Elena Stefanovich - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, books, "madhouse", poems, writer 2021



"My biography is uncomfortable for officials," the writer and poetess Elena Stefanovich said in an interview. - 8 classes of education - and a well-deserved cultural worker, 10 years spent in a mental hospital - and a bibliography numbering 2 dozen books. "Judging by the photo, an externally, the writer was similar to Valery Novodvorskaya, in his youth also undergoing "treatment" in a psychiatric hospital.

Childhood and youth

Elena Viktorovna was born on October 24, 1951 in the village of Susuman Magadan region, which in 1964 was assigned the status of the city. In the debut autobiographical work "Madhouse" Stefanovich told that her parents met when the mother was revealed by the prisoner, and the Father, who had already served the term - a free selection.

The presets of both young people who led them to the Gulag were small. Victor stole a loaf of bread, and Tatyana was first punished for being late for the workplace, and then, together with his friends, disarmed and connected his grandfather, who drove them to work.

According to the family legend, the father seduced his mother to a dispute with a friend. When the girl learned about bet, then Kavalera was driven. Half a year Victor walked on the heels for Tatiana and put out forgiveness. When the chosen one gave birth in a prison hospital, the guy jested her diapers and hundreds of cakes, followed by the neighboring city.

Maxim Stefanovich and Elena Stefanovich

After the death of Joseph Stalin, the family moved to the cheat. Father worked as a driver, and the mother was heading the store. The situation in the parent family Elena also described in the "Durdome": in a drunken form, the father regularly beat his mother. At the age of 13, the girl decided to kill a brown parent and had already brought over the sleeping Victor Ax, but he saw a resident of a man in a temple of a man, and was horrified by conceived.

In school, Lena did not have girlfriends, and teachers, then insulted children, then embarrasing with them, surprised the silent and insincerity. Stunched for young reading was creativity. From the early years, the girls were born poems - Lena called it a "spiwall". Works of schoolgirl printed in district newspapers.

But the girl every day still wanted to live. Stefanovich seemed that parents guess: Daughter is a potential killer. Lena tried to find psychological support from the class teacher, but the teacher decided: the girls' experience was caused by the first love. The teacher did not bother even listen to schoolgirl.

As a result, Stefanovich decided to suicide. The method of suicide Lena chose self-burning. Outstanding father's gasoline, young chitinka chirped a match.

The girl was saved. Initially, the fire shot down a 12-year-old cousin. Then the 30 percent bodies of the body cured doctors. But soon the young poetess was diagnosed with schizophrenia from childhood. " Decade Elena spent in a psychiatric hospital. The conditions in the "madhouse" were much severe than in a similar institution shown in the film "Flying over the cuckoo nest", shown in the same 70s of the XX century. But, as well as the hero of the painting of Milos of Forman, Chitinka courageously defended personal boundaries and dignity.

Personal life

At 20, during a short-term discharge from Hospital, Elena met the future husband, the namesake of the father. In 1973, Stefanovich gave birth to the son of Maxim. The first 3 years of the boy grew up without Mother - Elena Viktorovna continued to "treat" from schizophrenia. Only in the 1977th mother and son reunited: a woman was released into a trial vacation. In 1985, the diagnosis made by the writer in adolescence was recognized by erroneous and removed.

At the turn of the Millennium Elena Viktorovna and Maxim Viktorovich, who became a journalist and photographer, published a joint book "About you and about me." The work combines the letters of the mother and the Son to each other. The oldest older years of the writer became grandchildren, the joint photo with which posted on the Stafanovich page in Odnoklassniki.


In 1981, the debut book of Elena was published - a collection of poems "to create yourself", followed by other poetic selections of "obsession" and "with love and longing". The Book "Madhouse" could boast the greatest circulation, first published in 1989. The work was going to be shielded, but the plans were not realized.

The motto of creativity Stefanovich became a string from her poem:

"Create yourself - from the soul to disrupt the entire mold."

Elena Viktorovna "Chmar", "Girl from the KVD" and "Barak" did not leave anyone from readers indifferent: Some admired the sincerity of the author, she confused others, like the tragity of the plots. Stefanovic noted the poverty of the Russian language to describe the "lead abominations of life": violence, debauchery, decomposition. Stylistically stories and the peasant of natives of the Magadan region are similar to the prose Svetlana Aleksievich, but social and political events are only a distant background, in the center of the narration - personal life and experiences of the characters.

So, the heroine of "Girls from the KVD" Anya, at 13 years old surviving group rape of peers, offended not so much on the initiator of the violence of Slavik, to whom she practically bored male dignity, but for parents. Mother and father refused to address the police, sold a daughter for a used car. Being unable to live with parents under the same roof, the girl becomes a station prostitute.

Stefanovich became a laureate of literary and journalistic premiums many times, the title of "man of the year" was honored. However, the works of Elena Viktorovna were repeatedly assigned by pirates and implemented through the worldwide network, without bringing revenues to the author.


On the night of June 8, 2021, Elena Viktorovna, Elena Viktorovna, left life in resuscitation of the Clinical Hospital of the Trans-Baikal Territory. About the death of the writer, her son reported on his page in Odnoklassniki. The cause of the death of Mother Maxim Viktorovich did not publish.


  • 1981 - "Create yourself"
  • 1985 - "Owning"
  • 1989 - "Madhouse"
  • 1990 - "With love and longing"
  • 1993 - "Girl from the KVD"
  • 1996 - "Chmar"
  • 2000 - "Oh you and about me"
  • 2001 - "On the stray of the raised era"
  • 2007 - "Barak"
  • 2009 - "Lomba Baba"
  • 2010 - "Let's talk about souls"
  • 2011 - "Sheep"

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