Mark Tishman - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Singer, Songs, Factory Star-7 2021



Mark Tishman is a Russian pop singer, showman, Finalist "Star Factory - 7", participant of various shows and composer. The skill of the artist, an amazing voted voice appreciated not only by listeners, colleagues and producers, but also the legend of the Soviet and Russian jazz Georgy Garajan.

Childhood and youth

The singer was born on August 22, 1979 in Makhachkala. Mark considered his family of multicultural, living in the capital of Dagestan among mixed nationalities: Armenians, Tatars, Russians, Azerbaijanis, etc. Family Tishman, having Jewish roots, did not comply with traditions, nevertheless belonged to them with respect and honored canons.

Childhood Mark spent with a grandmother who adhered to Atheism: the woman was among the immigrants from concentration camps. Parents were people far from the world of art. Mother worked for a long time head of the hospital department, was a respected person and a popular doctor. Father also made a career in his direction - from the handyman he served before the head of the workshop. Mark's parents have another eldest son Mikhail, who went in the footsteps of the mother and became a doctor.

At the young age, Tishman participated in artistic amateur activities, was fond of music. He graduated from school in the piano. The secondary education was obtained in the general education Makhachkala school number 8, which he graduated with excellent marks and a gold medal. Being a 13-year-old young man, Mark won a competition for knowledge of English. The winner was given the opportunity to participate in the exchange program of schoolchildren from the United States than Tishman took advantage. In the States, he mastered the standard program and sang in the children's choir.

After receiving a foreign experience and school certificate, Mark Tishman continued his studies in Moscow, where he moved from Makhachkala. In Russia, the future performer did not lose time and immediately entered the MSU, after graduating a prestigious university with a bachelor's degree and a red diploma. At the Faculty of Foreign Languages, the guy was seized by Spanish and improved English. I went to the lessons of vocal to Vladimir Khachaturov, the teacher-mentor of the musical school. Gnesinic.

Mark decided to continue to study in Rati, where he was credited to the course of the musical theater under the start of Rosette Netchinskaya. The first serious roles on the scene singer performed in the walls of Gitis, who after the executive brought to the overseas level.

Music and TV projects

Career Tishman began in Gitis. Already then he played in numerous ideas, and with the musical "Kiss me, Kat" in the lead role traveled by Paul-Russia and neighboring countries. The creative biography of Mark continued in the Music Team of the trade union, where he was among the soloists. In June 2004, the group became the laureate of the "Sea Knot" contest.

In 2006, Tishman left the team and began to conduct corporate events and events, where she appeared as a singer. Speeches on holidays and parties combined with working on television (talked about fashion). In addition, he filmed in the series, composed and played songs.

Then Mark decided to try fate in the "Star Factory - 7". The people there are an opinion that only "Favorite Artists" are passing, but the talented Tishman sent the song "I will become your angel" and soon passed the qualifying tour of Konstantin Meladze. Among the lucky ones, who also became participants of the show, turned out to be Vlad Sokolovsky, Anastasia Prikhodko, Sergey Ashikhmin, Tatiana Bogacheva, Rita Dakota and others. Mark with an increase in 187 cm, gifted with pleasant appearance and talent, reached the final, taking the 2nd place.

Participation in the popular project noted cultural figures, and some of them favorably responded about the professionalism of the ascending star. Immediately after the "Star Factory", Tishman performed in London with the song "Bright Flame".

British spectators were delighted, enjoying how Mark jumped off the wall and continued the performance, standing on a metal fence. He managed to transfer the enomation fee and spiritual heat to those present that the next day was celebrated in the London press. Upon returning to Russia, the artist was invited to the "song of the Year", "two stars", "Miss Russia" and other projects.

In February 2008, Tishman went to the touring tour with other "manufacturers" last half a year, where not only sang, but also was leading concerts.

Subsequently, the musician was repeatedly becoming a participant and a leading concert dedicated to the celebration, which takes place annually in Murom. Mark's fans created a fan club, called very sound - "Marquis Angels."

Tishman participated in the solemn events, represented new author's songs and complemented the cultural program of the creative evenings of the capital Beaumd. In the summer of 2008, he together with Jan Churikova became the leading "graduation ball" in the Kremlin, then held the ceremony of the award "Goods of the Year". In 2009, television activities were aimed at the children's entertainment program "Treasures of the nation", which was broadcast on an ongoing basis. The company Mark was Diana Shpak as co-supported.

The singer became the winner of the show "Two Stars" together with Nonaya Grishava. Their couple won the love of viewers from the first issues of the musical project. In February 2010, the performer sang in the Kremlin Palace in a duet with Patricia Kaas. In the same year, became the permanent participant of the "Host of the Republic", where one of the members of the jury is also one of the members of the jury. In addition, the press appeared reports that Mark wants to participate in the qualifying round of the Eurovision contest and even wrote a new composition for this.

The year saturated with the work did not prevent the brand Tishman to remove the debut video for the song "January". At the end of the year, he released a debut author's album "Song about you." Sound recording is marked with Real Records label.

The celebrity does not stop in terms of finding and implementing their knowledge and creative opportunities. He recorded a few songs in a duet with such singers as Cornelia Mango, Julia Parashut and Christina Orbakayte. Mark voiced the character's character in the animation film "Nasty I". And earlier, the vocalist filmography was replenished with episodic roles in the series "Law and Order: Department of Operational Investigations - 1" and "Dar of God".

From November 2013, the artist became a participant in the parody teleproject "Repeat!". Here, in front of the strict jury, the singer up to the final release demonstrated the workshops "dressing up" in popular persons of the pop. So, the fans saw Tishman in the images of Julio Iglesias, Oleg Pogudin and even Alla Pugacheva. In the same year, Mark sang a duet with Diana Gurzkay the composition "Thank you for being there."

In 2015, the Contractor became a participant in the popular showing show "one in one!". As part of the project, the singer tried out the images of famous singers of different musical genres. This is French chanson Joe Dassin, Pop Stars of the 90s Yury Shatunov and Sergey Chelobanov, Briton Robbie Williams, etc.

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Among the rooms of Tishman were especially memorable. So, the artist had to appear before the public in a female image, depicting the singer glucose. Fans were delighted with such a workshop of reincarnation, but the judges did not appreciate the incendiary performance. Disagreements caused the number in which Mark embodied on stage the image of the opera artist Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

The Shaw member seemed inconclusive in transformation into a mature of the world opera. However, the fans stood up for the brand, noting that the contestant was initially put an impossible task - being a tenor, to portray Bariton. In addition, the audience noted incomplete the textures of artists, growth and physique.

In addition, the duet performance of Tishman and Maxim Galkina with the song Più Che Puoi, where Mark depicted Eros Ramazotti, was added to the number of unforgettable on the project. The former "manufacturer" forgot the Italian text of the composition, but immediately found, by going to Armenian, and called Cher Madame Sargsyan (real name of the singer).

From the spring of 2016, Mark again acted as a TV presenter and every day he wanted a good morning to the viewers - along with Olga Beetle led the Morning TV show "New Morning" on NTV. This year was fruitful and for a musical career. In the spring, the singer recorded the new song "Drunk happy", and in October, the discography of the vocalist was replenished with another one - the "most pure buff".

In 2017, the release of joint hits, Mark Tishman and Yulia Parkshuty "Unbearable" and "pain, but beautifully" took place. On joint songs, the musicians also presented clips. The first composition entered the second album of the singer "730".

Then the premiere of the new song "Enter the room", the video for which appeared on Yutubeuba. Tishman and Parshuta are familiar with the time of participation in the "Star Factory" of the Meladze Brothers, where both were among the finalists. Subsequently, fans suspected them in a romantic connection. The couple repeatedly visited secular events together, where the paparazzi caught celebrities holding hand. But neither Mark nor Yulia gave comments on this.

The artist concert a lot, acting both with solo programs and in prefabricated concerts. At the evening dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty, Mark introduced the song "I am not." In the autumn, he was invited to Veliky Novgorod at the festival of historical films "Veche" as a leading event. A pair of him was Irina Klimov.

In the spring of 2018, in the "Nikitsky Gate" theater, the premiere of the "Persons: The Effect of Absence" took place in the "Nikitsky Gate" theater. The formulation is a narrative of the face of 13 heroes, which Mark embodies on the scene. Helps the musicians of the ensemble. The performance consists of monologues, song compositions and broadcasting video projects.

In an interview, the artist shared amazing observation. For him, as for the singer, it was new to work on long prose text, but the experience influenced the brand encouraging. He experienced the same feelings when the Chinese language was forced within one teleproject. To memorize monologues, Tishman once changed the situation and flew to Spain, where the process went faster on the seashore. In the same year, the artist became the guest of the Program of Comedians.

Personal life

For the first time, the personal life of Mark Tishman was subjected to a love disappointment in student age. The story happened at the Theater Institute. The guy learned about the treason of his beloved girl from "good girlfriends", and the drama turned on his birthday. Perhaps painful feelings were reflected on his reluctance to hurry to create a family.

Nevertheless, during the project "Stars Factory", Mark willingly agreed to play a wedding with Cornelia Mango: there were a wedding dress, and champagne, and the kisses of the newlyweds. But the "factory wife" did not become real. According to the rules of the show, participants could neither sign or arrange a marriage night, and after the end of the project, the artists did not support family relations.

Later, the personal life of Tishman was devoted exclusively to the career and creativity, as the photo of the personal account in "Instagram" said. He lived and breathed, considering that he was not adapted to family life. The artist jokingly stated that he was married and acquired by children by 33 years, but this age did not happen to this age.

The fact that the singer did not seek to make a permanent relationship with the girls, gave birth to the public suspicion of his alternative orientation. Periodically, the artist attributed novels with other men - the stars of the Russian pop. However, in an interview with Vocalist, did not stop emphasizing that he did not start the family, as he had not yet found the "only and unique."

Being a guest of the program "Oh, Mamulls", Mark said that I would like to see the chosen one formed to see the most beautiful, having a sense of humor. In 2020, photos and videos with a little girl named Lara appeared in Tishman's Instagram-Account. According to the post of artist, it was clear that he spends a lot of time with the baby - walks in Moscow, leads musical contests in the social network.

Judging by the content of the rollers, the child is well the sign of the actor's repertoire - performed by the song by the song Mark. Fans of the singer wondered who had their idol girl. Different versions were put on the network - this is a baby from the secret beloved Tishman, a daughter born by a surrogate mother, a niece of vocalist.

In one of the posts with Laro, the former "manufacturer" made it clear that the girl was familiar with his mother. However, it did not disclose the secret of the appearance of a child in his life, which gently called the bun. Fans did not find the external similarity brand with the baby.

Mark Tishman now

In 2020, Tishman presented to the attention of fans new hits "Hello, Summer" and "closer to the sky." Now the news on the work of the work is divided with fans in social networks and on the official website.

In April 2021, it turned out that Mark was hidden under a white eagle mask in the "Mask" show. None of the members of the jury did not even assume to see him in this image and did not call the singer's surname.


  • 2010 - "Songs about you"
  • 2017 - "730"
  • 2019 - "Stars of Decadence"

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