Valeria Guy Germany - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Valeria Guy Germany is a Russian director, rapidly bursting into a domestic cinema several shocking and scandalous projects. To the films of Valeria, the spectators and critics arise a double attitude - one scolds the themes that the film director raises in their paintings, others remain delighted with its artistic language and bright acting work.

Childhood and youth

Valery Guy Germany was born in the family of a journalist Igor Dudinsky. Parents broke up when the girl was a year. Father did not consider it necessary to maintain a former wife and daughter financially. Valeria studied in a lyceum where mathematics were compensated by the game on the violin and the study of the Bible.

At the end of the 11th grades, Valery Guy Germany decided to get an education at the Interneous Cinema and Television School. The teacher's teacher became Marina Spasket. Upon receipt of the passport, the nee Valery Igorevna Dudinskaya officially replaced the name on Germany Valery Guy Alexandrovna. Patronymic took from stepfather, because I did not want to hear about the native father.

The name of his beloved granddaughter chose her grandmother, which was the admirer of the novel "Spartak" Rafaello Jovanoli. Germany was named after the spouse of the ancient Roman emperor Lucius Cornelia Sulla.


The informal girl became a filmmaker at 18. The first experience in the film industry as directed by Valeria received the "sisters" in the documentary film. The second short film filmography was the tape of "Girls", which was later included in the program "Kinotava", and also showed in Cannes at the 59th Festival within the framework of Russia.

2010 In the creative biography of Valeria Gai Germanica productively reflected in the 69-sized film "School". The resonant plot caused a storm of indignation of representatives of the educational sector and political forces. The series tried to ban, but the higher guide agreed to continue filming.

After filming the famous series, Valery Gai Germanic was invited to the post of Creative Director MTV. Despite the shooting and launch of a number of projects, none of them were launched on the ether. Valeria stopped appearing at work, since he did not see the meaning of his stay in the studio walls.

After the "school" in the career of Valeria began to appear other series. In early 2012, the next project Germany "Short course of happy life" was shielded. After these filming, Valeria participated in several television projects. In the film "Entropy" directed by Maria Sahakyan, Germany acted as actress.

In 2014, the director presented the full-length melodrama "Yes and yes" and the melodrama "May ribbons". The name of the mini-series was in honor of the poem of Artur Rembo.

Personal life

Low Valeria (height 164 cm, weight 54 kg) with an unpredictable character was always popular with the opposite sex. But in the personal life of Valery Guy Germanic, quite dramatic moments. Her chosen was Gleb Samoilov, the leader of the group "Agata Christie", and after the "The Matrixx". Despite the bright feelings, the couple was not long together. Valeria quickly realized that her motherhood (by this time the director had already grown octavia's daughter) is incompatible with life with a rocker.

Valeria Guy Germany and Gleb Samoilov

On July 12, 2015, the press appeared in the press that the famous director of Germany became the wife of the star of the show "Dancing with the Stars" of Vadim Lubushkina. The couple met in the framework of the dance project and one time hidden relationships. Six months after the start of the novel, Germany and Lyubushkin got married.

Soon in the media, information about the doubles of the dancer appeared. Vadim filed documents for divorce with the former wife a month before the new wedding, so the process was considered unfinished (it takes half a year), Lububina threatened the prison sentence. Later, other imparting facts from the life of the dancer were revealed - numerous debts and charges of theft. 4 months after the wedding, the spouses divorced.

On April 22, 2016, the director gave birth to another child - a daughter, which Valery called Severina. Germany does not advertise a family life, so the photos of children do not appear on its official page in "Instagram".

Valeria Guy Germany and Denis Molchanov

At the beginning of the summer of 2019, it became known that Valeria was pregnant for the third time. On the red track of the "Kinotavra" director appeared in a fitting black dress, which did not hide her rounded belly. At the event, Germanman accompanied her present husband - Businessman Denis Molchanov. Native man from Novokuznetsk. Before the appearance at the Film Festival, Valery hid the fact that the child is waiting, as well as its changed marital status.

The joyful event occurred on November 7 - in the media reported that Guy Germany became a mom again. The floor of the newborn is still kept secret, but, according to rumors, the son was born from Valeria.

Now Valeria fans again beat the alarm: judging by the publications that appeared in the media, Denis is uncleanloten in his business. According to the calculations of journalists, he has outstanding debts from 10 to 900 thousand rubles.

Valeria Gui Germany now

In 2018, Valeria presented a new youth series "Bonus" about the adventures in the capital of provincial rapper and his friend. The film played both unknown young performers and celebrities, such as Julia Aug, Kirill Safonov, Igor Vernik.

In 2019, the premiere of the next full-length ribbon of the director "mental wolf" took place at the "Kinotavra". In the film, we were talking about mother and daughters who cannot find a common language. But women helps the fictional story about the wolf-cannibal, thanks to which they find mutual understanding. Hello Vysotskaya and Elizabeth Klimova starred starring.


  • 2005 - "Sisters"
  • 2007 - "Birthday Infanta"
  • 2008 - "Everyone will die, and I will stay"
  • 2010 - "School"
  • 2011 - "Short course of happy life"
  • 2014 - "May Ribbons"
  • 2014 - "Yes and yes"
  • 2018 - "Bonus"
  • 2019 - "Mental Wolf"

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