Polina Gagarin - biography, personal life, news, photos, songs, concerts, clips, "voice" 2021



Polina Gagarin is a Russian singer, actress, composer and model, representative of Russia at the Music Song Contest Eurovision-2015, Mentor of the show "Voice", a performer of numerous hits. She is applied by many thousands of rooms, and she strives for more: conquering the height of the Olympus Chinese show business, brilliantly performing at the international television show.

Childhood and youth

Biography Polina Gagarina takes origins in Moscow. Sergey Gagarin, Father Future Celebrity, was a doctor. Ekaterina Mukacheva, Mother Polina, took place as a dancer and a successful choreographer Mentor of the Fashion-In-Action modeling agency. In his youth, before the birth of a daughter, she worked in the famous Birch ensemble. When the girl was 4 years old, she was invited to work in the ballet troupe of the Athenian Theater "Alcos".

In 1993, I received news about the death of her husband. Sergey Gagarin died due to a heart attack, and the choreographer and her daughter returned to Moscow. Later, Polina admitted that in its family is the last carrier of the famous surname.

Living at home was not long, and in September 1993 Polina, along with his mother returned to Athens. There, the girl went to the 1st grade, but, having arrived at the summer holidays to her grandmother, expressed a desire to stay in Russia.

The field was determined in a music school, where she performed the Single Whitney Houston as a demonstration of talent, which influenced the decision to enroll the future star of the Russian pop in the ranks of young performers. Soon the mission of mom in Greece ended, and she moved to Moscow.

At 14, the teenager was enrolled in Gmuessi. Being a 2nd year student, Gagarin followed the recommendations of the teacher Andriyanova, having participating in the casting of the "Star Factory".

Music and TV projects

Polyna's biography as singers began a bright start in the project "Star Factory - 2". The participant performed the songs of Maxim Fadeev. After the victory, Gagarin refused to contract with Fadeev and took care of his career. The next 2 years of the singer dedicated to studying, creating songs, working with arrangers.

Successful participation in the television music project, aimed at supporting young performers, became a kind of springboard for a successful solo career. In the future, Polina was able to independently implement plans, as well as to use the experience that was obtained at the factory.

In 2005, Gagarina was ripened for a profitable contract with Arc Records label under the beginning of Igor Krathty, and soon it was on the Scene of Jurmala on the "New Wave - 2005". The song "Lullaby" brought the contestant 3rd place and became the first hit in the discography of the performer. In early July 2007, a debut album "Ask for the clouds" arrived on sale.

In March 2010, Gagarina's discography was replenished with the following album with an intriguing name "About me." This plate included a large number of compositions, among which the song "Pulm". After the recording and presentation of the disk, the contract with Igor Cool ended, to continue the cooperation of the artist did not decide, referring to fatigue from obligations.

By that time, Polina sang with Irina Dubzova. The joint speech of the stars of the stage was celebrated in June of the same year the prestigious Muz-TV award for the best duet. Song of Gagarina and Dubzova "Who, why?" Literally "blew" Russian charts and ratings.

I did not forget Polina and about studying - he graduated from the Studio School of MCAT, having received a red diploma.

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In 2011, the artist sang with Mikhail Dimov at the competition "People's Star - 4", organized in Ukraine. In April, the MTV channel presented the High Hope Series, which was headed by Gagarina filmography. In the script of film stations included the soundtrack "I promise". Soon the song of the performer "I will not forgive you never" was awarded the Golden Gramophone.

Further career unfolded against the overall genre. Polina took part in the show-formulation of the "Ghost of the Opera". Despite the lack of experience, she received high grades and responses of critics.

2012 I remember the merger of the Russian-Ukrainian format of the "Star Factory". The focus of the television show The creators did on the lively execution of the compositions, which was the test of artists for talent and voting force. Of the four stages of Gagarina passed 3. The victory in a large-scale event was for Polina with a personal achievement.

At the beginning of the winter of 2012, the artist became a multiple laureate of the "Song of the Year". Soon, fruitful cooperation with Konstantin Meladze began. The composer wrote for his ward songs, which could not be better suited for her inner world, reflected the experiences and emotions of the singer.

In 2013, together with Alexander Zhulin, Gagarin spoke in the TV project "Two Stars".

In May, Gagarin once again became the owner of the prestigious RU.TV award as the best performer. In July, she was awarded the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year" by the organizers of the "MUZ-TV" channel, and a month later named the most stylish singer on Fashion People Awards - 2013. After a few days, the fans enjoyed the new single "forever".

In the summer of 2013, Polina was sent as ambassador to Kazan at the XXVII World Summer Universiade. In August, the public is represented by another hit "No", and on the eve of the beginning of the new season on the screens the staged clip is already broadcast. In the future, a large number of rollers of the Russian performer will occupy the first positions of musical charts.

In September of the same year, the song Gagarina "Performance is over" becomes another hit. The composition sounds on many TV channels and in the radio.

At the end of November 2013, Polina takes the award "Golden Gramophone" for the execution of the copyright text of Konstantin Meladze "No". At the awards ceremony in the Kremlin Palace, the insurance agency Rosgosstrakh handed the winner of the certificate, life and voice of Gagarina "appreciated" $ 1 million.

From 2005 to 2013, Gagarina's discography is steadily replenished with singles, most of which received decent awards. One of these successful compositions was the song "Schagai", which appeared in 2014.

The duet of Polina Gagarina and Ani Lorak "Wrap" was popular with popularity, which sounded at the concert "when men" and a festive evening dedicated to the anniversary of the FTS. Later, together with Sergey Lazarev, the actress made a duet at a concert, which was then broadcast by the Russia-HD TV channel. The stars sang hit "Hiding tears from strangers."

In 2015, the film "Battle for Sevastopol" was released on the screens, the joint Russian-Ukrainian draft Sergei Mokritsky. The plot of the historic film is the fate of the famous sniper, the Hero of the USSR Lyudmila Pavlichenko, which destroyed 309 enemy soldiers and officers.

The woman became the first citizen of the USSR, who was honored to receive a reception in the White House. Many Russian historians adhere to the opinions that it was after the fiery speech of the Soviet legend to the US government congressmen reported the opening of the second front.

In the film "Battle for Sevastopol" Polina Gagarin became the artist of the main Soundtrack painting - Hita Viktor Tsoi "Cuckoo". Almost immediately, this song took the leading position in Russian musical charts.

At the same time, the actress makes debuts in the movies as a performer of the main women's role. She starred in the film "One Leva" with Dmitry Nagiyev. According to the plot, the shower films of Sophie shower puts on the right hand of the sculptor and pets of the Maxim.

Staying at the peak of popularity, Polina receives offers to participate in shows and photo shoots. Members of social networks highlighted a photo session for Maxim magazine, because the famous Russian woman appeared almost naked cameras.

In 2015, it became known that at the Eurovision Music Competition, which was planned to be planned in Vienna, Russia will introduce Polina Gagarin. In March of the same year, on the official Youtube Channel of the Russian participant, a video appeared on the song A Million Voices ("Million votes"). I liked the new video to users, fans hoped for the success of their favorite. According to Gagarina, "This song combines all: both old men, and pregnant women, and children," because the composition A Million Voices of Love. The singer is sure that this feeling is a satellite of life, "for which it is worth breathing and create."

The finale of the vocal competition took place in the Austrian capital on May 23. During the speech by the naked eye, the excitement of Polina was visible, but the Russian woman coped with the test. Almost all 40 countries gave Russia points, most of which voted the highest estimates - 8, 10 and 12. As a result, Polina Gagarin took the 2nd place, leaving behind the main favorites - the Ile Volo group from Italy, and the winner of the competition became Swede Mons Zelmerlev.

Immediately after the International Competition, Gagarin went to a large tour of the city of Russia. According to the artist, it helped her to survive the stress that she experienced in Vienna, and gently get out of it. Subsequent leave spent on Crete, she called unforgettable.

In the same 2015, Gagarin became part of the mentors of the 4th season of the popular music show "Voice". Polina replaced his colleague and girlfriend - Singer Pelagey, who was on maternity leave. The judicial chairs also took Alexander Gradsky, Basta and Grigory Leps.

Participation in the project also brought creative results. Rap-performer Basta soon sang a duet with Polina. Musicians presented to fans the composition "Voice". In the future, the performers continued cooperation, and in 2016 the composition of Raper and Gagarina "Angel Faith" came out. The song was recorded for the Charitable Foundation Natalia Vodyanova "Nude Hearts".

In the 5th season of "Voice", where the star was also invited, the company was compiled by the Gold Composition Mentors Dima Bilan, Leonid Agutin and the judge from the previous jury Grigory Leps. Both seasons show for the Gagarina team did not become particularly successful, because the singer clearly expects the best results from the wards, and the 3rd and 4th places were not the idea that participants were calculated.

In 2016, the compositions "Mint Sun" came out, "Dance with me", "High" and "Little World". They got into the 3rd album of the singer, which was called "9". The release date of the new disk was the symbolic date - September 9.

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The artist considers this figure for himself sign. In numerology, which the singer is fond of, it means the wisdom and maturity of man. All the music and words of some collection songs were created by Gagarina itself, which was the first independent work after several years of cooperation with Konstantin Meladze.

Polina is known and as a dubbing actress. She voiced the heroine Mavis in three parts of the Monsters of the Monsters on Vacation, as well as Dorothy Gail in the fabulous film release "Oz: Return to the Emerald City". Her voice sounds in the animated tapes "Trio in Feather", "My Little Pony in Cinema", "Dad-Mom Goose", which appeared on the screens in 2017-2018.

In 2017, Gagarin presented the listeners two new tracks about love - "disarmed" and "Drama is no longer." Premieres of the clips of songs recorded with other performers took place: on the musical composition "Angel of Faith", which appeared earlier, and at the hit "team", which Polina recorded together with Yegor's crum and SMASH DJ.

In the summer of 2018, Gagarina presented a new hit "Above the head" and a clip on him, the director of whom Alan Badoev became. For 3 months, the video was watched by 19 million YouTube users. At the invitation of the Azerbaijani singer, Emin Polina took part in the creation of a song "in weightlessness".

On the account of the artist - participation in the creation of the hymn "guide star" of the Putin Team public movement, which was presented to the presidential elections. Another premiere of the year, which replenished the repertoire of the stars, is a single and video clip on it "stone on the heart."

In the same year, the shooting of the film "Reserve", created in the same name of Sergey Dovlatov, was completed. The singer appeared in an episodic role. Sergey Bezrukov, Evgenia Kregjde, Anna Mikhalkov, Gosh Kutsenko presented the main characters.

Polina Gagarina expands the sphere of its activities. The singer opened its own brand of Polina Gagarina Shop clothing, which still functions only on the Internet site. The assortment of the store is stylish T-shirts presented in three colors - white, black, gray. They are decorated with the names of songs "disarmed" and "Drama is no longer", as well as the inscription "Polina Gagarina" and personal autograph singer.

At the beginning of 2019, the artist presented a new video for the released single "Melancholia". The video, the directors of whom were Zaur sewers and Pavel Khudyakov, not to all fans accounted for to taste. Polina herself remained satisfied. She is impressed by the active rhythm of the song, its dynamics, which were transferred in the roller bright choreography and the original outfit.

Later, Polina became the invited guest of the concert of Vladimir Kuzmin, who took place in the hall of the Kremlin Palace. Gagarin performed the composition of the musician "Why leave you". In March at the Solo Concert of Singers in the Sports Palace "Megasport" with a 12,000th hall, the audience struck not only the artist, but also her son. Andrei accompanied his mother on the piano. In the autumn Gagarina introduced the clip to the song "Look".

In 2019, the Russian executor became a member of The Singer International Vocal Competition, which takes place in China. The principle of television show is similar to the terms of the project "Voice", but unlike the Western and Russian analogues, only professional singers participate in the Chinese contest.

For the first time, Chinese colleagues were interested in the work of the Russian singer back in 2015, when her glory thundered after participating in Eurovision. But at that moment I could not go to China from Polina. For several years, the actress annually received invitations, but managed to get to the competition only in 2019.

For the first tour of Polina chose a shrill hit "Cuckoo", which did not leave listeners and the jury indifferent. The brilliant performance of the song allowed her to go on.

Subsequent tours, the artist continued to overcome with its inherent ease. At the next stage, the star presented the song "The performance is over", 2 whose twice was sang in Chinese, which led the audience delight. Thanks to the bold solution, the singer took the 1st place at this stage.

The skill of the performer allowed her to safely overcome the Stages of "Qualification" and "knockouts" and reach the final. Polina stopped in a step from the Grand Finale, taking the 5th place on the contest. The singer was upset only from the fact that he failed to fulfill another song "Dear Long", which was prepared for the last stage.

In 2019, Gagarin again joined the "Voice" project team. It appeared in the 8th season in the company of three bright representatives of show business - Valery Sutkin, Sergey Shnurova and Konstantin Meladze. In the final from the mentor, IV Nabiyev came out, who performed a duet with the Gagarina song "Look". The contestant ranked 3rd, giving the first two wards Meladze and Shnurov.

In mid-February 2020, the 7th season of the TV show "Voice. Children, in which Polina Gagarin appeared as a mentor. The company for the judicial seats was Basta and Valery Meladze. And if Rapper has a second experience with children, the star pop scene collaborated with the project for the fourth time. The co-host Dmitry Nagiyev acted as Agat Minky. And from October of the same year, the actress became a mentor of the "adult" season of the project together with the Bass, Sergey Shnurov and Valery Sutkin.

Personal life

In his youth, Polina was inclined to the fullness, which prevented her to make a dance career. But even becoming a popular singer, she still did not decide to sit on a diet. Up to weight loss Gagarin weighed more than 80 kg (with 164-166 cm height).

Only after the birth of the firstborn, the actress took himself in hand and threw 40 kg for several months. Helped her in this diet using separate nutrition and Pilates. After weight loss, the performer continued to play sports and now is still in an excellent form, which demonstrates from the scene in luxury dresses or on the sea coast in a swimsuit.

The artist does not comment on the rumors of the plastic done, but the fans of the beauties claim that she had to get rid of Komkov Bisha surgically, which is especially visible when the actress appears in the photo without makeup.

Gagarina's personal life - prosta for the press. The juicy headlines, accompanied by a photocompreom, attracted the name of the performer to numerous novels, but before the truth was far away.

The first husband of Polina became the actor Peter Kislov. When it came to the design of the relationship, she was already on the 7th month of pregnancy. On October 14, 2007, the Couple was born the son Andrei. The boy visits a music school, he has absolute rumor, but he does not dream about the singer's career or instrumentalist. The guy is engaged in a class with an in-depth study of English, participates in theatrical productions.

The spouses together lived for a short time and soon parted. Gagarina repeatedly told in an interview that he did not prevent the meetings of the Father and Son, as well as occasionally makes them a company. In 2013, the information that Polina Gagarin was engaged in the photographer Dmitry Ishakov, surrounded in the press.

The couple was engaged in 2014, the man made a police station from the Paris Bridge of Lovers. The wedding of Gagarina and Ishakov took place on September 9 in Moscow. At the celebration, the son of singer, friends and relatives were present. After 2 years, the star family settled in the new Moscow apartment, the repair of which Mom singer was engaged in the designer of Tatiana Malia.

In 2016, the Russian media informed that Polina was pregnant. At the end of April 2017, Gagarin gave birth to a daughter Miu in one of the best perinatal centers of Moscow. On the genus singer supported the spouse.

In the "Instagram" network, fans of celebrity creativity, were looking forward to new photos of Polina and her children, but the artist has in no hurry to share family personnel with public.

After childbirth, the celebrity did not stay for a long time on maternity leave. Soon the fans of the singer could observe her at the anniversary concert of Philip Kirkorov, and also enjoyed the new solo program "Polina".

Gagarina continued to surprise fans with changes in appearance. For many years, the singer was a blonde with a haircut in the style of Marilyn Monroe, and in the fall of 2018 she appeared with long overwhelmed hair with long hair. Image completed leather jacket and youth hat. As the star reported, she feels for 16 years.

The actress has repeatedly declared in an interview that all concerts and contests mean nothing for her without a family. Polina rarely left more than 3 days. She called the most important investment in children that the parents pay them. According to the performer, the son and daughter grow inhaled, and Andrei is indifferent to new phones and for a long time does not change gadgets.

Unfortunately, Marriage Polina and Dmitry turned out to be short-lived: in May 2020, it became known that the spouses no longer live together and soon they are going to legalize the divorce. Officially, marriage was terminated in December 2020.

Numerous questions from the press about the reasons of the rupture of the artist ignored for a long time. She did not want the details of her personal life to become public. In an interview, the former wife of the photographer expressed a desire to see her father and communicated with her daughter. Well, rumors about financial imbalance in the family, which could be a background of cooling in the relationship of spouses, did not commentary.

After the divorce, Polina ranked a novel with Sound Producer Vladimir Kinyaev. According to rumors, it was with him she spent his vacation in the Maldives, which also took the children. And if Gagarin again chose not to disclose the details of his relationship, in the media this topic was actively worn out, including due to the presence of an official marriage from the alleged elected of the star.

And in February 2021, the singers turned out to be the "fiance" of the singers, and its director and former hockey player. Close friends called such rumors to lie, because Andrei and Polina have long been working together, and Mukhachev is happy with his wife and children.

Polina Gagarin now

In January 2021, the 3rd season of the sensational series "Former" with Denis Swedov and Lyubov Aksenov started at the Start video server. The singer in Ribe Ivan Kitaeva was lucky enough to play a central character - the writer Lena Bern.

According to the plot, the actress appears a talented man with difficult fate and a tendency to alcoholism. The audience, who saw Gagarin in the picture, wrote: When watching the film it was difficult to get rid of the stage painting of Polina. In an interview, the executor of the role of Bern admitted how happy was to get out of the comfort zone and play such an interesting character. In addition, given the presence of frank scenes, it was not easy to shoot. But thanks to the professional atmosphere on the site, stiffness managed to overcome.

In April, during a concert in Chelyabinsk, the singer bent against pain, and then took it from the scene. It turns out that earlier the celebrity dislocated the shoulder, and during the speech, the injury reminded himself.


2007 - "Ask for the clouds"

2010 - "About yourself"

2016 - "9"

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