Evgeny Tsyganov - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, actor, wife, filmography, Irina Leonova 2021



Whether the circumstances or the tireless spirit of creativity force Evgeny Tsyganov to literally dive from filming the film to another, today to go to the scene as an actor, and tomorrow - as a musician. Kiphenaya energy and good taste for roles make fans pay attention to the biography of the artist and director. During the career, Eugene acquired prestigious prizes and awards. Lyedie himself, or a joke, whether he seriously calls the best evaluation of the amount of the fee.

Childhood and youth

Since childhood, Art attracted Tsyganov as if the magnet was born, although there was a future actor in the family, completely distant from him. Parents got acquainted in the workplace - in the research institute "Titan", which carried out the development and production of microwave appliances for air defense systems. However, Mom has been studied at the Institute of Culture before that, and on the part of the Father in relatives - theatrical figure and director Sergei Sodets.

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Evgeny's secondary school graduated from external, after he entered the film school on the operator. In 1996, a young man entered the Schukinsky school, although he aimed at the faculty of journalism "as a comfortable place of Noschenia." In "Pike" went 3 reasons. The Tsyganov's theatrical scene was published from 9 years old and heard talent from adult colleagues. In addition, the age of calling to the army was approached, and "Mom would be upset." And once he met Ksenia Kutepov, and sang a conversation on the topic "How cool to perform on stage".

In Schukinsk, Zhenya studied only a year, because he dreamed of getting into the "workshop of Peter Fomenko," as soon as I looked at the "wolves and sheep" in the layer stage. As a result, Tsyganov found himself in the Russian Academy of Theater Art (Gityis), where "the actors directly played, the directors played."

Since Zhenya is a late child (there is an older sister Irina from the first marriage of the mother), the boy was allowed everything. Gypsies successfully graduated from the music school in the piano class, and at the age of 14 became a member of the Rock Group A.S. The guys played in Slove on Arbat. There were once the relatives of Yuri Kolokolnikov - Eugene friend. True, I existed by A.S. just 4 years.


After the collapse of the team, Zhenya switched to another youth team of "Grenki", protruding in the genre of Brit Pop. Friends gave concerts in Moscow clubs, after a while they even recorded the album. In the first years of the existence of "Grenki" had their listener, but at the beginning of the new millennium, the success of the success began to calm down, and in 2004 the Group ceased to exist.

But the music called Tsyganov, and after an unsuccessful attempt to revive the "croutons" called "Trepang", the artist gathered a new team with a memorable name "PokapRt". From Grenok, Andrey Muravkin, who refused to the unusual tool of the Fagota in favor of the electric guitar.

Pokaprët was among the first lucky ones who received from the Moscow Metro official permission to play in underground transitions in 2019. But the team acted on large platforms, among which the festival "invasion".


In 1988, Zhenya was invited to the theater on Taganka to play children's roles. While the peers watched "Well, wait!", Tsyganov participated in serious adult performances, such as Boris Godunov and "House on the Embankment".

Mostly, the characters got tiny, but Taganka gave more - acquaintance with Yuri Lyubimov, Veniamin Lordov and Valery Zolotukhin. At that time, Eugene received the first popularity. But, after having seen on a shed life, the young man accepted the non-deputy decision - to leave Taganka and never go to the actors.

In Gitis, the fate of Evgenia's fate with Peter Naumovich, who soon offered a joint work. Later, thanks to the advice of Fomenko, Roma traveled Polimyr in the initial composition of the famous formulation of the British theater director and writer Declan Donnelana "Twelve Night", where all images are traditionally from the time of William Shakespeare performs men.

As the theater director Eugene showed forces in 2014, putting the play "Olympia" on the play of Olga Mukhina. Tsyganov spoke about the generation of born in the 70s, about "those who rode on rollers in the Alexandrovsky Garden." But the work is rarely put in the "workshop of Peter Fomenko". The star explains this by the fact that in the last decade the repertoire of the theater would noticeably scatter.

Eugene goes to the scene and other cultural institutions. The artist is close to the theater "near the house of Stanislavsky", not only internal atmosphere, but also the surrounding situation. Nearby are guitis and other memorable for Tsyganov. In an interview with the portal "Culture. The Russian Federation "was outraged that there was a glass-beloved one near the student times.


In the movie Tsyganov pushed Peter Fomenko, rustically believed to the ward. He persistently advised Evgeny not to miss a chance. In cinema, for the first time, the actor appeared in the film "Collector" Yuri Grymova. The game was high-quality and successful, but did not like the performer. But the audience had a different opinion. Photo Tsyganov began to appear on the pages of magazines and numerous posters, the popularity did not make themselves waiting for a long time.

For the next picture, Eugene received the prestigious premium of the Festival of Festival "Kinotavr" for the role of the second plan. The project is known not only in Russia, but also in the world. On the IMDB website, the plot received mixed user ratings.

Tape "Mermaid", where Tsyganova has a key image, put forward in 2007 to Oscar as the best foreign film. The story of a suddenly broken love of a strange girl Alice to the seller of sites on the moon won the prizes "Berlinale" and "Sandans" - the National American Festival of Independent Cinema.

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Evgeny's great fame brought the role of Sasha Pankratov in the Dram Andrei Eshpaya "Children of Arbat", shot on the trilogy of Anatoly Rybakov. It was in the "Children" one of the most romantic couples of the Russian series - Yevgeny Tsyganov and Chulpan Hamatov appeared.

Tsyganov is equally well managed not only romantic young men, but also experienced hearts. In the Arsenal actor and major, and gangsters, and even the kings. Successful work is considered to be the role of Herman in Kinokartina Alexey Teacher "Cosmos as a Premonition". The mysterious and noticeable hero of Eugene arises nowhere and disappears, changing the lives of people in the era, when everything is already wandering space, but the name of Yuri Gagarin has not yet thundered.

In 2015, Tsyganov was awarded the Golden Eagle and the Government Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of culture for the image of the Victor Khrustalev film operator in the thawel melodrama. The partner was Powlina Andreeva. Remembering the bed scene, the actress admitted that nothing is fun on the set did not do. During rehearsals, the bed broke, celebrities hit the shoals and did not stop laughing. Powlyn calls what is happening a protective reaction designed to get rid of the constraint.

Agreeing to the project "Peter FM", the actor faced the choice - a romantic tape or a military film, with the director of whom Yevgeny has already agreed. But Oksana Bykov suggested Tsyganov what the performer likes, - spring, romantic atmosphere without a lighted social context. After all, it would seem, a male topic - war, tanks and other things - Gypsy does not like.

The painting "About love", filmed by Anna Melikyan for 25 days, presented Eugene character of an artist who lives an easy life, not burdened with responsibility. The cash collections in Russia exceeded $ 2 million. The shooting was involved Renata Litvinov in the form of a lecturer and Vladimir Mashkov, depicting a boss that brunette the secretary.

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With Yulia Peresilde in 2015, Tsyganov played in the Russian-Ukrainian film "Battle for Sevastopol". Work on the ribbon began in 2012, it was important for scenarios to explore archival information about Sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko. When the director Sergey Mokritsky connected, the plot changed and already matched the official biography of the sniper. For a reliable incarnation of heroes had to gather an international group of actors from England, Russia and Ukraine.

In 2016, Eugene appeared before fans in the appearance of the sovereign Ivan III in the Sophia's Multiserious Historical Film on the Life and Love of the Byzantine Princess of Sofia Paleolog. Especially for this role, Tsyganov had to grow a beard. And Grigory Leps executed for the soundtrack the composition "I believe you."

At the "Kinotavra" of 2017 to the audience's court, a comedy "blockbuster" was presented, where, in addition to Evgenia, Anna Chipovskaya, Mikhail Efremov and Svetlana Khodchenkova were shone. The premiere show was accompanied by a scandal: director and screenwriter Roman Volobuev said that the final version of the tape is a vision of producers who do not have anything in common with the author's idea. In the painting of the Gypsy played a police officer, pursuing the heroine Chipovskaya, which robbed the cashier.

In 2018, Evgeniya's filmography was replenished with "tenderness" and other bright projects. In the adaptation of the fantastic novel, Sergey Lukyanenko "Chernovik" Gypsy received a small role that described as an official-functional official, clothed in parallel space and in the process of acquiring human emotions. The hero attracted the actor by the fact that completely unlike him.

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At the Venetian festival, the premiere of the drama "The person who surprised everyone" took place. For the sake of the image of a seriously sick forester, who has chosen a strange method of treatment - dressing up into a woman, Eugene lost weight by 20 kg. The project received positive feedback as professional film critics and ordinary viewers. The journalist Anton Dolin called the ribbon existential manifesto.

In 2019, Tsyganov played the investigator Maxim Leonidovich Pokrovsky in a detective television series "Dead Lake". The plot unfolds in the invented city of Changadan, located in the Polarian. After the exit of the tape, the artist was the guest of the Evening Urgant program, where she with ease and humor told about a new mystical character.

As a director, Gypsies took off a 20-minute black and white dumb story called "rebellious". To the shooting, the author attracted one of the sons - Alexander. But the 8-year-old boy quickly realized that it was not for him to run around the court in incomprehensible clothing. Especially since it met a pretty girl on the spot, which suggested playing video games. Sasha stated his father, after which Eugene no longer tried to awaken an acting talent in the child.

2020 also did not leave Tsyganov without new projects. Among other viewers, the mini-series "Dead Souls" was remembered. The picture is a modern interpretation of the immortal work of Nikolai Gogol. According to the scenario, an enterprising Moscow official sells provincial cemetery areas next to celebrities. And the authors, and the observers noted that since the times of the Russian classics in Russia there was little change.

Personal life

Charismatic man enjoyed success with the weaker sex representatives. Even in his youth, Eugene had a relationship with the beauty of Olga Stashkevich, who was 6 years younger and almost 10 cm above (Growth of Gypsy 170 cm). For Olga, the gap with his beloved turned out to be such a blow that the actress still keeps the silence of relations with Evgeny Tsyganov.

In 2004, the personal life of the artist has undergone changes. Evgenia has a favorite person - Colleague Irina Leonova. The meeting happened on the filming of the movie "Children Arbat". At the time of dating, Ira was married for no less popular actor Igor Petrenko, but soon divorced and moved to the new chosen one.

Leonova, a talented actress and a beautiful woman, dissolved in her husband and children and left a career for the sake of family. The sadness was the news that Gypsies left his wife, barely waiting for the last common child. In total, a couple of 7 heirs: Polina, Nikita, Andrei, Sofia, Alexander, Georgy and Vera. Friends Eugene argued that he simply could not stand the mad rhythm of life and killed worries. According to another version, the cause of separation was a new passion.

Divorce followed in 2015. Eugene did not see the need to officially confirm or refute something. Moreover, it was already faced with "illiterate and unscrupulous people", composing non-residents and distorting information. Then the parents of Tsyganov were injured. In the pose of the movie star, a journalist is a man with a sharp mind that feeling what and how to talk. However, in the media advantage towards boulevard, and not analysts.

Out of history with a former civil wife, Eugene plunged into new relations. Now the beloved director is actress Julia Snikir. In March 2016, the Chief of the Son of Fedor gave birth to Tsyganov. Now the pen shark already calculated the difference between faith and Fedya, noting that both Passiants performer were in a piquant position at the same time. Unlike Irina, Julia did not refuse career.

Evgeny Tsyganov now

Now the life of Tsyganov hits the key. The star is busy immediately in several projects and does not forget about the audience. From new performances with Evgenia, the play of Dmitry Krymova "Mozart loved with the participation of Evgenia Spectators and theatrical critics. "Don Juan". General rehearsal, "where Tsyganov got the main role. Stage received numerous positive feedback in the press. Tickets started immediately after the first view.

Music, too, remains an important part of Eugene's creativity. In 2021, Pokaprët gave concerts. The club "Griboedov" remained a favorite platform of the artist since "Grenok" in St. Petersburg.


  • 2004 - "Children of Arbat"
  • 2006 - "Peter FM"
  • 2007 - "Mermaid"
  • 2007 - "Lilac Branch"
  • 2009 - "Hot News"
  • 2013 - "Thaw"
  • 2015 - "About love"
  • 2016 - Sofia
  • 2018 - "Man who surprised everyone"
  • 2018 - "Explorer"
  • 2019 - "Odessa"
  • 2019 - "Dead Lake"
  • 2019 - "Ninth"
  • 2020 - "Tsoi"
  • 2020 - "Inadequate People-2"
  • 2020 - "How Nadia went for vodka"
  • 2021 - "Every drunk"

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