Maxim Averin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Wife, Children, became Father 2021



About such as Maxim Averin, they say: a real man, brutal macho and lovers of women. The star of the screen and the scene of the unifituted middle-aged crisis, as well as creative. Work is the only thing that causes Maxim to worry. In an interview, actor Raplet quotes of great people, smiling in Hollywood, at the same time claims that inside has changed and lives on a full coil.

Childhood and youth

Maxim was born in 1975 in Moscow. By nationality he is Russian. Parents Galina and Victor Averina worked on Mosfilm, mother sewed costumes, father montaped the films, later worked as an artist decorator, and dreamed of becoming an artist. This dream was destined to embody the Son.

At the age of 6, Averin first appeared on the television screen. Father took Maxim to the shooting area in Makhachkala, the film "Adventures of Count Nevzorova" was shot there. The child was given an episodic role, and already at 9 years old, young artist came to the theater miniature and received one of the main roles in the play "Brandenburg Gate". In childhood, in addition to the theater, Averin was engaged in the studio at the cinema house.

When the young man was 16 years old, the parents divorced. It greatly affected the life and character of a teenager, and it took more than one year to disobey close.

At school, Maxim walked humanitarian, I was interested in literature and one day I even refused to write a control in mathematics, explaining that the subject in the theater school would not need. In the 9th grade, the guy plunged into the choice of educational institution.

First, Averin tried to enter VGIK, but when the reception office asked her teeth, said: "I'm not a horse." Of course, no one expected such rudeness from the applicant, and Maxim with a crash failed the exam.

Further, the future hearts and loved holders of the public tried in the "sketch", but and there everything went wrong. Only Schukin school had to do. True, a self-confident young man succeeded only from the second attempt. During his studies, Averin was leaked by the favorite of most teachers, they with delight watched the success of the ward. In 1997, the guy brilliantly defended a diploma.


At the end of the university, Averin was invited by Konstantin Raykin in the Sachirikon Theater troupe, which consisted of 2015. He managed to play in the "Gamlet", and in Macbeth. From Satiron, Averin went to the Moscow Academic Satira Theater. Now the artist is involved in the entrepreneurs. Bright work was a role in the formulation of the "Oblon Off" on the novel "Oblomov" I. Goncharov, put in the center of drama and director A. Kazantsev and M. Roshchina.

On December 31, 2019, the premiere of the theater and musical representation of the "Nutcracker" performed by Maxim Averin and the Orchestra "Russian Philharmonic". Later with this formulation, Maxim drove with tour across the country.

The audience loves Verin touring tourists with monospectacles "Everything begins with love" and "Teach me to live." Maxim surprises the versatility of his talents. Being the only artist on stage, he fascinates with emotional monologues, the spiritual reading of the poems of Robert Christmas, Evgenia Yevtushenko, Alexander Vertinsky. Reincarnated from the comedian in the actor of the drama, Averin brought the genre of the play of one actor to perfection.

Films and television

The debut on the screen was the comedy "Love Evil", where he brilliantly played "colorful bastard". For a bright reincarnation in this picture, the actor managed to paint Russian Jim Kerry. Show a serious role made in film "Magnetic Storms", for which he received the triumph premium.

In 2004, Maxim played a military surgeon in the "Carousel" series. During hostilities in Chechnya, Hero Averin loses memory as a result of contusion. Having learned that the husband was missing, the spouse (Svetlana Khodchenkova) begins his searches.

A separate place in the creative biography of Maxim Averin was assigned to the show "Ceremak", thanks to which he became one of the most sought-after Russian actors. Averin promised publicly that after this picture would not return to the multi-sized projects, despite the fact that they were just the strongest growth in popularity. But the sake of creativity had to break the oath.

In the television series "Fugitives" ("Gastrol") Maxim and Alexey Vorobiev played the Sabonewa brothers. In 2013, Averin fell out the opportunity to try himself as a captain of the Goryunov submarine in the series of the same name. The project gained popularity and the creators removed the continuation of "Goryunov. The ship is slope, "but Sikvel never entered the screens. In 2016, the video of the audience is represented by the film "Epinge". Majan Spivak and Ekaterina Kuznetsova are involved in the film in the picture.

The "brutal captain of the police" turned into a surgeon in the Sklifosovsky series. In addition to Averin, other celebrities were pleased with his game: Olga Krasko, Dmitry Miller, Anna Yakunina, Elena Yakovlev, Konstantin Yushkevich and others.

Alla Surikova invited Maxim to a major role in the film "Love and Sax". According to the plot, the hero falls into the prison chamber, where he conquers the authority of the neighbors by the execution of musical works on the comb. Averin became the screen husband of Catherine Klimova and the father of Evgenia - the daughter of Alexander Abdulov.

In the comedy melodraman "Bride Comda", the actor again appears in the form of a high-ranking officer. The action unfolds in the 70s in the garrison under the command of General, who was played by Averin.

Acting is not the only idea of ​​Maxim Averin. Being an invited star at the show Ivan Urgant, the artist showed his musical talent. Averin leads on the first channel of the show about the chance of "three chords". The actor was the leading and jubilee concert Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko. Maxim admired the powerful artistic range of Gurchenko, that one day he even stole her photo from filming the picture, in which both actors were involved.

Averin and Gurchenko had creative relationship and warm friendship, which Maxim spent on the show "He and she" visiting Kira Pastutin. Artists together shot in the film "Markovna. Reboot "where they sang a duet.

As part of the restriction of movement in the country because of self-insulation in 2020, the project "Read together" was born on the author's Yutiub-Channel. The artist supports communication with fans, reads poems, fairy tales, prose, talks about theatrical works and episodes of their lives.

Personal life

Maxim Averin's personal life is one of the most discussed topics in acting and not only circles. About the possible non-traditional orientation of the men began to speak when he celebrated his birthday in the Sochi nightclub, hitting the gay scandal. The club has been popular with representatives of same-sex love. It is known that a state-of-step (growth - 192 cm, weight - 87 kg) was a lot of violent, but at the same time lightning novels.

It was rumored that Maxim was in love with a colleague on the Malchahar's set Victoria Tarasov. Averin was repeatedly recognized by journalists that he was experiencing warm feelings for actress, but the relationship further did not develop.

Kinosovezda attributed a connection with Maria Kulikova. They met in youth, upon admission to the theater institute, and Maria recognized that he was fascinated by Maxim, but at that moment was already in relationships. Later, Averin and Kulikova became if not friends, how the actor himself was expressed, support the "friendly atmosphere." After Kulikova divorced her husband in 2015, rumors about the star novel found a second breath.

Maxim is not only not illustrated by such a reputation, but sometimes even supports and heats various rumors. During the One-to-One show, Averin and Anna Ardov announced an emergency wedding. During the release of the program, the actors sitting in the jury supported the legend: hugged, whispering and convincingly played the role of lovers. Later, the stars admitted that it was a joke.

Averin in 2019 admitted that he was in love, however, did not show his chosen to the public. There was no joint photo in "Instagram", the account was filled with a photo of Averin-actor and traveler.

Maxim says that does not yet think about the family and children:

"I want! For this, a lot of things should happen ... "
Maxim Averin and Kirill Pletnev

The actor loves to treat herring friends under the fur coat and Salat "Olivier". Branded dish - borsch without meat, from which Averin refused back in 2012. It believes that meat is a heavy product, and the scene requires ease and energy. In order not to lose the shape, the actor resorts to more radical measures - raw food. Having tried for the first time, he lost two sizes and still uses a diet as a way to maintain weight normally.

Despite the non-standard appearance, it is often compared with a colleague on the workshop Cyril Plentnev, saying that artists per face. Actors often have to hear peresis about appearance. It cost Averin to change the hairstyle, rumors went that the actor began to look younger and made plastic.

Maxim Averin now

At the beginning of the creative projects of the year, the artist pleased the fans of the premiere of the clip on the song "Snow falls on the beach."

After Averin was engaged in the shooting of the 8th season of the series "Sklifosovsky", the premiere of which was held at the beginning of the 2021th. The same team without a break included in the creation of the 9th season of the series. The start date of the broadcast is not yet known. In the fall of 2020, the Averin filmography was replenished with the role of Boris "Musician" in the continuation of the TV project "Mosgaz. Katran. " Sikvel tells about the underground casino in the Soviet Union, named after the Black Sea Akula.

In the same year, Averin was invited to the transmission "Once ...", dedicated to the topic of the anniversary of the artist. He turned 45 years old.

February 14, 2021 on the first channel started a new season of the TV show "Extremely". Averin, as in all previous issues. appeared as a jury.


  • 2003 - "Angel on Roads"
  • 2003 - "Fireburs"
  • 2004 - "Carousel"
  • 2006 - "Azirisnuna"
  • 2007 - "Love One"
  • 2008 - "Ceremonic"
  • 2009 - "Clearch-2"
  • 2010 - "Ceremc-3"
  • 2011 - "Return home"
  • 2011 - "Furtseva"
  • 2012 - Sklifosovsky
  • 2013 - "Goryunov"
  • 2015 - "Gastrors"
  • 2016 - "Parliament"
  • 2017 - "Love and Sax"
  • 2018 - "Girls do not surrender"
  • 2019 - "Curly"
  • 2019 - "Komdiva Bride"
  • 2020 - "Katran"


  • "Three chord"
  • "Read together"

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