Pavel Priluchny - biography, personal life, photos, news, movies, TV shows, main roles, filmography, wife 2021



Many printed publications and critics in one voice are called Paul in the most popular actor "New Wave". He has a whole army of fans and, although he loves the full-length paintings more, famous for the TV shows.

Childhood and youth

Biography of Paulil is primarily starting to count on November 5, 1987 in Kazakhstan Chimkent (Shymkent). He was a younger child in the family of a coach for boxing and choreographer, grew up with Brother Sergey and Sister Elena.

When excitement began in the country, parents decided to transport children to Russia. They sold a big apartment, but while they went on the train, the received money depreciated. I had to say goodbye to the dream of Moscow and go to relatives to Novosibirsk. The family settled in Berdsk, where he managed to buy a burntem almost for nothing. Several years have gone to their own forces to restore the dwelling.

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Despite all the difficulties, celebrity parents took care of the comprehensive development of the Son. Mother recorded him on ballet and choral singing, and father - on boxing. None of these classes liked the boy, but by 14 years he became a candidate for the master of sports.

Shortly before that, the tragedy has occurred - the head of the family died. Since the elder brother has already managed to marry and lived separately from the parents, all the concerns about the mother and sister lay on the shoulders of the young Paul. Already then he learned to make money - created with friends a little business for car wash.

Later, the teenager began weddings and festive events. One day he even managed to work the lead in the strip club. Nobody asked my passport, but looked incense older than his age. This experience gave celebrities to understand that he would never go without money. There is always the opportunity to work out due to talent and activity.

When Paul has grown, the question arose about admission. There was still not enough money in the family, so the paid version was not even considered, and the guy was taken to the free department only to the choreographic and theater college.

Mom advised her son to study at the actor, but he doubted for a long time. During the entrance examinations, Prilochny managed to watch the guy who came out of a deaf village. His monologue struck the future star to the depths of the soul, and he decided that he also wants to devote himself to the art of reincarnation.

Since then, Paul has started an independent life in Novosibirsk, where he had to work and a loader and courier. After graduation, the artist served for some time in the Globe Theater. He acquired a lot of fans and almost picked up a star disease, but his trip to Moscow quickly cured.

In the Russian capital, the Contractor had to start all over and prove that he is worthy of public attention. Paul studied at the Studio School of MCAT, but threw his studies to devote himself to shooting. Later, he still graduated from Gitis, studied under the guidance of Sergey Golomazov.


The first roles guy received thanks to persistence - actively sent the questionnaires, ran through studios and castings, demonstrating hardworking and desire to work. The first time was shot in episodes, but in 2009 it appeared on the screens as one of the central characters of the militant "on the game" Pavel Sanaeva.

The role in the picture attracted the publication of the public, but then he was not yet sure that in the future would reach more. In memory of his first bright, the actor fought a tattoo with the name dock (DOK) on the neck. The fee received for the shooting, the performer spent on the car on which he then worked as a taxi driver.

Nationally love and glory hit the star in 2011, when the teenage series "Closed School" came to the screens. Hero Paul - Son of a wealthy father - investigates a chain of mysterious and terrible incidents. He conquered the audience by charm, confident and daring behavior, and they quickly replenished the ranks of the fans of the artist.

According to the confession, he did not expect such attention and even was partly scared. Fans met the performer as a world-wide star and pushed each other to just be able to touch him. And when the artist sat down into the bus, which transported the participants in the shooting process, they swayed it so much that had to go to bed.

In parallel with the "closed school", the actor starred in the "Lovel method", but the role of cadet Rodion Disclona did not cause such an excitement. The new wave of spectator love poured after the premiere of the series "Major". Paul returned to the image of the son of wealthy parents, the investigative crime. This time the story of the character became still dramatic and allowed to draw attention not only adolescents, but also at the most hour.

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Critics agreed that the creators of Major turned out a fascinating story, despite the privial plot at first glance. The series came to the top ten, and primarily named the opening of 2014. It is not surprising that in subsequent years the project has been repeatedly launched, and the actor was offered only the main roles.

Soon the premiere of the criminal film "Run!" with his participation. Paul played a talented programmer who created a unique development, but in difficult life circumstances. This is a complex and dramatic role, as well as the image of Andrei Chistyakov from the "Crime" detective. In this series of partner, the stars became Daria Moroz, with which he even attributed to the novel.

Show yourself in the comedy Plan pleased with Kilimanjar tape on the adventures of Russian citizens in Azerbaijan. Filming, in addition to Baku, were held in the Baltic States, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

After that, the artist returned to deep images. In 2019, the drama "Retribution" was published, where he embodied the former special forces and a fighter for the justice of Yuri Shatokhin. In the same year, the performer debuted as a producer. He worked on the series "in a cage", which also played the main role of the MMA fighter. The purpose of creating a project Prilochny called the popularization of young people sports. He also wanted to show the life of small towns.

By the end of the year, the drama "Union of salvation" was published, dedicated to the Decembrist's uprising in the Senate Square in December 1825. The actor appeared in the form of co-author of the Charter of the organization Pavel Pestel. It admitted that this is the first costume project in a career caring. For the first time, the hero has no love line - feelings interfere with the case to which the colonel is devoted to fanaticism.

Personal life

In 2009, the artist met the American actress Nikki Reed, who came to Russia to visit the girlfriend. Lovers divided the language barrier, so they communicated gestures. The novel was passionate, but in a speed: the girl was busy on the set, so ceased to receive calls and respond to letters. Later, she tried to resume relationships, but Prilochny suggested to stay friends.

About the novel with the granddaughter of Leonid Kanevsky artist remembers warmth. Renata Piotrovski traveled the nuances of the mood, tried to help, and soon they began to live together. But feelings quickly left, and former lovers began to treat each other as a brother with a sister. Therefore, decided to part.

At the set of the TV series "Closed School" Paul met Agatu Motzing. According to the scenario, mutual love broke out between the characters. The fact that feelings from the screen were transferred to real life, the film crew learned when he received an invitation to the wedding. Couple had a son Timofey and Mia's daughter.

Over the years, the spouses were repeatedly quarreling, but every time I found mutual understanding. The first serious crisis ran into in 2018, when Agatha and Paul decided to take a pause and dispersed. But soon they realized that they could not do without each other, and were recalled. Although the stars assured that the marriage was just stronger, bright family photos in instagram accounts did not convince fans that the harmony reigns in a pair. From the side of the relationship seemed intense, and rumors appeared on the network of additional treasures.

The final of the history has arrived in 2020 - the star pair made a divorce. For some time, the actors retain silence, and later stated that they retained a normal relationship and agreed on joint care of children. Now the performer is spent with the heirs all his free time - he takes them on vacation and even takes on shooting.

According to the press, the personal life of the star has developed successfully. He is credited with a novel with actress Miroslav Karpovich. Although the artists do not comment on the possible relationship, they were repeatedly seen together in public. In April 2021, Miroslava gave an interview for the program "Evening Show with Alla Tretytaya". There she told about a fabulous surprise for a birthday, which she made a certain "primary wizard". Fans decided that it is right.


The actor repeatedly stated that he had a difficult character and in nature he was quick-tempered. This is confirmed by numerous rumors about fights and scandals on the set. But most of all the public shocked the statement of the former wife's wife, who reported on the hands-holding on his part. The performer himself comment on the statements of Agatha refused, as well as talk about the causes of the divorce. Some called the behavior of the artist worthy and praised, because he "does not endure littering from the hut", others, on the contrary, decided that he was silent because there was nothing to be met.

Another sin attributed to the artist in the media was alcohol abuse. In 2019, the video appeared on the network, the author of which said that Paul fell asleep in his car. But later, Prilochny said that the roller was a PR-moved timed to the exit "in the cage". He helped call public resonance and attract attention to the project.

In November next year, the Internet stirred the news that the artist was hospitalized with a fracture of the bones of the facial skeleton. At first, information appeared that the injuries were allegedly obtained during the filming of the series "in the cell". But later several sources, including the newspaper. RU "reported that the actor drunk got into a fight and was beaten. He, in turn, called information about his drunk state of false and accused the culprit of the attack in the desire to distort the facts.

Pavel Prilum now

Pavl's filmography is continuously replenished. In 2021, the audience saw the long-awaited continuation of "Major" in the form of a full-length picture. Also, the creators announced the yield of the 4th season with the participation of the star.

In April, the Drama "Nestyatayev" was published, the plot of which is based on the biography of the pilot Mikhail Nestiyev. Especially for the role of the artist heavily lost weight, feeding only water and rice, and learned to control the aircraft. This artist considers one of the advantages of the profession, because when preparing for filming, he can constantly know the new and acquire skills.


  • 2009-2010 - "On the game"
  • 2011-2012 - "Closed School"
  • 2011 - "Lovel Method"
  • 2012 - "Gamers"
  • 2013 - "Dark World: Equilibrium"
  • 2014-2018 - "Major"
  • 2014 - "The Secret City"
  • 2015 - "Quest"
  • 2017 - "Life ahead"
  • 2017 - "Rubb"
  • 2018 - Kilimanjar
  • 2019 - "Salvation Union"
  • 2020 - "Comet Gallet"
  • 2021 - "Nineev"
  • 2021 - "Major. Movie"
  • 2021 - "Sovie me truth"

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