Tatyana Larina - personal life, psychic, photo, news 2021



The participant of the 15th season of the "Battle of Psychics" Tatyana Larina was remembered to fans of the show from the first speech. The resistant will of the medium, strong character and natural talent allowed Tatiana to reveal their own abilities to a wide range of viewers.

Childhood and youth

Detailed information about childhood and youth psychic did not introduce fans. It is only known that Tatiana was born in St. Petersburg on February 21. Larina is an offacarious esoteric. Supernatural abilities and talents The woman received from the nearest relatives.

Psychic Tatyana Larina

In his youth Tatyana Larina tried herself as singer. Having achieved professional heights, psychics realized that at the moment she did not want to engage in musical self-development. As a result, the girl left the country.

For a while, the future witch lived in the West and worked as a fashion model. But Larina never stayed on the already achieved. The permanent practice of abilities and the development of talents allowed Tatiana to increase the strength of the Spirit, despite the fact that in externally during the work period, the Larina model was a calm and carefree lifestyle. True, the desire to return home was over. The medium went to Russia.

Tatyana Larina

The return of Larina was noticed in musical circles. At the secular party, Tatiana talked with the composer Kurashov. It was decided to record an album.

Most Tatiana likes music containing folk and ethnic notes. Therefore, it did not make difficulty creating a joint album with a glow executor. The project recorded in the duet made it possible to increase the ratings of Tatyana Larina.


The full development of the extrasensory talents Tatiana took up after recognition in the musical sphere. For this, the woman went to Israel. The main direction of learning concerned energy management. Therefore, today, according to Larina itself, it is the strongest psychic in St. Petersburg.

The main activity is management of human fears and phobias. The medium is taken even for severe cases. The work of the Witch has already helped many suffering. Tatiana herself claims that his gifts consider nothing more than a curse. Passing through itself the whole pain of customers, it is experiencing incredible suffering.

Psychic Tatyana Larina

Take part in the 15th season of the "battle of psychics" Tatyana Larina decided after the mention of the mentor - Natalia Banteva. The latter is the winner of the 9th season of the Battle of Psychics. They work together in the center of help. Dating between women occurred at the moment when Larina was tormented by nightmares. Banteaeva, after a personal meeting with Tatiana, suggested working together for the benefit of needing.

Tatyana Larina in the show

The first release of the new, 15th, season allowed Larina to acquire a multitude of fans. She admitted that he did not consider himself a witch, despite the gift he had. To fully disclose your potential, the participant was able during the test called the "trunk". In addition, viewers were able to make sure that Tatiana is an energy vampire. Yes, and the medium itself admitted to his fans after the release. She hugged the lead before the test to get more energy to pass the test.

After the first issue, Tatiana received the nicknamer Lara Croft due to its strength, the ability to submit itself and external similarity.

Tatyana Larina compare with Laro Croft

Spectators and experts, guests of the program and test participants stated that the exit to the final is the minimum possible result of staying Larina on the project. The witch was able to conquer the hearts of people with their strong kind. Among the strong opponents of Larina is mysterious Julia Wang. Opinions of the audience about the victory in the project were divided almost equally between the two psychics. Already long before the middle of the television show, these two mystical women began to share the attention and love of the audience.

On December 20, after the final series of tests, the name of the winner of the "Battle of Psychics 15" became known. With the misfortune of fans of Larina, the strongest extrasensus of the country was the booty Julia Wang, who managed to win with an obvious advantage. Tatiana remained on the 2nd place, but the main witch has already received - the love of millions of fans.

Tatyana Larina and Julia Wang

Unlike other witches and sorcerers, Tatiana with ease tells in an interview about the mechanism of work of the gift and about the rules of rites. According to Larina, the main source of the witch strength is Grimuara. These are special books, similar to the diaries, where experienced psychics records knowledge about magic, rituals and rituals.

After the final of the "Battle of Psychics", Tatiana fastened popularity and appeared on television screens in the author's transfer - a realistic show "Diary of Psychic" on the TV-3 channel. Clairvoyant showed the daily and family life of people with an overworldly gift.

In early 2016, Tatiana also became a member of another show about people with paranormal abilities. "Psychics are investigating".

On May 26, 2017, Tatyana Larina participated in the new invisible show. Psychic has become a gear guest. This time, Tatiana was not to tell the whole truth about the popular person, but the clairvoyant itself became the object of discussion.

Personal life

Work in the field of psychic reflected on the personal life of Tatiana. The witch believes that problems in this part of life have occurred due to success in developing talents. Nothing is known about the former husband of Larina, but after this marriage in Larina remained the son of Grisha.

On December 20, at the awards ceremony of the "Battle of Psychics", the project fans were stunned by the news that participants in the Battle of Tatyana Larina and Julius Mitkevich-Dalotsky declared themselves in all of their feelings.

Tatyana Larina and Julius Mitkevich-Dalotsky

The Larina and Dalotsky ceremony came in snow-white robes and did not hesitate to express warm feelings in public. Tatiana demonstrated a wedding ring.

July 8, 2015 Larina and Julius Dalotsky got married. The solemn marriage ceremony took place in Pavlovsky Palace near St. Petersburg. The bride was dressed in a blue dress, and the bridegroom - in a traditional black suit. The wedding of Tatiana Larina and Julia Mitkevich-Dalotsky became the first in two centuries spent in this historic building.

In December 2016, rumors appeared in the press that conflicts began in the family of Larina and Dalotsky. Problems appeared not between psychics: Tatiana and Mom Julia became the main participants in the quarrel. Relations with Mom from Dalotsky were complex and before her conflict with Tatiana. The woman claims that it she passed the unloved son mystical abilities. Vyasa threw her son when Julia was 6 years old, because the child disappointed his mother, as a woman claims. But when the son stopped trying to establish contact with his mother and focused on the new main woman of his life, Vyasa remembered the existence of Julia.

Tatyana Larina with her husband and son

Tatiana was ready to fight for the relationship, together with Julia, she thought about children. The pair could not become parents, so they appealed to the family planning center. But in April 2017, the family life of psychics suddenly ended. Tatiana left her husband after, returning home, caught Julia in the company of girls with whom a man spent time. Clairvoyant announced that he starts a new life and wants to quickly forget these relationships.

Later, psychics told fans that in relations with Julia were not everything smoothly. The young man turned out to be a homely tyrant and, it happened, raised his hand on her and son. In addition, the spouse often stole money from Larina and valuable things. After parting, Tatiana announced that it utilizes the embryo, which froze together with her husband during the earlier ECO procedure in the Moscow clinic. The witch planned to file a law enforcement application for an ex-spouse.

Tatyana Larina now

Today, psychics leads the reception of those who want to receive otherworked assistance, and also recruits students. To sign up for the meeting, Larina offers on the phone, which can be found both on the officially verified page clairvoyant in "VKontakte" and in the Tatiana account header in the "Instagram", which does not contain check mark on the verification passed.

Psychic Tatyana Larina

In addition, Tatyana Larina is divided with fans of photographs and video from everyday life: on its own page, extrasens is laying out frames from travel, with training and, of course, made during rites.

The psychic also created the official website where the biography of Tatiana, photo and video clairvoyant are posted, as well as a feedback page and a window where you can directly ask a question to psychic.

Tatyana Larina and Vladimir Kan in 2018

Now Tatyana Larina continues to be filmed in the "Diary of Psychics", investigating complex crimes and mysterious murders in the Russian outback. In 2018, the witch managed to establish a personal life. Her new beloved is a fighter of mixed martial arts MMA Vladimir Kan. The young man is just beginning his career in the ring, and Tatiana took over his manager's responsibility.

As the sorceress assures, she is ready to apply his paranormal abilities to help Vladimir to be implemented in a professional plan. Joint pictures of Larina placed in "Instagram" than caused enthusiastic responses of fans.


  • 2014 - "Battle of Psychics"
  • 2016-2018 - "Psychic Diary"
  • 2016 - "Psychics are investigating"
  • 2017 - "Invisible Man"

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