Dakota Johnson - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Dakota Maya Johnson, more famous as Dakota Johnson, - American actress and model that won the glory and popularity by the main roles in the boxes. Its path to glory began not immediately, but when the talented actress was noticed by directors, there was no longer a break in the career. Now it remains in demand by the actress, which gets the main roles in the paintings of different genres.

Childhood and youth

Dakota Johnson's biography is closely connected with Hollywood. She is an actress in the third generation. Born in October 1989 (zodiac sign - scales) in Texas in the family of famous Hollywood artists - the daughter of Melani Griffith and Don Johnson, "Detective Nash Bridges". A famous personality was her grandmother Tippi Hedren, in the past one of the main Muses Alfred Hichkok and a fashion model. The grandfather Peter Griffith was no less popular actor. In the veins of Dakota, multinational blood flows - Norwegian, English, Swedish and German.

In childhood, after the divorce of the parents and the Mother's Mother of Marriage, the girl's upbringing took up stepfather Antonio Banderas. He became her truly native man and a patron. In addition to Dakota, a single-utilous brother Alexander and Sister Stella was adjusted in the family.

The girl received prestigious education in Aspen Community School. She from school bench was fond of choreography and, like most star children, was interested in model business.

At the age of 12, the Dakota first posed as a model for the elite magazine Teen Vogue, after which he seriously thought about the career in this area. To implement yourself in the harsh world of the fashion industry, a beginner fashion model had all the data: spectacular appearance, expressive features, a slim figure, a great taste and flawless style. With growth 171 cm its weight did not exceed 55 kg. These indisputable "trumps" sucked her great success.

Still in youth, in 2006, Johnson signed a contract with the popular model agency IMG Models. And in 2009-2010, she became the face of the advertising campaign of the Mango trademark and began to cooperate with the Wish Australian Fashion Label.

Personal life

In 2010, the girl began to meet with the popular guitarist Noah Gersheh. Together the couple was 4 years old. It is noteworthy that Dakota never walked windy. Friends and colleagues assure that she is a supporter of a prolonged relationship.

In 2014, her boyfriend became an actor Georgie Masterson. But Johnson's approval for the film "50 shades of gray" destroyed the personal life of the girl: the couple began conflicts and bellows. They say, Georgie was dissatisfied with the fact that his beloved will be filmed in bedside scenes. The guy visits the Scientological Church and in matters of morality is quite scrupulous. Masterson and Johnson broke up.

The actress for a long time remained alone. Soon she began to meet with the frontman of the indi-rock band Drowners by the Hitt. But the scandalous glory that fell on the Dacot after the release of the "fifty shades of gray" was too destructive for the relationship of the couple. Hitt could not stand the unprecedented attention and excitement around the beloved. Partition followed.

How was the surprise of journalists when they caught a couple again together. It is rumored that their parting was unreal. Just the public after the appearance of the picture was waiting for the screening romance with Jamie Dornan will continue in life. Therefore, the producers asked the actress not to advertise their relationship with the lattice of Hitt (let the audience think that Johnson meets with Dornan.

However, there is another version. Allegedly Hitt really left the beloved. It was hard for him to put up with the fact that under the terms of the contract Dakota was obliged to be held in the sequels of "shades", which came to the screens after 2 and 3 years.

In 2015, immediately after parting with the hut, the celebrity was again in the top of the news. Paparazzi photographed her together with the extravagant model of Karo Melowin, who recently admitted that she was a bisexual. The couple visited the party of Charles Lagerfeld, which he arranged on his yacht. The girlfriends were in excellent mood and tightly kept hands, which caused questions regarding the orientation of the Dacot. Their photo placed all the tabloids, but more food for conversations were not given and together did not appear together.

In the fall of 2017, Chris Martin became a new boyfriend, the frontman of the Rock group Coldplay. Young people began to meet a year after the divorce of the musician with Gwyneth Paltrow. At first, the lovers hidden relationships, even paparazzi could not take pictures together, and in the official account in the "Instagram" of Dakota, there are still no joint photos with the chosen one.

The tabloids then reported that the girl was already introducing a beloved with his parents. It is not known whether it is a matter of the wedding and whether Chris will be a Dakota husband, but in the fall of 2018 the actress and the musician demonstrated the same tattoos in the form of an infinity sign - "eights".

In the same 2018, the name of Dakota again appeared in the media headlines, this time the news was associated with its pregnancy. The representative of the actress instantly reacted to rumors, told that the woman was not pregnant. And soon the interview was given and the artist herself, told that he just celebrated his birthday in his boyfriend's house, and because of the unusual decoration of the room (blue and pink balls), Paparazzi decided that the couple had a holiday in honor of the family replenishment.

Johnson noted that it was not planning to become a mother, but it was pregnant only by "many cool ideas".

In the summer of 2020, the press spoke that the couple was preparing for the wedding, because Chris bought a wedding ring for the bride. The fact that lovers perfectly spent vacation, and self-insulation on the occasion of coronavirus infection only brought them closer, everyone, looking at warm photos of artists, walking in the park, on the beach. However, the ColdPlay team representative assured the press that Chris did not buy any ring, and the information that appeared in the press is another duck of yellow newsletters.

The media closely follow Johnson's life and do not leave her without attention even on vacation. The star itself does not indulge the fans with candid pictures in a swimsuit and other open outfits, but they can regularly appear on the net without it.

Dakota Johnson is interested in fans not only as a talented performer, but also as a fashion law. Blute actresses became most copied among the fans. But sometimes the onions and hairstyles of the artist cause bewilderment from film critics. For example, on the presentation of the Oscar-2017 premium, the Dakota appeared in the grandmother's dress and with minimal makeup that the film academics was immediately called the beauty of the stars.


Bohemian life and work by a fashion model did not prevent Dakota to try their hand at the set. The girl inherited the acting talent, the ability to reincarnate and Charizmu from numerous relatives who managed to break into the top of Hollywood.

The cinematic biography of Johnson began a secondary role in the film "Woman without Rules" film, which came out on the screens in 1999. The film was family friendly, because the mother and younger sister Stella Banderas played in it. And the producer of film sedorem turned out to be stepfather Antonio Banderas. The picture had a warm spectator reception and flattering reviews of critics, but the Dakota after its release was not the famous.

Over the next 10 years, Johnson has practically appeared on television screens. Returned to cinema only in 2010. She starred in Facebook's Facebook "Social Network" along with Justin Timberlake.

A film with a Hollywood favorite brought a disagreement to Dakota. But it was able to taste fame only 2 years later, in 2012, when he starred in the lead role in the film "Ben and Kate". This comedy series is given Fox, which was broadcast on the FOX channel from September 2012 to January 2013.

After this brilliant work, the artist was starred in a satirical pseudocumental film "Office", touching and funny talking about the life of office workers. The tape received a number of prestigious awards, including the Golden Globe and Emmy.

During this period, Dakota filmography has been enriched with several more successful projects. The most bright of them turned out to be a short "all that glitters", the melodrama "scary beautiful" and the comedy "goats". In the last film, removed by Christopher Neil, the girl worked with the Hollywood Stars David the Spiritual, faith, Farmigue and Gram Phillips.

Less noticeable, but still successful steel comedy "Macho and Botan" with Channing Tatum, "a little married" and the adventure tape "Thirst for speed", in which Johnson got noticeable roles.

The popularity of the actress grew. Soon she was among the idols of young people. Nylon Magazine edition called Dakota one of the 55 faces of the future.

Then there are three new films with Johnson. These are the paintings "Chloe and Theo", "Big Splash" and "Black Mass". In the latter, she starred along with Johnny Depp, playing His mistress.

After a repertoire, the actress was replenished with a role in the Dzimbelin project on the work of William Shakespeare. The company in the frame was Ethan Hawk, Ed Harris, Milla Yovovich.

In 2016, the artist starred in the project "in active search". According to the story, the heroine of Dakota leaves a young man, relations with whom they exhausted themselves, and moves to her sister. In the film about the difficulties of life in the metropolis, Alison Brie, Leslie Mann, Rabn Wilson played.

Dakota also starred in the project "Nothing good at the El Royal Hotel," where, in addition to her, Chris Hemsworth worked, John Hamm and Jeff Bridges.

At the Venetian Film Festival of 2018, the horror film "suspension" was presented, in which Johnson reincarnated into a young dancer. A student of the Berlin Ballet School becomes a witness of mysterious events. The other major role in the film was presented by Tilda Suinton.

In the fall of 2019, Netflix came out Horror "Wounds" of the promising Iranian director of Babak Anvari, who knows how to master the experiences of a modern man in the format of horror film. In addition to Dacot, the main roles in the picture were played by the armor Hummer and Zazi Bitz.

Then Johnson began to be filmed in the film "Peanut Falcon". The main character of the adventure tape was the young man with Down Syndrome, which runs from the clinic. His fellow travelers are imposed on the street fraudster and travelers.

"50 shades of grey"

The project that brought the young artist to the deafening world glory, waited for it in 2013, when the Dakota was approved on the main female role in the screening of Roman E. L. James "50 shades of gray." Johnson passed the casting for the role of student anasta style.

Not without scandal. Bestseller fans were unhappy with the choice of the main character. They counted that the Dakota is not so attractive and young to reincarnate to an anastheish, and even wrote an angry petition in which they demanded re-casting. There were more than 20 thousand signatures under it.

Nevertheless, Johnson played a student anastheish style and woke up famous. After the premiere of the scandalous erotic picture of the critics of the silence: the work of the actress turned out to be immaculate. Her project partner was Jamie Danan. Although, initially, Charlie Hannema was approved in place of his character, who voluntarily refused the project due to employment on other filming.

According to Dakota, it did not become a stumbling block for her need to nude for spicy scenes. To the joy of directors and producers, the artist has a completely lack of a feeling of shame.

Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson after the premiere of the "fifty shades of gray" were at the peak of popularity. For some time they became the most discussed by the actors of Hollywood.

Then the celebrity was occupied on the shooting of the continuation of the famous franchise, which were called "fifty shades of darker" and "fifty shades of freedom." In addition to her and Dornana, Eric Johnson, Max Martini, Brand Dogrti and others starred in the ribbon.

Dakota Johnson now

Dakota and now removed in new films and TV shows. In 2020, the actress pleased with the viewers to participate in the summer premiere - the Melodrame "Star Assistant", where he starred in the image of the main character. Together with her basic characters played Celvin Harris, Zoe Chao, Ice Cube, Tracy Ellis Ross and others. The picture did not fall into the nomination for the Golden Globe - 2020, nevertheless, Johnson did not stop it from further work.

In the same year, the Drama film "Friend" appeared on her work, the director of whom Ridley Scott spoke, inviting Dakota Johnson, Jason Sigel and Casey Affale. The plot tells about Nicole and Matthew in love. The girl learns that because of the incurable disease, she remains to live only six months, this time she tries to spend in his pleasure. One of the friends decides to move to a pair to brighten the last days of the girlfriend. This story is based on real events.


  • 1999 - "Woman without rules"
  • 2010 - "Social Network"
  • 2011 - "scary beautiful"
  • 2012 - "Goats"
  • 2012 - "Little married"
  • 2013 - "Ben and Kate"
  • 2013 - "Office"
  • 2015 - "Fifty shades of gray"
  • 2015 - "Chloe and Theo"
  • 2016 - "Actively searching"
  • 2017 - "Fifty shades darker"
  • 2018 - "Fifty shades of freedom"
  • 2018 - "Nothing good at the hotel" El Piano "
  • 2018 - "Suspira"
  • 2019 - "Peanut Falcon"
  • 2019 - "Wounds"
  • 2020 - "Star Assistant"

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