Albina Dzhanabaeva - biography, personal life, photos, news, songs, Valery Meladze, pregnant, children 2021



Albina Borisovna Dzhanabaeva is one of the brightest stars of the VIA Gra Pop Group. Today, she continues to build a solo career, pleaseing the army of fans with new hits. And this is a wonderful TV presenter and actress, in whose filmography is more than a dozen paintings and TV shows.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born on April 9, 1979 (Zodiac sign of Aries) in Volgograd. By nationality, she is half the Kazakh. Her father Boris Khabdishevich Janabaev was a geologist, more than once a girl with him went to the expedition. Later, the head of the family decided to devote more time to the family and three children - the daughters of Albin, Kate and Son Boris. Therefore, changed the work and settled the driver of Kamaz on the poultry farm in Volgograd.

Albina was a senior child, so it often had to look after the younger children instead of running with girlfriends in a movie or walk around the city. Mother Irina Petrovna disappeared at work. She worked on the Akhtuba radio measuring plant and worked as a seller.

Most of all in the light of Janabaeva wanted to sing. In the school church, she was a real star. In his youth, when Albina from the girl turned into a girl, everyone began to notice her charm and model data. On the advice of friends, beauty at the first time took part in the beauty contest for the first time. More than once she won the prizes of audience sympathies. The schoolgirl understood everything better that much more success would be able to achieve, when he would leave the provincial city: the family moved from Volgograd to the working settlement of the town.

When children grew up, parents divorced. Each of Janaba-Junior chose his way in life. Albina, in childhood and youth every free minute dedicated to music and vocals, went to conquer Moscow. Brother Boris learned on the cook, and Katya's younger sister became a hairdresser stylist.


In the capital, 17-year-old Albin entered the Music School named after Gnesini. She had no money for an expensive metropolitan life and for a removable apartment, so a student lived in a noisy dormitory and tried to earn it as she could. She participated in various theater performances: first in the crowd, then she trusted small roles. A beautiful girl with pleasure took to shoot in advertising. But whatever Janabaev, the main music and singing always remained the main for her.

After graduating from "Gnesinka", the singer got a chance to work abroad. She was offered to sign a profitable contract with the Korean Theater: Albina Borisovna had to sing in the musical "Snow Whole and the Seven Dwarfs" for 4 months, where she was entrusted by the Party of Spring Spring. Performing songs accounted for Korean.

However, Janabaeva lived in Korea only 3 of the laid 4 months. Her insurmountfully pulled home. And when it turned up a chance to return to Moscow, she immediately took advantage of them and broke the contract with Koreans.

This chance of the artist provided Valery Meladze. At that time, he looked for a backstool for his team. On the advice of acquaintances, I chose Dzhanabaeva, I learned her phone number at the singer's colleagues and invited to a meeting. Albina Borisovna received from Valeriya Shotaevich Cassette with backing parties to familiarize themselves. So began her creative career in Moscow. The next meeting with Meladze took place after the returned singer from the tour.

After 2 years, cooperation was suspended: the singer gave birth to a child. The maternity leave turned out to be short: Janabaeva went to the scene on the 6th month of pregnancy, since her figure changed slightly.

A young mother quickly returned to the former shape after childbirth and went on stage again. But this time Albina Borisovna appeared not as a back-vocalist, but as one of the three soloists of the popular women's group "Viagra". Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk invited her to the place of Anna Sedokov's maternity leave.

True, first, instead of the saddle, Svetlana Loboda performed, which lasted in a group of only 4 months. On one of the versions, the Lobod had to free the place for Janabayeva. On the other, the popularity of the team after the departure of Anna Sedokova sharply fell, and the long-standing fans of the trio did not perceive Svetlana. Third believe that such a bright performer did not fit into the concept of the group.

The composition of the trio changed more than once, but Albina Borisovna remained a constant participant of almost 9 years. The singer was debuted together with the faith of the Brezhnev and Hope Meicher in 2004. "Viagra" sang hit "The world I did not know about you." A clip appeared on the composition.

The speeches were held at the prestigious music platforms of the country: at the Festival "Song of the Year", the presentation of the Golden Gramophone and Muz-TV premiums, "New Year's Eve on the First Channel".

As part of the cult group of Janabaeva recorded 4 records. In 2006, the studio album "L.L.L." came out, and from 2005 to 2008 there were 3 official compilations, named "Diamonds", "Kisses" and "Emancipation". In 2010, Albina Borisovna became one of the participants of the release "Let them say" dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the group.

In the same year, an anniversary concert at the National Palace of Arts "Ukraine", located in Kiev, was held on the stage of which the artist came out with the hope of Granovskaya and Eve Bushmin. A year later, a large concert group was held in Crocus City Hall.

Albina Borisovna's stay in Viagra more than once died with scandals. Singers quarreled and often endured litter from the hut, which could not but affect the popularity of the team.

Shortly after the arrival of the singer in the group of 3 former soloists - Anna Sedokova, Tatyana Nikin and Svetlana Loboda - almost simultaneously and independently, were given to journalists in the interview, in which the public has told the public for their stay in the team for producing "Viagra". At the same time, all girls remembered Janabaeva. For example, they said that Albina Borisovna fell into a group thanks to a close relationship with the brother of the producer of Konstantin Meladze, Valery.

And at the very beginning of 2010, after a short stay at Viagra, Tatyana Kotova left the scandal. She gave a compromising Dzhanabaev interview: accused Albina Borisovna in creating a heavy atmosphere in the team, told about the permanent quarrels and scandals that she arranged to her and Meside Bagaudine.

Kotov argued that she had to go, because Albina Borisovna joined her to Valery Meladze and "survived" from the trio.

The long-liver "Viagra" for several years of stay in the mega-popular group turned into a star. They talked about her, her photo shoots were placed in glossy magazines, the beauty was invited to the movies and on television.

On the account of the Janabaeva song "One on one", "According to love", "New Earth" and "For Happiness". Single "For Happiness", music lovers took warmth. In October 2016, the singer presented a clip on this composition. In the video, it changed the style several times dramatically. The incendiary dance track accompanied bright animation.

In 2017, Albina Borisovna presented a new single "acute as a razor", which for her was written by Artem and Daria Orlov.

In the fall in the repertoire of Janabaeva, the hit "The most important thing" appeared. The actress worked not only at the studio, but also actively performed with solo concerts. So, in October 2017, a tour of the singers called "one on one" started.

In February 2018, the artist completed cooperation with the producer of Konstantin Meladze. This year, Albina Borisovna introduced new tracks to the court: "I just seemed to me" and "Thank you, my heart." The second song of the singer performed in a duet from the fominics. The number of viewing video clips 3 months after entering YouTube amounted to 1.3 million.

In the summer at the International Music Festival "Heat" in Baku Albina Borisovna performed a song from the repertoire of Valery Meladze "Samba White Motyl". Also at a solemn event, an important event was held - the singer went on stage along with his spouse, fulfilling the song "Without a fuss." The speech of the couple was taken warm.

In the autumn of 2018, the release of a new hit "Want?".

In 2019, the singer pleased the fans of the release of clips on the "Day and Night" composition, "such as is" and "megapolises" (written together with Valery Meladze).

Films and TV projects

It is noteworthy that the cinematic biography of Janabayevaya is much extensive of its discography. The singer made his debut in the movies back in 1998, starring in the film "Forest Swamps". Since 2000, it appeared in the paintings "DMB-002", "lion's share", "Star holidays", "keep me stronger", "Operation" Righteous ".

A large project in the filmography of the artist was the drama Kirill Serebrennikov "Treason". In the history of the love polygon, Francis Petri, Dean Lichich and Andrei Schetinin also starred. The film was presented at the 69th Venetian Film Festival. In this project, Dzhanabayeva played the role of an unfaithful wife, the husband of which is trying to take revenge on the traitor with his wife's wife. This role has become for the singer not only a debut, but also very difficult, because frank erotic scenes and even the scene in the coffin were planned according to the scenario.

The director admitted that he persuaded the artist for such shooting only after he said that in the Baltic countries, it is considered a good admission to the coffin.

In 2009, the singer with the son of Bones took part in the festival "Children's New Wave". Visited the artist in the Smak program and many others. And at the very beginning of 2011, I became a member of the 11th season of the project "Dancing with the Stars", where in a pair with Andrei Fomin, ranked 3rd.

Between tour, concerts and filming, the star managed to get a diploma of a psychologist in the MGPPU and become the face of Love Republic. The company presents fashion accessories, as well as women's clothing and underwear.

In January 2013, the former team of the team "Viagra" was dissolved. Janabaeva began a solo career. In the spring of the same year, she presented fans the first composition "Drops". In September, the single appeared "tired." The beginning of the singer's solo career was celebrated by the Hello magazine award in the category "Classic".

Albina Borisovna tried her strength as a TV presenter. Together with Fedor Bondarchuk and Natalia Stefenenko, the artist led the musical teleconcurs of "big dances." On TNT participated in the project "Tasty live". In 2013, the singer was among the judges of the TV show "I want V VIA".

In 2017, Albina Borisovna took part in the author's documentary project Sergey Majorova "Small Earth". The episodes of the transmission are a trip to the past of each of the heroes, among which, in addition to Janabaeva, were Anton Makarsky, Pavel Derezko, Diana Arbenin, etc. The project was broadcast on the NTV channel.

In 2018, Albina Borisovna became Guest of the show "Thank God, you came!" With Igor Vernik. The singer demonstrated its acting talents, playing in improvisations with other invited persons.

Also, the artist took part in the 2nd season of the "Battle of Talent" - it became part of the team together with Diana Arbenina, Anna Sedokova, Philip Kirkorov, etc.

In 2019, Janabaeva entered the team of the children's music show "You're super! Season 3: Superseason "on the NTV channel.

Personal life

The personal life of Janabaeva has always been under the closer attention of the paparazzi and fans. Indeed, in 2003, shortly after the start of the work of the singer with Valery Meladze as a back-vocalist, rumors were raised about the romantic stars with a young beauty. And when she gave birth to the firstborn Konstantin, the scandal could not be avoided. The fatherhood of Meladze was told to journalists "Viagryanka", with whom Albina Borisovna did not have a relationship.

Valery Meladze was forced to admit that he had to boy father. At that time, the singer was married, his marriage was 18 years old, 3 daughters smasted in the family.

The marriage collapsed as the reputation of an exemplary family man. Journalists chased the participants of the love triangle, causing interviewing. Albina Borisovna told that he did not want anyone to hurt anyone, but he could not stop relations with Valery.

Wife Valery Meladze - Irina Meladze - also not silent. She shared that he had long known about the novel and tried to talk to her husband's mistress, but she did not go to contact.

In 2013, the singer broke up with his wife officially and began to live with Janabaeva. In the summer of 2014, another son Meladze was born, which was given to the name of Luke. Officially, the couple did not declare the wedding, the network does not find a photo of the celebration, but, according to the reporters of the Starkit publication, the couple still registered the marriage in 2014.

In March 2021, Dzhanabaeva posted a photo in an instagram account, which was pregnant. In early April, their third joint child appeared in the elite clinic of Moscow - daughter.

Albina Borisovna managed to become for the spouse and children of the real custodian of the home focus, in the press information about conflicts between Meladze and Janabaeva does not appear. The singer itself reveals the secret of family happiness: the ability to share warm and positive energy, not expecting anything in return. Followers of the Instagram account of the actress pleasantly amazed her wisdom, which was expressed in the comments.

True, in an interview with the artist admits that she was extremely lucky with the assistants - the housekeeper and nanny.

In 2017, Albina Borisovna became the winner of the Moda Topical Publication Prize in the "Mom of the Year" nation. A year later, Dzhanabaev and Meladze awarded the Awards "Couple of the Year" according to the same magazine.

Janabaeva continues to delight fans with impeccable appearance, appearing at concerts and secular parties in elegant dresses. The perfect figure of the actress demonstrates both pictures in a swimsuit, sometimes appearing in her profile in "Instagram". In the usual life of the singer loves to wear sportswear and often appears before the camera without makeup.

Albina Dzhanabaeva now

In 2020, the singer's discography replenished the collection "It's mine", which included 8 tracks, including the single "he's all", the compositions of "CEI WA", "the only one", etc., the execution of these songs can be heard in the transfer "Gold Microphone ", Which artist visited in June 2020.

On September 13, 2020, on the first channel, the 5th season of the "Three Chord" show was started, where the artist performed romances, hunters and compositions from movies, for example "Waltz Junkers", "Airport", "What we have done", "absinthe" and Ave. In one of the gears, Dmitry Kharatyan became its partner. As the singer admitted in his microblog in "Instagram", she was ineverance to the actor in his youth. According to the final account of the project, Dzhanabayev divided the 7th place with Irina Medvedev.


  • 2005 - "Diamonds"
  • 2006 - "L.M.L."
  • 2007 - "Kisses"
  • 2008 - "Emancipation"
  • 2020 - "He is my all"

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