Pierre Edel - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Pierre Edel is an experienced musician, a participant in the famous French show "Voice of France", the third season of the Russian project "Voice" and the Ukrainian show "Voice of the Country" in the sixth season.

Pierre Edel was born in Paris on December 23, 1987. Mother musician by nationality Russian, and father - Frenchman.

Piece's parents divorced a long time when the boy was still small. Most of the life, Edel lived with his father in France. Constantly visiting the mother, who returned back to Russia, Pierre Edel learned Russian. Therefore, the singer has no obstacles to participating in Russian projects.

Singer Pierre Edel

After Pierre graduated from high school, the young man went to live in London for a while. In the capital of Great Britain, a novice artist with distinction has studied at the Music School "Vocaltech" and received an appropriate education. The singer with warmth responds to an English music school. Pierre notes that the institution was distinguished by a strong pedagogical composition and several rehearsal bases, where it was possible to hone the skill of the game on any musical instrument.


During study, Pierre Edel did not sit flattening, but used various ways to earn some money and to properly hone musical skills. It was during this period that the creative biography of Pierre began.

The young man taught vocals, engaged in writing musical compositions, and in the evenings spoke in clubs as a performer. In addition, Edel gave french lessons. It is worth noting that the young artist is talking in three languages: native French, English and Russian, whom the musician taught Mom.

Pierre Edel

In 2004, Pierre Edel was already in demand by the Contractor. The musician toured in Europe and performed in fashion clubs. Pierre performed both solo and duet, and also changed a number of teams.

Since 2010, the performer lives in Moscow. This decision was made by Pierre because in the Russian capital, Edel sees more opportunities for creative growth and development. According to the musician, in Paris, people more mercantile, so the young performer makes their way to the scene in this city very and very difficult. Although Pierre can easily be called an experienced musician, as before moving to Moscow, Edel spoke with concerts in famous European clubs.

French "voice" ("The Voice France")

In 2013, Pierre Edel decided to test his strength and filed a request to participate in the French competition of talented vocalists of the country "The Voice France". The Pierre's application was adopted, and the guy was in the Miki mentor team, a popular English singer, artist of the world hit "Relax, Take IT Easy". Over the numbers Pierre Edel worked under the guidance of both the musician and her neighbor and girlfriend Miki Kylie Minogue.

During Battles, Pierre lost and was under threat of departure from the project, but the talented singer saved another mentor. So Edel moved to Garu, the Franco-Canadian musician, who conquered world popularity, fulfilling the role of Quasimodo in the famous Musikle "Notre Dame de Paris".

In the French "voice" Pierre Edel showed a rather high result and got to the semi-finals, but dropped out during the direct ether. Nevertheless, the musician hit the top 20 project.

Project "Voice"

Pierre decided not to stop at what was achieved, and after some time the musician filed a request to participate in the 3-season chalk "Voice" in Russia. It is worth noting that the artist to this idea came together friends, and Pierre himself initially treated such a skeptical. Although after some time the singer radically changed his mind and tried to show himself in all its glory.

Before you get to the show "Voice", the musician was to go through blind auditions. As a musical composition, Pierre Edel chose the "House of the Rising Sun". Pelagia and Leonid Agutin turned on the sounds of this song. Pelagia subsequently became the mentor of Pierre on the show.

After listening, Pierre commented on the selection of the teacher. The singer really liked the feed of Pelagia, namely how the woman was called the young performer. Pierre could not resist such charisma and chose Pelagey's teacher.

According to musical critics, the performance of Pierre Edge in 3 releases of the 3rd seasons of the show "Voice" can be called the most bright and memorable.

At the second stage, "fights" Pierre Edel went on stage in a duet with Estonian Sophia Rubin-Hunter. The couple performed the composition "Total Eclipse of the Heart" Bonnie Tyler. Pelageya listened to the duet with experience on the face, but the town began to obviously did not like the city. "Both participants have great potential, and it is very difficult to choose someone," said Bilan. Agutin liked the voice of Sofia's voice and pierre's self-confidence.

Sofia Rubin-Hunter and Pierre Edel

Pelagia decided to leave Pierre Edge in his team. "One of these votes I was waiting for all these seasons. And so he materialized. And this is Pierre, "the singer explained this choice. It should be noted that Leonid Agutin became the hero of the evening, who saved the Estonian singer, taking the girl to his team. As a result, Sofia, and Pierre Edel passed to the "knockouts" stage.

At the stage of "knockouts" in the 11th issue of "Voice", Pierre Edel came to the stage against Anastasia Glavan and Albert Musalean.

The leader of this triple was Edel, who accurately performed the song "Le Temps Des Cathedrales" ("The Hall of Cathedrals of Cathedral") Bruno Pelette. A little having flown at the beginning, then the vocalist gathered and performed a great song without mistakes. Pierre did not leave a chance to rivals and with the leadership passed to the quarterfinal.

In the quarterfinals, the Frenchman performed the composition "I just want to say" (Aria of Jesus Christ from the rock opera "Jesus Christ - Superstar") and dropped out of the musical project.

Journalists offered Pierre Edel to comment and call the main differences between the Russian and French "voice", providing young transes the opportunity to declare themselves to the whole world. According to Pierre, the differences between projects is obvious. In French "The Voice France", according to Pierre, emphasis is on the material component of work. Production processes are debugged to the smallest detail.

As for the Russian show "Voice", here, according to Pierre, some spirituality is felt, the human factor is triggered. In the organization of this large-scale project, the mass of talented, diverse and most interesting people, with whom it is pleasant to communicate. As Pierre says, in Russia he was able to find people close to him in the spirit, with whom he plans to tie a long friendship.

Personal life

In his 27 years, Pierre Edel managed not only to express himself as a talented artist of musical compositions, but also to create a happy family. His wife Maria in the origin of Russian. With her parents, she moved to live and learn to France from Tolyatti.

Pierre Edel with wife Maria

Pierre got acquainted with Maria in Paris, and after some time the daughter was born, which Ratha called. The name of the girl from Sanskrit is translated as "joyful." Such an unusual choice of name was due to the fact that Pierre together with his wife Maria is confessing Vaishnavisism. In addition, Maria also accepted the appropriate faith of the Vedic name. Now the wife of the singer is Maharani.

A young couple does not use alcoholic beverages at all, does not smoke, and also does not eat meat products. Little Ratha never tried meat, and Maharani did not touch the animal food even during pregnancy. The family behaves in a friendly healthy lifestyle and feels excellent.

Pierre often faces questions of journalists about vegetarianism. The musician claims that such food is natural to humans, and indignantly rejects the assumption that the absence of animal food can be harmful to a little daughter. An example of a musician leads the life of Indian yogis and vegetarian athletes.

Pierre Edel with his wife and daughter

For Pierre Vegetarianism - part of it. The musician expressed it by means of a tattoo: on the right hand of EDEME and written - "Vegetarian". Other singer tattoos are mostly associated with music - even the first tattoo, which Edel did at the age of 16, reflects the work of Pierre from the first in the life of the young man with a musical group.

Pierre Edel now

In 2016, the singer again became a member of the show "Voice", this time in Ukraine. At the stage of the blind listening, Pierre Edel performed the "Whole Lotta" composition, hit Led Zeppelin, after which four mentors turned to the singer. In addition, the jury sang, danced and even disappeared with themselves clothes. After the speech, the mentors began to persuade the musician to join their own teams. Ivan Dorn even promised not meat until the end of the TV project.

As a result, Pierre Edel chose the Potap team. At the stage of Dwells, Pierre Eddel collided with Victoria Shaiko, the musicians together performed the song "Maybe I, May Be You". After that, the French singer received a new chance to go through knockouts. Before this stage, the musician fell ill, so I sang the composition "GIMME! Gimme! Gimme! " With sick throat. Other participants were stronger, so the EDEL did not pass.

Pierre Edel and Victoria Shaiko

Today Pierre Edel works along with his own group "YOVO". The guys are in popular Moscow clubs. It is worth noting that in the Russian capital, a young performer has many fans and fans who try to visit all Pierre's speeches.


  • "Russian demo" (mini-album)

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