the transfer was sent to the NTV channel, where Julia Wang was invited. She stated that she would no longer want to do magic and psychic, but switches to more worldly things. But already in 2016, the witch went along with the winner of the previous season of the "battle of psychics" Alexander Shepps in the mysterious castle of Shahan in the Kaliningrad region.

The ghosts were allegedly settled there, who were walking along the corridors and halls at night, frightening passersby and visitors. Julia Wang and Alexander Shepsy visited the castle as part of the TNT Channel Project, "Psychics are investigating."

Personal life

Personal life Julia Wang, like her biography, has several development options. The long-legged beauty itself argues that she does not want to create a family and to start children. She is good only alone.

Nevertheless, in 2005, Julia Wang told that she has experience with a man with a man. Girl with him one time lived under one roof. But he was a homosexual.

Julia Wang and Danko

Knowledgeable people say that behind the sordunya is a stormy youth. For example, Singer Danko says that he met the beauty in the nightclub of the capital. Then she was a conventional party, a glamorous girl, which did not tell any extrasensory abilities.

In the social network you can meet the story that Julia Wang one time met with the son of the famous singer Alexander Gradsky - Daniel Gradsky. But the father forbade him to communicate with the girl. Allegedly, because of this, some cadres of the clip of the music group "Dynamite", on which Wang and Gradsky were together were cut out.

Julia Wang and Daniel Gradsky

There was another person who claims that he is familiar with the girl named Julia Wang. Ekaterina Gordon said that the heroine of the TV show was not so long ago her hairdresser. But Julia denies their acquaintance. She believes that Gordon just came across her to her husband. In the meantime, the man communicated with the psychic just because he had an interest in the supernatural.

The age of Julia Vang is as mysterious as the heroine itself. Some claim that she has no less than 35 years old, but not more than 40. Plastic surgery to which the girl resorted, according to Paraplaszi, do not allow to understand how much years she really is. Julia Wang itself argues that he never made plastics and did not change the already perfect appearance.

Julia Wang before and after plastics

However, many skeptics compare her old photos and the current and notice that the beauty has increased the chest and made the lips chub. Only once, Julia Vang agreed that she was asked for help to beauty doctors. But only then to reduce the lips.

Julia Wang now

During the participation in the transmission of the "Battle of Psychics", Julia has accumulated material and released the book "No. NIGHT. Never, "which contained poems, thoughts, drawings Wang. But in 2018, another ex-participant in the transfer of Narter Enzigal said that many reflections the girl copied from his blog. The magician reported that he was going to file a claim for a fraud.

In 2018, Narter Enzigal accused Julia Wang in plagiarism

After the end of the project, the girl seemed to go to the shadow. But at the end of 2017, its "instagram" subscribers were surprised by the change in the sorduny image. She sharply dropped the weight, made a boyish hairstyle and began to wear men's suits. Some reproached Julia in anorexia, others - in the split personality. But enthusiastic responses appeared in the comments. Wang herself reported that he was not used to living with templates, and once she wanted to change the image. This supported her current satellite of life.

Soon the changed Wang was admitted to the deception of viewers, saying that he never had supernatural abilities, and the image in which she had been on the project - the fruit of the imagination producers. In addition, she participated in the exposure of the show, saying that everything that was happening on the set - setting.

Now the girl is engaged in what is the aromas and produces handmade soap.


  • 2000 - "Victim"
  • 2004 - "Balzakovsky age, or all men of his ..."
  • 2005 - "Day Watch"
  • 2007 - "NEVALYA"
  • 2009 - "The Best Movie 2"
  • 2009 - "Galygin.ru"

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