Alexander Domogarov - Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Actor, Photo, Tatyana Stepanova 2021



Loves of millions Alexander Domogarov, on his own admission, does not seek to like. If the artist is confident in himself and honestly does his job, you should not go on the public."It is always interesting: take-off falling, take-off falling. As a person who is engaged in acting profession, is worried about these swing-carousels. That a person in the head, what he breathes, what is powered by to become such. "

Childhood and youth

Moscow roots and beautiful last name the actor received from her grandmother from the side of the Father. Yuri Lvovich worked as director of the "Moskoncert" and "Rosconcenta" manager, headed by the Music Theater named after Natalia Sats.

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Mother Natalia Petrovna was not close to art, but became the best friend for her son. The creative biography of Alexander was so rich that he did not have time to spend the last weeks with the mother in front of EE, as well as the older brother Andrei.

In 1980, Domogarov graduated from two schools, musical and general education. Education came to the theater school named Schepkin. Having received a diploma, settled in the theater of the Soviet Army.


Until 1992, Domogarov's talent was unborn, so his participation was limited to episodic roles. Alexander became a full star and sex symbol, after the release of the "Countess de Monsoro". The new millennium brought the actor long-awaited popularity. He starred in the series "Marsh Turkish" and "Gangster Petersburg", "Secrets of Palace Dobor" and "Maryina Grove", "Star of the Epoch" and "Furtseva". The picture "Fire and Sword" provided fame abroad.

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In the melodrama "do not repent, loving" Domogarov flashed with vocal talent, performed with the character of Ivan Rudakov, the song "The sky chose us", subsequently spread on the network accompanied by personnel from the film.

After 3 years, the actor again sat for the steering wheel of the aircraft in the criminal tape "Pilot of international airlines". Kirill Safonov became a member of one with Alexander the crew. With Valeria Todorovsky, he starred in the company Grand Dame of Russian Cinema Valentina Telichkaya and Alice Freundlich.

After the tragic leaving of the life of the older of children, Domogarov appeared a thrust for solitude, which affected the intensity of the replenishment of the filmography. It selectively comes up to new projects, however, does not receive passwords, each affects the viewer of the soul depth.

The People's Artist of Russia is involved in the continuation of the popular detective on Mayor Cherkasov, called "Satan Operation". In the center of the plot, the investigation into Andrei Smolyakov leakage of state secrets from military CB.

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The Biographical Ribbon "Zorge" presented Alexander the main role of the Soviet intelligence officer Richard Zorget, working under journalistic cover in Japan.

The role in the drama "Kill Stalin" the actor regarded as a sign of fate, a tribute to the memory of the Father, who passed the war from the beginning to the end. According to the plot of Domogarov's paintings with Pavel Trubiner, the German spy in the face of Mikhail Porechenkova, who is preparing an attempt on the "Father of Peoples".

Personal life

Natalia Sagoyan became the first wife of Alexander. Young people were familiar with childhood and together spent time at the country, as parental sites were near. In 1985, the son of Dmitry appeared, and after a year, Domogarov divorced. In 2008, Dima shot down a car, he died on the operating table.

The second spouse Irina Gunnenkova, the costumes of the theater of the Soviet Army, gave birth to the actor of the son of Alexander. Domogarov-younger starred in more than ten kinocartin, but, the charter tolerate comparing with the famous Father, graduated from the highest directorial courses and stood up the other side of the camera.

In marriage with Natalia Gromrushkina, the artist lived for 4 years. The cause of parting is the feelings for another colleague Marina Alexandrova. This union broke up in 2007. With businesswoman Larisa Chernikova Domogarov did not have time to walk to the registry office, a woman died from severe illness.

Now the actor is not so open as in his youth, does not advertise a personal life. Egor was suspected of alcoholism, wrote that he made plastic surgery, experiencing hearing problems, suffered ischemic stroke. Allegedly now Domogarov is not a hero-lover, but a knight of a sad image. In response, a man told that although the age resists, but not all the available ways.

He does not go to the gym, it regularly looks into the club next door, but only promises to sign up. Alexander lives in the Moscow region, in a 300 square meters mansion. m. The housework helps a married couple.

The star of the screen emphasizes that she does not seek hermit, just likes privacy when you can sit on the shore with a fishing rod or play the piano. In addition, Irina and his son periodically visually visit. The former wife, as the press wrote, often goes to relax in Bulgaria, where Domogarov bought a house.

In the 2020th, the artist opened the secret of his personal life. It turned out, for more than 10 years he lives in a civil marriage with a dancer Tatiana Stepanova. The difference in the age of the couple is 22 years old, but this does not interfere with harmonious relations. And at the end of the same year it became known that Domogarov and Stepanov issued a relationship officially.

Alexander does not bypass the Social Networks: He has accounts in Facebook, Instagram and VKontakte.

Alexander Domogarov now

At the end of 2019, the fans saw their favorite in a familiar heroic image. In the historical drama "Union of salvation", Domogarov reincarnated in Mikhail Miloradovich, Governor of St. Petersburg, who died from the hands of the Decembrists during an uprising on the Senate Square.

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In the same year, all the same ended so long posting surveys of the 4th part of the "Gardemarines". Alexander is still playing Pavel Gorina. Anna Semenovich, Dima Bilan, Artem Mikhalkov and Tatiana Navka, were added to the main acting composition from the first trilogy. The director and producers hoped to release the picture in the 2020s.

"Life after life" is a comedy with fiction elements. In the project, Sergey Ginzburg, the artist starred in the role of the ladies, which does not suspect that heavenly court watches his adventures. And only it depends on it whether the hero will remain with the devotional wife after death or will strangle the other days alone.


  • 1992 - "Gardemaryna-3"
  • 1997 - "Countess de Monsoro"
  • 2000-2003 - "Turkish March"
  • 2000-2003 - "Gangster Petersburg"
  • 2005 - "Star of the Epoch"
  • 2006 - "Wolfhounds from the genus of gray pieces"
  • 2007 - "Gllyan"
  • 2007 - "Return of Turkish"
  • 2008 - "Do not reject, loving"
  • 2009 - "Tsar"
  • 2011 - "Secrets of Palace Dobors"
  • 2012 - "Maryina Grove"
  • 2013 - "Legends about Circle"
  • 2017 - "Big"
  • 2018 - "Satan Operation"
  • 2018 - "Zorge"
  • 2019 - "Salvation Union"

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