Elizabeth Boyarskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, plastic, husband, Maxim Matveyev, films 2021



Elizabeth Boyarskaya put a lot of effort to break out of the shadow of the famous Father. At first, colleagues, barely hampering the name of the actress, understoodly exchanged views: they believed that by default, all notable roles in the projects of famous directors were delivered by Lisa thanks to star origin.

However, after played roles in performances and on the screen, colleagues and viewers were convinced of: Elizabeth - an independent unit from the acting dynasty of Boyar.

Childhood and youth

Lisa in St. Petersburg was born in December 1985 in the family of two folk artists of Russia - Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian. Elizabeth is a second child in the family: at the time of the appearance of his daughter, the 5-year-old Son Sergey smasted.

The creative atmosphere has reigned in the house, because grandfather with a grandmother, parents, uncle Lisa - all the actors. Brother Sergey Boyarsky appeared on the screen at 4 years old, the second role in the painting "Musketeers 20 years later" Seryozha played at 12 years. His hopes imposed on him and they believed that the Son would go to their feet and continue the dynasty. Elizabeth the world of the theater and the cinema did not "ill". She was fascinated by choreography and dedicated to classic and jazz dances. The girl in adolescence graduated from the St. Petersburg School of Models.

At 15, Boyarskaya accidentally found itself on the set: the phone rang in the apartment. Liza, removed the tube, at that end of the wire asked if Mikhail Sergeevich could hear, but the famous Musketeer was on the set. Then the voice in the tube suggested that she play a movie. She unexpectedly agreed for himself.

In the thriller "Klyuchi death" boyars played a young drug addict Alice, daughter of rich parents. The first shooting was not impressed with her, and the desire to become an actress did not arise.

As a child, Boyarskaya did not please the parents with fives, but in high schools, it was seriously for study and disagreeed with the help of tutors and overtakes according to classmates. She studied English and German, believing that these knowledge would be useful to her in work.

School of Elizabeth with ease organized festive and thematic parties. But the future star of the movie took the ability to "make a holiday" for manager talent: Boyarskaya aims at the profession of PR manager and journalist.

The high school student went to the preparatory courses of the University, deciding to receive the faculty of journalism to the department "PR". But on the courses, she realized that the interest in the profession was destroyed. But at the opening of the educational "Theater on Mokhovaya" Lisa caught herself to think that time on the stage flies unnoticed.

Parents did not dissuade the daughter from deciding to enter the theater university, but honestly warned about the underwater flows of the profession. For several months Elizabeth, Mikhailovna Boyarskaya in the avral order prepared for exams at the Academy of Theatrical Art (RGISI).

On the introductory exams, the very name of the country, the surname Asbiturientka "helped" by the fact that it was asked for an hour, and not 10 minutes, like the others. But Elizabeth stood the test and became a student of the theater university, was enrolled on the course of the national artist of the Russian Federation and Professor Lion Dodina.

A boyars student turned out to be one of the best ones: she received a presidential scholarship. The degree of novice artist was presented in 2007.


At the stage of the Small Drama Theater Elizaveta Boyarskaya reached the student years. In the play of the Mentor Lion Dodina "King Lear" girl played a player. The work of the young artist so impressed theatrical critics that Boyars was awarded the prestigious theater award "Golden Sofit".

After graduating from studying, Elizavet was taken to the Taroupe of the Small Dramaater (Theater of Europe). She played Guryevna in the play "Blazham", Zhenya in the formulation of the novel by V. Grossman "Life and Fate", Rosalina in Shakespeare's "Fancy Effects of Love" and Dorota in the "Beautiful Sunday for Broken Heart" on the play of Tennessee Williams.

Today Elizabeth Boyarskaya - Prima Theater of Europe. In 2014, she played cook in the "Cherry Garden", and a year later, theater, theater enjoyed the game actresses in the play "Brothers and Sisters", where she appeared in the image of Barbara Inyakhina.

Invited artist and other theaters of St. Petersburg. In the production center "Art-Peter" Elizaveta Boyarskaya played Roxana in the Antenpuriz "Sirano de Bergerac". Its partner in the scene was Sergey Bezrukov, who had the role of Sirano.

And in 2013, the artist came to the scene of the Moscow Theater of the Young Spectator, while playing Katerina Izmailov in the play "Lady Macbeth of Our County", staged by Ginkas director. For brilliant reincarnation and skill, the Boyar was awarded the prestigious theater award "Crystal Turandot".

In 2016, the Boyarskaya Prize of the Vladislav Stroelikov received a premium named after Elizaveta.

In 2019, the premiere of the "Uncle Vanya" was held at the arts festival "Cherry Forest" on the work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Stephen Braunschweig became the director, and it was his first experience of cooperation with the Russian theater. Boyarskaya, who plays Elena Andreevna, struck the carefulness of the head for each word in the text. The deviations were only in a slightly free interpretation of scenography and costumes.

In 2020, Elizabeth in the company Yevgeny Mironova, Anatoly White, Yulia Peresilde and other actors troupe presented the play "Uncle Vanya" in the Paris Theater "Odeon".

Masha and Irina in the play "Three Sisters", Ophelia in the "Gamlet", Katerina Verkhovtsheva in the "Brothers of Karamazov" - an incomplete list of productions in which Elizabeth is busy in MDT.


The cinematic biography of Boyarskaya, as well as theatrical, no less successful.

Like most colleagues, Lisa began with episodes. She appeared on the screens in the series "National Security Agent - 3", "Cobra: Antiterror", "Demon afternoon". Since 2004, the proposals from the directors came regularly. This year, Boyarskaya starred in the German-Italian Drama "Bunker" directed by Oliver Hirschbigel, playing Herna's nurse.

The breakthrough happened in 2005. Elizabeth tried out the image of a hopeless girl in love in the Military Dram "First After God." According to the scenario, her heroine Tanka is in love with the captain of the submarine Marinina, which was played by Dmitry Orlov. Vladimir Gortheukhin, Victor Sukhorukov, Nina Ruslanova and Yuri Stepanov appeared in the tape. For the work in the Lisa drama in 2006, the Laureate of the MTV Russia premium was: the actress fell into the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year."

In the same year, Boyarskaya played Franção Faberge in the dramatic tape "his own alien life." Working in the historical picture so liked the artist that she confessed in love for costume projects. Elizabeth said that he feels at the wrong person, the characters from the past or before last a last century is closer to her than contemporaries.

In 2006, the actress appeared on the screens in the melodraman Alla Surikova "You will not leave me." On the set of the project, the daughter met with his father. Turn into the heroine ribbon Veroor turned out to be not easy: it is a shavy person, which constantly laughs, then flows into hysterics and dismisses tears. Lisa admitted that she was constantly "wading" to enter the image. And the actress had to turn into a red brunette from the brunette, but Boyarskaya claims that for the sake of an interesting role is ready and repainted, and shave with naked, and recover by several kilograms.

In the melodrame "You Do not leave me" Elizabeth Boyarskaya played a frank bed scene with Alexander Baluyev. Sergey Nikonenko and Elena Safonova were filmed in the project.

In the same 2006, the artist appeared in the tapes "Thunder Gate", "Juncher" and "Park of the Soviet period", but Boyarskaya's loud success brought a role in the New Year's melodraman "The Irony of Fate. Continued "director Timur Bekmambetova. Konstantin Khabensky and Sergey Bezrukov were partners of Lisa on the film.

The performer is confident that her Nadia from the "Irony of Fate. Continued "- this is the ideal of a modern Petersburg girl, confident, proud and" nonsense. "

Despite the love of costume historical projects, Elizaveta Boyarskaya refused to the role of daughter D'Artagnian Jacqueline in the adventure tragicomedy "Return of Musketeers, or Treasures Cardinal Mazarini." Lyanka Gryu appeared in Jacqueline.

The fact is that in that year Elizabeth starred in the blockbuster Andrei Kravchuk "Admiral". In the film about an outstanding officer of the Navy, Admiral Alexandra Kolchak, Boyarskaya played his beloved - Anna Timirev. For this work, the artist has become the winner of the "MTV Russia" award as a performer of the best women's role.

In 2009, the name Elizabeth Boyars was introduced in the top 50 of the famous people of St. Petersburg.

After the deafening success of the drama "Admiral" Lisa firmly occupied a star niche at the Russian filmology. On the screens every year 2-3 projects were published with her participation. Boyarskaya fans saw his favorite artist in the films "I will not say", "Five Brides", "Match", "Cructures", "Zolushka", "the habit of part", "Courier from Paradise" and "head hunters".

In 2011, the audience saw Elizavet in the historic drama "Peter First. Testament "and made sure that it is amazingly good in the outfits of the era. In the mini-series, the boyars took off the second time in the erotic scene with Alexander Baluyev, who played Peter the Great.

In 2012, the actress appeared in the Military Drama "Match". The historical tape about the "death match" in the occupied fascists Kiev was accompanied by loud success. The main roles in it got Sergey Bezrukov, Catherine Klimova and Stanislav Boklan.

In the same year, Boyarskaya worked in the voicing of the cartoon "Three heroes in the distant shores." Her character became Baba Yaga.

In 2014, the actress entrusted the main role in the Russian-Kazakhstan thriller "Fugitives", on the set of which she met with Peter Fedorov and Maxim Vitorgan.

2015 was marked by the appearance in the historical detective "Contribution". Together with Maxim Matveyev, Boyarskaya starred in the lead role. The tape ranked first and the Golden Ladium Prize in the Vyborg Account program at the window "Window to Europe", and for the best acting ensemble was awarded the Constellation Festival of the XXIII Festival.

In 2016, the audience saw Elizavet Boyarskaya in the television series "Drunk Firm". In tragicomedia, where Mikhail Efremov got the main role, Lisa played his pregnant daughter.

Cartoon "Wolves and Sheep: Beyauque Transformation" went on screens in 2016. Elizabeth presented his voice Wolf's Bianke.

In the spring of 2017, the Karen Shakhnazarov "Anna Karenina" drama was released on TV, where the Tandem Boyarskaya - Matveyev appeared again in the lead roles. Lisa played Anna, Maxima got the image of the Count Vronsky. In the deceived husband, Vitaly Kishchenko reincarnated.

In addition, the artist starred in the video of Valery Meladze on the hit "Heaven", playing the beloved Hero.

In 2018, the actress filmography was replenished with two major projects. In April, the NO-One thriller was started, created jointly by cinematographers of Russia and Israel. On the Elizabeth's screen appeared in the image of the girl Zina, classmates of the main hero of Vlad (Georgy Marchenko), the daughter of the secretary of the regional commissioning of the CPSU. The film was discussed about the turning point in the history of the state - the beginning of the 90s.

In the fall, the NTV channel presented the premiere of the detective TV series "Voron", in which Boyarsky again shone in the foreground. Her heroine Anna Vorontsov is taken for the disclosure of a confusing series of murders. The girl together with the colleague Sergey Kabanov (Anatoly White) can be able to go to the trail of customers who are high-ranking government figures.

In October of the same year, the actress visited the copyright of Kira Poshutinskaya "Wife. Love story". Elizabeth told leading about loves, children's complexes and family.

In 2019, Russian spectators have received the opportunity to appreciate the family comedy cartoon "Wolves and Sheep: Pog Travel". Elizavet was involved in voice acting. Her character again became a wolf bianca.

Elizabeth Boyarskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, plastic, husband, Maxim Matveyev, films 2021 21774_1

In 2019, Boyarskaya appeared in the Evening Urgant program. The actress told about the relationship between the brothers and working with the French director Stefan Braunschweig over the play "Uncle Vanya".

In April 2020, the 1st season of the comedy series "Beezumi" was released, where Elizabeth appeared in an episodic role. In the short series of the show, Igor Vernik, Maxim Matveyev, Agrata Tarasova and other famous artists starred.

Personal life

To Elizabet Boyarskaya chainedly close attention of the press: the star of Russian cinema from the famous acting dynasty constantly in the field of view of fans, paparazzi and tabloid journalists.

For the first time about the personal life of the stars started talking in connection with her novel with a classmate by Danila Kozlovsky. In the Academy, a beautiful couple was painted Romeo and Juliet, but Lisa's father considered another. It is concerned that the young man did not seem a worthy party for his daughter in those years. Lovers broke up.

The next beloved Elizabeth - Sergey Chonishvili - also turned out to be "rejected" by a strict father. If you believe the rumors, Chonishvili did not like Mikhail Boyarsky because of the big difference in age. The same unenviable fate waited for actor Pavel Polyakova.

Shooting Elizabeth in Tandem with Konstantin Khabensky in "Admiral" and the continuation of the "irony of fate" forced fans to suspect the romantic relationship between artists. But the rumors were not confirmed.

In the summer of 2009, on the set of the painting "I will not say" Boyarskaya met with the star of the musical comedy "Stylagi" Maxim Matveyev. Roman Lovers hid: a man was married to Jan Sex, actress "Tabackerki". A year later, Maxim broke up with Yana. The couple did not have children in marriage, so the divorce went smoothly. In the summer of 2010, the actor led Lisa to the registry office of St. Petersburg. The wedding was played modest, inviting relatives and close friends.

In early 2012, rumors arose that Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveyev are waiting for a child. The actress did not leave the set until the 6th month of pregnancy. A photo of a pregnant woman (on the last month), Lisa appeared on her page in "Instagram", and the Son Andrew was born in the spring of 2012.

Mikhail Boyarsky presented a young generous gift - an apartment in St. Petersburg. But the Actress's husband lived for 2 cities until 2019 and served in the MHT named after A. P. Chekhov, and Elizaveta Boyarskaya did not want to leave his native Petersburg, where she had a theater, which became his home, and parents. Rumors more than once "bred" a couple, but every time Elizabeth and her husband denied gossip, wrapping all that their family is strong and happy. The last time the myth of "parting with the husband" artist dispelled in the program "Reflection" in the spring of 2017.

In December 2018, the family of actors replenished again. In St. Petersburg, Elizabeth gave birth to the second son, whom Grisha called. The boy was born ahead of time, but, according to Mother of the artist - Larisa Luppian, it did not affect his health.

And in 2019, Matveyev moved to a permanent place of residence in the Northern Capital, to the spouse and children.

The attention of its fans and journalists is riveted to the appearance of the star. Scar on the cheek of Lisa, which appeared in infancy, she is not trying to hide and considers its highlight. Famous membranes on the cheeks got the actress from the mother. But about the alleged plastic of the nose of Elizabeth Boyarskaya does not say anything, not counting the necessary comment on rumors.

Attribute the star and operations for the correction of lips and cheekbones. Comparison of the photo Lisa to the alleged changes and after anything did not lead: the cardinal changes are not noticeable. Perhaps the whole secret in skillfully applied make-up.

Questions about plastic operations, beauty is launched that after 20 years, perhaps and turn to the surgeon to look like now. Star growth - 170 cm, weight - 52 kg. According to the fans of the creativity of Elizabeth, in the pictures, where it appears in a swimsuit, the figure of the actress is visible too thin. But Boyarsna herself considers his weight optimal.

It is not a problem to maintain yourself in the form for her - work and family responsibilities do not give to relax.

Elizabeth Boyarskaya now

In February 2021, the premiere of the 2nd, "Caribbean", the season of the dramatic series "Optimists" took place. The painting presents the times of tense relations between Russia and America. Against the background of political periphets, the love line is developing between Alex Bradley, Heroine Boyarskaya, and Dmitry Nesterov, who played Sergey Bezrukov. The artists themselves performed the song "half a minute" written specifically for the series.

The main role got actresses in the Military Drama "Seventh Symphony" on the legendary composition of Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich, who became a symbol of the blockade Leningrad. We took part in the shooting of Alexey Guskov, Alexey Kravchenko and Natalia Rogozhkin.

The draft "Decorator" was announced, where the partners from Elizabeth will be given Kozlovsky.

The actress is engaged in the performances of the European Theater.


  • 2004 - "Bunker"
  • 2005 - "First after God"
  • 2006 - "Thunderstorm Gate"
  • 2006 - "Park of the Soviet period"
  • 2007 - "Irony of Fate. Continuation"
  • 2008 - "Admiral"
  • 2010 - "I will not say"
  • 2011 - "Peter the first. Will"
  • 2011 - "Five Brides"
  • 2012 - "Match"
  • 2014 - "Fugitives"
  • 2014 - "Head Hunters"
  • 2016 - "Drunk Firm"
  • 2017 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2018 - "Crow"
  • 2020 - "Beezumi"
  • 2021 - "Optimists-2"

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