Andrei Zvyagintsev - biography, personal life, photos, news, films, director, "dislike" 2021



It is hardly possible in Russian cinema the same titled, extraordinary, with a special look at the world, even to some extent the scandalous director as Andrei Zvyagintsev. His paintings are enthusiastic and terrified, immersed in despondency or euphoria, but do not leave indifferent.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the famous film director began in Novosibirsk on February 6, 1964. A few months later, the boy lived in the village of Novomikhaylovka, where his mother passed student practice. The family broke up, and already at 5 years of age, Andrei was left without a father. The parent continued to teach Russian and literature at school.

Art captured a young man from school years. By the age of 16, he was engaged in the Teatral Studio Lion Belov during the Tyuza. Later, Zvyagintsev was enrolled on the exchange rate of Belov, who organized in the theater school. Already on the 2nd course, a young man performed a major role in the "I do not remember". The debut was successful, and by graduation, Andrei was attracted to several films, where he performed the main roles. These pictures "no one will believe" and "accelerats".

In 1984, Andrei successfully graduated from the course and decided to stay in the theater of the young spectator. Soon the guy received an agenda to the army. It did not have to go far, Zvyagintsev was defined in the Novosibirsk military ensemble to the post of entertainer. The orchestra was engaged in preparing speeches, which later presented to different garrisons.

Andrei Zvyagintsev - biography, personal life, photos, news, films, director,

In 1986, the actor decided to continue his career. With this thought, Andrei left Novosibirsk and headed to Moscow. Upon arrival in the capital, she filed documents to Gitis, where he was credited to the course to Nikolay Lazarev and Vladimir Levertov.

On the protection of the thesis in 1990, the future director who put the notorious film "Leviafan", played Maxim Gorky in the play based on the writer's writer and playwright Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Having received a diploma of the State Institute of Theater Art, Andrei Zvyagintsev threw the theatrical scene. According to him, instead of art, the theater produced a "product on the viewer."

In parallel with the theater began and the work of Andrei in the movies. So, from 1992 to 1994, the future director was filmed in the popular TV series "Goryachev and others". Also, the young actor "lit up" in the small role of the journalist in the Comedy of Vladimir Menshov "Shirley-Merley". And in 2000, it appeared immediately in two film projects - the film "Love to the Coffin" and the Kamenskaya multi-sentence detective, playing Valery Turbine in the episode "Death and a little love".


Professional Career Andrei began with the execution of episodic roles in the multi-sized patterns and commercials. Prior to that, he tried to write scripts and stories, but did not succeed in achieving. In subsequent years, Zvyagintsev filmography began to expand rapidly. Fascinating the film industry, Andrei began to carefully examine the retrospectives of the outstanding producers of Akira Kurosava, Jean-Luca Yearrs, Ingmara Bergman and Michelangelo Antonioni in the Museum of Cinema.

The Zvyaginians did not disdain the janitor's profession, which gave the opportunity to enjoy official housing in the immediate vicinity of the Theater named after V. V. Mayakovsky. The venue of the interim habitat of Andrei became an old dilapidated mansion of 1825, where the cinematographer had a room in 50 squares.

On the eve of 2000, Zvyagintsev debut as director took place. Rentv television channel presented the first film director's first film director. In the framework of the television cycle, the audience was watched by the short-drawn Novels Obscure and "Choice". In 2003, full-length Film Zvyagintsev "Return" with a bright, burning storyline appeared on the screens.

The plot of the film is aimed at the demonstration of true human life. Unhurried personnel with standby landscapes and close-ups were rated ambiguously. Critics then noted that such an interpretation is not characteristic of modernity, to which Zvyagintsev answered: he feels the world exactly that, and life rhythm occurs similarly to the plot.

In the picture, the director promoted a goal - to show the audience a real course of life. The project was so liked by the public that the audience wanted to learn more details about creating a picture. Therefore, a year after the premiere, a collection of images of Vladimir Mishukova, who worked on the photographer's set and fixed the bright moments of the workflow.

Unfavorable forecasts of film critics and rolling workers did not come true. For 2 weeks of rental in cinemas, cash charges exceeded $ 260 thousand. At the film budget, less than $ 1.5 million Zvyagintsev was called a phenomenal director. And this is so, because the picture not recognized as critics received at the same time the Golden Lion awards, nominated to the Oscar's international award and launched in 32 countries. As a result, "Return" became a sensation, won 28 awards at world film festivals, the work of Andrei was assessed by the audience 73 countries of the world.

In 2008, Zvyagintsev became a participant in a cult project, called recognition in love for major cities of the world - Paris, Shanghai, Havana, Rio de Janeiro and other. Participate in creating movies, the action in which occurs in the specified megalopolis, soil for honor Natalie Portman and Gerard Depardieu, Alfonso Quaron and Brothers Joel and Itan Cohen, Benicio del Toro and Emir Kusturica.

At the disposal of the director, there was $ 150 thousand and only a day on the shooting, the number of actors and a film was limited, and 5 minutes was released on the screen. Russian director shot a short film for Almanach "New York, I love you."

However, the films submitted by Andrey and Scarlett Johansson were cut off with the final installation of the film collector as non-format. The decision was taken by a focus group of 200 people, which was surprised by Zvyagintsev.

The initial version, including the episode of Andrei Zvyagintseva "Apocrif", was demonstrated at the Festival in Toronto in the same 2008. Later, the director will say that the film to order, with tough regulation, approval of the scenario from the project producers - a bad idea. And if something like this is once again, refuses to 99%.

The next jerk in the film industry was the psychological drama "Exile", which received critics favorables without forecasts for the future. Immediately after filming, the author submitted an application for participation in the Cannes Festival. At the largest film reform, the picture is marked in the nomination "Best Male Role", recognized as the best and at the Moscow Film Festival. The main role in this formulation was performed by actor Konstantin Lavronenko, who had previously collaborated with Andrei on the set of the "Return" picture.

In 2011, the next successful film of Zvyagintsev was released on the screens. The social dramatic film "Elena" is again represented in Cannes, where the author received a special prize "special look", and later was noted at another festival - Sandens. The film was the best work of the year, won 4 Golden Eagle and Niku Prize. However, the loudest and truly sensational work of the director was ahead - Leviathan, submitted to the audience court in 2014.

This is a modern interpretation of the history of the Biblical Character of Job. The picture tells about a person whose life is devouring the state and bureaucracy. After the successful storming of the Cannes Film Festival and the Golden Globe Prize, the tape nominated for Oscar.

The star of the theater and the movie of Russia - Alexey Serebryakov, Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Elena Lyadov played in the film. The storm critics did not fade for a long time. The picture literally blew up social networks and news columns. The angry republics fell out from representatives of the authorities and the Orthodox Church.

The fate of the films until the last moment was in the ignorance, Leviafan did not allow in massive rental. As Andrei Zvyagintsev himself noted, "apparently, the project fell into the most focus, in the very heart, exactly where it was supposed to get."

In January, a pirated copy of Leviafan was merged into the network, the number of downloads exceeded 1.5 million. The film crew and did not imagine what the excitement will rise in the audience. More than 650 cinemas requested copies to demonstrate in the halls.

In the anniversary 70th festival on the Côte d'Azur, Zvyagintsev presented another project - "dislike" with Marjana Spivak, Alexey Rosina and Matvey Novikov. The picture of the boy who had unnecessary parents was awarded the third to the significance of the award - the prize of the jury, "Cesar", put forward to the Golden Globe, Oscar and BAFTA.

In the fall of 2018, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, a special appearance of resonant paintings "Leviafan" and "Elena" took place. After watching movies Andrei responded to the questions of the audience. Zvyagintsev confessed in an interview that now she does not want to read other scenarios. So many own developments have accumulated, which is enough for the next 10-15 years. And there are 4 ready-made scripts that the director wants to implement in the near future. Question in financing and whether he is ready to internally make a movie on the proposed topics.

The first in the list are projects related to the reconstruction of time, which requires a multimillion budget. The first - about the Great Patriotic War, the second is dedicated to the Kiev Rus Millennial Presidency, and another - events that happened in 400 years before. NS. In ancient Greece.

The idea of ​​the film about the war originated in 2008, and since then the question has restrained money. The director planned a three-part composition of the painting, invented 3 novels about the events of that terrible time. The first one had to talk about life in a blockade Leningrad, the second - about bloody events in the Babi Yar tract, and the third - about everyday life, the existence of ordinary soldiers

According to the author, this project did not plan the scenes of hostilities - on the screen, according to the plan, a person was shown in an atmosphere of horror, destroying and death. However, in the process of preparing a new work on the launch of the Creator and Creative Group, difficulties arose, first of all associated with insufficient financing.

The other project of the Cinemaer became "frozen", the work on which was planned to begin in 2019. The Zvyagintsev himself managed to announce the picture in the media, told that he plans to remove the film Drama about a wealthy hero, a man whose "everything is". To work on the ribbon, a lot of work was carried out on the search for suitable locations.

The creative group chose a villa on the Mediterranean Sea, concluded contracts with Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, agreed with the Roman Gallery Borghese and the Prado Museum to recreate the medium in which the central tape character lives. The preparatory stages spent big money, and the new financial injections, Andrei, did not wait, and the work was suspended.

Tabloid Variety said that the first international teleproject will appear in the filmography of Zvyagintsev - the 10-serial series in the genre of psychological drama with elements of the thriller. The Customer and Sponsor made a Hollywood company Paramount Television. The film was supposed to be a continuation of the storyline already filmed by Andrei Pictures "Nelyubov".

The producer of the former works of Zvyagintseva Alexander Rodnyansky said that he agreed to the proposal of the overseas colleagues, because they adopted the conditions of the Russian side: shooting in Russian, full creative freedom and independent control of production.

In addition to working in the cinema, Andrei repeatedly became a guest of various TV projects. So, the director has repeatedly appeared in the program Darya Zlatopol "White Studio". In addition, the fans saw the film in the transfer of the journalist Nikolai Solodnikov in the transfer of "ESCHENPOZNER". In the show, the Creator shared views on art, in particular on the animation, comparing the styles of Hayao Miyazaki and Yuri Norstein.

Personal life

Personal life is a separate page in the biographies of the Matra, which is not inferior by the heat of kinematic passions. At the last year of the Theater School, Andrei met faith in Sergeyeva, who served in the "Old House" theater.

The civilian wife was 5 years older, presented his favorite two children. One of the twins died in a week. The second, Nikita, lives in Novosibirsk, graduated from the Music College, owns his own business, married. The father is rarely seen, but the director, according to media information, supports the Son.

In Moscow, the heart of Zvyagintseva conquered the fellowship on Gitis Inna. The girl university did not graduate, became a doctor. Young people got married in 1988, and the spouses were parted at the initiative - the lady met the other.

After the divorce Andrei was carried away by the model and the future star of the television reality "the last hero" of Inna Gomez, which he removed in the debut director's project "Black Room". Then the director has lived with an actress Irina Grineva. After the divorce, former spouses arranged a personal life. Irina married a figure skateman Maxim Shabalina, and Zvyagintsev met Anna Matveva, who in 2009 gave birth to him by the son of Peter.

Anna - photographer and editor, graduate of the Economic Faculty of Vgika. In her husband, a woman attracted a feeling of freedom and unwillingness to go in art for compromises. Matveeva admitted that after acquaintance with Andrei, it became a new way to revise films - consciously, as if immersing inside the narrative.

However, such unity of views has not saved the family from destruction. In September 2018, Zvyagintsev and Matveev divorced, the child remained with his mother. At the Cannes Festival, which took place in May, Andrei appeared at hand with a model named Lea Seid. The media did not slow down with the comments on how French actress looked at the Russian director. However, some people admit that journalists could and exaggerate, because the heroes of the first pages became members of the kinotra jury.

In 2020, Andrei became the guest of the TV channel "Rain". The program was dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the project. Since the release was carried out in a quarantine, caused by the coronavirus infection epidemic, Zvyagintans communicated with leading in the online format. The latter immediately noted a new image of the director - the Creator cut under zero, "reset", as he joked himself. To the question where he managed to trim, when the hairdressers closed, the author of the films replied that he did it at home, his wife.

Andrei is not a fan of social networks. In Stagram, I went only once, but do not look at the photo, but in order to find out the reaction of the audience to the "dislike" when the critics and officials once again called the picture of the director Russophoba. I was convinced that the people of the film understood and accepted. Written by the author yet is not ready.

Andrei Zvyagintsev now

In 2020, Zvyagintsev continued to engage in creativity. In February, the director presented a book in St. Petersburg, in which the texts of the scripts to 5 films of the Creator appeared for the first time. In an interview, Andrei said that the audience was inspired for the publication of this work. Often on master classes fans of the film player were interested in how to properly write a script to interest the author of the future picture.



  • 1994 - "Goryachev and others"
  • 1996 - "Queen Margo"
  • 1999 - "Kamenskaya"
  • 2000 - "Love to the coffin"
  • 2000 - "New Year in November"


  • 2000 - "Black Room"
  • 2003 - "Return"
  • 2007 - "Exile"
  • 2010 - "Elena"
  • 2014 - "Leviathan"
  • 2017 - "Nelyubov"

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