Jamie Dornan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Depression, experienced by Jamie Dornan in his youth, from which he came out only with the help of doctors, did not interfere with him to lightly conquer the world of high fashion and cinematic Olympus. Now the actor and model are even glad that the popularity of His popularity is at the age when a person is consciously looking at life. Otherwise, how to know, he would talk with journalists or not.

Childhood and youth

The artist was born under the sign of the zodiac Taurus in May 1982 in Ireland, in the city with a promising name Holywood. There were no representatives of art in the family. Father James Connor is an obstetrician practitioner, Professor of the Royal University. Carefree childhood Jamie and his two sisters ended when a mother died from the cancer breed tumor.

A car accident, in which four buddies died, finally handy Dornan. He began to drink. Alcohol Duman, however, did not overshadow the understanding that the chosen path is wrong. The young man gathered with the forces and passed the course of treatment in the clinic.

Jamie received education at the Belfast Methodist College, then entered the university. There he showed interest in acting skills, participated in the productions of a dramatic mug, along with each other David Alexander created the Sons of Jim's music group, in which he played the guitar and wrote songs. But due to the inexperience, the guys and the lack of financial support, the team existed for a long time and did not bring novice musicians of the desired success.

Rugby and classes in the School of Sailors turned the proven, suffering from Asthma a teenager in an attractive man, although Dornan admitted that he had long composed about the figure.

Handicraft-shoven grown 183 cm was invited to reality Model Behavior, after which the SELECT Model Management Agency was taken for the promotion of Jamie, and Kelvin Klein offered the first contract. The guy without hesitations threw his studies and moved to London. Today, colleagues believe that Dannan is a kind of lighthouse in the harsh world of the fashion industry, which is focused on novice male models.

Personal life

Before marriage, the personal life of Jamie Dornana served as a source of news for paparazzi and yellow tabloids: his novels and intrigues are not considered.

Some of the longest - relations with Kira Knightley. The connection was serious and the intentions of Jamie are quite definite. It seemed that the couple was about to make marriage. But lovers did not withstand pressure from the press. At the same time, they still warmly respond about each other.

"I found myself in a very strange fitting of surveillance and persecution. Since then, hate paparazzi. There are many ways to earn, do not hide in the bushes with a camera opposite the home of the 18-year-old girl. This is not work, but some kind of perversion. "

After Knightley in the love list, Dornana appeared Lindsay Lohan, Sienna Miller and Kate Moss. And these are only those that are known.

Romanes with celebrities put an end to the meeting with the singer and actress Amelia Warner, the ex-wife Colin Farrell. The couple met for 5 years before playing a wedding. In October 2013, the daughter was born in the family Dali. Later, two more children, Elva and Amelia appeared. According to the father, parental duties changed his ideas about the meaning of life.

Rumors that Dannan on the verge of a divorce with his wife began to grow after entering the screens of the "50 shades of gray" melodramas. They rummed that Warner shocked the abundance of sexual scenes with her husband's participation, and therefore she forbade relatives to watch the film. After the home scandal, the continuation was questioned.

The fans experienced, as if roles did not move to Charlize Theron and Henry Caville, which producers intended to invite. Fortunately, the conflict was settled. Perhaps not the last role was played by the fee by Jamie at $ 7 million and, by rumors, another $ 1.5 million from above for nude scenes.

Following popularity and interest in Dornan account in Facebook. The page in "Instagram" he started in 2014, but after a couple of years she scored. In 2017, Folloviers surprised the shot against the background of the Northerland landscape. Piquancy photos added intriguing bulge in the area of ​​the pocket of the artist's trouser.

Fans hurried emotionally react to this post. More rational subscribers suggested that in his pocket, Jamie could have a little ball. After all, it is known that he is a big golf fan, for playing which is often visited from the suburbs of London to Irish friends.

Now provocative content is not available. Danan removed old records, because now appreciates "Wind. Rain. Snow. Good wine. Ocean. Travels. Live music. A life".

Films and model career

Jamie from the first photo sessions has become recognizable in the fashion world. He gained popularity as the face of the advertising campaigns of the giants of the Armani industry and Dior, Hugo Boss and Hogan, Bulgari and Ermenegildo Zegna. His snapshots decorated with Esquire, GQ, Shortlist and Glamour covers.

New York Times awarded Dornana by the title "Golden Torso", and People turned on the top three the most desired men of the planet. Among his partners there were Natasha Poly and Kate Moss, Eva Mendez and Natalia Vodyanova. However, work, "When 10 days a year are standing at the wall, depicting despondency, although you get decent money," really boredom.

The guy did not leave the desire to realize himself on the acting field. Start kinobiography helped Keira Knightley. In 2005, she offered his agent to Jamie's candidacy for a secondary role in the film "Maria-Antoinette". In the drama Sofia Koppol, a beginner actor played in Tandem with Kirsten Dunst.

At the Irish and his brilliant work, the sharks of Big Cinema drew a brilliant job, thanks to which in 2007, Jamie Dornan got the main role in the movie "River Turn". In 2009, a talented artist appeared in the British drama "Shadows in the Sun" and a melodraman "nice to meet".

2011 Gave the ascending star of Hollywood a bright role that strengthened him in this status. Jamie was offered to be held in the 1st season of the popular series "Once in a fairy tale." Then Dananan played a psychologist-maniac in the British-Irish criminal drama "Krach", in which appeared in the frame with Gillian Anderson and for which he received the National Award of Ireland in the nomination "The Best Television Actor".

By the beginning of 2014, Professionalism Dornana had no doubt. To get the seruly handsome, the favorite of the women's audience, wished many famous directors. Jamie offered more and larger roles in rating projects. A lot of prestigious awards gathered in the artist's piggy bank, including Broadcasting Press Guild Awards and "Rising Star".

The actor appeared in the Biographical Ribbon "My Dinner with Erve", which was removed for the HBO channel. Its partners in the film about the last days of the TV star Erve Viletez were Peter Dinkladij and Andy Garcia. Danan reincarnated in the reporter, who manages to make friends with the hero of the narration.

The script of the film "Anthropoid" is written on the basis of real events of the Second World War. The main role in the tape on the liquidation of the Nazi criminal, except Jamie, went to Killian Murphy.

Hero Dornan in "Flight Home" - an ambitious businessman, planning a raider seizure of someone else's business, in a mystical thriller "Ninth Louis Louis Draks" - a psychologist who helps a sick boy to return the memory. In the Military tape "Osada Zhadoville", the actor's character is headed by UN peacekeepers division. For this role he received another Prize of the Irish Film Academy.

The Drama "Private War" is a story about the victim in Syria Mary Kolvin, an American journalist, the laureate of Anna Politkovskaya award. Here the actor played her colleague - photocondant.

Among the Prime Minister of 2018, the film "Not Together", created in the United States, is numerical. The role of the second plan Dernan received in the adventure militant "Robin Hood: the beginning." He starred in the form of a sophisticated brother of the main character. The film also involved Taron Edgerton, Ben Messelson. The producer spoke Leonardo di Caprio.

After "50 shades of gray", the actor stated that he no longer wants to play unbalanced characters, he is interested in dramatic images with complex characters. So, he played in the company with Matthew Riz and Ann Skeli in the TV series for the BBC Channel "Death and Nightingale". Non-Northern Ireland is chosen, time is the end of the XIX century.

In the draft director Drake Dorimus "Love on Troich". We are talking about a resident of Los Angeles, a girl Daphne, who is experiencing one of the most dramatic moments in life. On the screen next to Dornan in the image of the writer, Sheilly Woodley and Sebastian Stan appeared. Drake and Jamie - long-standing friends, filmed in youth for Hugo Boss, and now play golf.

The "edge of time" is a thick mixture of Noura, a fantastic "horror" and absurd parable. Heroes Jamie Dornana and Anthony Maki - Paramediki, whose attention attracted the mysterious deaths of the inhabitants of New Orleans. In addition, packers with drugs are found next to the corpses. Police are inactive, and friends are taken for the investigation.

"50 shades of grey"

Brilliant in the filmography of Jamie - an erotic film shade "50 shades of gray", in which he embodied the image of the billionaire-masochist Christian Gray.

Dornan and his partner Dakota Johnson understood that such a loud and in a large extent the scandalous project could be a springboard into the world of big cinema, and in case of failure - a point in his career. True, it was not possible to estimate the beauty of the body of a man's body to the audience: in any erotic stage Jamie did not expose.

Reincarnation in a person with non-standard inclinations brought Dornan world glory, but the critics are rapidly reserved. The film was divided with the "magnificent four" antipremia "Golden Malina", and the leading actor was recognized as the worst actor.

Jamie himself did not understand the euphoria of the audience. In one interview, he shared that "to study abnormal sexual behavior, be unpleasant, but very useful for work." That's just "shades" and nearly stood with "collapse". The actor dreamed to be loved for the role of a charismatic bad guy, and not a fan of leather weaves.

In 2017 and 2018, the sequels of the paintings were released on the screens - "50 shades of darker" and "50 shades of freedom". Heroes got married and, according to Dornan, "they agreed in the middle and balanced, trying to achieve a compromise, which is demanding a family life. Roughly speaking, they are trying to work in the same team, and not fight for dominance. "

The marriage exposes them to new tests: the characters of Eric Johnson and Ariel Kebbel, trying to destroy other people's relations. Elements of the militant are added to the plot.

Jamie Dornan now

After the death of Mother, the actor supports the Charitable Foundation for Combating Nipanc Cancer. The death of a native person still affects the psychological state of Jamie. In the spring of 2020, in the midst of a pandemic of coronavirus infection, he published a post in the social networks with the words of gratitude to those who fight the disease.

Isolation made adjustments to film studios. At the end of 2019, Dananan and Emily Blunt started working on the drama "Wild Mountain Timyan". The film is the adaptation of the Broadway production "outside of Mullingar", in the center of the narration - a couple of lovers, whose families will be entrited because of the land plot. The world is eager for the screen mother Blante Dirbla Molla. Producers hoped to meet the shooting schedule and submit to the ribbon by the spring of 2021.

In the TV series "Doctor Death", the actor returned to the image of the maniac. Chris Dunch - Neurosurgeon, owner of his own clinic, who cares and kills lives instead of salvation. To find out what happens in the hospital, the heroes of Christian Slater and Alec Baldwin will have.

On the question of what is again being in the image of abnormal, Jamie replied that he was experiencing strange feelings. "You just have to treat what is happening as a professional and look at everything from the point of view of the actor. It is not easy because you have to keep tension and scare people. It causes discomfort. "

As in the case of the "collapse" and "shades", on the platform Danan is trying to discharge the atmosphere, a lot is joking and constantly asks for forgiveness from colleagues, which is hurt by the plot.


  • 2006 - "Maria-Antoinetta"
  • 2007 - "River Turn"
  • 2009 - "Shadows in the Sun"
  • 2009 - "Nice to meet"
  • 2011 - "Once in a fairy tale"
  • 2013 - "Fall"
  • 2014 - "New Worlds"
  • 2015 - "Fifty shades of gray"
  • 2016 - "The Ninth Life Louis Drax"
  • 2016 - "Osada Zhadoville"
  • 2017 - "For 50 shades darker"
  • 2018 - "Robin Hood: Start"
  • 2018 - "Private War"
  • 2019 - "Edge of Time"

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