Maya Dzizishvili - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Psychic 2021



On Maya Dzizishvili media write as an extrasens of aristocratic blood with higher medical education. But only a diploma with honors did not help in search of a response to the question where the gift came from to heal a simple touch and foresee trouble. According to Maya, Sosmos helps it. On the account of Dzizishvili - participation in the three "battles of psychics". In Georgia, she became a winner in Georgia, in the Ukrainian "battle of Titans" reached the final, in the Russian reality I lost to the guest from England Julia Mitkevich-Dalotsky.

Childhood and youth

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Maya Dzizishvili was born in September 1965. Early years of biography passed in the Georgian outback - the village of Chichari, at the age of 17 she moved to Tbilisi. Parents brought up daughter in love and worship of the Lord.

When the girl studied in the 9th grade, her mother fell into a car catastrophe, half a year he lay in the hospital, and then discovered supernatural abilities. The woman predicted the events and read the thoughts of people, became the guardian angel, the coasting and relatives from danger.


When a girl turned 22, one very strange event happened to her, as if fate itself intervened. It happened on the Avlabar Square, in Tbilisi. Maya fell into an accident, hit his head against the steering wheel and lost consciousness. What happened then, remembers both in the fog.

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When Dzizzishvili came to himself and looked at her hand, he discovered with horror that he sees veins, bones and tendons. Houching everything for post-traumatic stress, she tried to forget about this incident. After some time, cases began to repeat: Maya looked at people and, as if X-ray, saw them through. The girl was seriously fascinated by Esoteric, studied special literature, chosen for psychic courses and received a US-Canadian certificate of international class.

After a while, she began to dream of the prophetic dreams, the gift of clairvoyance opened. According to rumors, the ability to predict changes in the weather led to cooperation with the State Hydrometeo Center, and predictions about the development of the political situation at first considered the personal civilian position of Maya. Dzizishvili literally resurrected a woman frozen in the subway in winter. Another time after its sessions, the patients disappeared the kidney stones.

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Since 2005, Maya suffers from headaches, which are powerheld drugs. Luminous medicine, not finding pathologies, also bred by their hands. Once she discovered the image of the cross on her forehead, since then he visits the church and takes the rites of confession and communion. Personal confessor Archimandrite Shio did not want to let her go to the 15th "battle of psychics", but, realizing that Dzizidshvili could help people agreed to persuasion.

In the project, Julia Wang and Tatiana Larina became competitors of Maya. But the expected acute contraction did not work. Georgian showed good results: with closed eyes relatively described the person sitting in front of her, looking at the mother, determined the fate of children, and in the photo - the place of the death of a person.

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However, the ghosts and spirits were difficult for her, it was not possible to find among the rich of the one who could not boast of the condition, but a broken vehicle "did not say" Maya about the causes of the accident. Realizing that the results with each stage are worse and worse, the predictor voluntarily led the program, saying that he missed his native places.

In addition, Dzizzishvili took part in the mystical show "The investigation is led by psychics", where he found out the reason for the blindness of the boy, solved the riddle of the mysterious suicides of young residents of the village and the disappearance of the girl.

Personal life

Information about the personal life of the extrasensus is scooter. Maya for the formation of a dentist, she worked for 17 years in the clinic. He loves classic music, and the strength draws, resting in the monastery of St. George.

With the first husband divorced - the spouse could not stand her new hobbies. My daughter was born in marriage. Second chosen name is Vakhtang Janashvili. A man, by unconfirmed information, is very unfinished, allegedly bought his wife a victory in the Georgian "battle of psychics."

Maya Dzizishvili now

Now Maya is engaged in predictions, the treatment of people, diagnoses diseases, "cleans" bioenergy fields. She can suggest how long the business idea is, finding a lost thing, keep the harmony of relations in the family.

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Psychic has a fan page in Vkontakte and an account in Facebook, which publishes personal images and contacts for those who want to seek advice. Dzizishvili has repeatedly warned that only a personal reception and does not work on Skype.

The chance to get to her have mostly residents of Georgia and Ukraine. So, in the summer in 2019, a post appeared in the social network that Maya came to Odessa, and before that, judging by Internet publications, visited Kiev.

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