Konstantin Isaev - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, screenwriter, theater, education, TV series 2021



Due to the fact that the Russian viewer from year to year is generously supplying detective serials, the actor Konstantin Isaev remains without work. His filmography has long passed for the posts roles, most of which were played in criminal dramas. But the personal life of the artist is not devoid of secrets and intricate bends, which is why he even became the hero of the investigative talk show on the federal channel.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin was born on February 13, 1975 in the family of Tatiana Ivanovna and Vasily Konstantinovich Isaev. His early biography is closely connected with Volga, where he graduated from school and institute. He received the first higher education in the Togliatti Volga University named after V. N. Tatishchev.

Having received a diploma, the guy got into the local theater of the drama "Wheel", serving in which, earned a prize of visual sympathies at the International Theater Festival "With Russia in the XXI Century" in 2000. By the time Konstantin had already managed to finish the acting department of Gitis, where his master was Gleb Borisovich Drozdov.

Theater and films

Among the theatrical works of Isaeva are found both classical productions and experimental. He played Don Luis in "Damu-Invisible", Mortimer in Mary Stewart, Mironova in the "Days of Our Life." However, mainly the acting bread he earned on the set of cinema and TV shows.

Konstantin Isaev - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, screenwriter, theater, education, TV series 2021 2175_1

Konstantin was remembered by the audience according to the TV series "Karpov", "Sladaki", "Gorynych and Victoria", "Cossacks", although the main roles in the artist filmography are not so much.

Personal life

With young attractive brunette Anastasia, Ershova Konstantin met in the club. She did not recognize the actor in it, and the difference in age also did not scare the girl. It turned out that about 20 years of them shares them, although Isaev was lied at the meeting that he was 33. The very first of their evening ended in the bedroom of the artist.

To acquaint parents with Anastasia Konstantin decided when she was in the first month of pregnancy. She argued that he was a father of the future child, although the actor doubted this. But Isaev regretted the girl from which his own family turned away, and left it in the house of Isaoy-senior in Zhigulevsk.

Lisa girl was born on December 20, 2019. The actor left to work and touring, visiting parents and Anastasia with a child from time to time. The girl seemed more convenient to worry the time of the coronavirus pandemic away from large cities, in a cozy and environmentally friendly area where the child was available to a clean yard and the joy of nature.

Svetra took Ershov with a child as a real daughter-in-law, giving her her shelter and moral support. In addition, they did not have the souls in the baby, whom they considered their granddaughter.

Having learned that Konstantin in the capital found a new love with which he intends to create a family, his mother flew with a sick heart. She admits that at that time, the young Snoch took care of her as a native mother. Father Vasily Konstantinovich also perceived the intention of his son in the bayonets. He even threatened that he would deprive the actor of the inheritance, rewriting the property to the granddaughter Lisa.

Isaeva's parents lived together for almost 50 years, and therefore were disappointed in the Son who did not share their family values. Not only didn't he get their requests to marry Anastasia, referring to financial difficulties, so also left it with a young child, having found another.

The director Svetlana Tretyak became the director of the actor, with which he has supported business relations for four years, but in the end they switched to a romantic format. Isaev beautifully cared for the beloved and made her an offer of his hand and heart at the Film Festival in St. Petersburg with a thousandth hall.

Svetlana assures that he did not suspect that Konstantin was parallel to the dual life, having a daughter and the so-called civilian spouse. This news sorrified it at the moment when the groom reported to parents about the upcoming wedding.

Konstantin Isaev now

On June 9, 2021, Konstantin came to the studio of the program "In fact", where he found out in the presence of the audience whether Liza, born Anastasia Yershova, his daughter. In the first part of the ether, he was put up with an exclusive scoundrel and a polygamy, but the DNA test showed that Isaev did not have the father of this child.

As a result, Anastasia turned out to be a manipulator, who tried to play on the nobility and the feeling of the pity of the actor and parallel it forced the parents of the actor to love the baby as a native. The polygraph confirmed that Konstantin is clean in front of the Yershova and the bride. But the fact that he allowed the parents emotionally to attach to someone else's child, remains at his conscience.

Konstantin Isaev and Anastasia Ershov

Now Isaev continues to film and serials. In February 2021, the TV series "Lost" was released on the NTV channel, Konstantin, who played the character named Ruslan was involved in the caste.

The artist's portfolio states that with 177 cm height, it weighs 85 kg and owns fencing and equestrian skills. In addition, Isaev plays football, basketball and hockey, playing the guitar and can read the hip-hop.

The news and fresh photos Konstantin is divided on the Instagram page.


  • 2005 - "Gorynych and Victoria"
  • 2007 - "I am a bodyguard"
  • 2008 - "Ceremonic"
  • 2010 - "Pursuage for the shadow"
  • 2011 - "Slices"
  • 2013 - "Department"
  • 2015 - I do not believe
  • 2016 - "Cossacks"
  • 2017 - "Sleeping Curse"
  • 2018-2020 - "Warning"
  • 2021 - "Lost"

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