Svetlana Svetikova - biography, photos, songs, personal life, news 2021



Svetlana Svetikova - Russian singer, participant of the 3rd season of the "stars factory", the star of musicals "Metro", "Notre Dame de Paris", Polish "Romeo I Julia" and his Russian version of Romeo and Juliet.

Svetitsa Svetlana Svetikova

In all performances, Svetlana appeared in chief roles, while the production was greatly popular with the audience. In the cinema, the actress also left his mark, playing the main heroine in the thriller "you can't catch up."

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Svetikova's biography is closely connected with the capital of Russia. She was born in the family of an engineer and vocalist. Andrei Vasilyevich, Father Svetlana, changed the activity of the activity and engaged in laying the Florentine mosaic. Mama Maria Vladimirovna before the birth of children was a vocalist, then implemented his skills and skills in kindergarten, where he was listed by a musical worker. The youngest daughter Natalia also brought up in the family. Mom fascinated by a little light music.

A secondary education girl received a school with an in-depth study of German No. 1269 to the 8th grade. Then he moved to another educational institution No. 1113 with a slope for musical direction and choreography.

Svetlana Svetikova in childhood and youth

For the first time, the vocal data was manifested at a 4th age. Parents began to drive a daughter to the "cartoon" group, where she on a par with other children took part in the performance of performances. The debut exit to theatrical scene took place in the "Nutcracker" and Zoo views.

In 6 years, Svetlana began to attend a sports complex where he was engaged in choreography. By 8 years, the young actress was credited to the team composition of the Moscow Children's Treasury, which pushed the girl to seriously. Mentor of the adolescent team became V. Ovsyannikova.

Svetlana Svetikova on stage

In the walls of this Theater, Svetikova repeatedly appeared on stage in rooms with a musical bias. In a short time, she performed a soloist in the pop music team "Papa Karlo Group", with which toured not only in the cities of the native country, but also in Germany, Ukraine.

In addition to demonstration, the group created its versions of world-famous rock collectives, which as a result recorded the Live In Rock album. By 12 years, Svetlana Svetikova participated in vocal contests. She was conquered by the musical competition "Crystal Drop", "Bon Chanson", "Last Call", "Young Muscovy Talents". Evgeny Ivanov, participant of the Ivan-Ivan group, became producer of a young asterisk. With the speeches of Light traveled to the city of Turkey, Greece, the Czech Republic, Germany, France.

Svetlana Svetikova in his youth

At the age of 15 she won the "Crystal Shop", which was broadcast on the ort channel. As a prize, the winner provided a certificate for learning in Miami, the United States. Another victory was waiting for a girl in a musical competition arranged within the 50x50 television program. She early began labor activity. Svetlana understood that the solo career needed a permanent experience of performing on stage, so she often worked as a back-vocalist in more experienced colleagues.

Music and TV projects

Career did not give the girl the opportunity to get a profession. Svetlana Svetikova's saturated creative biography constantly put her before choosing: learn or play. The singer did not go to the states, as he heard the casting into the Musical Metro.

Soon the light was approved for the role of an orphanage girl who escaped in search of a better life. The musical submitted in 1999 was marked by success and brought the participants new opportunities for career growth.

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Another victim in favor of another musical touched further education. This time Svetlana Svetikova neglected the Music Faculty at the Pedagogical Institute and preferred the musical "Notre Dame de Paris", where he performed the role of Esmeralda. The musical performance has gained mad popularity among the audience.

In 2003, Svetlana Svetikova appeared among the participants of the 3rd season of the "Star Factory", where he occupied the 4th place. The television project on the first channel brought the participant of love and support for millions of viewers. Further career continued to cooperate with Musical Trade Company.

In the statements of the world classics, Svetikova preferably performed the main roles. One of the most striking speeches was the show in the format of rock opera, where Svetlana played the role of Teresa in the Star and Death of Hoaquin Muriet.

2003 noted not only participation in a reality show, but also complemented the actress filmography of the three against all-2 film. The series of distribution kinocartin followed, among which "happy together", "New Year's SMS-KA", "Gloss", as well as the interactive format of the series "Dreams of Alice" - here Svetikova did not have to play a character, she was filmed as herself as others Participants. Debut experience in sounding was reflected in the multiplication formulation of the "Mermaid".

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Also, the fruitful 2003 year was marked by the participation and victory in the television project "Fort Boyard". Svetikova played together with the team on the musical "Notre Dame de Paris". The team had to go through physical and intellectual tests. College, team spirit, physical education and logical thinking led colleagues on stage to victory.

The brilliant Career Svetlana received a continuation in joint work with western pop stars. She performed in Duets with Al Bano with the composition "Cos'e L'Amore", Riccardo Foli with the song "Quando Sei Sola". The girl also went on stage along with the musicians of the Ricchi E Poveri group and Alexey Glúsin, performing the SEI La Sola Che Amo composition. At the concert "Incredible Adventures of Italians in the Kremlin" Svetlana was to sing the hit "Soli" along with Toto Kutuno.

The beauty of the Russian girl has affected the star of San Remo Magically: the singer right from the main scene of the country made a proposal to the Russian woman to go together to Italy.

In 2005, before Svetikov got a choice: the main role in the film "We will not catch up with" or the continuation of study on the pop faculty of guitis, in which she arrived shortly before. And again the creative soul did not dare to miss the chance of professional growth, even if the sake of obtaining higher education.

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Svetlana actively participated in the recording of the soundtracks, among whom Kamenskaya, the "Alice's Day" and others. The year later starred in the film "Last Hero" show, where he won the 3rd place. In 2004-2005, together with Andrei Malakhov led the Golden Gramophone. The proposals for participation in the show projects of entertainment and sports nature followed. Svetlana Svetikova marked in the "Heart of Africa", "big races", and in the "dance with the stars" performed in a pair with Alexander Baurov.

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After the dance show appeared in the television project "Ice and a flame". At the concert "Old songs about the main thing", which was broadcast on the first channel in 2008, Svetikova performed the song "Gadalka".

Svetlana Svetikova, in addition to the artistic career, participated advertising campaigns of cosmetic products, presented staged photos. Despite active creativity, the singer did not release a single author's disk. The debut single "not together" was distributed to everyone, but did not enter the number of albums for distribution for commercial purposes.

In 2015, Svetlana takes part in the popular show "one to one!". In 2016, Svetikova appeared in the 4th season of the show "One to one. The battle of seasons, "where the best participants from all 3 issues were invited.

Personal life

The personal life of Svetlana Svetikova for the first time became the property of fans and the press, when information about her novel with Andrei Chadov spread. Young people met in 2005. Mutual sympathy could not be called love at first glance, nevertheless, the strength of attraction pursued a couple. They did not want to make their relationships to the deposit, but so it turned out that they were invited to the same events, and it was difficult to refrain from the temptation to spend the evening at each other's company.

Svetlana Svetikova and Andrey Chadov

The growing feelings have grown into the insane love, which was difficult to hide. Svetikova and chadors were no longer buried from the press and acquaintances and began to live a civil marriage. Soon love was literally choking each of them. Svetlana a lot of time dedicated a career, which was oppressed by Andrei. After 5 years, the relationship was given a crack, as a result, Andrey Chadov and Svetlana Svetikova broke up.

In 2013, the artist presented the public of the civil husband - the figure of Alexei Polishchuk, from which the son of Milan gave birth to October 12.

Svetlana Svetikova and Alexey Polishchuk with son

Note that the husband of Svetikova is a skater-acrobat in Russia. Acquaintance took place even during collaboration on the ice show "Lights of the Big City". In 2017, the spouses were pleased with the eldest son by the birth of the younger brother Christian.

Svetlana Svetikova now

Being a pregnant second child, Svetikova recorded the song "Plutala". A clip was created for the musical composition, in which the performer did not hide his position. On the contrary, the original outfit, consisting of a light body and unbuttoned raincoat, only emphasized the changed figure of the artist, which admired fans with delight.

Now Svetlana speaks with concerts, leaving the cities of Russia. But most of his time the singer tries to pay the raising of children. In the fall of 2018, she, together with the eldest son, visited the Prime Minister of the Hit Music "Flying Ship", whose director became Egor Druzhinin, and the main party performed Anastasia Stotskaya.

Svetlana Svetikova and her husband and children in 2018

Achievements of colleagues also appreciated Anastasia Grebenkina, Prokhor Shalyapin, Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, Natalia Lesnikovskaya. Photo from the culture decorated the Svetlana page in "Instagram".


  • 1999 - "Metro"
  • 2002 - "NOTRE DAME DE PARIS"
  • 2004 - "Romeo I Julia"
  • 2008 - "Star and Death of Hoakin Muriet"
  • 2009 - "Kabare"
  • 2009 - "Romeo and Juliet"
  • 2011 - "Three Musketeers"


  • 2003 - "Three against all 2"
  • 2004 - "Give me happiness"
  • 2007 - "We do not catch up"
  • 2007 - 2008 - "Love is not a show business"
  • 2008 - "Photographer"
  • 2008 - "Happy together"
  • 2009 - "Operation" Righteous "
  • 2011 - "New Year's SMS"

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