Taisiya Povaliy - biography, photos, songs, personal life, now 2021



Taisiya Povaliy - Ukrainian singer, who at one time received the unlawful title "Golden Voice of Ukraine". Open the talent of the singer succeeded only after acquaintance with the second spouse.

Taisiya Povaliy

The takeoff on the musical Olympus turned out to be rapidly, many international musical competitions and festivals were submitted to the artist, Taisius was awarded the title "People's Artist of Ukraine". She today does not give positions, surprising fans with new hits.

Childhood and youth

Taisiya Povaliy (Music Surname) was born on December 10, 1964 in the provincial village of Shamrayaevka district near Kiev in a simple family, where parents loved and knew how to sing. Family troubles led to the divorce over time. After the Father went to live in another city, the girl remained with his mother.

After graduating from 8 classes in a secondary school of the city of White Church, the future singer went to Kiev and entered the music school. Glier on the conductor-choir department. Along with this, she studied academic vocals, which allowed the Povali perfectly to learn how to perform classic works, operas and romances.

Taisiya Povaliy in childhood and youth

The teacher suggested the girl a brilliant career of the Opera Singer, but fate ordered otherwise. In the biography of Taisiya Povaliy there is a place and creativity, and public, and even political activities.

From the feeling of loneliness in the capital of Ukraine, Taisiya, being another student, in 1982 he married Vladimir Povalia, from which he inherited today "branded" surname.


The first tour of Taisii Povaliy passed in early childhood. Then the 6-year-old Tay of the Local Music Teacher as part of the children ensemble took on an exit concert, where she brilliantly acted and received an impressive fee for it. According to the singer, the first earned money she spent on gifts for mom.

Taisiya Povaliy in youth

Professional singer career started in Kiev Music-Hall, where she settled after graduation. At first, the novice singer performed on stage in the vocal group, and then moved to solo concerts. Here the future "golden voice of Ukraine" acquired the first tour of the tour, she all had given their work, working out a few concerts every day.

In 1990, thanks to the talent and professionalism of the vocalist received the first award at the New Telephone Competition "New Names". But the glory and fame brought victory at the International Festival "Slavic Bazaar", where in 1993 the Povaliy received the Grand Prix at the competition of young vocalists.

Taisiya Povaliy and Joseph Kobzon

After the victory at the Slavic Bazaar, the artistic career of the future legend of the Ukrainian show business began rapidly to gain momentum. 1994 brought the taia of the title "The Best Singer of Ukraine" and "The Best Musician of the Year", which she won at the New Year Star Festival.

The mid-90s for Povaliy became a very fruitful period. Despite the active concert activity, the debut album of the singer released only in 1995. In the same year, she removes the first video for the song "Just Taya", which at that time used incredible popularity. A few months later the second video was released on the song "Chertopoloch".

In March 1996, Taisiya receives the title of "Honored Artist of Ukraine", and in the fall of next year, President Leonid Kuchma assigns the title of "People's Artist of Ukraine" by his decree.

After 5 years, in 2001, Povaliya tries themselves in the new genre - actresses, participates in the record of the New Year's musical "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka". This attractive and smiling woman got the role of Swaha. In the musical, Taisiya performed the songs of Konstantin Meladze "Three Winters" and "Cinderella."

At the same time, it begins cooperation with Russian singers - Joseph Kobzon, Nikolai Baskov, Stas Mikhailov.

Taisiya Povaliy - biography, photos, songs, personal life, now 2021 21747_5

At the beginning of the 2000s, the output of the albums of Taisii, which was called "Bird Free", "Return", "Sweet Sin". Among the popular songs of this period there are hits "lent", "surviving", "snow whites", "for you".

With Kobzon, Povaliy recorded 21 songs in Ukrainian. In 2004, the creative tandem of Taisius and the Russian singer Nikolai Baskov was formed, the result of which was a joint album. Together, they came with concerts of dozens of cities in the CIS countries, visited the USA, Canada, Israel and Germany. The joint album of musicians was called "Let me go."

With Stas Mikhailov, Povaliy in 2009 recorded hit "Let go", who won the Golden Gramophone and became the leader of the competition "Song of the Year". The video shot on the same song. The singer's repertoire appeared the song "Leave", the author of the music and the text of which is Mikhailov.

In 2012, Taisiya Povaliy finally entrenched on the Russian scene. Philip Kirkorov played a certain role in this, who introduced the Ukrainian singer with the necessary people on the Russian Radio.

In the meantime, the list of the awards of Povaliy replenished another number of significant: the orders of Friendship, St. Anne, St. Nicholas of the Wonderworker and St. Stanislav, as well as the title of "People's Artist of Ingushetia", obtained by her in 2012.

Taisiya Povaliy has repeatedly become the owner of the Golden Gramophone, which she brought to all duet hits with Nikolai Basque and Stas Mikhailov, and in 2012, this reward of the singer for the solo song "I believe you."

With Russia, where the poods were gaining great popularity, all its hopes are connected. In 2016, she took part in the record of the New Year's Spark program. This singer announced this, posing in his profile in "Instagram" photo from filming. Shortly before that, she posted a photograph with a long-time friend Stas Mikhailov, with whom he participated in the song of the Year 2016.

Scandals and politics

Despite the fact that the legend of the scene was far from politics, in 2012 Taisiya Povaliy decided to run into the parliamentary elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which entered the part of the parties of the regions in the second number (was Nikolai Azarov, the first in the electoral list).

She was an adviser to the ex-president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych and about 6 months, was engaged in "active" political activities during which he created a single deputy request. In it, Taisiya indicated the need to repair the roadway located in the village of Petropavlovskaya Borschagovka, where, as it turned out, she herself live.

Against the background of a short political activity, Taisiya Povaliy turned out to be a center figure of a high-profile political scandal associated with Sergey Vlasenko and his combination of political and business activities. Then the singer deputy came to the "black" list to the opposition officials of the Ukrainian authorities, although she filed an application for the elimination of entrepreneurship.

During the revolutionary coups in Ukraine, difficult times began in the life of Povali. During the Maidan, when terrible bloodshed happened in Kiev, the singer performed at the concert in the Kremlin, and after Krymchan congratulated the celebration of Russia's independence day in Yalta. These actions of Povalius caused a storm of indignation from Ukrainian fans and politicians, having lost their love and respect.

Singer Taisiya Povaliy in dismilies in the homeland

In the "dismicement" of the Ukrainian people and deputies, except Taisii Povali, the pop artists were hit, among which Ani Lorak, Mikhail Zadornov, Ivan Okhlobystin, Joseph Kobzon, Valeria.

Personal life

In the personal life of the Ukrainian singer was not everything smoothly. The first husband of Taisiya Povaliy became the composer and the arranger Vladimir Povaliy. The couple met, being students of the music school. Taya performed with the ensemble, where Vladimir played the guitar. By that time, he had already served in Afghanistan, there was older girl for 5 years.

First time after a modest wedding, young lived with her husband's parents in Kiev. In the summer of 1983 they had a son of Denis. Both spouse worked in Music Hall, toured a lot. With Vladimir Taisiya lived 11 years, after which their family broke up.

Son of Taisi Povaliy - Denis Povaliy

After the divorce, the son stayed with his father. Friendly relationship between the ex-spouses were not preserved, but the singer tries to help former relatives as it can: Once she completely paid for the expensive operation of Mother Vladimir.

Sorry to the artist did not have to have a long time. In the way of a successful and beautiful woman, Igor Likhuta met, who at that time was one of the best drummers of Ukraine and had serious ties in show business. This fateful meeting fully turned the life of Povaliy - Igor believed another beginning singer more than her. Thanks to his efforts and faith in her talent, Taisiya began to really win on a professional scene. They got married in 1993.

Taisiya Povaliy and Igor Lihuta

In the family life, the star is calm and listens to everything and supports her husband Igor, which is its producer. Povaliy values ​​rest in the warm family circle, likes to cook culinary delights and treat their native people. But because of the loaded schedule, her mother, who supports comfort in the house, is considered a custodian of a homely focus and always meets delicious dishes with star tandem tour. Taisiya devoted to her one of his most popular Mom-Mommy songs.

Taisiya Povaliy and Igor Likhuta wanted to have common children, but these plans were not crowned with success. In the second marriage, the singer joined the young age, but health problems did not allow her to give birth to a child. To resort to the help of a surrogate mother, she refused. The artist noted that jealous and does not even endure the thoughts that they can have someone else's woman with Igor.

The son of the singer from the first marriage Denis Povaliy graduated from the Lyceum of Eastern languages, as well as the Kiev Institute of International Relations of the National University named after Taras Shevchenko. By profession, Denis did not want to work and became interested in creating musical arrangements.

Taisiya Povaliy Son

In 2010, Denis secretly appeared in the Ukrainian X-factor show. In one of the interview, he admitted that he was about the intentions to speak to his mother before the start of filming, standing on the set. Taisiya answered him:

"Well, okay, go. You want this shame - go, well, in the sense - you want to dispose my last name, go. "

All night before the speech, Denis taught the words, but did not have time to rehearse the movements. However, he himself recognizes that his vocal practice is not enough. As a result, from the project of a young man "asked." Nevertheless, a year later, Denis came to the final of the national selection of the International Competition "Eurovision-2011".

Taisiya Povaliy to plastics and after

Time is coming, but the singer to give up in captivity age is not going. Recently, Taisiya Povaliy surprised fans with changes in appearance. She made plastic.

Many who have seen photos, noted that the experiment was unsuccessful. A smile, which in the youth Ukrainian dazzle hundreds of people, now looks not so natural.

Taisiya Povaliy without makeup

The singer and before that, periodically resorted to the help of beauty enclosures, but after one day the procedure led to voice loss, it began to do it with caution. Hiking to cosmetologists affect the confidence of the singer in themselves, the artist is not shy to appear in the pictures without makeup, although it makes it infrequently.

Taisiya Povaliy Now

In 2017, the artist became the owner of the Golden Gramophone and Chanson of the Year Prize for the performance of the song "Heart - House for Love". Another composition "Tea with milk" was marked by the jury of the "Chance of the Year" contest.

In April 2018, the release of the new hit of the artist "You look into the eyes of me" took place. Now, due to oppression in Ukraine, Taisiya Povaliy still performs in Russia. The date of the next large concert of Povaliy in the Kremlin Palace - November 5, 2018. In October, she became a guest of the Boris Korchevnikov program "Fate of Man", where he told about childhood, the beginning of a creative career, the causes of the divorce.

The fruitful creative activity of the artist, which proceeds in Russia, is disturbed by Ukrainian legislators. In October 2018, a special project was presented in the Verkhovna Rada about the deprivation of Taiiya Povali's title of folk artist. The singers against which were also invited to introduce personal sanctions, Ani Lorak, Svetlana Loboda, Vitaly Kozlovsky.


  • 1995 - "Kohanne Panel"
  • 1997 - "I love you"
  • 1999 - "Sweet sin"
  • 2000 - "Buda so"
  • 2002 - "Bird Volnaya"
  • 2003 - Returning
  • 2003 - "Sweet sin"
  • 2004 - "heart"
  • 2005 - "Let me let me go" (with Nikolai Baskov)
  • 2007 - "For you"
  • 2008 - "Pied love"
  • 2010 - "Believe you"

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