Dina Korzun - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, "sharp visors", Chulpan Hamatova, actress 2021



Dina Korzun is the Russian actress of theater and cinema, which gained fame in the late 90s. Bright, original manner of execution, the ability to make care of the characters allowed the performer to make a career not only in Russia, but also abroad. Now, in addition to art, the artist is engaged in charity, helping sick children.

Childhood and youth

Dina Alexandrovna Korzun calls his childhood happy and serene. She was born in April 1971 in Smolensk. Dina's mother combined the work by the security engineer at a stocking factory with a constant study: first in the technical school, then at the institute. A small family lived in a spacious communal, which combined other people's people into one friendly family. Children went to visit each other, arranged joint concerts.

Dina grew up with a gifted child. She painted perfectly perfectly, so Mom took a daughter to an art school. There girl mastered the technique of graphics, sculptures and painting. And Korzun was engaged in ballet and attended the studio of modern dance (therefore, at the height of 170 cm, its weight does not exceed 60 kg).

In his youth, having received secondary education, during the year she was engaged in the department of artistic graphics of the local pedagogical institution. But soon the classes of painting stopped bringing joy to the girl. Dina threw the university and went to Moscow. With the first attempt, she entered the MCAT studio school and was credited to Alla Pokrovskaya.


Dina's scenic career began in the mid-90s. Theatrians first saw the actress on the MHT layout named after A. P. Chekhov in the formulation of "Love in Crimea". The actress is incredibly lucky: she did not have to start from scratch and pass through the extras. Almost immediately the girl began to trust large major roles. She played Katerina in the "Thunderstorm" and Sonya Marmaladov in "Crime and Punishment."

Nevertheless, Dina Korzun quickly felt frustration. She no longer believed that theatrical artists perform a special mission in society. When she went on the stage and saw the faces of high school students who were in forced to see the "thunderstorms", she wanted to escape.

At first, the actress tried to laid out to send a certain spiritual impulse to the young spectators, captivate the game and convey the essence of the play. But soon realized that nothing happens. In 2000, Dina Korzun left the theater. Returned on the stage later, when she moved to London. In 2007, the Russian actress came to the stage of the Royal National Theater in London. In some performances, she not only played, but is the producer.

One of the bright theatrical works of "zero" was the charity play "Star Boy", created in the Tale of Oscar Wilde the same name. In this original project, Dina played all the roles.


Cinematic biography of Korzun started in 1994, when she studied on the penultimate course of the MCAT Studio Studio. A beginner actress debuted in a short filing "It is inside the walls." Cinema brought her awareness and sense of satisfaction from his beloved work. In 1998, Valery Todorovsky film "Country Deaf" was released on the screens, which gave the artist's love and gratitude to the public. The role of a deaf dancer named Yaya brought a young actress a number of prestigious awards, among which the most bright - Nika Prize, the "Stars of tomorrow" and "Golden Aries" for a successful film bank.

At first, after entering the picture, she had to give 6 interviews per day. She said that the work was although difficult, but extremely interesting. Before the start of the shooting, it advised the survival. And I had to spend a lot in the boarding school for deaf. Actress wanted to understand how people who hear only silence feel and think.

A few years later, the actress waited for a good and deep project. Polish-British producer and director Pavel Pavlikovsky offered Korzung role in his film "Last refuge." Dina reincarnated in a Russian girl Tanya, who, together with his son, is being solved on moving to a foreigner, but a young man does not appear at a meeting in the English airport. The heroine has to go to the refugee camp.

The picture received European recognition and prestigious prizes. Dina Korzun was also chewed by award-winning festivals in London, Bratislava and Gijon. But this wonderful picture of the fate of the emigrant from Russia was not shown in their homeland.

Later, a number of Russian projects appeared in the artist filmography. This is the Drama "Road", where Gosh Kutsenko and Natalia Petrova became partners were partners. Together with Konstantin, Khabensky Dina starred in the melodraman "Female Roman", with Yaroslav Boyko - in the film "Popny Theory".

In the social drama "Cook" Korzun reincarnated to the heroine Lena, which meets the lonely living 6-year-old girl. The child after a number of incidents becomes her adopted daughter.

Another major and decent role, played by Dina Korzun, went to her in 2004. This is the American psychological drama of the Hollywood director Ire Saksa "Forty shades of sadness." The actress reincarnated on the screen to a Russian girl who lives in American wilderness. It appeared on the screen along with the famous artist ripo. The film was awarded the Grand Prix at the famous Sandance Festival, and Korzun became a nominee of the Film Festival "Independent Spirit."

The artist admitted that he dreamed of playing the "Gallery of Bright and Powerful Images". But such roles were rare in her homeland. In 2014, the artist played Masha, activist "Russian Mothers in Finland", in the Son Social Drama. Dina's partners along the set in the picture about the collision of family values ​​and politicians, were Arseny Romashin, Maria Mironova, Yozos Bruditis and others.

A year later, Korzun starred in the 3rd season of the British series "Acute Visrats", associated with the "Russian" line. The shooting was carried out in a secrecy atmosphere: under the terms of the contract, the actress could not disclose the plot details. Initially, Dina's character was treated as the Duchess of Romanova. But after the Russian woman signed the one's own photo laid out in instagram account, the producers had to spend a serious conversation with the performer and change the name of the heroine on Isabella.

According to Korzun, it was not easy to act in this project: the film contained a lot of cruel scenes, and any manifestation of violence contradicted the vital stuff of the actress. Being a guest of the Evening Urgant program, Dina told about how the masterwork worked at the Killian Murphy site, the leading role in the series.


Korzun is a famous charitable. For several months, she worked as a volunteer in one of the orphanages of Nepal. Upon returning to Russia, a fateful meeting of Dina and Chulpan Hamaya took place at a charity concert. Two stars of cinema and theater have since combined joint efforts to help children with oncological diseases.

After some time, Korzun and Khamatov founded the Charitable Foundation "Give Life". This organization is engaged in the help of children with hematological, oncological and other severe diseases. Later, the actress came out of the project, but continued to cooperate with him. In parallel, the actress became the founder of the Gift of Life Foundation.

Often, the actress arrives in Russia, where he holds charitable shares. In April 2018, in the Tretyakovsky Gallery, Dina organized an evening dedicated to the poetry of Igor Northergyan. The program received the name "Diary of his soul". The speech was the poetry of the Silver Age and the classical music performed by Alexander Rudda, Andrei Korobeynikova and Dmitry Berlinsky.

Later, Korzun participated in the worldwide children's games of the winners, who already at the 9th time suggests the Foundation "Give Life" for your wards. In the fall, the actress visited the solemn events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the activities of Mary Kay in Russia. A cosmetology firm has been financially supported by a charitable foundation for many years, helping to buy expensive medicines for sick children.

Personal life

With the first spouse, Ansar Hallulin Dina Korzun met in early youth, when she studied at the Smolensk Music School. Student's feelings broke out for real love. But when the couple lived together for a while, the understanding came to Dene that she hurried under the crown. In 19 years, the future star "Country Deaf" gave birth to the firstborn of Timur. But the child not only did not strengthen and so fragile family bonds, but accelerated the disintegration of the family. When the son turned a year, the marriage collapsed.

To continue to build a career, Dina went to the capital. But to take a tiny son to the unknown and unknown life, a young mother could not. The kid stayed with his grandmother, who, so that Timur would not forget his life who gave him, hung her portrait over the bed. The first time to meet with the heir of Dina could not more than once every 2 months. But when she graduated from the theater university and was hired to work in MHT, immediately took the boy to the capital.

At this time, the personal life of Korzun made another steep turn. The actress was married for the second time. At this time, her husband became a colleague Alexey Zuev. And again, misunderstanding and unwillingness to give way to each other even in the trifles played a fatal role: the couple quickly broke up.

With a person with whom I managed to build a real strong and happy family, Dina Korzun met in the walls of the native theater. Louis Frank, Belgian by nationality, arrived in Russia at the invitation of Oleg Tabakov, to thoroughly explore the Stanislavsky system. For this, the MCAT Studio School studio has perfectly. Louis is a talented and multifaceted person. He is a photographer, composer, an actor and director, besides the leader of the Esthetic Education musical group.

The path to understanding was complicated. At first, the couple, between which I spark quickly broke out, tried to redo each other for a long time. The trigger was difficult and accompanied by quarrels and begging. But one day, Dina and Louis realized that if they would continue to "fit" each other under their standards, would lose love. And she was already born - they were incredibly pulled to each other. They were separated when they quarreled. And then the couple agreed to take each other as they are.

Together with her husband, Dina Korzun moved to London. Timur did not object to Louis Franc at the age of 4 and used to him. In Britain, the spouses were born two charming girls, which were named Italy and Sofia. The difference between the age of the sisters with a single brother - 20 years.

In Britain, Dina Korzun found himself. She continued to be filmed into the cinema, go to theatrical stage and remembered the youth hobby drawing, even graduated from painting courses in London Art Academy.

In an interview with Korzun admitted that over time, an understanding came to her: the profession of actress is not the most important thing in her life. She enjoyed families with pleasure, brings up children, cares about her husband, draws, worries in a charity foundation. And most importantly, Dina Korzun feels a happy and self-sufficient person.

Corzoun's business travel combines with vacation for children. Londoners, as the mother calls her daughters, with pleasure spending summer days in the village in Bashkiria, where Dina's relatives live. Korzun studies the philosophy of Krishnaitov, supports close relationship with a preacher and writer, head of international movement by Alexander Gennadevich Khakimov. Judging by the photo from the instagram account of the actress, Guru - the frequent guest of Dean Korzun.

In 2020, during the self-insulation caused by a coronavirus infection, Korzun presented the project "The Laws of Happy Family Life" project, in which he shared the secrets of harmonious relations between the spouses between their parents and children. In an interview, Dina noted that in many respects to live with his family in the world they were taught by children who repeatedly gave her to adult wise advice.

Dina Korzun now

In 2021, the actress continued to engage in charity. In addition, Dina participates in various podcasts whose announcements accommodates in the instagram account. So, in May, together with Oleg, Gadetski Korzun spent the broadcast "Creativity in a person's life."


  • 1998 - "Country of Deaf"
  • 2000 - "President and His Granddaughter"
  • 2000 - "Last Jail"
  • 2002 - "Theory of Zavoy"
  • 2002 - "Road"
  • 2005 - "Forty shades of sadness"
  • 2005 - "Female Roman"
  • 2007 - "Cook"
  • 2008 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 2009 - "Mediator"
  • 2009 - "Frozen Souls"
  • 2009 - "Russian Cross"
  • 2015 - Londongrad
  • 2016 - "Acute Visors"

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