Aziza - biography, personal life, photo, news, singer, age, songs, in youth, nationality, husband 2021



Aziza (real surname Muhamedov - a nationally recognized actress in Russia and Uzbekistan. The fate of the singers is filled with a large number of tragic pages that did not break it. After phenomenal success in the late 80s Aziz had to experience the years of persecution, but she did not surrender and returned to the stage with new hits. Now the popularity of the artist does not differ rapid growth, but it continues to delight fans with new songs.

Childhood and youth

Aziz's life began in the musician family. She was the third of the children of the Muhamedov family. The father Abdurahim is a representative of the reunification of the Uygur and Uzbek blood, the descendant of the bakery dynasty, interrupted the chain of the labor profession and fully plunged into music. As a result, the composer of Doros was held to a well-deserved artist. When Aziz was 15 years old, his father died.

Rafa Hydarova's mother - a representative of Tatar nationality, a native village of Old Fist. Mother's activities were crowded with art: worked as a conductor and taught music, performed chapels. Despite this, the girl who grown in the musical environment dreamed of becoming not the singer at all, but a doctor.

By the age of 16, Aziz became the soloist of the Sado musical and instrumental ensemble. However, after the death of the Father on the fragile shoulders of the young singer lay a burden of material support. Even before graduation, the girl got a job to help secure a family. Rafa Hydarova rushing the daughter to enter the conservatory. Aziz managed to combine work with study.

After receiving the formation, the performer went to the competition of singing talents in Jurmala. The experience of the speech in Sado affected the favorable forecast, because for a long time, Aziza has learned to keep on stage and control rolling excitement. As a result, she took the 3rd place and received a prime of visual sympathies.

Highed since childhood, the dream of becoming a doctor had to hide in a chest under the castle. She was inscribed in fate to become an artist. After Jurmala, a new bright star was born, not like others. The rapid takeoff proceeded from Eastern Melimmatic, flowing voices and artistic singer data.


In 1989, Aziza moved to Moscow and built a solo career. The song "Cute My, Your smile" gave the performer with loud fame and popularity. In addition to musical talent, she demonstrated a bright style in clothes. On the scene went out in the original outfits, which she sewed. Eastern facial features Artist emphasized Grim: without makeup, she did not appear on stage.

In the same year, the biography of Aziz was replenished with discography, the debut album was called the name Aziza. "Your smile" became the song of the year in the 1990s. Later, the actress sang her together with popular performers. One of the successful speeches of the Uzbek singer is its duet with the star of the Italian pop al Bano. Their joint performance of the song "Your smile" sounded in the concert program of the Italian "Felicita".

In his youth, the singer also appealed to military topics. Especially for Aziz was written by the song "Marshal Unidir", and later the clip was removed with her. For the actress, the song was not a simple flirting with a loud and sharp topic, she personally saw that a war could make, but in particular the war unnecessary and alien.

All the country who serve not, these words of the sincerity, who sang an eastern girl, and not familiar to such the subject a charismatic man in the image of a soldier or veteran. In the 90th Aziza instantly became a favorite of the military. Almost everything, from the recruit to the general, was ready to quit the singer's feet all that she would ask.

In 1993, the performer again fell on television. This time on the "song of the Year", she performed the musical composition "My Angel" ("For His Love"). Hit was warmly accepted by listeners.

In 1997, the second album was presented to the public with the name "all or nothing." A bright clip came to the song, in which the artist sings against the background of the desert. A few years later, Aziza starts joint activities with Stas Namin. As a result of fruitful cooperation, the singer's discography is replenished with pop rock motives with an oriental bias. The fame of the artist, somewhat fading after the scandal and lack of on the stage, began to return to the moment.

Then the album "After so many years" appeared, which the singer devoted to his father. The album is permeated by the memories of Aziza about childhood, and the song "Dedication to my father" is written on the motive of the lullaby, which the parent sang his daughter many years ago.

In 2006, an event occurred, which many seemed incredible. Aziza performed the song "This World" together with Igor Talkov - younger. It clearly showed that the family of the deceased Talkov does not blame the singer and does not seek to revenge or conflict.

In the same year, the singer recorded a new album for several months. "I leave this city" contained songs in the style of the Russian People's Chanson, but suddenly I especially visited for some reason the French listeners.

In 2007, already a successful star becomes a participant in the TV project "You are Superstar!", Which broadcasts the NTV channel. On performances, the artists sounded hits "if you leave", "Winter Garden", "easier not to understand." As a result - victory in all nominations.

2008 It comes to the release of the new album "Reflection", where in most compositions Aziza is the author of texts. Next year, she records another album "on the banks of the chanson."

After 3 years of Aziza publishes the solo album "Milky Way", after a year the studio work of the singer "Paradise unearthly" appears, which they walked around "the rain will fight in the glass", "do not forget", "we wander in the light."

In 2015, the artist appeared in the TV show "Extremely". The essence is that the participants with the help of makeup and acting talent are reincarnated into the celebrity randomly given them. Aziza won in the 2nd Teleceptor Season. In the fall of 2016, she returned to the project, becoming a member of the Superseason. At the same time, the singer spoke at a concert in the Moscow region along with other pop stars.

The actress has repeatedly become a guest of popular TV shows. In the fall of 2018, she was invited to the studio of the television show "The Fate of Man", where he talked with Boris Korchevnikov about his work, family and tragic events of private life.

The program of 2019 "Stars came together," where the show business figures expressed their opinion on the reasons for divorces in the families of popular artists, the performer unforeedly responded to Mary Pogrebnyak present in the studio. Star scene said that the girl behaves very nervously and can hardly have a family. After a spooler phrases, the Pogrebnyak with tears in his eyes was removed. But in fact, Aziza was mistaken, as Maria is in a happy marriage with a football player Pavel Pogrebnyak and raises three children.

In April 2019, the performer played in the teleigre "Who wants to become a millionaire?" Together with the son of Igor Talkov. Aziza, as it turned out, is a godfather of his child.

The death of Igor Talkova

1991 was heavy for the whole country, social and political changes knocked out the soil in people from under the feet, but Aziza, in addition to universal, was also a personal drama. In 1991, the singer suffered a strong shock and closed in himself for a while.

Moral equilibrium violated the tragic case - the mysterious murder of the musician and the poet of Igor Talkov on the eve of the prefabricated concert. The murder occurred a few minutes before the singer's exit to the scene, at the time of scuffling the guards Talkov with a friend Aziz, who accompanied her at the concert. The musician was shot from morale. The case remained unexplored, and to date, he is considered the strange and loud in the history of the Russian pop.

The conflict, who served as a reason for the fight, unleashed singer Igor Malakhov. The man demanded that Aziza and Talkov's performances change places so that the performer performs almost at the end - the artist was experiencing strong toxicosis, and she needed time to come to themselves before going to the scene. The director of the program went to meet. As a result, the artists changed places. However, Talcov called Malakhov in his dressing room to discuss changes in the program when he learned about them.

The conflict broke out, which moved to the scuffle in the corridor. Igor Malakhov got a gun, talcs - too, but gas. The gun was knocked out of Malakhov's hands, so when a shot occurred, which caused Talkov's death, it turned out to be unclear who he fired. Investigators proved that the fighting of the fight could not do this in any way.

The Aziz itself did not participate in a fight, nor even in the original conflict, but it was unlikely that she did not know about the act of his accompanying. The public induced. The singer was touched by the murder of Talkov so much that it took her 4 years to restore the usual perception of reality and a comfortable state, after which she returned to the scene with new songs.

The main blow for her was not so much accusations, but the fact that none of those who confessed in love and loyalty to the popular performer did not stand up for her hard time. The press put on Aziz's guilty of Igor's death, and yesterday's fans with pleasure gave details and gossip about the murder of Talkov.

Personal life

Aziza consisted in relations with Igor Malakhov. For the singer, he was the author of a row of songs and sweethearts. Young people met in the summer of 1991, and in the fall began to live together. The couple was civil marriage. Soon Aziza became pregnant from her husband. It seemed that the woman had gained happiness, but everything changed at one moment.

After the fatal concert, where Talcs were killed, the performer survived the death of an unborn baby, which put the cross on her further maternity. The life of the pair was divided into before and after this date. The mountain brought together lovers, but the relationship lasted only 2 years: Over time, Igor began to drink hard that Aziz could not accept.

Later, the artist tried to get pregnant several more times, but each time the attempts turned out to be unsuccessful. The singer replaced the religion in 2005: from Muslims became Orthodox. In baptism, she received the name of Anfisa. Aziza began riding the holy places, it helped a woman calm down, she accepted her problems. Another version exists: to change the performer's religion persuaded her next cavalier Alexander Brodulin, who was passionate about the religion, for him the question of faith could be principled.

With his second civil husband, the singer met Cyprus. Brodorne - a businessman from St. Petersburg. In love with the difference in age, Aziza is 6 years old. The man cared for her until the location was made. At one time we went rumors that the singer was secretly married, or it was going, but it was not confirmed, although Aziza even told reporters what a wedding dress and where she wants to order.

Relationships of lovers were complicated by the fact that they had to live in two cities. Aziza remained in Moscow, and her beloved man - in St. Petersburg. He called her to himself, but the singer could not quit work and the house even for such a dizzying relationship. The businessman himself also refused to move. In the spring of 2016, the speculation appeared that this civil union was broken. Aziza openly told that he broke up with brodulin. After that, the singer voiced the desire to completely leave Russia.

The personal life of the singers was discussed in the studio of the TV show "In fact," where a resident of Uzbekistan accused Aziz that the star hurt her husband Janatan Hydarov and persuaded a man to pick up a child from her first family. In the presence of TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, the results of DNA tests were made public, and the singer itself was inspected on the lie detector.

In 2019, the singer visited the show "Secret by Million" and frankly told about his personal life - about severe depression, the strongest love and childlessness.

Then it became known that Aziza in the early 90s was an affair with Alexander Abdulov, who was married to Irina Alferova at that time. She told details in the NTV program "Based on real events."

In 2021, Aziza became the main character of the program "Let them say", the release of which was devoted to the novels of the singer. On the air, the star told that it was a generic curse, which does not give a personal life and find women's happiness.

Now in 56 years old Aziz is still not married. But it is known that 4 months ago she planned to play a wedding with a businessman David Grigoryan. However, the man was incorrect and changed her - the engagement was terminated. In this difficult period, the singer was supported by her relatives and nephew Timur.

In September 2020, the singer visited the show "Borodin against Buzoy". It took place a full-time rate with Yana Shafaeva - participant "House-2", which was suspected of a novel with the former Groom Aziz David Grigoryan.

In January, Aziz appeared a new fan. The young Italian Alessandro met the artist when she took online vocal lessons. On the show, a man told that a long time was in love with the singer:

"I know Aziz for a long time, I watched a transfer with her, watched her on Youtube. We can say that I know it for more than 15 years. I wanted to come to Moscow before, I had such an opportunity. But I learned that Aziz was another young man. It was Alexander. And when I heard that Aziza broke up with her young man, I came. We guided the new year, Christmas and the old New Year. "

The final of the program "Let them say" became unexpected both for the audience and for the main character. Alessandro made a proposal of the hands and hearts Aziz, stretching her ring. The singer promised to think and answer. To reflect on the proposal, she, by the way, will be in Italy, where will go with her fiancé Alessandro.

As part of the Aziza Program also told that he consisted in close relations with the actor Nikolai Karachentsov in 1999. The man even planned to challenge his wife Lyudmila Porgin, deserved artist of Russia. But the novel came to the end, in many respects with the filing of Mother Aziza, which was against the relationship of his daughter with a married man. Gulnalar's sister also did not support the novel.

In the studio, "let them say", Lyudmila Torgin came. The woman looked into the eyes of her husband's mistress and said: "You're a beautiful ...", and then added that it would not be fighting, and hugged Aziz, thereby giving her.

Now the singer lives in the area of ​​Sergiev Posada. In the house with her, German Shepherd Dog settled, Tibetan mastiff, four cats. The artist is engaged in natural economy, grows vegetables, makes jam, looks at chicken. She noted that moving away from Moscow - a conscious choice for which signs from the universe were pushed.

The growth of Aziz is 172 cm, and the weight is 70 kg. The performer is in excellent form, so it is not shy to upload photos in a swimsuit in "Instagram". Fans have repeatedly accused her in plastic surgery, as it looks young for their age. However, in an interview with the lady denied it.

Aziza now

On December 10, 2020, Aziza held his concert "I and my viewer", dedicated to the 40th anniversary of creative life. However, it took place in the online format with compliance with quarantine measures.

Due to the sharp drop in the number of living speeches, the singer also began to teach remotely.

On February 14, 2021, Aziza prepared a surprise for his fans - a concert "On the White Keymen of Love" in Sergiev Posad. And in March, it turned out that the celebrity was hiding under the Penguin's mask in the "Mask" show on NTV.


  • 1989 - Aziza.
  • 1997 - "All or nothing"
  • 2003 - "After so many years"
  • 2008 - "Reflection"
  • 2009 - "On the banks of the chanson"
  • 2013 - "Milky Way"
  • 2014 - "Paradise unearthly"
  • 2019 - "The Root of Demise"
  • 2019 - "We are happy"

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