Lyudmila Sokolova - biography, photos, personal life, news, songs 2021



Jazz, blues and rock melodies, shrouded in velvet and gentle tones of votes in the skillful appeal of the Russian singer Lyudmila Sokolova, conquer the heart of every musical amateur.

Volgograd region, the city of Volzhsky - the birthplace of the famous performer. Lyudmila was born on October 19, 1972 in a family with rich musical traditions. The girl's father was a singer and guitarist, he independently made the guitar. Grandma was also a singer, performed in the village choirs.

Singer Lyudmila Sokolova.

Therefore, from the earliest childhood, Lyudmila has tightly in contact with the music, and it was this love that helped her to achieve incredible success in self-development, and in his career. Thanks to Babushka Sokolov knows and loves folk and military songs. In an interview, the singer was recognized that she dreams of conveying the beauty of the melodics of the Russian folk song and to the western listener.

In addition to the usual secondary formation, Sokolova also received musical in the class of piano. Her successes have seen many teachers in training and were confident in the infinite talent of the girls. After graduating from High School, Lyudmila Sokolov continued to develop already at the University of Linguistics N. A. Dobrolyubov in Nizhny Novgorod, where he was engaged in foreign languages ​​(English, German), which in this period of time the girl actively uses during the performance of songs. Different education made from a falcon universal artist: Lyudmila performs compositions in six languages, sings in the genres of rock, pop, jazz and blues.

Lyudmila Sokolova

Since childhood, Lyudmila Sokolova, who accustomed to her, has a good taste in the selection of favorite compositions. Famous musicians became idols: Tina Turner, Sade, Sting, Brian Adams, as well as other jazz and blues singers.


After graduating from the university, climbing musical Olympus began. The creative biography of Lyudmila Sokolova began not with musical compositions, but from the work of the radio.

Singer Lyudmila Sokolova.

In 1992, Lyudmila worked in Nizhny Novgorod to "Radio Prestige", where he began to charm all with their tender voice voice, and the All-Russian competition of young performers "on the Volga Wave" and receiving the "Grand Prix" just gave the singer confidence in the correctness of their choice .

In 30 years, the singer gathered things and moved to the capital to continue the musical career. Lyudmila did not stop either his own age, nor three children, whom Sokolov brought with them. As the singer later admitted the press, the children did not interfere, but only helped survive in Moscow.

Perhaps one of the most significant events of the career growth of Lyudmila Sokolova is the creation of a song "I am a wave, a new wave" with the team DJ SMASH. It was in this composition that no one seen the face of the performer, but many admired it with a gorgeous voice.

Already in 2009, Russia found out in the face of a girl who released her first, but not the last clip to the song "Dial My Number" with rotation to the "MUZ TV". 2010 brought the singer victory in the nomination "The Best Vocal" on the radio frequency "God of Ether 2010". And the cycle of events was tightened: participation in the projects of Alla Pugacheva and Radio "Alla" in 2011, speaking at the concert of Stas Mikhailov in the Kremlin.

Alla Pugacheva, which Sokolova considers Kumir, called a woman with a pearl when she represented the singer at the "Songs for Alla" concert in Crocus City Hall.

Also in 2011, Lyudmila presented his own solo concert "My Way" in the House of Music.

The next high step of the career was a duet with a group "Lube" and the creation of the composition "Long", which in 2013 received the Golden Gramophone Prize. In the same year, the speech of the singer in the Italian restaurant "Mario" heard producer Igor Matvienko, who suggested that Sokolovoy to conclude a contract for seven years. And this year brought Lyudmila a falcon release of a video clip, sprinkled by Igor Matvienko, for the composition "Women's Spring" composition.

Also, the singer recorded the composition that became hit Sokolova, "Another Martini".

Show "Voice"

In 2014, Lyudmila Sokolova decided to participate in the 3-season "Voice" show. The first appearance on the project scene during blind listening with sensual and deep songs "Fall in the sky" fascinated all the star mentors of the project. It turned out absolutely everything to her, but chose Lyudmila Sokolov unsurpassed Leonid Agutin, who was closest to her work.

Speaking first in the 4th issue of the 3rd seasons "Voice", Sokolova, no doubt, was the brightest in the release. But it was precisely this and provoked a squall of criticism on the Internet in its address. After all, not professionals come to the "voice", but those who just want to learn them to be. But, despite this, the girl with a gorgeous figure and beautiful eyes won the hearts and the souls of many fans who waited for her new compositions under the sensitive leadership of Leonid Agutin.

Family Lyudmila Sokolova and Seville Veliyeva - one of the brightest moments of 7 release of the 3th season "Voice". Girls gracefully sang the song "If you hear" Polina Griffis. Leonid Agutin, relying on knowledge and experience, gave his preference to Lyudmila. But here Bilan, whom Sevil's voice touched to the depths of the soul, took advantage of his right and left Seville in the show, which will now fight for winning his team.

The "knockouts" stage presented Lyudmila Sokolova Two strong rivals - Arthur Beste and Sofia Rubin-Hunter. Sokolova performed the composition "TU MI MANCHI AMORE MIO" Laura Pausein. Mentors noted that this performance was solid and strong.

There was also an Agutin who sent Sokolov and Basta to the quarterfinals.

In the first quarterfinal "voices", in which only one of the three participants will be held in the semi-finals, Leonid Agutin has encountered his team's titans to the foreheads - Lyudmila Sokolov, Georgy Yifa and Mariam Merabov, came to the scene. Giving George and Mariam the English compositions, the mentor decided to prove to the audience that Lyudmila Sokolov, contrary to his role, perfectly sings Russian-speaking songs.

In the first live broadcast, Lyudmila Sokolova performed the song "You're here" from the repertoire of Diana Gurzka. According to Agutin, Sokolova coped with the task even better than on rehearsals. The mentor distributed his 100% as follows: Georgy Yufa -30%, Lyudmila Sokolova - 20%, Mariam Merabov - 50%. The audience put Sokolov to second place, giving it 38.2%. However, to bypass the favorite of the audience Merabov Lyudmila failed, and she left the "voice" show.

Perhaps it is the project "Voice" will help to open new faces in the works of Lyudmila Sokolova, which in his 42 years achieved incredible heights due to his love for music, and the education of a teacher of foreign languages ​​helps her to draw attention not only to connoisseurs of Russian-speaking compositions.

In the same 2014, Lyudmila became a member of another music television show "Live Sound", and also participated in the "Battle of Titans". Also during this period, the singer presented the song "I know."

In 2015, the singer took part in another television project - the show reincarnation show "exactly". In the same year, Lyudmila Sokolova recorded the song "Girl in White", and also released the two compositions "Hello" and "I am here", which sang in a duet with Yuri Single.

Personal life

Of course, in addition to the song Life, Lyudmila Sokolov lives and for his four children. "Children are a real decoration of my life," says the singer.

Lyudmila Sokolova with her husband

She is a true professional, for which producers chase, but, despite the rapid career activities, Lyudmila Sokolova leads a quiet family life in which no one remains without her love and endless kindness.

Lyudmila Sokolova now

In 2016, Lyudmila Sokolova recorded the tracks "Heart as glass" and "I will be for you", which hit the rotation of the music channels.

In the summer of 2017, the singer presented a new composition "Luda ​​wants to enter", which was broadcast both on Russian radio channels and on the channels of the post-Soviet space. Soon Sokolov recorded a video clip on this song, which was popular in social networks.

Lyudmila Sokolova songs "Heart like glass" and "Luda ​​wants to enter" entered the collection "Summer Supermegahit", available for download in music online services iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play and others.


While Lyudmila Sokolova produces only singles. Among the popular songs of the singer:

  • I am a wave, new wave
  • Dial My Number
  • For a long time
  • Another Martini
  • Women's Spring
  • I know
  • Girl in white
  • Hello
  • I'm here
  • Heart like glass
  • I'll be for you
  • Luda wants to enter

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