Vera Brezhnev - biography, personal life, photos, news, husband, age, Konstantin Meladze, Dan Balan 2021



Vera Brezhnev is a famous singer and actress, ex-solicist of the popular women's team "VIA Gra". Now she gives solo concerts, and also appears on the screens in different shows and is filmed in photo shoots of popular publications. Glossy magazines have repeatedly called the performer with a benchmark for femininity and beauty.

Childhood and youth

Faith was born on February 3, 1982 in one of the cozy towns of Ukraine - Dneprodzerzhinsk. In addition to future celebrities, three more children were brought up in the family: the eldest daughter Galina and twins Vika and Nastya. Parents of sisters worked in the industrial sphere at the Dnieper Himzavod.

Real Surname Brezhneva - Galushka. In his youth, the singer was fond of several sports, schooling combined with the courses of the Secretary-Refessential and English. For additional education, the Money Artist earned at night-current time: in the summer of the bed of flower beds in "Zelenstroe", and in the evening he worked on a nanny. After school, Vera entered the correspondence department of the Dnipropetrovsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers. The music appeared in her life later.

Group "VIA Gra"

June 2002 turned out to be fateful in Brezhnev's biography. On the holiday of Ivan Kupala to the city of Dnepropetrovsk, the group "VIA Gra" complained with a concert. That day the monastery came and faith came to the monastery. Then the scene invited everyone to sing together with vocalists song "Attempt No. 5". A beautiful figure, rhythmic movements and a good rumor Brezhnev noted Producer Dmitry Kostyuk.

After numerous classes and trainingings decided that faith would sing in Via Greek instead of Alena Vinnitsa. The costume came the idea to replace the surname to the pseudonym Brezhnev, because the former Secretary General Leonid Brezhnev was also a birth from Dneprodzerzhinsk. The composition of the 2003 group was called "Golden", Tandem Anna Sedokova, Hope of Granovskaya and Faith Brezhnev to this day is considered the most fruitful.

After care, the saddles were replaced by Svetlana Loboda, but due to the rejection of the public of the new singer in the group again there was a casting. Lobod was fired, and Albina Janabayev took her place, which worked there until 2013. Granovskaya was also replaced later, while Brezhnev had always remained invariably for four years.

Solo career

Soon the singer understood that he was able to more, decided to develop a solo career. Having left the project, the actress began to "give out bright hits and beautiful clips to the public to the public. Photogenic and artistic, Brezhnev looked perfectly in the frame. One of the bright hits of that time was the romantic composition of the "petals of tears".

The debut solo album on the name of the single single single "love will save the world" faith presented in 2010. The text with the words "I know the password, I see a landmark ..." Then many months sounded on radio stations and in television fleets of music channels. In general, the record received many positive feedback that inspired Brezhnev and continue to move in this direction.

In 2014, Vera presented the new song "Good morning", which Konstantin Meladze became the composer. Almost immediately, the singer took on the track and a beautiful clip. Not less than fans liked the video on the composition "My Girl", the shooting took place in Italy under the guidance of the Ukrainian director Alan Badoev. But the scenario for him Brezhnev came up with herself. Three generations of women of her family appear on the video - Mom, sisters, daughters and nieces.

In 2018, the "Collection" of the singer was replenished with a new hit "You are my man." In the same year, the celebrity appeared in Crocus City Hall at the Greater Festival of "Stars" Russian Radio ". Performing a song "Close people", faith began to walk around the rows with people, but at some point stumbled and fell. After such a confusion, the fans of the actors started talking that she was performing songs under the phonogram, because during the fall her voice did not get drunk, and the song was not interrupted.

In 2019, the singer released the track with the Elena North "evil do not hold," to which video was also created. And a year later, fans were able to appreciate the new work of the artist - the composition "Party" and the lyrical song Sestra together with the monastic.


The acting career of faith Brezhnev started in 2005. On television screens, the artist first appeared as Motry in the Musicle "Sorochinsky Fair" based on the story of Nikolai Gogol, in which, along with Brezhneva, played Sofia Rotaru, Yuri Galtsev and Georgy Tives.

In 2009, Brezhnev first played in full meter. She was invited to the role of Kati in the film Marius Weisberg "Love in the Big City". Shooting a comedy about three friends-Donuans performed by Vladimir Zelensky, Alexey Chadov and Villa Haapasalo held in New York and took 27 days. Philip Kirkorov, who played in the saint's film, did not pass the casting, but the future president of Ukraine stabbed the director to leave in the project "King of Russian pop". Later faith appeared in the 2nd and 3rd pieces of the picture.

In 2011, the artist's filmography was replenished with a new tape "Christmas Trees", in which the singer acted as Kameo. In the same status, the star appeared in the second and "last" units of the New Year's film, embodying the object of the flame feelings of Pasha Bondarev in the performance of Nikita Presnyakov on the screen.

Vera Brezhnev - biography, personal life, photos, news, husband, age, Konstantin Meladze, Dan Balan 2021 21752_1

Among the bright filmmakers, Brezhnev is worth noting the role in the film "8 best dates". Together with her in the center of the plot, Vladimir Zelensky, who played Nikita Andreevich Sokolov. The work of Brezhnev in the Russian-Ukrainian comedy picture caused contradictory reviews. After entering the tape on the screens, it began to condemn to cooperate with the Rusophobe showman, which shortly before these events allowed himself in a sharp form to speak about the residents of Donbass.

Without paying attention to negative comments, after the release of the film faith, starred with Zelensky for the cover of the glossy magazine Elle. Also, the celebrity appeared in the TV series "Major-2" (in the status of Kameo, as in the "Christmas Trees"). In addition to films, Brezhnev often appeared in advertising. For example, with the participation of the singer on the screens, rollers who advertise drinking water, yogurts, phone numbers, cosmetics, perfume and other were released.


In 2008, faith spoke on TV in the role of TV presenter. Then the audience saw an ex-vocalist of a popular musical team in the show "Magic Ten" on the Channel One. In parallel with the solo career, she became the participant of the project "Ice Age - 2", in which she was a couple of Armenian figure skater Vazgen Azroyan.

The fans appreciated the joint number of the Brezhnev and KVN team "Paraparamen", in which Kaviencers ironically beat popular images from Arthur Conan Doyle's works about Sherlock Holmes. Not once singer appeared on the ether of the Evening Urgant show on the first channel. Before the release of the painting "Christmas Trees last", the performer arrived in the studio of the program together with Konstantin Meladze.

On February 9, 2020, a new dance project "Dance Revolution" started on the first channel, in which Brezhnev, together with Sergey Polunini and Alla Sigue, became a jury member. In the framework of the competition, they need to determine the best dancers that will go to the following stages and compete for a major money prize.

Personal life

Personal life in the biography of faith is saturated with events no less than her career. His older daughter Sonya Artist gave birth at 18 from Vitaly Voichenko, with whom he lived in a civil marriage. But the relationship of Brezhnev and Voichenko did not hold down, and young people broke up.

In 2006, a Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kierman became the singer's husband. In 2009, Brezhnev presented the election to the heiress Sarah, but the joint child did not contribute to the preservation of the family, and in 2012, the spouses divorced.

After that, Brezhnev was attributed to romantic relationships with director Marius Weisberg, but the singer itself commented this information, and therefore the details of the novel (if he was) Nobody found out.

Vera Brezhnev and Mikhail Kiperman

In 2014, the press spoke about the novel by the Brezhnev and Producer of Konstantin Meladze. Almost from the very beginning of cooperation, journalists are also attributed to a couple of love relations. In October 2015, the media reported on the secret wedding of stars, which took place in Italy. There are no common children with a pair.

A couple of months before the wedding in the family of Brezhnev, tragedy occurred - the news was leaked in the media about the death of her father, which last year was in poor condition and was constantly in the hospital. After a heart attack by the summer of 2014, and the head stopped a man was in a coma, his life was maintained by numerous droppers and an artificial ventilation unit of the lungs.

After some time, he came out of the coma and began to study to breathe, eat, walk and talk. All this time, close, including faith, were near, but in July 2015 his condition deteriorated sharply, and Viktor Mikhailovich did not. Family hardly experienced loss.

As the singer admitted to the reporters, it was Konstantin Meladze that he managed to liberate her at one time, and she felt herself the most beautiful woman on earth. There is a romantic relationship between spouses today, which inspire the singer to perform new songs. Now she feels more beautiful and confident than in youth, age does not prevent her from being sexual and sensual and cause sympathy from men.

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According to faith, in their relations with Konstantin, complete harmony. Despite the inner power, next to her husband, she may be a weak woman who is protected. The network regularly appear rumors about the divorce Meladze and Brezhneva. At first, the singer was accused that she married the settlement, but when faith answered sharply, that in a state and to ensure herself to ensure itself, the Internet users began to distribute other specles.

At the end of 2019, when Meladze posted a photo with soloists of the new composition "VIA Gra", the personal life of the composer began to turn new conversations. According to Follovover, his favorite is Eric Herceg, who also attended the picture. They even attributed a love relationship, but both sharply denied the rumors on this topic.


Brezhnev rightly refers to one of the brightest and sexual artists of modern show business, but it was not always. At a young age, the performer did not enjoy the success of Odnoklassniki, as at the time of study at the university. The girl wore a short haircut, and glasses in a thin rim made her image even less noticeable for others.

Comparing the pictures of Brezhnev in childhood with its current photos, fans note great changes in appearance. According to the singer, she herself realized that she had an attractive face and a good figure, and therefore removed glasses, the hair was growing and began to dress in a completely different way. Then it was noticed by producers.

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Artist's subscribers celebrate its expressive eye and eye color. Especially picky blame Brezhnev in the breast plastic. Others leave the comments under the pictures that in recent years faith has a lot, although in reality the photographs cannot be said. The actress does not hesitate to set pictures and without makeup.

Brezhnev does not hide the parameters of his figure. The singer posted a photo of scales in "Instagram". It turned out that the weight of the artist is 53.5 kg with growth 172 cm. Often, frames in a bathing suit appear on the page of vocalists. In an interview, faith argued that each woman after 30 years needed more time to pay sports and gentle cosmetology procedures. Brezhnev herself regularly visits the pool and happens at a massage therapist.

Vera Brezhnev now

In 2021, faith continued creative activities. In addition to concert speeches, the performer appeared in a number of TV projects. So, in March, the fans saw the blonde in the Azamat Musagaliyev show "Music intuition". Together with Valery Meladze, Catherine Varnava and other artists, Brezhnev tried to "calculate" real singers from among the participants.

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In April, a new release of the anniversary season of the Trevel show "Eagle and Rushki" was released, leading to Brezhnev, Verka Serduchka and her "mother". The shooting was held in Barcelona and began for faith from a police station, which the singer reported in Instagram-post. True, the actress silent about the causes of detention. The material turned out so much that the creators of the program made 2 parts.

In May, the second season of the participants of the dance competition "Dance Revolution" started in May. As before, faith performed as a judge show. Together with the performer, the participants of the choreographer Alla Sigalova and the ballet star Sergey Polunin were continued with the performer. Also, the celebrity appeared in several new Sberbank commercials.


With a group "VIA Gra":
  • 2003 - "Stop! Shot! "
  • 2003 - "Biology"
  • 2003 - "Stop! Stop! Stop! "
  • 2005 - "Diamonds"
  • 2007 - "L.M.L."


  • 2010 - "Love will save the world"
  • 2015 - "Ververa"


  • 2004 - "Sorochinsky Fair"
  • 2005 - "Day in the style of DISCO"
  • 2006 - "First House"
  • 2009 - "Love in the Big City"
  • 2010 - "Love in the Big City 2"
  • 2010 - "Christmas trees"
  • 2011 - "Treets 2"
  • 2012 - "Jungle"
  • 2013 - "Love in a big city 3"
  • 2015 - "8 best dates"
  • 2016 - "Major 2"
  • 2018 - "Trees last"

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